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>Original songs
WAO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt5SB2igQUM
Otome yo motomeyo QED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvmDTbmal64
Egoistic seesaw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIK13uH30gg
Shijyo Saidai no QUESTION! https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=4MHgF1_jya4
Unbalance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLCs_rT8iKI
!!!DreamCooking!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpAa5ZytTQc
Tear Gazer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QIQk3StRmc
New Journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q30q9XR6DRA

Solos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCxKJRIVDrYHVk6OfBsuGwIujL63ooOQV
Collabs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCxKJRIVDrYFg33j7wh8HIDXD2TLQu_1C


>Earblessings, Sneezes, Treats and everything that bloated the OP

>Generals containing Koyo

>Mayo Rules
Always end with Koyo.
Always end /holox/ with Koyo.
Joshus may process all data without restriction (/mayo/ ended with Koyo)
That specific Joshu only gets the leftovers of all mayo (he knows why)
Fresh chus and fresh mayo for all good Joshus but Joshu has to wear heavy shakles (/holox/ ended with La+ posting)
Don't break the rules! Don't delete the rules! Accept your punishment! Be good Joshus! Watch Koyo! Spread Koyoyo!
Koyoyo Kooking in Hologra
Koyo cry...
Joshu-kun, would you eat it?
She finished FF9 in the end.
Clapping koyo!
How much will Koyori cry during FFX's ending?
Koyo wont care about used goods!
That was FF8 not FF10.
Does she know that the final words Yuna says to Tidus in the JP version isn't a love confession?
She'll figure out more likely.
Shame she won't be able to show it with the rest of the viewers due to perms bullshit.
She's going to be so happy when she sees Vivi again in KH2, even though he only has like 5 minutes of screentime.
Anon, I...
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Koyoyo should have been Yandere on the voice pack.
Just about every JP I've seen play it prefer Arigatou to I Love You. It seems to really trigger their indirect language autism. They love that.
Yeah but the EN version would give you more reason to cry than what the JP version does.
Then again I'm just a stupid retard so what the hell do I know? I've played the game (EN sadly) and that one line never made me sad.
I'm not JP so I can only tell you what I heard one of the girls say, I think it might have been Noel or maybe Miko. Basically from what I remember, she said that Arigatou holds an infinite amount of meanings (thank you for helping, giving me your everything, loving me, etc) while I love you just holds the one meaning.
>Arigatou holds an infinite amount of meanings (thank you for helping, giving me your everything, loving me, etc)
When you put it like that, I think the JP version sounds more better than what the EN version did.
No, but the "Arigatou" hits the Japs way harder than what a "I love you" would do. It's a cultural thing.
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The songs in KH also hold more meaning in the JP versions, Utada kinda half-assed the English versions.
I never played KH long enough to enjoy it tbqhwy.
koyo made it with love!
You have to play it during your teenage cringe years to really get it.
kh is my favorite series!
I think the disney character's are what ruined it for me.
No way Koyo plays Metaphor now…
I want Koyo to be the first HoloJP to play Outer Wilds....
I agree with you. I think I stopped at Aladdin world in KH1. I realized I just didn't love Disney like I did when I was a young one,
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Lamy did give it a go but she never finished it.
koyori always finishes me!
Because Mendokusai Onna got motion sickness from that game
Koyo will play Battle Network next
I don't think I even got that far. I think when Mickey and Goofy joined the party (does Donald also join?) I just stopped.
No, she'll play Pokemon Mystery Dungeon next!
All wrong, she will play me next!
Koyori will play the english version of Zero Wing for the memes.
Cute post-credits Koyo~
SH2 soon!
Look again
That's still soon.
That's, in fact, later.
good koyo!
recharge time keep the lab safe
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Recharge time, watch the lab before SH2!
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Watching Koyo's labs before Battle Network!

racing is liv and koyo is in 1st right now!
koyo in 5th now...
4th now!
If you aren't 1st you're last.
m..mom...? w..what are you doing here...?
I think I'll go watch Koyori's Detroit: Become Human stream.
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it was a good one!

we ended last...
Fennete asmr when
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I'm hoping it continues to grow in views, its a really nice cover and shows her vocal improvement off very well
Recharge time
Wait she had a new cover I didn't even realize it!
Why does this image look like she's physically eating the bottle?
she is!
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cute raoyote!
really like it!
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Italian koyote?
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moshi moshi
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What's up?
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Recharge time! Watch the lab!
Well okay
Recharge time! Lets learn how to make meth
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learning a valuable trade with koyo!
I don't think our Koyote will really understand SH2's story
shes very smart koyote!
Lmao UE5 is such a piece of trash
hates ue5 joshu!
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>graphics low
Koyor... Your poltato PC...
i was wondering why it looked so bad
framerate still looks kind of fucked even on low
Her PC is probably full of cat hair and bugs, can't be helped
It's fine as long as I receive ear blessings!
Koyo... Your eyesight...
happy burger!
She's going for the Original SH experience with the graphics that low. Totally not copium here
is that the cafe from sh1?
totally not copium joshu!
hipe she plays sh1 and 3 and 4 too@
Koyo is already lost...
who made the baby vivis at the end of ff9?
>Silent Hill
>is actually loud and flat
What did they mean by this?
the next level poltato pc experience
koyoltato pc
she shoulda got this on ps5 its going to really chug later...
What controller is she using? The on screen inputs seem to be for Xbox, but is that what she's using?
violent koyote!
probably ps5? don't think she has an xbox
probably one of those "button labels are always xbox" games (i hate that)
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The on screen inputs can be changed in the options on the PC version. Hopefully joshu tells her this.
interesting coyote sounds
shuriken disco!
I see we're going for suicidal end
koyo no...
koyo you dont have to kill all of them...
lots of blessings!
murderous coyote with energy drink addiction that hasn't realized is playing a survival game yet
Believe it or not, Koyori isn't the only person I've seen play this game recklessly and run out of heals. For some reason, a lot of people seem to be having a really hard time with it on Normal. Maybe it's a controller thing.
Koyo really is blind holy shit
I think they erroneously believe it's like RE.
It's because Koyo is playing it like an action game
you aren't supposed to kill things in re either!
That's only the case for the first 3 and most people haven't played those
The japanese generally see RE as "game where you kill zombie things".
but youll run out of bullets and health before you even get to the hard things!
theres less ammo than needed to kill everything by design!
the zombies in the re1 remake revive as super zombies to drive home that clear8ng everywhere is a bad idea!
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Don't care I see zombie I shoot
zombie hunter joshu!
koyo is making sure all dogs left in cars are safe!
>make James your role model guys
hehehe she doesn't know
AI Joshu!
Holy shit every time she fights enemies it's hilarious.
Oh yeah we're definitely getting the suicide route
wasshoi, wasshoi, unsha
*gulp* *gulp* *gulp*
koyote slide show!+
Stream crapping up for anybody else?
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its not the stream its koyos poltato
it's koyo's PC that's crapping up during shader compilation
it's ok koyo, even if you had a gun you'd run out of ammo fighting some mundane avoidable enemy
She's about to get a harsh lesson for that in the courtyard with the baby carriage in the pool. Easily avoidable enemies that she might try to fight.
She's gonna dump it all on Mr. Conehead either way
Is that going to take a while? I need to recharge for work
maybe an hour tops? think he shows up soon
Well it's Koyo so she's probably gonna take 2 hours to reach that
have a seiso koyo to give you strenght!
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Koyori truly has the sexiest/cutest short hair variant in the entire company. I typically don't care for hair like this on most girls but it's fucking peak cutesexy on Koyori. I think the waviness of it makes it great.
koyote dakara!
my alcoholic koyote can only think of drinking...
coyote with a gun
ammo wasting has begun
it's ok, looks like can't aim and won't try to shoot anymore
Oh no that's right Koyo can't read analog clocks
Oh Christ.
koyo ran without killing everything!
Oh hey it's me
special thanks to having no healing for teaching koyo how to run
I'm Eddie
I'm glad she decided to just avoid those enemies. That would have been bad if she tried to fight all of that. I'm honestly surprised at how little healing she has at this point, I swear you get a bunch at this part of the game.
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She's used 5 syringes and 10 drinks already
That's like all the holos!!
koyori is actually quite smart
who woulda thunk it
chat assist to locate drinks enabled
Oh no...
this is being quite kino!
did she finish dead rising?
>completing all the puzzles through blind luck
Did Koyo get to the room that whispers to you yet?
that's any room im in!
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Joshu please get some medication.
Koyori shaving.
I love how she just brute forced the clock puzzle. Genuinely super funny watching her cycle through every possible option.
Unga bunga is the only way to play a game
>t. Koyo
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More earblessings!
The koyote way!
this is fine
my koyote is getting worse at this somehow...
game literally give out healing items like candy after this lmao, i have like 20 syringe 10 drinks when im at the hospital
it gave them out like that before too koyo just used them all
didn't realize we were playing elden ring again
this fight is so much better than in the original
I wonder why she's not using the pistol much. Or healing, for that matter.
thinks it's wasteful and want to save them for normal progression rather than a fight she can restart without losing progress
bad habit for survival horror games
saving resources when the situation requires it
She decided this is the point she wants to save ammo and medicine, I'm not joking.
but shes used them for randos all this time...
She might as well save them for Silent Hill 3 Remake, then.
that felt a bit anticlimatic wheres our yataaas?!?
He had legs to rape, busy schedule.
kusogaki is here
>this brat needs correction
That's like, not healthy ya know? You're suppose to REMOVE the lid and THEN drink the mayo from the bottle.
NTA but can coffee count as medication? Because mines is too strong despite putting one spoonful of coffee in, 2 spoonful's of sugar in it, and 2 spoonful's of milk powder in it (after I put the hot water in first to make it).
fresh flowers!
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Koyo stop being such a gutter brained pervert

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