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>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaai
X: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4M
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.png
Want to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png

VODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODs
LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2
Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive


>Previous thread
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My wives!

and cerber
What killed the hype?
Just looked it up, she did renai circulation early on, but not mousou express
stone age era model
Man will never be woman
Anny: Why do people keep shipping us

Also Anny: We should call it Anny x Vedal sweat
Swarm: why do people keep posting about Anny?
Also Swarm: *seethes about Anny*
No one would seethe if she delivered the models though.
Seething is for the weak, learn to be more zen
glad that the twins get to stream with their mom today
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Today's stream is going to be pretty scuffed
Neuro + Evil latency + New Zealand delay + no clear plan on what to do
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Racing is starting in about half an hour. Neuro is still in the first place for now. And as long as she keeps being ahead of /jidf/'s Poko and /lia/'s Liacon in the next races, she will keep that position. Go cheer up on her!
Can’t he just use a server closer to NZ
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Evil love!
Today's stream is going to be the best neuro stream ever
Twins + Vedal + Layna (Best Collab Partner) + Unplanned Chaos
That may help, but I dont know how much. In the end, some ping between UK and NZ is unavoidable
You are doing the meme wrong, these posts aren't directly contradictory.
>Seething about my comment
Case in point
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How would Vedal increase the popularity of the Neuro sama channel on Youtube?
No karaoke + vedal simping for anny = vedal and pb are fighting :O
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Anny is LIVE
By uploading clips more often.

racing is liv
Shorts terribly convert to actual viewers, he should do more clips instead. Views might be lower but it translates better to new viewers.
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chat is this real
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Let's go!
>pb got mad vedal spent more time with anny than her yesterday
Middle of the month? She made rent 2 weeks ago.
Do we actually know how often vedal hangs out with pb?
on a VC channel when asked "aren't you friends with vedal?"

without missing a beat "no, i don't really know him"
havent those two participated in game jams together since they were 14?
nice lie, so they are really dating huh?
this btw. he should just have let his current shorts editor regularly upload his clips in some form of official clips channel
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I'm excited for Layna to cook edible food instead of slop
They live together
anny is cute irl confirmed
probably, pb was sick around the same time vedal sounded sick
Really? That deceitful woman. She's whoring her man for money. The puppet master behind the scenes.
How do we tell him?
Vedal and Anny are flirting again…
Why is Vedal planning collabs without a plan? I thought that retard didn't want to collab without a plan, wasn't that the entire reason why he rejected five million collabs?
>vedal in anny's chat again
Just fuck already. Have sex. Fill her womb with cum. Have children. Get married.
Isn’t Vedal dropping off the kid then dipping?
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He doesn't have a plan because he is a lazy menhera. He rejected the collabs because he is a lazy menhera. That's why is is simping for anny so they can be menhera and ruin their lives together.
pb needs to have a serious conversation with vedal about his savior fagging
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When was the last time he actually put any effort into stream? Court stream?
Vedal must be even more passive than I thought, or the gayest man alive, if he has not tried to get some pb cun
Vedal does actually put a lot of effort into streams like the plane stream. That effort just doesn't always translate 1:1 into content.
Lazy tutel needs some correction
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>40 kg.
didn't pb wake up vedal at one point during the subathon
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Stealing vedal’s joke
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seeing this after seeing that anny pic.. pb won
No one woke him up when Evil was muted for 2 hours.
It's all so tiresome.
why is nico there
I mean she IS crediting him and thanking him for the idea. Still, though, her content is just
>what if I was le lewd with a pool
nobody cares about evil though
Going to need pb hand pics to compare with cerber’s
PB = Cerver theory?
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>eats greggs with your oshi's dad
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guys, let's be real.

Vedal hasn't been in a Cerber stream in ages.
Vedal has been in Anny's streams multiple times now (heck, even Mini's)

Cerdal shippers, I regret to say, it's over...
pb status?
oiler faggot
anny is falling back into the vedalbowl. let's hope she gets the model completed before vedal ditches her again.
>Vedal hasn't been in a Cerber stream in ages
Except he has, unless you consider days ages.
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nur ( | )
Good girls get daddy kisses on their cunnies~
>She's below average as a slav
She looks like she has downs
Based i would do the same
>over 5 years ago
Tiny sensitive Neuro kitty
Thick manly anon fingers
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true she's probably even bigger now
Praying for his downfall
Diabetes is not manly, anon
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Which one of you made this thread
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So true.
what do you expect for someone that can only do react and coomer content
anny asking vedal if he likes hags
He was grooming her for twitchcon and left after cum dumping her
it was alex's idea
Is she getting insecure of layna kek
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>filian belongs to vedal
what did pb mean by this bros?
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really nice private e sex joke
ponder the aroma
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Someone should post Filian's perfect ass.
Cerber the cuck
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Wet Eliv tum
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(Tried editing to add a fluffy scarf but it looked bad sadly)
is this real ?
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All hope isn't lost
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>anny not seething at a shipping video for once
The timeline is healing…
Are... Are we finally in stage 5? After 2 years?
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Relax the money hasn't reached her account yet
I hope Cerber likes being in the cuck chair
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>she's not his responsibility
anny having a breakdown
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Just meditated and manifested extreme misfortune onto anny. Her aura is very weak, expect the effects soon
what's her problem now?
not now, whore
fuck tts
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if vedal agreed to join the call, this wouldn’t have happened
Tutel HATE
There's something so comfy about seeing Anny have mental breakdowns
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faggots like you make me hope that hell exists
for me, it's pb
Anny will never fuck you
this is why vedal won't change artists
>Hell exists
>Anny goes to hell for gluttony, sloth, and envy
this is why vedal should change artists
You're on par with the retardest of niggers if everything's about sex to you
She will never fuck you, please get over it
this is why vedal artists
what about lust?
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I Want to fuck Anny so badly, why don"t she release NTR video with black people instead of fucking around
Fucking subhuman troglodytes in this thread, i hope you lose everything you care about which i imagine isn't a long list. So fucking glad Vedal is never getting rid of Anny so you fucks keep seething and dilating over her.
Cerber... please win...
pb gets me so bricked up just thinking about her fr fr
Anny just makes me want to vomit when I imagine what that nasty ass smells like
It should be noted down in medical history that someone like you managed to muster enough brain activity together to form that sentence
baseg if i may
she is completely irrelevant to neuro and vedal
I actually kind of feel bad for annysimp. Imagine hitching your cart to anny, very grim times ahead for him.
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>does nothing
>gets posted on /swarm/
What's with Anny going on about having the "worst 6 months of her life"?
Is it actually somethingTHAT bad or is she just having a woman moment?
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I hope she sees this bro
poking the nurbuds
If you're honest, you do you
but if it's sarcasm, go fellate a broom handle
>gets posted on /swarm/
You had one job, retard.
This should explain everything you need to know
Even if you dislike someone it takes whole different level of mental retardation to think that seeing someone struggle with depression is funny
>"worse 6 months of her life"
I will translate
>got a noise complaint 1 time
>Upset that people see her as a twitch whore just because she makes cock sucking noises to strangers for money
>Couldnt find anyone to whore herself out to for 6 whole months
>Had to go to a dentist in japan, which was very difficult for her despite living in the country for over 5 years
holy based
what is the anny dokibird sketch?
she would be a good research candidate
tourist here. the bella-anny stuff looks like a gurame type of feud

does streaming without fail always break these types of relationships?
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post nurs
why are you so rilled up defending her she doesn't even know or care about you
The moment vedal's cums inside anny all of her problems will go away
sunk cost fallacy. Imagine his card statement.
vedal has not said a single word in chat for the past hour
I do not need permission nor validation to tell retards to fuck off
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hiyori shall return inshallah
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Camila Love
Technically true, as she will just start blaming vedal for all her problems.
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She looks like a 12 year old boy lol, still cute I guess, it's kinda hard to not be attractive as a woman just don't be morbidly obese
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why don't Vedal hires people to help him, if he thinks is so stressful to manage Neuro?
If he hates being on stream, why doesn't he find people who would love to hang out with Neuro 24/7 and hand her over to them?
Apparently he does have multiple teams working on multiple different things for neuro (game-wise, voice-wise, etc)
oh shit, didn't know that.
Neuro is expensive
He won't let other people touch Neuro's code.
This fertility god will pump out limitless children for Vedal
Toma released a new song yesterday using the ugly model
Camimi cute
And he never should
Seeing woman suffer just makes me hard I guess, I don't even have mommy issues I just really enjoy it
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Bros my power was out for three days, what did I miss
I appreciate the pivot from coomer > cute. It's a shame she has such bad taste
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VGTC update: Neuro is still barely in the first place, despite getting fucked over by pit stops in both races today (but Lia and Poko also both got fucked over by those which is what allowed Neuro to stay top 1). 4 more races remain!
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Yay! Let's go Neuro!
These damn youngsters stealing everything even power
Anny and Vedal drinking together on her channel
Also this:
I don't know how it works but let's go!
>Anny and Vedal drinking together on her channel
oh no
It was cute and kino. Camila joined near the end as well
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How do we preventing Neuro from declining like Shylily or Nyanners.
Yeah it's over. /swarm/ is grieving (other than annysimp)
Get new artists, never stop improving Neuro, always try new things, never get too complacent.
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The Swarm must be purged
In nyanners case just keep a consistent schedule, I dont know what shylily mistakes were
wasn't anny supposed to stream everyday for her october thing what happened anny bros
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I remember when those two were literally the top indies on twitch. What happened that made them now have less than half of the ccv anny regularly gets?
1. being boring
2. not collabing enough with Ved.
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Oh my god!
I just had a brilliant idea!
Neuro Sama banana Rum!! or Neuro Sama wine!
someone should contact a small beverage making company and try to convince them to sponsor Vedal with a Neuro sama Drink.
that shit would SELL!

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