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Previous Thread: >>87389073
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Sex with Koa!
yena is cool
Good OP
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I want to protect this smile
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Trust the plan
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uuuuuuuuuuuuu i miss yuyu
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Koa Love!
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Sweaty sex with Poko
Thanks bro
Cunny is now illegal in these parts.
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It's never been easier to choose.
2 of 4 isn't that bad
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True that.
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woah, what the fuck happened
post angry poko emote
I want to pollinate her
Everyday we stray further from god's light.
Can you fact check this bros?
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Isn't crazy that Koa has done zero lewd content while having a model like this
Daisy love!
>【 Yena Youngblood 】
>[YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/@YenaYoungblood / [Twitter] https://twitter.com/YenaYoungblood
remove this from the next op. we're not the official idol corp thread, we're /jidf/ and not a soul here likes this bitch
This a towa?
Riki actually sounds too much like Sayu that I'm starting to suspect that it's her
Maybe there is some justice in this world.
I like her
I think it's best to pretend this new gen only has 2 girls in it
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>I'm a whale
Good news
this but coni
get out tards
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Reminder that there's a catalog thread about the new gen so take any posts in this thread with a grain of salt.
There's still hope left.
Pretend the whole gen isn't happening. Also Put Ky0 in the op, things were better when she was around.
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>faceposting and participating in convention gangbangs with homos
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We're still a cunny corpo at heart
The blue loli would also be topping the rest if she weren't dead
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I want to fuck a sheep
Learn a lesson from your tranny friends and get a rope.
its ok no one will like her still when the catalog thread is long gone
Removing the IP counter was a terrible decision
I'm not pretending. I'm deathly serious. Having SZD is very useful for convenient disassociation. I just don't the fight the good delusions and the bad delusions melt away peacefully.
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Gin rap unlocked, that's nice.

>Roca - $65,223
>Poko - $62,884
>Coni - $52,965
>Momo - $48,617
>Pochi 2 - $41,779
>Yuko - $34,111
!>Rin 2 - $30,754
>Katta - $28,011
>Pochi - $27,557
>Juna - $25,195
>Fuyo - $24,815
>Kai - $22,754
>Rin - $22,125
>Riro - $15,515
>Tonya - $15,000
>Nikki - $9,200
and her ass is even fatter than those tits
Hopefully she's a fan of Ghost so she can disappear
ok maybe she isn't so bad
True, only trolls from the catalog would be annoyed at troon shit. This thread embraced it with Enya.
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watched some clips and the voice seems to be at least similar
>her most viewed clip is her talking with two guys
shiet, that's kinda cool I should've bought a coin or two when it was in the shitters. Is it still in the shitter? Anybody else buying pupeteercoins?
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oh so it confirms it
it's her
Wyldfire is literally E-sekai 2
>look at her last twitch stream
Another one of those types?
Nice voice but holy shit Apex and Overtrash... As if we didn't have enough Overtrash obsessed girls already.
>Mentions this as soon as her pl got out
Im feel so old. I remember when the snobby metal guys used say those bands were not real metal
there's literally no bigger red flag for a girl than liking metal
t. likes metal
Is it too late to invest in purplecoin?
like joker 2
It's ok she's already on dropped status but it's nice to know I can drop by to her karaokes for a good time, like Taiga.
I'm not getting fooled by Bettels cock sleeve
I want to eat her
fucks sake just give me some hag who only plays wow or some shit unironically
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ah yeah
Ads just started rolling, give it some time
that opinion is pretty polarizing
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to be fair, last time she played both was in may 2023
this is her last categories on twitch
just a smidge of interest in the clown, nothing serious.
fotm and horroslop is a bit better but not enough to get me to watch a bettel copycat
Ok that's way better, I'll take any fnaf brainrot and/or horror game spam (see Zeli) over shooterslop.
>looks like purple coni
>plays shitty horror games
>is a whore
carniebros we're eating good
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Poko: I DRAW My Viewers WAIFUS!
WildFyrecoins are venezuelan currency at this point. Bring a wheelbarrow and shovel in as much as you like.
Haha no more like filtering season. Don't like it? tough titties. Work a regular job that doesn't depend on fleecing of mentally ill degenerates.
would you look at the time!
Is there no Karaoke section on twitter?
I'll only listen to her covers desu
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Finally something good.
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There's the "music" category, but some people just use the "just chatting" for all non-game activities
Good girl.
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momo on stream!
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>bettel's copycat design was the good ending
God fucking dammit
Ok that's fucking hilarious lmfao
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and so purplecoin crashes again
me on the top right
Bros... I just invested in Purple coin... this can't be happening
Her ads began running first
Sell before it drops even more
jesus fuckin christ man, what the fuck
practically confirmed at this point lol
my condolences
Poko's animations are cute
holy shit retard read the thread
which one is the tranny
That's her oshi retard, not her bf
Man, what the fuck are those people in idol doing
They got a gem, an ok hire, and two complete disasters (Riki being a pipe bomb level, and Yena nuclear level)
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Anon needs a dump truck to buy bread.
Silence Vtweeter
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Yo check this out
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get out of /jidf/
That girl hasn't even graduated yet retards, that's not her
She will next month.
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Esto es el fin
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very sexy
Dumpsterfyre is the gift that keeps on giving
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Poko should have left when she had the chance
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Hell yeah!
I feel bad for Poko
I dont want the new girls talking to Lala
Doesn't rule her out. Taiga announced her PL's hiatus at the same time of her debut with a scheduled tweet for example
poko already knows that daisy is the only good girl from en3.
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You don't get it, the blue loli was the ENTIRE POINT of this gen
The others were there just a cover-up
But Brave had to FUCK UP everything
The pirate seems okay thus far other than being in AEST
>hinging an entire gen on ONE girl
already an awful idea. single points of failure are engineered out of practically everything for a reason
Yeah. I still have some hope for her.
I told you about Daisycoin bro
How to reroll a vtuber gen? These gacha pulls are ass
fuck off retard, you burn every company you make to the ground
I want to have sex with Cersea's voice.
You'll never cash out. Very poor ROI. Your jewness is lacking.
>I actually make myself extra thick
>Not because I need to compensate for anything
Oh stfu already Kai is still streaming
This gen will kill the company...
I need poko and kai futa art NOW
Finally Kai playing some good slop.
I don't see anything wrong with her.
Her voice is fine.
Sadly it will take a lot more to kill brave.
Holy fuck
There's no fucking way
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1/5 is worse than 1/4
Apprections anon!
I hope Ruby gets better soon.
I'm afraid isreal...
KEK mazel tov
These girls clearly don't fit in idol at all. There had to be better picks, this doesn't make any sense
Holy fuck, kill the person vetting applications
Tomer's dicking is what fixed the previous gens. Without it this is what you get
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Poko is drawing top tier cunny.
This is the worst thing that has ever happened to Jews in October.
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sometimes you gotta bring back the classics
This. Like what in the world actually happened? V4Mirai Gen 3 was golden, everyone loved them even if they had niche appeal and etc. How come idol Gen 3 and V4Mirai Gen 4 became mostly duds?
You didn't have to do her like that lmao
This gotta be the worst gen in the corpo vtuber sphere history ever.
You have to deliberately go out of your way to find so many red flags like this
re-doing it because some answers may have changed
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Meru deserved so much better than this.
Its funny how none of the gen 3 predictions were in gen 3 but also sad because i would've taken literally any of them over what we got.
to be fair they were hired a literal year ago before asmr became verboten
Yo fuck you diasy is great
>no chubby loli
>no loli in white tights
>no delicious chocololi
>no goth loli
we got fucked over big time
No way in hell idol wouldve been able to keep going if fucking hexa got in
/pcg/ says hi!
this shit is dire but I'll still unironically take it over koinu and hexa
I'm laughing at you, /jidf/.
You must have done something horrible to be cursed in this way. Did you spit on an old yiddish granny or something?
you can't even spell her name right
Damn is it that bad?
It's really bad.
Only good thing koinu got to her name is that one asmr she did which had earlicking in it, which she honestly didn't do that bad of a job
>and the last tsunX girl nobody else would take
Huh? Was it one of the people that Tsun was going to hire before PPP fucked up and bailed?
what goes around comes around :)
koinu's corpo has been identified.
They both unironically try to suck up to proctor and the other doxfags on TVA, so yes.
Why do fandits request nothing but lolis?
I'm just going to enjoy Yena and watch the thread burn every time she's brought up
Because they are based.
nothing ever happens
Men of culture
If only, there's way to many faggots requesting trash.
I was so angry i didnt even bother to check spelling
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Menheracoin rising, but Daisycoinchads keep winning
Just make Koa and Ruby EN3 instead
Blue was a chubby loli in white tights. Also she did ASMR. Rest in peace frozen angel
blue was going to be the first three all at once
No she was part of TsunQuest so a genmate of Miori Celesta and Yuuna
Yeah, Haewon is in Idol. The fit korean one.
Well.... I guess we have a lot more in common with /pcg/ now that we are a cuck corpo
If the loli angel stayed we could've gotten koa using a futa cock to corrupt her and making her a cumslut
I subscribed to all their channels for the debut reminder but I will unsub at least 3 of them once the debuts are done
I don't want my oshi to be in your shit branch
at least that fallout would be funnier than just grim and sad like this
damn what the, daisy really jumped
Why even bother watching the 3 debuts?
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Eating tacos while watching Poko. Life doesnt get much better than this bros.
Lala tweeted today about wanting to learn English and asked for an EN vtuber collab partner to do a stream with. She wants to be EN.
and Ember
i had dinner with my parents and got back home just in time for her to start streaming.
life is good
Hell yeah
wait so daisy is THAT tsunx?
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Why did he hire them
>Sore throat
The first victim of the hyena girlcock
Are we linking random ethots now?
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>big bouncy tits
>dark sclera toggle with heart pupils
sorry doombros but my trust in the plan will never wane
Tranny jannies stop deleting my posts they are on topic even if you don't like them
he unironically hated us
Her model is high level, have to admit
Wait there's only one left...
>Ria is in Niji EN
>Miori and Yuuna are indies
>Ember is in Phase
Meru streams about once a week, at best.
I unironically feel bad for you... Why they didn't go for Aruru or other of those small /uoh/tubers
Cersea's PL had some good art, damn
A shame women can't keep their mouths shut while working
I think the real winner here is blue angel for having the good sense to bail on TrashFyre.
As long as daisy does asmr then all is good
You keep sayung that's her PL but I see no evidence
Maybe Idol wasn't good enough for them.
because they attract manchildren
couldn't we have just hired some of the ex-Prism girls for gen 3?
Prism hadn't imploded by the time EN3 was locked in
I'm sure none of them were eager to join another failing company at the time.
meno would have been great...she's so cute.
I would take Shiki, Nia, Naki, Non or Kuo over any of the Wildfyre girls
hey look on the bright side, at least we’re not phasecucks
Receipts doko?
... That's what I thought
of course not, you're idolcucks lmao
You'd be dumb to take Non over Meru for Idol. For Phase, sure, but not for Idol. Shiki and Nia are Niji coded, Naki could pass in Idol but she is more of a holo girl.
Same voice
I miss Kou all things considered...
99.99% of female chuubas are like them and all the ones that kept it quiet have been hired, this will become more and more common in every corpo and the ones that kept quiet will slowly join them
What is this word salad?
I'd argue all of them could slot well into any of the corpos.
lots of esls here
Why doesn’t Idol make the girls go through serious hazing like Phase does? I feel like all this woke troon shit and homo talk would have been stamped out if they did
I'll give her a chance
but my disappointment is immeasurable
maybe they're secretly lolicons
Idol doesn't have a Dizzy to carry it.
I now understand why the girls were all excited after meeting ES but were all "oh they're cool I guess" after meeting EN3
It's a shame we don't get mangas like this anymore, nowday the unique ones that can have lolis are female MC.
Hello I would just like to remind you that not only do female hyenas have a penis, but during copulation male hyenas insert their penises in it, and then the baby hyenas come out of it, which results in it being completely destroyed.
You haven't watched a single second of Non if you think she can slot in any corpo, go back
Pretty much
I guess the lack of umprompted "UOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH Sob" tweets was a sign
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Kanna love
Yeah, about that one... you will not like the ending if they decide to be faithful with the manga
what the fuck happened Aviel? the only good trait you had was your great eye for scouting girls, you sucked at tard wrangling them, but great eye nonetheless...until now
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This Shiki?
I want to watch cozy VR streams with Daisy.
No, thanks.
this shit is for coping closet fags
Only spotted hyenas have a pseudo-penises
and they only can have sex when the pseudo-penis is retracted, because it basically becomes a vagina. Their first baby will always be a stillborn because he can't pass through the pseudo-penis fast enough and endup dying (the pseudo-penis then gets stretched after the first baby and they won't die because of it)
I know I do
sounding is hot
Look on the bright side, Daisycoin rising is probably going to serve as a reminder to what fans want.
Don't know what the fuck is going on with Brave though, hopefully this doesn't become a reoccurring trend.
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You forgot to mention anyone that dare to do it get his manga axed if he refuses to make the protagonist to end with a hag
the hypothetical woman in the picture is a straight woman of her species in love with a male of her species
Yena is a deranged pansexual pronoun troon. they are two seperate things
If that's the only thing you can dig in 4 years it's not that bad desu.
eating borgar here while watching Poko
life is gud
disgusting but still better than the hyena or puppet
It's not actually sounding, their pseudo-penis shuts when erected because it's a mechanism of self-defense against rape and what basically makes spotted hyena's society matriarchal
The dominant/alpha female hyena never has her penis erected, while the more submissive will have them erected
Kek, how about destroying her own company because she wanted to have males in it? Sounds like a good fit for Idol?
I don't know dude she sounds like a confused lesbian who got memed by the current society into adopting their words to me.
That is literally infinitely better than 3 of the girls in this gen. I would take her in a heartbeat over this shit.
There was no way she wouldn't be cunny. The instant she could get a new model she made it a kid, and all her other models even got smaller. I'm pretty sure her model was non-negotiable.
Bets on donothon numbers for the new gen?
we know she's not a lesbian though
10k because there are retards out there
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>Daisy gave Poko a lot of food IRL
On the discord Yena already confirmed the futa allegations
Architectbros status?
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It is not too late for a blue, angel loli.
Just give Koa a cute angel outfit, as a manifestation of all that headpat energy.
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it was Yena, not Daisy
Oh no..
Koa doesn't deserve this gen.
By food she meant cum
And where is the evidence?
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She's friends with Tsunderia's prime architecture project, who is also friends with Tsunderia's prime feeder. It was only inevitable. If only Yuuna and Daisy can give Lisa and Tonya some more fucking food
we don't need evidence in this thread
cute, but no trust.
are you having fun menace?
Mommyfags are so fucking hilarious
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Neither Roca, my poor cute demon girls...
Still here phasepag?
Tailjobs my beloved
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Eternals doesn't deserve what idol became, considering they joined idol when both gens and even riro were somewhat stable, this is not the corpo they decided to join.
>by the time I'm 3 years old I'm dead
The clock is ticking for Poko
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That's kinda sad.
They decided to stay even after all.
Shitposting aside man Yena is even worse than I expected
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The pseudopenis is just a side effect of their high testosterone levels. The antirape thing is disproven, rape doesnt happen becuase a female would rip their ear off if they're not submissive
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they're eternals for a reason
Because you don't know fucking atrocious spic indie hell is for traditional style vtubers
Nikki is my wife, and Daisy is our daughter.
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why did poko stay though?
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Today i ate

Spaghetti w sliced sausage
half of water bottle
good girl
no one cares faggot, go eat a dick
they had no other choice, the only one that did left lmao
Yeah, mine.
fat fuck
I hope Roca streams over the new whores debuts like she did with Enya
Could it be that she likes the corp, her friends, the Brave package and wants to enjoy her kouhais?
Nah I'm sure someone hypnotized her or something Idol is BAD AND SUCKS AND IS DYING AND EVERYONE SHOULD LEAVE IT after all
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All of them need to go in the wood chipper, starting off with that groomerfag who is in charge.
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When does Momo come back
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hmm yes, i see.
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I'm thinking I like children.
Stop eating bottles.
go blog about your boring life to reddit or some shit like that
I hate to tell you anon but she's pretty fucking dead
Can someone explode them plz and thank you
soon, she already made her new twitter
She was going to come back in august BUT the new valorant season started and you know how's the grind.
fat fuck
75k subs rule. Anyone above should not stay. Anyone below it is better to stay.
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She won btw
Fat fuck (affectionate)
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>poko looking at porn on stream
>that face
she knows exactly what she's doing
Poko gets cartel beheadings in her image searches...
Cute friend
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So is Daisy certified safe?
Roxy best wife
Then coni should leave
cheesy dicks....
>No views
Thanks for posting it here Daisy.
Daisy is precious!
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I just copypasted it from the dicksword ping before watching it
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daisy a cute! CUTE!
Poko gay...
Thanks Daisy!
Yes, she's menhera.
Ads? Voltail's were a bit more expensive.
He never fucked the other cunnies?
>voices revealed
>models used
>fan interaction ongoing
Why even bother doing a debut after this? You're already active vtubers
go back to hololive
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My clown coin doin a lil somethin' somethin'
She's pretty safe. Recovering menhera with cripplingly low self esteem and brainworms and is Canadian, but safe.
What time Daisy pl used to stream?
This is a small corp that just lost an entire gen because of menhera, we can't afford to do everything like Hololive
idk, i just hope she doesn't overlap pogo
I know a lot small corpos do this but that doesn't make it any less of a mistake
The whole point of the debut is to debut your character to the world but that's already done for Wildfyre, might as well boot up a gaming stream right now
Literally carrying this gen.
I like her
The ones I caught up after she revived were morning for Americans. Somewhere around Fuyo timeslot.
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>Riki is a rigger
>She's a puppeteer
Probably around 12PM/3PM PST/EST. She generally doesn't stream evenings.
my Daisycoins... it's so over...
But I like Yena...
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