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Previous Thread: >>87378987
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Sex with Koa!
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Trust the plan
Cherish the cute girls!
So cute!
My trust has never been higher. All in on Daisycoin.
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I'll just be content to keep enjoying Poko
Eh, she's okay. Will see how her debut pans before I pass initial judgements
>no discord posting
>retro games
I'm interested
She's such a sweetheart
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all of those tsunderians... always scheming...
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is the c supposed to be legs?
CUUUUUUUTE so it really is her.
Also my worries about her tits looking too big are gone.
Daisy love!
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People don't know anymore? Nyoro~n...
>he doesn't know
I think I want Lisa to have sex with Daisy. Yeah.
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are your legs directly under your mouth
>they're doing the V4Mirai thing of doing voice reveal through trailers
when you're looking at a cat head on, yes
do you want them to be
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Oops ロカのカニがファッキしたいよ
Accidentally spelled fuckyou and not fuck lol
Another Tsunderia girl, lets gooooo
It'll most likely be run as an ad. Makes sense to showcase their voice
Oppai loli anon won
Someone please commission Tonya licking Daisy down there
I'm glad that the frills on her dress kinda hide her tits
another girl not discussed here... yay!
Es ella...I must support her
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>her boobs are bigger on the actual model so we're in actual oppai loli territory
>that collar with the cleavage leash
>tummy window
>leotard with ass fangs
my findings earlier were right, daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex daisy sex
>fleshie c*mslut
>simp for nonvtuber "content"
>lgbt activist
>massive normalfag
>muscle mommy
am I missing anything? how many redflags can a single vtuber check?
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You forgot the biggest red flag
Accurate observation.
My wife is just too cute
and choco loli anon lost...
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I'll start shilling choco lolis now, I'm 2 for 2
>muscle mommy
She prefers "dad"
oppai lolis are trash but I'll still watch her since she's cute and seems like a sweet person
>muscle mummy
>red flag
I'll call her daddy
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>mfw angel loli was actually brown
Let's talk about the good girls itt
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nta but I like my women to be feminine
Fuck off back to plebit.
Based Tonya.
I love Tonya she’s such a good girl
Koinu knew the truth all along...
Based and same
Enya too
>am I missing anything?
yeah if you scroll through the twitter pics you'll see she also has a you know what
I wonder how long shes gonna last in that startup before she gets outted leaking all their info to Proctor and his doxsite
yeah thats definitely meru!
i feel sorry for her, stuck with this shit wreck of a gen.. please treat her well at least she's a sweet menhera girl, she deserves love
According to my further calculations this anons hypothesis does indeed seem to check out. Peer review has found that
Daisy = SEX holds true for all tests and empirical studies and is verifiably repeatable with a Breed Factor exponentially increasing with each success run.
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I want to give Momo backshots
with that kind of outfit can we assume that she's ok with being lewded?
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>people actually like muscle mommies
Any of the new girls look like they might lick my ears?
make sure to put towels under her so she doesn't piss all over
I don't understand why you fags keep pushing this rrat, that was never even a possibility
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as long as you take responsibility
"people" you mean one faggot trolling
Rape correction it is
me too tonya, me too
I just like futa
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shes pure sex!!
A ray of sunshine in this god forsaken gen... We will make it, bros
Invest in daisycoin
Tbh it's probably several people but it's fine, different strokes and all that. At least they're not NTRfags
I'm all-in already
She has outright asked for more porn of her before. Go crazy.
meru is based
Stop posting this off-topic whore please and thank you
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nothing is stopping you from going to /tsunx/
fuck skub, anti-skub all the way
Didn't Yena also said that a "colleague" did NTR shit for money?
I guess she's the whole package for this type of people
I've only had Daisy for a day, but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this thread and then myself.
>open about *you know what*
I wouldnt be surprised if she's not even into anime culture too
enya you arent a cat..
These type of people find it cringe and disgusting, especially certain "aspects" of it.
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>cute girl bonding with other cute girls
That's the shit.
Damn look at her go. I want to fill her womb right now.
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yea, I'm buying daisycoin
1/4 is not very good..
ngl this might be the worst vtuber gen I've ever seen, and I sat through hanamizuki, voltail, and holo justice..
unironically wtf went so wrong? how did they manage to scout a literal who diamond like poko for endless but couldnt do it again? my only conclusion is that tomer had some influence in the filtering and hiring of chuubas, even if he wasnt directly scouting them..
not even like the talent pool is exhausted, why couldnt they fucking get mischief? now she's doomed to specialiteEN..
it just doesn't make sense that they'd shoot themselves in the foot like this, unless they planned for idol to be axed in the not so distant future
Don't worry, we'll be showering her with love.
I'm holding out hope for Cersea streaming at Sara australian times and not Yumi australian times
scorched earth, at least Daisy saves this gen from being a complete and utter disaster
I was trying to find the streamelements link already. I'll drop some love when it's available.
Tomers dick was in charge. I'd wish he had never been busted and would have made the OffKai whore house a reality. That's where it was headed. He was letting all of the girls openly masturbate in tiered members. Those were truly Idols golden years. This new era of woke onions girl boss homo loving dick riders is a far cry from the Idol of yesterday.
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Lisa: Lisa Sunday!
>Onions not onions
wtf autocorrect
should still work
Like they say, "you are what you eat" and she eats pussy
Aviel didnt hire this gen Brave did...
cute newfag
I see
Nah, I'm going to support Daisy.
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retard the girls were already chosen as far back as February
Definitely not new, just never knew that lel
and Brave took over in November of last year you ultra giga retard...
no they didnt, they only handled merch until the buyout
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fair enough
go back to discord, faggot.
>Hyena muscle mommy pseudofutapenis

They're really marketing to a specific genre of artist with this one.
she can step on my balls
Fuck off you stupid asshole kys bitch
ugly model with a really bad hairline
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At least a good model wasn't wasted on a bad person.
The model isn't as bad as a thought, but her personality still filters me
you don't belong here
they replaced all the managers and staff with brave staff you fuckers were just too stupid to notice
get a room you two
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What if she has a DFC toggle?
>I wouldnt be surprised if she's not even into anime culture too
Checking it looks like she reads manga and grew up watching anime. So it seems like she at least had one green flag
not a faggot like you, sorry
t r a n n y
>Checking it looks like she reads manga and grew up watching anime.
oh good, the... bare minimum
It's her, right? (I mean as if the rest of stuff didn't make it clear)
Yeah, same voice
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horny old man approves
How hard will they flop?
She forgot to mention her love for cuckshit and trannies.
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oh yeah, safe horny twitterfags are going to eat her up
she should take momo's spot and become an honorary member of endless, she doesnt deserve such shit genmates..
let [REDACTED] join the trashfyre girls
Thirsty Tonya
Tonya no, don't dissapoint me.
she's korean, she'll switch her whole personality for money and fame. Screencap this.
Why my dick hard
The runt will be a 2view or very close to that
Good, a crown worth the weight
Do you mean she will graduate soon? I hope that's the case.
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Juna is the only trustworthy Korean
I'm going to support Daisy. The bad ones can flop.
too much HRT
I predict that Daisy will have a small but very faithful and dedicated following. I hope the rest flop hard though.
based, come to me lala I need cunny to wash the tranny taste out of my mouth
I hope these new girls will lick my ears in a few months
It's going to be sad when the Brave advertising ends up getting them more viewers than good girls like Poko
Tonya please stop being gay and thirsty for one minute
you cant call the korean who literally had a 1on1 collab with her BF trustworthy..
Can someone give Lala a hint to unfollow the homos. I would like to give her a second chance.
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hey fuck you too buddy
I don't think they're putting ADs for them
just stop being mentally ill.
but at what cost? ads only attract the worst kind of cancer
>doesn't look bad in motion
>voice isn't bad either
My trust in the plan remains. Don't forget that Aviel said he wanted talents to cover different bases, and this is the first time I've seen a /fit/chuuba.
what went wrong
Not a fan of the visible molars but she sounds fun
I doubt it.
Ruby will maintain her monopoly on earlicking within Idol for the foreseeable future
brave literally learned their advertising from idol
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>Lisa loves Daisy to death
Lisa (who used to be gen3) talkin' about gen3
brave just bots them a lot of subs, all the voltail girls are sub 200 ccv a week after debuts.
its very obvious too when they got higher sub counts than a lot of phase girls but 1/10th the viewership
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Fuck it, I've been in whore mode for almost a year now, I'm going all in until the ship sinks!
Idol ran out of money too soon.
I love Wuby she's so lovely and cuddly and haggy. My perfect white mexican hag wife
shes going to be inserting her tranny politics into regular streams and pulling out parasocial fucks speeches whenever she gets the opportunity, you'll eat your words
i will never trust twitter following stats ever again, i just notice that its wrong.
She's a good girl.
It's never been easier to choose.
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looks like a man I don't like it
seems like daisy is the only worth following
not difficult to imagine
still dont get what this even entails
I still hope Cersea will pass too.
I want to breed her tight mexican pussy
>lisa being called senpai by Daisy
Hopefully Cersea is also good
yeah, Daisy deserves at least one good genmate
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lisa does have the oldest channel in idol, after all.
mexicans arent tight anon
well thats a green flag at least, ill give her the benefit of the doubt for a week and see how much she gobbles homo cock on stream before i decide to drop her
I want to see Lisa’s diapers.
>mexicans arent tight anon
Wuby is brother. She saved herself for me. She's such a cute little hag
it's so over, at least I hope she collabs with Jeff McBiceps for the memes
I am making so much money off of Daisycoin, I pity the shmucks that didn't buy in.
Can you loli fags fuck all the way off?
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Go back, tourist
shes the number one chuuba for people who want to protect and save a girl
I'm interested.
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Do it now.
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u know lisa looks like this irl right
can trannies fuck all the way off back to your safespace on twitter?
She deserves to be saved
but I want the girl to save me...
I can save her.
She's also the number one chuuba for those that want to save her from living in Canada
>invests entire fortune in daisycoin
>doesn't leave enough leftover to buy industrial grade sunglasses
>becomes incredibly rich, but face melts off during debut and dies
sorry anon you need to save her
can you save me too? im tired of these stinking fucking pajeets
Daisy has really cute hands.
Sorry anon, I'm a leaf too
I sold my house and got a loan to buy more daisycoin.
Prudent decision
I will impregnate that little Mexican slut (affectionate). I WILL make her cum and scream my name. I WILL FUCK HER WHILE SHE INSULTS ME IN MEXICAN!!!!!!!!
shes a very cute girl in general
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>member stream idea
>bringing talents onto my member stream
she griftin alright
She really doesn't have any idea of what she's doing
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>I'm a leprechaun, they all look the same to me
Why does that need to be members?
Kek, what a retard (KWAR)
she's sat there for a year and hasn't picked up on or been taught basic etiquette of not paywalling collabs?
Discordfags, any news on the pirate?
This is going to be a rough week. I wish she could debut sooner.
>poorniggers already crying
I hate her but only for this time i think shes being based
Not a year, brave replaced the original talents.
>poorfags mad
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enjoy your paywalled male date collabs
Since when Poko and Panko are friends?
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jesus. fucking. christ.
i have no words for this hire, she somehow manages to out-troon even rin which is incredible
this yena is perfect bait material :)
Of course it's a translighter who asked her that question.
Poko should have left with her model when she had the chance
Nepohire, there is no way
Fluffenfox took a break before her redebut and now after like 2 weeks she went on another break.
You guys know you can narc this shit to Brave's discord mods, right?
what rule does it break
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how did a boy reach 24k
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Wtf shes a pothead
Yena? More like Yeah, nah
thanks cersea
I can't wait for the Poko Yena collab
R18 talk, just say that you're a kid and she's being disgusting sex talker
>i don't talk about it much
>brings it up and replies in the first place
Anon, your tab reps
absolutely sickening
you do know that not all troons are male right quite a lot of them are women wanting to feel "unique"
Can we kill the yena and bring the blue loli back
I'm thinking Korean
she actually unironically might be the worst corpo vtuber hire in history, including all of nijiEN LMFAO
I need to fucking know who it was.
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enjoy the new koreans, morons.
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Roca and Coni will avoid this whore like the fucking plague.
What the fuck, she is trolling right?
Not even Aia was this bad
And she's known for having the worst pre debut people ever seen in a corpo
enya... perhaps I was right to shitpost you on debut
What about Rin makes her a woman then, has she ever made your dick hard
I'm sorry for ever doubting the girls that are leaving
if this is the case then yena has to expose the appaling work enviroment, that is unacceptable
i dont have a dick and never have
its legal in canada
>enya is the responsible for this abomination
what the actual fuck was Aviel thinking?
so how long until she has her first tranny meltie and ends up on every dramatuber's channel?
Daisy current most subbed rn let's fuckin go!!
I have decided to drop any girls who get close to this tranny loving grifter
he wasn't
One last prank before he left
>should I listen to my pre-existing distrust of Brave Group saying she received a vital piece of information that we currently don't know?
I think you were onto something, past me.
Look, I really didnt care about Yena, I thought she was just gonna be the buff girl that may not appeal to me but it clearly worked out for buffpup. but holy shit I didn't expect it to be this grim...
what the actual fuck
Idol. Hiring a tranny. Out of all fucking corpos.
Crashing the company with no survivors
Yeah, it's a pass
It's the oldest jew trick in the book. Kill the company after your departure so you end up looking like a hero that held everything together.
>Literally just Kronii
>down to being non binary
nb is not tranny
Idol passed my audition for a nonbinary
do i kill myself? im genuinely offended LMAO
Come back in two years.
alright voice and I normally hate the MORE MOVEMENT = BETTER RIGGING thing, but it works with the zany puppeteer gimmick. anyway, too bad about the homostars thing.
Every day you learn a lot about the jews.
You must be really bad then.
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Idol going woke would be the exact kind of thing that would make her, the prime lolicon gooner of Idol, want to leave. She has seen these people harassing her friends her whole life. She knows she can't coexist with them
Show pits
How far Idol has fallen...
if we had a legit Kronii tier talent on our hands I would go all in koreacoin
This bitch is nothing like her
show feet
For some strange reason she reminds me of Sayu with her voice.
Mexicans are very tight retard
nice headcanon but she's literally friends with trannies
already dreading the prospect of her interacting with my oshi
god please help me
Dated a Mexican. Shit was like a vice grip wanting to milk you for all your worth
you got yourselves a scuffed korean buffpup and you will like her/him
Kronii didn't talk about queer shit on her corpo account the first day after she was announced
if she didn't have the homostar debuff, I'd give her a shot
This tranny will be ghosted hard
erm its THEM!
this is nothing, imagine the meltdown when rin joins phase
Blue saw what her monstrosity of a genmate looked like and decided to bail out.
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Discord chuubas are so fucking shiet man
No one was buying to begin with.
Oh fuck, she really sounds like Sayu
I buy this rrat
Name a worse gen in any company. You can't
Rope now seething femanon
Of course they do lmao
I think Yena could've worked if Rin was staying in the corpo. Rin appeals to those kinds of people that would've received Yena well. That's the only reasoning I can see as to why they allowed this. Makes no sense now that the normie left audience is going to be mostly leaving with Rin.
Aviel was based all along
I bought it before she revealed she was a holostar fangirl
Sold it with a 80% loss
Can we ask Brave to graduate this entire generation before debut? We can just pretend it never happened and do a real EN3 next year
Who was responsible for hiring this gen?
It's worse than I thought, she is rotting the rest of the girls by association!
>enya joins idol to get away from trannies
>gets her friends in to trannify idol
Tomer AND Aviel. Tomer picked em, Aviel signed them on.
>First 24 hours after been given discord perms
couldve scouted essie, instead we got a tranny fellator.
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Don't forget that her fans could be in management right now
Aviel you fucking retard
Fire Yena you dumb retarded management
So which one is Hexa?
prove it
The devil himself
And in all his maliciousness, he let a little ray of sunshine there so he can still have hope for him to crush it later on
>Yena is Enya's nepohire
It hurts
What in the fuck is going on
Enya doomposters redeemed once again
>a holostar fangirl
If she is like Baelz I'm ok with it.
suicide yourself
in real life
Go back
this gen still isn’t as bad as Phase. Idol stays winning
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imagine a /wool/ gen: essie, ayu, meru, that one sheep girl gfe from nexas and eira
>>Yena is Enya's nepohire
even the names are a fucking anagram of each other jesus christ
That's the other girl
They will censor Koa's tummy...
Directing people in your discord to Idol management positions seems very yab worthy
Maybe she just wants to kill her with fire.
where do you think these "managers" come from?
if you didn't see this coming with the hire of enya then you haven't been paying attention, aviel went for enya btw, not the other way around.
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I already hate the retarded attention whore trannies, if I get the slightest hint of it getting worse then I'm just going to drop enya
It got posted on /#/ so get ready for the raid
From cunny to this, baka
it's debut period, raids go without saying
>get ready
It's dollar store Dr. Novae.
We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel and I'm dreading this new direction from idol
time to pander to the twitter crowd, what could go wrong
Fuck, didn't notice it
Enya... What the fuck are you doing
>new direction
The new direction is gonna be not having any new gens and have everyone else go on V4Mirai, these are the leftovers.
She looks interesting. Qrd on the Homostars thing?
The holostar clown is her oshi
this goes without saying since her design is a cheap copy of his
literally designed herself to be a female bettel
Nah, fuyo doesn't have a problem with the trans community (she's friend with at least one) there has to be more to it, like an open dislike or push against loli which would make her furious to imagine needing to coexist with
my rrat is idol hired yena before the brave acquisition to gain brownie points with the twittard crowd who was cancelling them for being israeli
Maybe /jidf/ should just cease to exist at this point, make a poko & koa general instead.
you're not talking about alice are you?
Just like with recent v4m gens it shows that brave have no clue what they're doing and no vision. They're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks. V4M should be sexo hags like Petalight and Idol should be cunny. It's not fucking complicated.
reps. immediately.
what's retarded about it? it's a perfectly valid question.
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I'm tired, boss. I'm tired.
I know not all trans people are against lolicon, but it's clear that the more activist and leftist they get the more anti cunny they are too. She already had a hard time getting along with Rin who is middle of the road on the extremism scale.
Just looked him up. Yeah that matches. Fml
Poma was a good hire tho
But, just like this gen, she's the only good one (not even Lyko is as bad as Yena)
rin is an autist, she's not easy to deal with.
okay I'm out
phase is unironically the only corpo I can trust now.
theyd never make such a shit hire like Yena
Yeah sakana was right about virtue signaling after all.
Poma is apparently a bad hire now for telling her fan base to chill after they talked (in the official discord) about how they would fuck Poma etc
no really, people actually think that she is bad because of it, real retards
>Idol hires Rin 2
>people who never watched Idol are SEETHING and saying the corp is dying
>Watches flay's connect
This cunt is so out of place, other idol girls have a clear no politics on their rules and this cunt is forcing her tranny agenda
I feel sorry for you bros how is this gen so far 2/4 maybe 1/4 that's crazy stay strong bros
The futa rp better be good.
Can we agree to take Yena out of the OP?
I understand why Fuyo is leaving idol now.
They have Hime, who had to basically change who she is to not be a 2 view. I still remember the Rowling rant.
these people have no other substance outside of their troon madness so its all they can talk about
yeah she hates them, dont mind the guy saying she doesnt, its all lies and shes not friends with one of them
I only care about Roca.
I'm really confused why coni isnt leaving now considering how open she is about hating troons
This but Poko
the thing is is that aviel made a bad hire, which he did before, but I would have at least trusted him to keep a lid on tranny pandering and talents saying shit this retarded, this fast. but now with brave running the show, we have unmitigated discord bullshit and management busy making talents have woman moments over hornyposting, while someone circlejerks with trannies about NTR and plans for paywalled collabs.
>who is rie
even rin has stayed pretty much uninvolved with this shit, besides her "btw I'm asexual thing" however many months into existing
>how open she is about hating troons
Maybe I should watch more Coni
A Poko is fine too.
she stuck around for the corpo stuff like merch and 3D
If Roca graduates I'll follow her out
The only one I'd miss is Poko and you guys
For me it's Roca, Poko, Ruby and Koa.
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same here
Even after that, they still made Rin plainly say 'I am fully female." on stream.
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because she can phone it in as coni and stream a horror kusoge for an hour 3 times a week and get shit like 3D out of it, while openly directing her paypigs to donate to menace. win-win.
>it's all enyas fault
fuckfuck I regret investing in Enya coin
yeah shes a shitter but her viewership reflects that
I may want to eat another man's cum out of juna's used up pussy but this tranny stuff is a little too far for me
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Kill the troon
We ignored Rin, we can ignore Yena. It's not like anyone here will actually like her.
It was always clear Enya was trouble. Raising money for trannies right after one killed a bunch of kids should have been a hint.
Yes, please.
Optimism trolling is worse than doomposting. The corp is dying for a long time, and this new gen is filling me with dread, not hope or excitement. Maybe it won't be so bad, maybe they will learn to keep their personal affairs and beliefs out of streams and company business, but they already failed predebut.
Well that explains… a lot
Fuck you, don’t talk shit about my wife. Faggot nigger. She makes my dick throb, yeah. But she makes my heart throb harder. You wouldn’t understand that though, since you’re a faggot.
I want to cum inside Rubys womb. I want to circle her cute Mexican clit and I pump my seed deep inside her hag vagina and she exclaims to god in ecstasy
I cant wait till someone shows how much Yena hates lolis
Aviel knew he was going to be selling the company so he hired a time bomb to kill the competition before starting his new project
icon biz.....
Yeah somehow even V4 didn't fuck up with their new gen so badly.
>never watched Idol
Bitch I was here when Fuyo still lived in a box.
>he hired a time bomb to kill the competition
you mean to kill the company? I don't see how this will hurt the competition, whoever that is.
I'd like to formally extend an apology to all Idol talents pre-EN3, even to those graduated and/or terminated for the shitposting and negativity I spread when it came to them vagueposting on their PLs. You were 100% right, at no point in time Idol management had their audience interests in mind, they were always rotten and it always deserved to be burnt down.
If they weren't grooming the talents, they were trying to scam us or trying to push this woke shit on us.
I was gullible and should have listened to the girls first (the good ones at least) (no Pochi, I won't watch your stream)
i warned you all
you are getting replaced with troons and twittards....
its been a good run jewbros
>troon is a nepo hire from the troon supporter
What a surprise!I totally didn't see that one coming
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yuppie, we don't have the worst gen in brave en anymore! Thanks, jewbros! Daisy looks better than all of Voltail combined tho.
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Yeah. It's not looking good.
stay mad mongoloid lol enjoy your cultural enrichment bahahhhaha idol is dead, shalom
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I should have known v4m had it out for jewbros
>associating with one of guardbro's cocksleeves
But I thought Enya was a good girl and only screamed trans rights 150% at the top of her lugs because of peer pressure!
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I still feel like a child watching those high pressure situation movies
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Everthing is gonna be ok Daisy is on your side
she doesnt associate with him
shes still a giga drama nigger though
Poor girl, being in this gen
I see no reason to trust Daisy.
>why would they hire
Same reason people hire (You) and me even though we call each other niggers and faggots online, she probably just made a good application and this stuff never came out during the formal application process, then after a while she starting letting it out when the job was secured. It’s pretty standard stuff really. And regardless of whether the other girls agree with it or not they aren’t stupid enough to basically commit career suicide nowadays over having a problem with it
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And I'm on Daisy's side, I don't want her to be alone against the world
bitch we found this all out in like 5 minutes
offkai reps
She seems good, 2/4
Not bad
nice hag
wonder how long she'll keep up that way of talking tho
Her content doesn't seem any better than your average wholesome vtuber
>nsfw : #cerseamen
Kek i hadn't checked what her tags were going to be before
>time to set SELL
Honestly seems fine though
I also have a thing for aussies accent, but their timezone is terrible...
Get in line anon. I'm going to cum all over Wuby. I'll mark her with my scent so she never forgets who owns her. Every night before bed I'll cum inside all of her holes and leave her delirious before laying my head on her chest and falling asleep as she licks my ears and whispers to me in Mexican
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I trust her and I trust the plan again
One girl per gen is all I need
This is the most acted out voice of them all, it's probably not what we will have on streams
hopefully yena will have a troon melty and get kicked out and we'll just be left with like 3 okayish girls
Optimistic scenario.
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Not my cup of tea but still miles better than the muscle queer mommy trash.
I see.
See you guys after debut.
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hag sex
Don't you fucking corrupt my hope, you non-existing being.
She sounds both british and aussie
nice cleavage though
never thought I'd wish for more big titted hags
please give me more big titted hags anything but this tranny shit
I have thought of it but normal jidf wouldn't survive
I appreciate debut arc tryhards, I hope she goes full speed ahead at least for the first two weeks.

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