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Welcome to the VSPO! EN & Specialite General!
Feel free to discuss VSPO! EN and all Specialite talents here!

>Official Links



Remia Aotsuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@RemiaAotsuki | https://twitter.com/RemiaAotsuki
Arya Kuroha
https://www.youtube.com/@AryaKuroha | https://twitter.com/AryaKuroha
Jira Jisaki
https://www.youtube.com/@JiraJisaki | https://twitter.com/JiraJisaki
Narin Mikure:
https://www.youtube.com/@NarinMikure | https://twitter.com/NarinMikure
Riko Solari:
https://www.youtube.com/@RikoSolari | https://twitter.com/RikoSolari

Specialite EN
>Gen 1
Miki Hitsugi:
https://www.youtube.com/@MikiHitsugi | https://twitter.com/Miki_Hitsugi
Utahime Mochizuki:
https://www.youtube.com/@UtahimeMochizuki | https://twitter.com/UtahimeMochi | https://www.twitch.tv/utahime_mochi
Victoria Valerie:
https://www.youtube.com/@Victoria-Valerie | https://twitter.com/Victor1aValerie | https://www.twitch.tv/victoria_valerie
Miu Akumiya:
https://www.youtube.com/@MiuAkumiya | https://twitter.com/Miu_Akumiya

>Gen 2 - EVE.EXE (FPS-focused)
https://www.youtube.com/@Elyza_EVE | https://twitter.com/Elyza_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/elyzaeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Bluebell_EVE | https://twitter.com/Bluebell_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/BluebellEVE
https://www.youtube.com/@Mischief_EVE | https://twitter.com/Mischief_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Hysteria_EVE | https://twitter.com/Hysteria_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/hysteriaeve
https://www.youtube.com/@Azeria_EVE | https://twitter.com/Azeria_EVEEXE | https://www.twitch.tv/azeriaeve

Specialite JP
>Gen 1
Nano Kozuya:
https://www.youtube.com/@nano_kozuya | https://twitter.com/nano_kozuya | https://twitch.tv/nano_kozuya
Koma Oboro:
https://www.youtube.com/@koma_oboro | https://twitter.com/koma_oboro | https://www.twitch.tv/koma_oboro
Siu Aisaka:
https://www.youtube.com/@aisaka_siu | https://twitter.com/aisaka_siu | https://www.twitch.tv/aisaka_siu
Azusa Honami:
https://www.youtube.com/@azusa_honami | https://twitter.com/azusa_honami | https://www.twitch.tv/azusa_honami
Minya Scott:
https://www.youtube.com/@minya_scott | https://twitter.com/minya_scott | https://twitch.tv/minya_scott
Tsukasa Ryogoku:
https://www.youtube.com/@tsukasa_ryogoku | https://twitter.com/tsukasa_ryogoku

>Gen 2
Yoru Yorumo:
https://www.youtube.com/@yorumo_yoru | https://twitter.com/yorumo_yoru
Seira Chinen:
https://www.youtube.com/@seira_chinen | https://twitter.com/@seira_chinen
Planei Hoshikuzu:
https://www.youtube.com/@PlaneiHoshikuzu | https://twitter.com/PlaneiHoshikuzu
Kana Sasara:
https://www.youtube.com/@sasara_kana | https://twitter.com/sasara_kana
Mukuro Owarino:
https://www.youtube.com/@MukuroOwarino | https://twitter.com/MukuroOwarino
Lumi Yukime (does one EN stream per week):
https://www.youtube.com/@lumi_yukime | https://twitter.com/lumi_yukime | https://www.twitch.tv/lumiyukime/

Current happenings:
>Miki's birthday is on 14 Oct and she's currently having her birthday week celebration! Drop by her streams to wish her a Happy Birthday!
>Miki's birthday merch will be up for sale soon: https://specialite.booth.pm/items/6174786
>EVE.EXE is currently having a Halloween costume poll. There will be an illustration of the EVE girls wearing the winning costumes! Voting details here: https://twitter.com/Specialite_EN/status/1844769940080881865

Previous thread >>87187493
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i trust korean women and have never doubted them for a second
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good kuremon
I love Narin
I trust Narin
I love Jira
I trust Jira
hysteria just kissed me
see ya later guys
Fellatio Prowess SPECialization
she has a funny voice
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>the only Korean woman worth trusting
>is a Korean woman trying to escape her Koreanness
ー Showa Emperor
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I like the idea of this general so I'll give you a bump
Good luck frens
uta pls release the full image for this...
This seemed to me like this dude's (https://x.com/TabOjisan) art for a second. Thinking about him drawing Uta now...
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>remember that I don't follow Hysteria
>go check her out

what happened
She did a space where she masturbated
Riko, you bitch
Verification not required.
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My browife took the day off... Probably a good thing since I have to touch grass and do stuff and if she was streaming, I would've been a waste of a human being just watching her.
how can her melon so big, what is the secret?
you can just watch her stream while touching grass
Unfortunately today, I wasn't waiting and dropping off documents or something, I actually had to talk to a human being to get my stuff done.
specialite friend Nene Amano is streaming

DA: dreadwolf... why bioware, why?
it didnt take long for the purple korean to show her koreaness
theres only 1 korean you can trust
Miki is the cutest.
The weakest Kuremon how will you ever expect to digivolve with that attitude
What did narin do?
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she had a collab with a vspoCN member on bilibili but didn't tweet or post about it, some kuremons became menhera like kouhais because of that, turned out she fucked up her scheduled posts
>some kuremons
real kuremons never doubted for a second. real kuremons always trust korean women
only 8th class Kuremon wouldn't know about it considering she talked about it in her member's stream
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The cutest and sweetest girl.
I want to lose myself on Miki's thighs
how did kuromu survive into adulthood? I'm scared for her.
what happened to Kuromu's League vod anyways she streamed it like a day or 2 ago
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she's the most put together hinemosu
Dammit Elyza stop pandering to the holofags
it's member only for some reason
I want to be gripped and slammed by this particular stinky raccoon.
I mean...
>mischief ASMR in 3 hours
really looking forward to it
experienced or nah?
Knowers, please let us know
it's fun either way
floundering first timers are cute
all i can say is i wish i saved some of her pl asmr
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good morning i love koreans (green and purple)
That good, huh?
what are we gonna do when she collabs with finana?
always love and trust koreans no matter what
KRcoin going to the moon
>what are we gonna do if she collabs with a girl
unless she tries fucking our korean over, nothing
Why would she collab with that dumbass?
>he doesnt know
>he lacks critical information
it even being an option means shes lost my trust forever
It's definitely going to be more toned down, so I would adjust expectations reasonably
So she won't drain our balls now, but can we expect her to do so in the future?
cute cute post post
fill the catalogue with tribal numberfagging
>oh boy, TWO cute girls
gorilla grip wife live
why is this one guy who keeps trying to flirt every stream still around
>check his channel and its just some fat retarded flip
i dont think hes even worth keeping around to milk money from
You mean Master8 don't you. That mfer retarded as hell hate seeing that long obnoxious name
I would've banned his ass ages ago if I was a mod
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oh him he does that in Jira's chat too
Anybody uncomfortable as hell seeing mods chat so much in Hysteria's stream or am I spoiled by VAllure?
im just hoping one day he goes full retard that the mods have no choice but to ban him

after checking his channel it seems like hes all over the vtubing space unfortunately...
just block master8 and kok0natushivid and the chat becomes more tolerable
Yes, it's intimidating to see a single mod fill up the entire chat, I'd rather not intrude.
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lol what is this in Aryas stream
>one chat is overrun by a mod
>one chat has a lack of mods
balance has yet to be achieved...
I don't personally keep chat open 98% of the time, but I'd agree that corpos that don't have silent mods are generally fucking up. If I'm a new greyfag why would I bother trying to get a word in edgewise between 15 lines of blue highlighted names?
it's especially a problem in 2 view small corpos, it would be a lot less of a problem with an active chat
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ok this girl is dangerous
Would be a mod but I enjoy the streams and don't want to be like Hysteria mod talking ALL the DAMN TIME
What's her endgame I wonder because I've been hard since the start of the stream
this is the first time ive heard of there being a block feature. bless up for telling me about it king
I knew I chose the right talent to watch
>start of the stream
>it was just shaky breathing
what did he mean by this
If you don't understand you haven't been touched starved enough
can you even call yourself a male if you don't find breathing erotic?
i just found it more endearing than anything else
She should've been in v4m
Damn right or VAllure... her audios... I would've misplaced my gallons
I'd only agree if it meant she'd never play League or Valorant again. Otherwise I think she's fine right where she is.
Take notes
Cmon bro it's not that bad and I'm tired of acting like it is, she at least engages with her chatters while playing it and she never malds let her have her fun.
since that anon is not here, let me do him a favor, and yes, I'm the low quality one
Nah if she grew to hundred views per stream I'd hate her, when streamers get too big the shitters come around i.e more Master8s
I hope a lot these guys in Mischief's chat never come around again if it's their first time or they're brokies
speaking of moderation i'm more afraid of the individual discord channels... don't think that's ever a good idea
elyza already set hers up and hysteria is following suit soon...
Does Mischief have a streamlabs or similar? I like donating but I much prefer not giving 30% to Neal.
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not with hello kitty fucking shit up...
I'm starting to hate the Jawbreakers, I'm convinced one is underage ngl
oh you mean individual servers? yeah that's a bad a call, not only for running the servers but it also sucks for users, people should try to make that clear to them while there's still time
I wish we gotta wait til the monetization stream
individual servers has to be the most retarded way to do things unless they all went down some gfe route to groom (you) away from the eyes of their genmates
for now no...
but there's a way iykyk
okay, tuned in for a bit and will have to watch the full vod later, thanks guys
is someone archiving this? I can't right now
what happened in the discord that has everyone so worried?
past experiences point towards it being a bad idea
Yes, I know better than to assume ASMR is safe on Youtube.
Best decision of my life
It seems good until one day you think your oshi is going schizo talking to no one
in practical terms, it means they each have to figure out appointing their own staff for the server, sorting out how they want to organize thing, setting up bots separately, etc. rules and enforcement would be probably be separate since i doubt they'd know how to/be interested in getting bots that sync that stuff.
for the fans, it also sucks because that means joining 5 separate servers if we're fans of them all and juggling 5 different communities (and there is a limit to how many servers you can join), which is likely to neuter their overall activity level.
also i was hoping to help them out with this and this would it astronomically harder
sometimes she talks to her twitch chat so any time i think im going schizo ill just assume its twitch chatters again
what do you mean going schizo? she is not talking to the voices in her head from the start?
tbf though no one responds to master8 once they learn he's just a weird spammer
Okay that makes sense, just sad I can't groom the talents fuck
from a GFE/grooming perspective, that last point could be seen as an upside
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groomers and discordfags be gone
I just hate seeing him though, ruins my fucking day seeing him chat
wheres the soundpost version
I will groom Arij
I already did when she cancels streams, she's playing neo pets with me
>groom Arij
>she becomes Jira
humming in asmrs always pull me right out of sleep... its like a mosquito buzzing right next to my ear
wtf bros i like fps now
Sorry about your gayness
LET HER COOK, her voice is immaculate and her hums are like an angel pissing in my ear, heavenly
so many new viewers... where are they even coming from, does the algorithm work that well?
just the usual asmr buff
ASMR attracts an audience that wont show up for anything else
not something im familiar with so that's interesting, that sure explains why so many people do it
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>i love you
3. With enough viewers you show up on the "live" page

2. Streamers ending their streams without re directs having viewers come to you as well from the recommended this works specially well with asmr since people sleep to it and autoplay is usually on

3. People generally don't discriminate on ASMR if they like the experience they'll stay on the stream
Can't count won't listen
jira asmr when
arij asmr when
Fucking never, Jira's cunny could never stand the pressure but I'll stick with her threatening to eat my loved ones every once in a while
management says asmr can only be for special occasions
every day is special with jira
>video doesn't play in reverse
So close
i forgawr
1 sec
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That's more like it, beautiful work.
Don't know if it will be needed, but Mischief ASMR archive
Sneaking this in my backpocket
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I just realized Azeria and Hysteria have the same mod issue these mfers talk too much and build walls of text. Elyza has a mod but I'm okay with Bixbite because he STFU sometimes.
i'd honestly rather have them join a discord call than clog up the chat
Imma just stick with BB and Mischief even though BB is a male collaber, Better than the jannies lurking over me every moment.
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arya is so heterosexual
rip chloe
I don't think I ever made it passed world 1 of Yoshi's Island I always get bored at some point and stop
I believe the problem comes from the fact that they made chat members that talk often into mods, although I wonder why bixbite was modded so quickly
its that easy? what if they turn out to be weirdos who try to do as much damage as possible when they have a melty
I wish I was mod for vspos...
don't groom my girls
It's not that easy they were obviously cleared beforehand there are other chatters that chat just as much i.e JOKHA or JOkr for example
They are probably previous trusted fans or mods from their pl
The main problem isn't how they choose one but more so how they behave or appear to chatters. It's simply intimidating or annoying to have walls of mod chats. Which could easily be prevented by having a non mod side account.
>5 hour until purple korean woman to collab stream
i am dying narin, HELP ME
forgot about the collab I want to watch it
I will be a day 1 Mischief member. I like the cut of her jib.
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I love you Jira good night /fpspec/
no me
we all know youre only tuning in for asmr streams. it will be me instead
I also watch Apex streams
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>only apex
Why is it intimidating? Personally I don't care
Apex and variety. No problem with one-offs or short series. Not watching LoL or Valo. Sorry, not sorry.
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I've never liked anyone I've met who likes grape soda.
i'm gonna grape you in the mouth
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what did he mean by this
when will spec girls save my bro from soloq'ing?
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one thing i do like about the specs, waited all of one week to start collabing, was the same for gen 1. will it be a weekly thing? only schedules will tell.
I yearn to be gripped and slammed by a stinky(good) raccoon
browife preparing hot water with her purple kettle soon
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hope browife can protect my narin from the spooks

HK and Korean women love
anyone know how to force enable dvr on firefox? i was gonna make a soundpost out of narins start but i was too slow to turn off my music...
>scared by the opening cutscene
narin should become a guard dog
grab greasemonkey/tampermonkey
ur so sexy for this. im going to make out with you sloppy style.
my bro already feeling devilish
i love this purple korean
>narin actively avoiding romance in game
i will not say anything about my trust status regarding koreans, but it is abundantly clear
GFE always trust
Narin is going to have nightmares tonight...
Narin rape
but bro won't let you
she'll be hugging her thirty plushies tightly
God, I wish they were me.
taylor 1 mention
I shall become a spirit and possess the plushie she hugs
narin screams give me life
why does remia's stream look so much brighter? https://holodex.net/multiview/AAMYae0OaCSvm60%2CMAMYYdfre9Gfg50
CS habits of turning brightness settings to max?
more like Narin got scared by the brightness settings prompt and skipped it
>i flinch
>narin screams
>i flinch again
this stream will be the end of me
narins screams scare me more than the game does
Remias aura protects me
I want melon to peg me and for Narin to kiss my asshole better after
british jump scare
that's kinda gay bro
Together with those yandere eyes which stare into my soul, I get what you mean
>Narin didn't follow Remia
korean woman DISTRUST
Narin is literally telling a child to kill herself
nothing wrong with that
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Trad wife material
jake from state farm
I wonder if narin and remia will also play man of medan
I don't narin would be willing to play another horror game after this one
odds of narin continuing this game willingly?
probably 0%
narin got jumped scared by random item inspections...
>they will continue
no escape for narin...
i knew she wouldn't chicken out
bro is gonna play CS with hysteria next week
now what
rewatch vods to see wtf narin was screaming at
playing balls (golf) with bro next week
i eep
next week Hysteria and Remia will collab in CS
damn i fucked up the soundpost huh. oh well
wait i fucked up again..
where were the vods for remia x pafi and narin x sen? it didn't seem like they had a pov on their yt and i dunno how to use bilibili
neither of them streamed their povs for what i assume to be some perm issue or some other autistic reasoning by management.

senarin vod:

didnt see anything on pafis b2 so not sure if theres a vod
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skimming through the vspo cn girls, seems like sen is the only one that can speak and understand english well
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iirc, pafi and remia play off-stream to test their ping, probably for scrims in the future
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jira anal
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLjDvfDsoKM riko
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkHnLdGUIP0 bluebell
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRpTiMwqReg ryoma
epe rank in 15
>>87375244 (Me)
wtf pg10 in 20 min
board be zooming today
wiko in nazunews tomorrow
Wtf bros I've been posting vspo on /v4m/ alone...
That thread is melting down every day
hello kitty is going to destroy that thread soon...
>another master8 account
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vspos and unicornpilled gfemaxxers don't really mix
unfortunate for them, none of the cutest chuubas are 'corn friendly
I'm actually glad that we have a place of our own now instead of having to put up with their schizophrenia
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Don't believe those words, Kouhai

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