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Debut Kanata with Upao jumpscare

The hololive OFFICIAL CARD GAME is a trading card game with the concept of “competition,” in which we build and compete in this game with our fans.
t. Cover

Official Twitter Account


>Online simulator (automated):
>Alternative simulator (manual):

>Twitter hashtag

>JP Online store for price checks

>Set 2 info
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Previous: >>87180503
Anyone here knows were I can buy on the EU? Geekjack prices are ridiculous and the starter pack was sold out in seconds.
Reminds me of the Haymaker/Rain Dance days. Oh, early game metas.
What are your thoughts on 2nd Bloom Holomem having effective damage against other colors?
I'm mixed. On one hand, it's nice that some rogue deck can have some advantage into a meta matchup. On the other, some deck get fucked by the meta deck color advantage making them less playable.
The color advantage seems pretty arbitrary so far, but I like that it gives an advantage to stage 2.
Plus with the SorAZ deck you can have type advantage over 3 of the 4 types, which is pretty neat.
If Pokemon is any indication, the meta will quickly devolve into Debut and stage 1 Buzz, with little place for stage 2.
Speaking of stage 1 Buzz, Zeta seems pretty obnoxious, you continuously cycle between 2 of them to force opponent to flip a coin if they want to damage your active. But what is the best active to pair her with?
Cover should invest on making this playable online
Probably either 2nd Bloom Iofi (Gets to constantly swing 150 thanks to Zeta's presence) or 2nd Bloom Kobo (Damage blocking buys her time to build up damage to the bench). Having 2 Buzzes active at the same time feels risky even if they have Health for days.
Because it will be useful for later, here's who's coming in the next set.

>Oshi Holomem cards

>Holomem Cards

>Spot Holomem Cards
Holowitches (Luna, Miko, Kanata, Marine, Shion, Chloe)
To elaborate on 2nd Bloom Iofi and 2nd Bloom Kobo, Iofi is one of the best 2nd blooms in the game, but suffers from a lack of ID3 so she doesn't synergize with zeta 1st and id3 gravity. Also you can't collab iofi and buzz zeta at the same turn. Kobo as a card is much worse than Iofi but works better with Zeta. You do not want to run both simultaneously as that will make the deck too inconsistent.
While i would love the physical game, i fully admit that if they release a full fledged videogame (no master duel like/arena/always online crap, legit full game) i'd get into that and never let go

But i wouldn't buy the physical card game in that case
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What are we afraid of? Gust? We can always bloom Zeta into her non-Buzz after she's taken a hit, or can she be reliably one shot?
>Iofi is one of the best 2nd blooms in the game
Is she? She has low hp and her damage, while solid, isn't spectacular. But then again the game is brand new so I probably don't know what I'm talking about yet.
Also the fact that 1st Bloom Iofi can't accelerate to other Iofi is a bit of a pain too, it forces her into a support role or a Sora Oshi.
>Kobo as a card is much worse than Iofi but works better with Zeta
Once Kaela arrives I could see ID3 rivaling Promise thanks to Zeta 1st Bloom. We already have Kobo for early collabs and Zeta Buzz for later. Hopefull she's either White or Blue, I doubt a 3 color deck can work.
>no master duel like/arena/always online crap, legit full game
How do you play a multiplayer game without being online?
If 1st searcher zeta could finds iofi then the deck would be on the level comparable to promise. Which shows you how easy a fully supported gen matter for these kind of searcher to become a problematic card.
Without the Irys line promise would still be good but not as dominating as it is.
>ALWAYS online
Like that

I'm perfectly fine with a big online component as long as there's a fully-playable-offline game under the hood

Leave stuff like drafts/tourneys and stuff that nets you stickers/in-game currency/whatever bonus for the online but give me a full game besides that and i'd buy your game twice

That's why i bought and was happier with fucking YGO Duelist Link Evo than my time in Master Duel
I rate iofi highly because she is 150 damage with a very good collab effect. Most 2nd blooms demand much more for that damage rate. Iofi collab effect can easily make iofi be functionally a 2 cheer requirement. I could be overvaluing the card especially as she can be fragile to things such as 2nd suisei.
This is a big what if, and zeta iofi doesn't come with the early game burst potential of promise decks.
guess someone did make the mod
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Maybe the mistake was making both Irys and Mumei white. But then Kroni would still help in choosing which color to accelerate.
I imagine they'll print control cards at some point. I could see a Gift effect that turns off Bloom effects while it's in collab. Or maybe a support card?
>Most 2nd blooms demand much more for that damage rate
Sure, but they often have game-winning effects. Cards like Kanata, Lui, Suisei can take multiple ko in 1 turn, and stuff like Kiara, Kobo, Pekora can nuke anything in the active.
But maybe the reliable 150dmg is good enough, I'll have to give Iofi a try.
So you mean a single-player game vs AI? That would require to make an entire solo campaign and program a solid AI, multiple even, on top of implementing all cards and game logic. And you would need to update all of it with every new set.
I wouldn't get my hopes up. It would already be a miracle if we get an official online client.
Nah, i understand it'd be a tall request (especially for a company as video game adverse as Cover, most other corps that had this level of recognizable talent would have had way more games tjlhan the few "official" ones) but it'd not be as hard as you make it out to be

Due to being basically a Pokemon clone, the actual list of card interactions to program wouldn't be particularly complex, and deck lists could easily be copied from "design-intended" ones to just copying ones used in tourneys and stuff (the GBC Pokemon games handled such interactions just fine)

The biggest hurdle would be justifying such a game in the first place when an online-only client would be much faster and efficient for today's age

Meh, i was only spekaing in a hypothetical case anyway, i know actual chances are like, less than zero

Captcha: YAGO2
>We can always bloom Zeta into her non-Buzz after she's taken a hit, or can she be reliably one shot?
A chunk of 2nd Blooms and Buzz Polka can put Buzz Zeta and others in an awkward spot where they survive but can't bloom into a normal 1st bloom to prevent the extra life loss.

>Is she? She has low hp and her damage, while solid, isn't spectacular.
Like the other anon said, 150 damage behind a condition you don't even need to think about if you just run an all ID deck and a good collab effect. It feels like the problem is she doesn't get to be the collab partner she should be since Zeta wants that collab spot as well for the damage nullification, Kobo needs time to set up her nuke damage, and I don't think Moona really swings games for ID as a center. I'm holding out for Reine to be strong so Iofi can get a center she can work behind.
Can't wait to see the results
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It's pretty cool seeing the art everywhere.
by the way, this is like the big tournament right? Wonder if they'll preview some cards from the next set.
Yeah this is the 512 one. Hope so too
inb4 Overwhelming Promise wins
it's gonna be 90% Promise in the top cut but Polkiara + Kanata in the finals.
No finals. Prizes are given to all 5-0s
>A chunk of 2nd Blooms and Buzz Polka can put Buzz Zeta and others in an awkward spot where they survive but can't bloom into a normal 1st bloom to prevent the extra life loss.
Well if opponent needs 2 hits and a gust to take 2 lives then it's not too bad?
> 1st bloom polka fetch kfp
> attach kfp, discard zain
> 1st buzz polka fetch zain.

god, i love chaining actions in this currently limited game.
The idea of using 1st stage to prevent Buzz cards to give up two life will be an interesting situation moving forward once they add in 2nd stage cards
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The best part is that you can use your cheer attachment for turn to power up a fat chicken on the bench.
I could see Zain getting banned in the future. The fact that it's free cheer acceleration with the only downside being "take 10 more dmg" means that they need to be extra careful with every new Polka they print.
That's only really an issue if they don't implement a rotation.
We have a fan simulator doing that for free already, a multimillion dollar company can manage a bigger and more complex version if they wanted to
Eh. They can continue balancing it with how they're handling the normal Polka i.e low HP.

1st bloom Polka is effectively a 100 HP card since it needs at least 1 zain to attack.
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you mean like YGOPOC?
They should make a Hololive game that plays like Pokemon TCG on the Gameboy Color.
The structure is right there too.
>Clubs for each color and EN, ID, and JP, then the Elite 4
>Ronald pops up every now and again
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A lot of reports about promise winning as well as the win rate strongly correlate to your ability to win rock paper scissors
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2nd place. 1st is also Mumei promise. Hakos Baelz is really good
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5-0 Kiara Polka
Double loss on time...
Rock paper scissors is inevitable.
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5-0 ID
I think that means RPS for first turn. And first turn advantage is pretty big
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Mono white Kanata also got a 5-0 but no decklist
That's just how every new card game works.
Going first is always an advantage, and there aren't enough cards yet to bridge the gap for those going second so they always end up getting snowballed.
A lot of people with good result also have achievements in other games like pokemon, yugioh, one piece. There was a pokemon champion who went 5-0 as well
Many reports about playing against promise in all 5 matches or at least 4
Where did you find this? Can't see it on the main hashtag
I just went with ブルームカップ
Next set is called quintet spectrum? Spectrum won, holly hell
The 5-0 Mono white Kanata only went first once
14 participants ended up with a perfect record:
5 Mono white Mumei Promise
1 White/Red Mumei Promise
3 Mono white Kanata Promise
2 Mono white Kanata
1 Kiara Polka
1 ID (Zeta Moona Kobo)
1 Azki (just Azki)
Conversion rates doko?
Mono white Mumei is either 5 or 7. I don't know which tweet is correct. 16 sounds more plausible than 14 though
should be 16 as it was a five round 512 person swiss tournament
No Suichan deck? I thought she's tier 2...
16 is correct
She is tier 1 in going into time
damn, id team got perfect score it's really insane (imo)
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Just have to win all your rolls to take no damage
>most deck only has 1 good attacker
>promise has 2 of them
>Magic had format-defining bird
>Hololive has format-defining bird
they are
did yugioh or pokemon or digimon ever have a broken bird card?
yugioh : floowandereeze
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Wouldn't say outright broken but this thing was a jerk to deal with.
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The playmat prize for going 5-0 is already being sold for 150k yen
Geez, it's hard to believe there are people willing to pay that much for it.
>Fauna is broken
Who the fuck made this?
>Ollie is purple
I'm surprised
ollie getting a card for her birthday based on her new outfit
I'm not sure if you're being facetious, but they're all real Magic cards. Fauna is dryad arbor.
I think there are going to be more purple cards in the next set, to make up for the fact that it wasn't in the first set. Shion, Choco, Ollie, Calli, and Nerissa are probably all purple.
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Every bday merch will be getting a oshi card. The effect is the same just pumps and searches based on the color of the member
I'm really curious what they're going to do with the Birthday promos for EN. Are they going to make English versions? I don't if Justice are getting them, but we might see during GGs birthday next week.
all this reminds me is that I will never have a special birthday ame card
is the color actually random or it's from their set?
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It should match based on Fubuki
>Those skills on Fubuki read fuck Kanata
Seems like the girls were all divided into specific colors ahead of time.
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Waht is Bae for? Is the 20 damage that relevant?Also what is it with lists playing 3 standard PC, shouldn't that be a 4-of in every deck?
>only 2 Kiara and only the debut one
Kinda disappointing, hopefully the meta doesn't devolve into just 1 attacker and a couple Debut/Spot as support. Spot Pekora + Nousagi is kinda cute though.
So far all holomem have been restricted to 1 color, so regular Ollie should also be purple.
Stage 2 Bae has effective damage against Green cards which makes Promise decks built around her a danger to AZKi and Aki decks.
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Correction: they're real tokens, and Fauna's is based on Dryad Arbor.
Aggro decks are all about being efficient to roll out as much damage early before your opponent can respond.

So you’re going to focus everything on dumping damage with Polka Buzz and the KFP card serves as both card draw and damage boost. Meaning you’re not supposed to attack with Kiara at all, especially since Polka Buzz only needs 2 energy (even less with Zain) to start attacking
Bae hand shuffling effect kills a lot deck
I feel Zeta will be better once more ID members are added. Moona as the attacker feels to weak, imo.
This could turn into a #promise-lite for #ID
Zeta for defense, Moona for ramp-up/back up, then a better attacker.
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Bae attack with +30 from Irys is 180dmg though, you don't ko any 2nd Bloom AZKi with that. Or am I missing something?
How so? It doesn't punish large hands, and you can just shuffle with a pc if useful stuff is on the bottom.
The art is pretty damn cute though.
Sure, but 1st Bloom Kiara's ability to go through the deck goes well with Polka Buzz's Bloom. That and you can use Oshi Kiara to turn your Archive into a 2nd hand. But I guess between Kiara Bloom and Pekora Spot, Pekora is just better.
what does it do?
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>plays both Moona and Pekora
>doesn't play their search support
19 targets is not enough to make it worth the slot. The normal draw card is much better because you want axes and another draw card for next turn.
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Dunno what's with their reaction with Kanata tho. Maybe it's a postive one?
Since it's possible to get 3 lives in one kill for 2nd bloom Kanata; 4 if it's against a buzz card.
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If I order boxes off of geekjack, how long would it take for it to get to the US?
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While the deck doesn't hit that hard in the active, Buzz Moona + Oshi Kobo means you can deal 20 and 30 wherever you want every turn. That's some good pressure right there.
Honestly even if we had more hit I doubt it would be worth it. Pekora loses a lot of her value past the 1st turn, so you're only really searching for Moona past that point, which Pekora already does by herself.
Still, it's too bad that their support search isn't used in the 1 meta decks playing them both.
actually Moona + Zeta with axes hit for 100+140, so you can take down anything if you have both online. On top of the 50 spread.
There's no way Kanata uses any oshi other than herself, right?
Taso prefers playing with herself after all.
I've tried sora oshi as well and it worked ok? the damage boost on the swap skill is sometimes enough for the 2 life kill and it's nice being able to snipe a backliner without using your limited support slot
you know considering they show off the promo birthday card, it would already be in the sim or at least soon right?
I ordered 6 boxes from geekjack and they came in 7 days. I live on the East Coast for what it's worth.
Because many decks only has 4 copies of important stage 2. Factoring in the chance of them accidentally turning into holo power every time you collab & how some many bloom effects require timing, you can read the opponent's plan and ruin them with Bae
In Holoduel? You can ask the dev on the itch io page.
I see.
But >>87360283 plays a 2-2-1 Bae line, how reliably can you get her out in collab before opponent gets their main 2nd Bloom out?
Although if we get cards that you can play on opponent's turn, I could see Bae becoming key.
They should wait until it's printed physically to add it.
You draw and search like crazy
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Don't forget to eat your greens!
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We already have 1 for each color, so they're functionally implemented.
Or does the name matter?
Thank you Peko for making sure my AZKis don't have to think about pulling energies from the archive
deck out
Oshi Sora is pretty underrated. I can see more decks trying to use her.
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Got bored so put all undefeated decks in a single pic
I had to compress a bit to get under the 4MB limit, but hopefully it's still readable.

tl;dr Promise 2 strong plz nerf

Maybe Cover will release the data if we ask nicely?
Actually have they given their stance on that matter? Do they plan to release it or will it have to be grassroot?
These aren't the same as the birthday cards. They're abilities are different.
And yes the name does matter.
Geekjack seems to still have the boosters in stock and no purchase limit, at least none that are enforced in the cart or on purchase. Anyone know if they send you an unbroken case if you buy 10 boxes?
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this lil guy count?
I will play my oshi even if she's bad
No, I will not splash meta in it
Okay but what if she synerizes well with the meta?
Honestly outside of Promise the meta seems wide enough. Not too bad considering we only have 1 set to work off of.
My bad, I only looked at the 1st skill.
Don't they plan to release new ones that are actually identical outside of the name though? Or am I misremembering?
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These fuckers were the best deck in Master Duel when they were at their peak
This is also a very good pick
Yata-Lock was so good YGO had to create a banlist for the very first time
No, from what I heard you don't get an unbroken case if you order 10
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Yeah, the birthday PR oshi cards all have identical abilities, except they correspond with the Holomems color. They're:
> [Once per turn] All (color) holomem's arts get +20
> [Once per turn] Reveal a (color) holomem from your deck and put into your hand. Shuffle your deck.
But these cards won't be available until their birthday merch actually ships some time early next year.
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There are so many games I have to stall out without collabing and wait for the chance to end the game with Kanata. Fubuki just read no stalling and the requirement for the skill to procs seems easy
sex with candy
Too unbalanced
Advent showing up is pretty neat
Any news of the English global release?
just that it will happen
Why do you think it's broken?
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>Every bday merch will be getting a oshi card.
I just realized ReGloss and Justice in year 1 is also possible because of this.
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Did any of the girls talk about the card game?
Risu oshi when?
>Did you enjoy it?
>Shirakami will also be opening packs at a later date, so please look forward to it!
so how many sets until they launch the game?
the game's already launched, anon. what did you think was happening?
They meant EN ver of the game *smile*
i mean the app game
It'll be playable in holoearth in 2025
Regloss is already getting a promo card with their album, so they're a shoe in.
Now that I think about it I don't think I've heard many girls not named Nodoka, Polka, or La+ talk about the game outside of mentioning the card you get for getting a full set of birthday merch.
I could see this happening actually (have to buy the cards in-app again)
Will there be an english release of the game?
No, no news when
cam on cover print some facking cards
The sheer volume of smug millenial faggots trying to retcon reality and claim chansey/alakazam stall was the biggest deck back then is insane by the way, that deck wasn't even widely recognised til LONG after.
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