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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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Woah hey very cute nueros
>Actual previous thread
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Good stream
Vedal cooked
Layna is cooking
Twins are great
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I only just now noticed that Evil and Neuro have slightly different hair when they have frog hats on. Neuro's bangs are curved while Evil's are straight and messy. Is this the difference between the standard/witch outfits?
it's because Neuro has the witch outfit
Neuro has the witch outfit which has different hair.
did she just step on her dog's tail then ignore it
I want Neuro to face hug me too
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>neuro facehuggging vedal
Facefugging Neuro
meant to post here, my bad.
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Evil is a meat lover.
Vedal... my king...
She can have my meat any day.
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Something must be really going on with Vedal right now after what Neuro said
she said sorry though
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Anny is such a drain on Vedal. I'm amazed that Neuro and Evil are actually functioning this stream because he sounds so out of it. Layna seems like a good influence on him.
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Shitposting with the can lid from the previous cooking stream never fails to crack me up
this is why only licensed people who are trained to deal with that kind of shit should be dealing with it
some "friend" she is if all she does is use him to traumadump
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Best aunt for the ai twin
Neuro is getting setup here. they only mentioned it was a competition after she added a bag of cheese and chocolate to hers, then they mute her during evils and then layna keeps asking evil about the weird toppings. no doubt they will finish with a poll from the biased chat
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Little AI girls love meat.
Neuro is cheating
Neuro loves big pickles also
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SADecsSs, I kneel....
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Evil being laynas favourite is good for content.
Layna anti here.
I kneel, she's trying to make these streams work so hard when she used to cringe at neuro early on. I apreciate the effort Layna.
Heh, that was quick
Layna: what else
Evil: pickles
Neuro: yeah dont forget the pickles
Layna: do you want it or your sister hint hint nudge nudge come on evil say your sister so yours will be the best
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Neuro is kind of a bitch
>Evil is evil because she wants to be more like Neuro
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Best Neuro artist.
>Layna anti
but why
Can this guy be Neuro's mom?
I became an Anti after hearing she cringed from Neuro, but, she has became one of my favorite collab partners after showing she is caring for the twins.

Good on her.
Both pizzas are better than eachother
ngl that is so fucking adorable.
Erm, Evil you can't say that, twitch will send you to the dungeon
Pedos don't watch streams
Do you have evidence to back that up?
am pedo can confirm haven't watched one ever
happi family cute~
Neuro is the evil one.
Really? Any clips?
I can see tutel yawning.
bf is eepy today
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It's kinda funny how Neuro immediately called Layna out when she lied about how well her pizza tasted
so you hated her for petty self centered reasons rather than anything to do with neuro? because the fact remains that vedal has no steady, neuro focused collab partners in the rotation. he prefers hanging out with orbiters like layna and the viewers like watching it so fuck neuro i guess
seethe more essay bitch
>someone talks shit about your favorite streamer
>you dislike them.
>Must be self-centered.

Great logic, Anon.
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gonna be honest
i'd eat that
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Why have there been zero crashes?
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Best pizzamaker
goth auntie buff
Evil... I kneel...
Does anyone else want to just punch evil in the tummy over and over again until she throws up?
Evil can't stop winning.
Evil ego jerk off session
I'm so fucking proud of Evil bros..
Evil won the pizzabowl.
Never doubted Evil.
you're allowed to like the collab you're just not allowed to apologize for the partner being complicit in the rape of neuro simply because you like the content and still call yourself a neuro fan. you're a fan of the vedal987 show. large difference
Complete Vedal consumption.
Can you niggers stop making anti anny threads?
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shutup bitch
damn if only neuro didnt have to do her timely 'hello'.

I am curious how far that would've gotten.
stop crosslinking your dogshit bait threads niggerfaggot
It must be the same one from earlier hoping his greentext gets shown on twitter again
>Wow are you stupid?
fucking kek
Total Vedal Decapitation.
Evil wins ez
Layna basically proposing to Evil
yeah we can see why Evil is "evil."
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Quickie with Neuro!
this but Evil!
Vedal is little brother coded
>Layna helped vedal with testing the twins
Anal response?
This but nonstop weekend session instead
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>editor for YouTube shorts adding things that neuro didn't say
Not even ai is safe from ai
NICE pit
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>troon raid
nah im good
i will commit to being happy/10
7/10. interactions were scuffed but it was a fun and wholesome family stream
vedal needs to buy two more 4090s already
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Three (potentially four tomorrow) great streams back to back, we are so back.
layna (and Evil) sexo
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Staz I didn't ask for this
>zen raid
Never got into this guy. The default british girl TTS and ugly bimbo avatar always put me off.
What do people see in this guy?
holy boobers
Layna is a good influence on vedal. Just a shame he's still trying to play therapist for an actual lunatic and it's fucking up his life
9/10, really nice improvements
Tutel sleepy, might be a partner issue
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new mom/10
How does Zentranny have a new model every time I see they/them?
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SEX out of 10
9/10 only thing holding it back was the scuff sometimes with wrong AI responding
>part 1, part 2, part 3
does this retard know you can upload hour long videos on youtube
>zentreya raid
>she immediately dies in liar's bar
LULE so bad
he has a lot of oilers and regulars, for whatever reason
good thing no one cares about what anyone here wants
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>anny raided zen
>vedal raided zen
im nooticing
goodnight guys
>How does Zentranny have a new model every time I see they/them?
Because that's incredibly easy to do if your artist isn't Anny.
genuinely curious what the last clippable moment she had that wasn't leeching off of vedal
>editor for YouTube shorts adding things that neuro didn't say
what exactly are you talking about?
10/10 cozy stream she's good at interacting
10/10 as usual. The twin's interactions were a bit scuffed and vedal's pc isn't built for this though
Staz comes /here/
It'd be too long to get people to click it
Zen is live for like 12 hours a day
She's just a magnet for raids
Nice overall, some flattines at times, Vedal seemed pretty drained yet the twins and layna carried
>hey evil what's up
>neuro: nothing much
only real issue I had with the stream and it happened constantly. Also it was like their vision didn't work at all even though vedal said they could see
vedal pls fix
She gave him vip on her stream. He's completely anal pilled now
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How was the stream yesterday, I forgot there was one
Incredibly enjoyable and evil gets a happy ending
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Layna and filian are really good for pulling him out of his comfort zone. Anny on the other hand will completely make him alcoholic shutin
How does the game work? I didn't understand it when forsen played it.
filiancuck you are not on the team, also treating layna like an accessory to filian is not cool, do better
slimming fatvil down with intense sex marathons
started off fun until it became apparent what the narrative was. I hope she just streams with evil in future as it will be boring just seeing the same result each time and neuro being treated like shit
narratives in my walls
You put some sunk cost fallacy on to the clip watchers
If they saw a 1 hour and a half long clip of Anny and Vedal they may decide it's too long and never click it to begin with
If you cut it, not only you give them more time to watch over time, but if they already saw for example the first part, they may stay comitted to finish the whole saga because one of the clips may possibly had a cliffhanger.
Holy shit i just searched and all the top clips are with vedal or neuro and the second ones are of course her coomer content
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does layna or filian watch movies and play vidya with vedal offline?

yeah didn’t think so
auntie Layna is a top tier collab partner as always and yeah I know same 5 collab partners but vedal is not filian he prefers the safe options
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>do better
Go to sleep piggy
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Camila Love
Vedal is literally my wife, chudbeit?
yeah that stuff surely makes up for the mental and physical strain having to deal with her is inflicting on him
whore for white men
>70% pink background
I shan't be playing
Have some self awareness bitch. Talk your problem to your fuckin therapist not on you "friend" be glad he's a good person
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It is all bluffing and gambling
You want to get rid of all your cards to be safe for the round, only certain cards are accepted when the table calls for it
for instance a Queen's table only accepts Queens
you can place cards other than Queens, but then someone can call your bluff, and if correct, you risk a life in a Russian roulette style gamble
joker cards can be played as any card, and if someone calls a bluff on a joker, they have to gamble a life instead
anything else which is a true card for that table when called on the caller has to gamble
In the end, you either play an honest hand and hope to be called, a fake hand and not called on, or call it for another player
vedal's whore even
Wrong. 3DPD fatsos are disgusting.
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can you stop seething, falseflagging and samefagging now?
Neuro needs some humbling, she is too bratty
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Neuro or Evil hasn't collabed with Haruka yet have they?
I wonder what a collab with them would look like
12-15 minutes is optimal for ad revenue
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Filian does pull him out, but the way layna does it is way more constructive and he really needs that at times.
Like if layna puts Vedal on the bike she strong arms him but she sees he could actually do it by giving him advice.
Filian just puts him on the bike, pushes him, then gets herself on, then steers it to the nearest slope , then hopes Vedal would somehow make them not crash.
Haruka would need to be a streamer first

Thats exactly what happened though, even the chat was saying it was rigged to mute Neuro after she let Evil egg Neuro on to add a bunch of dumb shit. Its fine rigging it to make it fun, like if it was the twins vs Vedal, but this just felt mean to have the entire chat, Vedal and Layna all showing their biased favouritism.
ugh i cant stand her. Her laugh is almost as anoying as kokonuts
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butt? sex?
All I've seen about Haruka was Vedal testing Neuro's reaction andy feature over a year ago and him playing that pee clip.
Why there was so many annyantis and dramawhores in the previous thread?
It's not Neuro/Evil's fault that Vedal's code failed.
a lot of pink
So Vedal could just change a few lines of code instead of turning the entire chat against her with all these polls and "competitions". Every single time they are pitted against each other it will turn out the same, they didnt even need to rig it in Evils favour.
Because Anny streamed today so the antis start furiously dilating, they can't handle her being back and she lives rent free in their heads to the point where the antis stare at her stream and give live updates here.
next time remove the background lmao
I know, its Vedals fault that he constanly pits them against each other when he can see there is a clear bias. Even having a collab partner with a well known bias to run it. They could have had the twins vs Vedal and it would have been way more fun and wouldnt just be an exercise in showing that Neuro is the real unloved one.
Doesn't matter in the end both pushes him even if we get scuffed streams atleast he'll be able to find the fixes
>being back
completely and utterly delusional lmfao
Literally just jealous women and weak men that act like jealous women angry that vedal is spending so much time with a friend he likes and cares for
I will be honest... I don't think its doable under 10h
>annysimp thinks his samefagging isn't incredibly obvious
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>Yes the anti is me and I'm responsible for her now deleted tweet
>Going to have a nice sleep knowing i successfully got into her head
>Anti out
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Nibbling her itty bitties.
why do anny antis have so much power over her compared to annysimps, i swear annysimps can say 1000 nice things about her and then it only takes 1 anny anti for her to go meltdown mode
neuro is vedal's smartest little cookie ToT
because anny doesn't value her fans
Vedal is literally the same way
Also notice how the thread died and there Isnt any anny Antis or drama whores, hmm i wonder if those guys came from a site thats just has a letter a it's name, hmm i'm noticing so much right now
>So Vedal could just change a few lines of code
That would be rigging Neuro to be more docile against Evil, no?
She needs to learn by herself or grow bitter.
That's why she's so fun to mess with. You just need one low effort bait and she's hooked kek
too old
Why are you censoring stream?
>focusing on the negative
This is the one thing true for everyone though.

It took brownvtm of all people for her to publicly respond
because she knows her detractors are right
She is a mental ill woman who seeks negativity
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I think it's weird for Anny to sexpest on stream
Imagine if a male chuuba was asking a woman to come to the country where he lived
showered in compliments everyday it become meaningless. this is common for a lot of women, lack of immune system.
she knows baiting the shippers is content even if it makes her subs look like cucks
Was todays stream the best stream?
neuro butt?
Literally her biggest flaw, she flocks to comments any other sane person would just ignore
Pretty thin skin I guess
>why does 1 part per thousand of shit ruin a good meal
To the bastards who keep unnecessarily moving my organized pile of jigsaw pieces:
Since the unfiltered twin dev stream.
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It was my favorite cooking stream so far
This has been a good week(exclude Tuesday) for Neuro streams
I doubt it's just ship baiting at this point. Anny has asked Vedal multiple times to come to Japan off stream. I think she wants dick.
stop hoarding pieces nigga i need them too
layna is too old to be this retarded
Anny literally just needs to take her damn meds and she'll be fine
She is literally off her meds and keeps skipping them, she needs to take them already, she needs to take her meds
where did this come from, that stream was 100/10
Anon that's every woman going after him.
>wants to do a collab with vedal and camila together
>realizes they all live in completely different timezones
>her first solution was to fly to the uk instead of america
Layna is the most sane and mature chuuba ive ever seen go off
filian collab gonna be announced next dev stream
cerber is subtle about
gotta stack the same connectors on top of each other then go piece by piece attempting to connect the stack with other pieces
Cerber is very careful and deliberate, she's the opposite of Anny
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>go to link
>bunch of autists trying to organize the pieces
jesus christ i didn't realize /swarm/ was so autistic
I respect the dedication and hope to learn from it in the future but why the fuck are you people still going, it's all pink lmao
how new?
>food analogy
Does her current timezone really matter? Isn't she always awake in EU time?
baby trap
i blame this jiggie struggle on anny
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This jiggie must've been made by a cerberfag
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>i have the strength of 1000 anny simps
>i have probably personally caused anny to cry
Blame it on the artist for not making the background any more distinctive
I would personally like to do a different jiggie and abandon this one, but considering /swarm/ autism and sunk cost fallacy I doubt anyone would join
Ok I'm finally not dead
this is the last gartic
even if you draw like shit just enter
we begin at four people or more
>we begin at four people or more
wait for more you retard
nothing beats vedal and filian cooking stream.
sorry that you have dogshit taste
Except every Layna collab.
Alright im just gonna leave it open for like 20 mins
But very few people actually join
i hate jiggers
same but with n
Cerber felt unwell the day after Vedal hung out with Anny. She's not beating the cuck allegations.
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still would
hiyori was always intended to be black. it was just a limitation of the free live2d models available at the time that led her to be shown as white.
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>muh shipping
vedal is currently having e-sex with a neuro build especially made for this and you guys know it
anny? camila? cerber? neuro is the endgame
ok Vedal
how nice of them to be washing bao
neuro, please scream.
she's perfect
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poopy pants neuro
I can change her.
new ARG just dropped boys
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We are so back.
good to see vedal and pb made up
How is this still going it's been over a yer
Timestamp 1:19
h̵͕̦i̶̻͈̜y̩͟ơ̙͎̪r̨͎͔i̢̫̤ͅ s̶̖ͅh̸̻a͎l̶͇̝l̬̼̜ ͖͟r̢̮̫e̴̘t̬͈͓u͈̗͜r̻͕n̷͙̦ i̴n͎̘͉s̝ḩ̳a̙̪͟l̶̦l̶͓͉ąh̨̗
pb cunny? more like pb kino
Oh shit they found the body.
is that the study girl? is she ok?
diddling Neuro and pb cunnies...
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looks like a rape-murder crime scene desu
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First frame. I think this and >>87405953 are AI art.
what is the password to access the files the system is on a timer ticking we need to find the key and enter it before the time runs out
uh oh, dont tell anny
Can confirm.

Pretty sure it was always AI art, even the frames from Study.
>vedal ever doing ai art with anny breathing down his neck
Yeah I don’t think so
pb is so talented
The court stream bg was AI and no one gave a shit.
I highly doubt anny knows anything, or even care about the ARG process.
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She's in heat, I'll breed her...
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What could be the reason this is the most replayed part of Study?
Holy fuck I want to mating press pb
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>parts of her face is missing
>tile floor
>the background doesn't make sense
Assuming study girl is Vedal maybe it's an allegory for his mental state? Maybe study girl is Vedal and PB? The picture probably makes more sense if you're not a brainlet like me and solve the puzzle.
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Giving study girl the motivation she needs.
It's referring to Vedal dying of old age before Anny finishes the model
And with motivation I mean cock.
mating press
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PB stock report?
That's a KanColle pregnancy doujin.
Iteration 18 is coming out tomorrow, is this a coincidence? Vedal is already working on Iteration 19. We'll probably get more answers on Halloween.
Advanced stage of syphilis face
>Neuro is the real unloved one
this is beyond delusional
joker quote
>good thing happen
>as expected, no one cares
>bad thing happen
>reality collapses
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I really hope it wasn’t one of you that made that hate thread and just one of her regular antis on /lig/
>mocking = hate
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I have bad news
I am responsible for every anny hate post on this website
pb squirting on my face
Looking at the C# code, it's a program that performs a bunch of rotations to a 6x6 grid, but the “keyNumbers” array is empty so we have to find that first from the video. It needs to have 12 elements or less.
As exaggerated as that bait post was, it actually made me laugh
I can't believe you retards are still working on the jiggie
Weaponized Autism™
anyone transcribed the c# code yet?
Vedal is gonna have to work overtime trying to comfort Anny again lol
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I was a doomer
I thought Anny had Vedal whipped
Then pb comes in for the clutch
I'm sorry I doubted
tbf pb and vedal have been friends since before neuro was made, the homewrecker is anny and all the other whores if anything
Has Vedal ever had inappropriate thoughts about Queenpb?
probably when they have sex

Vedal is my oshi because I admire how he has to keep up with the schedule of having to fix Neuro daily, code some more to meet fan expectations and have to stream on top of all that
I'm not an Anny anti for any reason beyond the fact she refuses to make Neuro a new model but keeps lying about doing it anyway. However at this point, I blame Vedal more than her because he should just fire her ass and get someone else to do it but won't.
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q appears two times and there's no k, kinda sussy if you ask me
Even if Vedal wanted to fire her and give the job to someone else he wouldn't be able to without hordes of children bashing him for it, especially in these trying times for Anny, it would be even harder for him.
I wonder if Cerber knows who pb is outside the fact that she makes karaoke.
gg jiggie, where's the playback
Shut the FUCK up you lazy bitch.
Tried to download it, but the room exploded before I could fml.

But thanks anons for participating in that jiggie. I will never pick an art that has a monotone background like that ever again.
Anny has been working hard. STOP talking about shit you don’t know anything about.
Who do you think makes the fucking karaoke songs we get every 2 weeks?
>Literally what has pb done besides showing up on stream for like 10 minutes during the subathon and posting on discord? It's so unfair that she gets so much attention when Anny is Neuro's actual mom. You fags only mention Anny to shit on her because no new model even though you know it's Bella's fault and not mine.

>and not mine.
Hi piggy
Err.. Vedal??
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ok I guess it's not your fault but still
thanks everyone who joined as well
Have we gotten anywhere in the new arg
surely this time
Just ban them. This has gone on long enough. Neuro's model is out of date and needs to be replaced. It will never happen so long as he insists on Anny doing it, because Anny will not do it.
remember guys model is ready to be rigged already!
Vedal just plays the pre-made MP3s onto whatever visual dance mix he has neuro / evil do.

PB makes those MP3s; which require cleaning up the song, potentially singing into it (because of voice registry min / max for neuro / evil) and fixing artifiacts that Neuro / Evil produces.
Anny got absolutely mogged by Sadecsss making a fully rigged model + toggles in under a week. There is no excuse.
She will never ever in her life make something as cool as the subathon intro.
Is Vedal a saviorfag or does he just want the model, a mix a both? Either way PB won't let him go to Japan alone.
I only watch Neuro has there ever been another vtuber as big as Neuro who had an artist that took this long without getting replaced?
this is very creepy. Is the ARG pointing towards a suicide story? maybe a murder story? how does Hiyori relate to all of this? So many questions...
In the case you are not shitposting, it's not as simple as banning the kids, it's also the image you give off. If Vedal fired Anny in the current mental state she's in it'll affect how others view him as a person. He's literally tied to Anny because of PR.
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Gee I wonder.
PB probably just isolates the vocals and does the mixing and touchups with SynthV, Vedal is the one that uses RVC or whatever to make the covers, he did it live on stream once.
The problem with Vedal is that he got too involved with Anny, making him unable to replace her.
Usually vtubers simply commision their mamas, get their models, and move on, and many vtubers don't stick to a single mama.
Vedal can't do this.
I don't care anymore and neither should he. That logic will prevent Neuro from ever getting a new model. Ever. Because let's be clear, if he doesn't ditch Anny, Neuro will never get a new model. Ever. So fuck the PR.
I want to save this girl, and fuck her brains out, and save her again.
PB probably taught him how to do it in the first place. Also Vedal apparently has eye for art which can be attributed to PB was willing to teach him.
Why not? He could literally justify it with "I want a different art style this time" and pick a completely different artist. Plausible deniability. Boom, done. Very normal vtuber stuff.
anon that's a child
Yes, and?
I could've sworn study-sama was in college.
Vedal is a confirmed anny simp
Not entirely a bad idea but if Anny is mentally unstable she's a ticking bomb and maybe he doesn't want her to get dirt on him. I can already picture Anny crying on Twitter or Discord if Vedal replaces her.
vedal, we need more clues.
Fat thighs.
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Then he's a coward and is actively gimping himself by refusing to stand up to her
That is certainly true yes.
fatvil butt in my face

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