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The 267th Wind

>CURRENT STREAM:【HALF-LIFE 2】Time to avenge balltomo and save the world


YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous thread: >>87336034
>no flare pictures saved
some hololive "fan" you are.
>Waiting for the last confirmation before uploading
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What's that?
C-Cecilia isn’t, right?
The last thing a piggy sees before they get turned into bacon
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You turn pigs into bacon with a gun?
Isn’t evil? Yes
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me handling my doll
> There is more turrets here
Oh no
He said it's the last thing they see, not that they get turned into bacon with it.
You are going to break her..
She’s gonna be forced to leave all of them behind…
It actually pains me how she pays zero attention to what's happening around her as she plays with turrets. Wow.
so many turrets the combine literally aren't trying...
>tower defense game with one tower type
How far into the game is she?
we have ALL of our answers now... she'd try to take even balltomo...
She's at Nova Prospekt
like 75%
I can't leave without my buddy Superfly
she's so cute bros
CC didn't exist for a wekk.
There will be no stream for a week.
How will you handle no CC stream for week?
She misses balltomo so much
there's a long linear sequence with lots of urban fighting that leads to the Citadel sections which is arguably the best section of the game
start a rebellion
how do we get cc to play daikatana
Probably watch one of her myriad of wives
I'm about to spend a year without CC streams
>CC Plays: Half Life 2
>Greatest cinema of 2024
>getting stuck made her miss dog riding the car
It’s keeps on happening I don’t know how she does it
Catch up on sleep.
CC would be so funny in vr
I need her to play Gorn
I'm almost sure she watched a playthrough or something. The perfectly timed Balltomo burial, the exact timing of her RP apology to Dog. It's fitting too well to be accidental.
She gave "John" to the wrong guy
I don't think so, she looked surprised when she saw that the tunnel caved in
she probably looked up how long she could keep the ball before spending the time on modding it to balltomo
>perfectly timed Balltomo burial
Holy retard.
you can tell she's trying really hard to not say Jamal
>killing the black guy
>“Accidentally” kills the black one
She said she though ball will dei much much sooner.
Did you have a stroke?
then loads the game just in case
This doll is too erotic
>offering watermelon to the black one
>watermelon in front of a black NPC in HL2
An ancient meme springs to memory
>get black guy into your squad
>offer/tell/do anything to black guy
>peak comedy
I can't find that meme on Google, would any of you happen to have it
I feel like she wants the game to end
Same, tbqh.
In fairness this chapter is usually the point where I lose interest in the game as well
>radiation killing water parkour with zombies
I can see why...
I'm stuff...
Hi I'm crowbar. Crowbar Breakstuffs!
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This shit is so ass...
oh she finally remembered the crossbow
yeah, I mean, it's fun game but some parts of it are a bit too long.
Retard take: Water Hazard and Highway 17 are the worst parts of HL2
Truth: Anticitizen One is
it depends on if you hate shitty prolonged vehicle sections or the squad management mechanic more
they're all pretty bad, honestly.
Never understood the hate for Highway 17 desu
But what is the BEST hl2 level?
Hard mode: not ravenholm
Tuesday bros!
I liked the highway 17 and nova prospekt
fuck hardmode, that's literally the only correct answer
the whole nova prospekt section is pretty cool too though
Fuck Canada, I don't know anyone from Canada.
Man CC really is perfect in every single way.
I’ve been sayin’. Even her faults just add to the whole
Moxie > Dr Pepper > Coca Cola
>why is it called Dr. Pepper if there isn't pepper in it?
Chris Chan:
>why is it called pepper spray if there isn't pepper in it?
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Good night.
Moxie ?
Guys I think CC might be cute
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>raid into she-WHORE-i
>stream 24 hours from now
I like how she mentioned how confusing the situation with timezones and different days is and she sent us to raid a stream that begins in 24 hours and 30 minutes from now lmao
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lol, that's fine CC
shiori's sweater puppies...
Lomf her
>Streaming a shitty game in Wawa timeslot

Why CC is like this, otomos?
Proof this is Kiara's timeslot and not something she shifted to after CC showing everyone that a European audience actually exists?
She is a member of the old guard and she is a real german, of course she deserves the timeslot more.
I know that she's had a pretty difficult schedule over the past few weeks, but has CC commented on the crank video situation? If I remember correctly, she said it would be up like 3-4 weeks ago.
Why do you come in here just to shitpost?
No, but she’s clearly trying to do too much for her current bandwidth. Not like I wouldn’t be a crank if there wasn’t anything extra.
Totally agree with your whole post, but I'm not going to lie, I really liked her ASMR and I was looking forward for her next silly upload.
>real german
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This was a cute group like three office ladies that have been there for years and the new girl that just got hired
gn! \o
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don't care. the real gripe is
>not streaming the better source game released on that day, vampire the masquerade fucking bloodlines
why she needs a swimsuit? its not like she has anything under there
It looks cuter than wearing nothing
Did Cecilia see Trader Jen yesterday?
Yes, she like the flower in her hair iirc
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It's part of a set of food items that are commonly associated with racist depictions of black people. Fried chicken, grape drink, watermelon.

I've given up on trying to figure out why Americans do things, must be something in the water.
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I can't sleep...
is she joining them?
today is for sleep
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I dont want her to join 7d2d cause she needs some rest but I also wanna hear her voice before going to sleep...
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I can just knock you off with a shovel to help you sleep if you want
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drop down the shovel otomo...
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it's otomover...
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what the CC doing?
prolly doing her baby missions... without joining vc... cute autist...
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>their levels
I think CC would rather play it slowly, learn things one by one, build a base and stuff... but then everybody else is just speedrunning quests, getting skills and looting whatever they can.
Honestly I also prefer slow gameplay over just rushing head first into whatever I don't fully understand.
cc bike delivery
They're calling it "Natural Gaming"

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