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Previous thread: >>87357024
>【3D LIVE】「 Outside the Box 」Nanashi Mumei Birthday Celebration 2024
>Promise first group song - Our Promise
>Mind Craft with HoloEN
>Second original song - mumei
>Holotori first original song - HOLOTORI Dance!
>Stellar Stellar (Hoshimachi Suisei)
>List of Songs / Karaokes
>Chapters, Clips & Music Videos
>5th Fes
>Youtube Channel:
>Merch (Birthday merch 2024 order period ends 9th Sept. JST)

Reminder: >>1
Do not reply to bait and 'invitations' to doxxshit, shitstirring or dramafaggotry (the general jargon for these individuals are 'printers'). Be it inside AND outside the thread - hide, report and move on.
Streams / M.E.S.
>【3 YEAR ANNIVERSARY】Moomin' .. with a TWIST !!!
Owl Mentions:

Useful links
>Fanart hunting links
>Tools : QOL & YouTube recorders

>Library of /who/LEXandria
>Most recommended streams if you're new.
>List of members streams + brief descriptions
>Database Backup

OP template: https://rentry.org/7uy87
Updates / additions :
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give me a mumei stream to rewatch
I'm sick and very sad
the mumei game stream
>very sad
Just like drunkmei was today.
Mumei cooking sim.
I wonder who she'll collab with on Friday...
yeah me
Did she announce a collab or is the joke she only does collabs now?
Probably the second part of L4D2
Watch stream
Stream was too many hours, give timestamp or a general idea of where she annoucned it.
messy anal with da moom
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Office colleague Moom wants to say something!

"Hey, do you even realize you’re the one dragging the whole team down? Everyone else is hitting their targets, over-delivering, and then there’s you—always behind, always a mess. That last project? Missed the deadline not once, but twice, and the work was so bad I had to fix half of it myself. Yesterday at the client meeting, you showed up completely unprepared and embarrassed the company. Every time we have a team meeting, you zone out and waste everyone’s time. We’ve given you feedback, told you exactly what you need to do to improve, and nothing has changed. Honestly, I didn’t think you’d be this careless and incompetent. You’re holding the team back, and it’s obvious you don’t care. If you can’t pull yourself together, maybe it’s time to move on."
But I did... she said it's not announced yet...
she announced 3 collabs
>the joke
Oh it's real. It's damn real.
One day /who/ will learn to stop replying
One day…
If only there wasn't ample badwrongthinkfodder to reply to.
If only...
Holy shit, office colleague Moom is repeating the spiel she got from every job the Moom took before Hololive, where she can be worthless at will!
Hello! Can you not post shit like this, I'm gonna fucking cry
It’s not called being worthless in Hololive, it’s called being a girlfailure and it’s cute.
she forgot to go to her treehouse before reading superchats
wtf man that's actually me
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Happy Anniversary Mumei! To celebrate we should tickle her until she's a cackling, sobbing mess!
She sounded happy and needy to me...
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I just woke up and thought to myself thinking about Mumei googling what girls are and fell down a porn rabbit hole while masturbating for hours.
I hope mumei does her best in her civ duties!
Her fingers are like prunes..
It's job now
Why in the heck would Moom work an actual job? She can create as much money as she wants out of thin air easily. She literally said “I think I’m gonna do some 5 minute sketches of profile pics” and she made literal thousands in a minute.
she enjoys what she's studying
Yeah about those sketches haha
Yeah, what she’s *studying* , but why would she take a job?
I’m still crossing my fingers and hoping she hasn’t dropped them entirely. The process was clearly stressful and guilt inducing for her since she said she’d never do it again, but she’d probably feel better about things once they’re just done and over with.

(Also, selfishly I am still hoping for mine, I really want Moon to draw me and I don’t want my YouTube profile pic to be an actual picture of myself for longer than it has to be)
Slow day on the catalog, huh..
Is it? Seems pretty normal to me.
She said "work", what work means is pretty vague, could be on-site work for her studies
When was the last time she mentioned school? I haven't heard her talk about it since her break at the start of the year. I thought she graduated
If people want to get her to watchalong her debut then what you should do is start saying that instead they want the April fools video on Irys channel instead. Mumei has ODD, desiring something out of her has the opposite effect.
MuRyS has grown closer so much since then
I am happy
>MILF (Man I love Fauna)
How many acronyms can one owl have?
I’d be a bit surprised if it was on site work. She’s hopped around majors a few times, so she’s likely still in undergrad. And it feels like undergrad STEM is nothing but book learning and labs, at least from my experience.
The thing she's interested in involves off-site work
Mumei is looking at whales up close in her civ duties. It's why she's trying so desperately to get rid of the kyun, scuba isn't something you can cough in.
i dont think you actually go scuba diving very often as a marine biologist
I doubt she will drop them but she clearly has other stuff do to right now.
She was about to say civ duties until she changed it to work for whatever reason but I doubt she has finished it yet.
Not really hard to guess what it is since shes so autistic about them.
>She was about to say civ duties
was she?

come watch /who/ race
Good morning hoomans and hooties! Luv Moom!
Make your own judgement.
I see what you mean
Her motives are always so mysterious
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Oh hi, pardner!
I miss the old Moom...
You cant hope to understand the inner machinations of LEX's mind
I hope she finishes her collab spam arc soon
안녕하세요 한국사람입니다 저희는 우흥이를 사랑해요

Hello gook here we love Mumei
extremely disappointed by the lack of holoctober wanashi this year
if only i’d learned to draw
I don't mind the collabs, I just don't like how distant she seems to be
Still curious what she needed the money for, even lower tier holos seem to make good amount.

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