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Previous Thread: >>87398792
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Sex with Koa!
Poko is only a year old and she's already too old for Fandits...
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Sweaty sex with Poko
Looking forward to watching Nikki's 3D
Poko has 3 (three) kouhai gens she's basically a hag now
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Puffy Panko
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Koa Love!
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>You guys are calling me a hag?
>Maybe I'll get some tits
Daisy love.
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it's not fair
daisy sex
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I want to protect this smile
i want to motorboat daisy's budding JC breasts!
i want to raspberry daisy's soft exposed tummy!
those are more than budding they're proper oppai loli milkers
I hope her back is strong enough to carry this entire shit gen she's stuck in
my brother in christ, they're absolutely tiny. no milk in there
Reminder that she absolutely can toggle the jacket off
What if. Listen listen, what if honey came out of them instead of milk.
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The thread is moving too fast, can't keep up
There there, just a few weeks more.
Our last ray of hope.
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'tis time after all
things should go back to normal in a few weeks
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tiny boobs don't do this
good idea but we're probably looking at hemp milk
>perky boobs
like i said, no milk. go for roca's saggers if you want some milk
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DFC toggle for yellow lion please
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I think it's time to clean your glasses.
>deliberately crop out her head to make her torso and breasts appear larger than they actually are
deceitful piece of shit
Listening to the maid but not chatting cause I'm not a whore
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I wanna motorboat a little girl I wanna motorboat a little girl I wanna motorboat a little girl bpogbporgupgrbplorgbpugrbglkrgbrrplgbpurgbplrgbpurbplgrobrgubrgbplrgbprgbplrgbpurgbogrbprgperoperoperoperoperoperopero
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good post
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what should be done with this creature
her old model was ambiguous about the booba size too because of the cardigan
But she drew herself flat didn't she?
She just wants you to make love to your little sister.
I want to make love to the little sister
But I already do.
wuby gorilla
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her chibis are flat because they're chibis, her non-chibis usually look a bit more like this
she deleted this one because she got embarrassed but i saved it because it was in my yt notifications >:3c
>600+ viewers
holy shit how'd that happen?
All that matters is that Poko cute.
post full
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filename reps full is worse tho. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/114174016
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Wuby live
So only the Daisy and the Pirate are safe?
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The oppai loli is real.
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pirate is unconfirmed but likely unsafe
Budding breasts...
I want her vagina on my face
not safe, but not a complete disaster like the other two
>oppai loli anon asks for his chuuba half as often as anyone else
>still gets it
it's not fair bros
Oppais grandes...
>planning content for the month
If what I'm watching right now is an indication of those plans, I need to catch more streams
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Oppai this oppai that. I don't care, I like what I see.
Puppeteer is a rigger and a metal vocalist. I don't give a shit if she has a man if the streams are good. She's the safest for me. Daisynigs will be quiet once she starts streaming once every 2 months.
Shit my tabs, oops
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very nice
>Daisynigs will be quiet once she starts streaming once every 2 months.
Ha ha... that's our Menheru...
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very cute gif though
my doom is gone for now thanks to Poko
thank you Poko
kiki cute
Meica Minecraft stream
I'd agree with you if the example that was posted wasn't during ASMR with prompts to call the listener a good boy and shit, that's a red flag level of retardation/cuckery well beyond the norm
I agree
She still has that one mindbroken cuck that makes super high effort edits though.
This is my mindset. I'm wary but willing to give her a chance.
Different cases, Pirate's being much worse.
The thing is doing it in an ASMR stream
shit was really weird
I don't know why she even mentioned it, is it really that hard to keep your personal life aside from your work?
>Mythos raid
huh that's a rare one to see
Blue loli met her genmates and dipped as soon as the acquisition happened and she had a way out
Is it the one that was in cyberlive? Also don't those usually stream on twitch
Indies are always retarded like that.
idk, it was Poseidon and Poko asked the same about Twitch but she said she's been double streaming.
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Ok, I watched it again just to have more context
She was doing some random triggers, calling people naughty, singing some lullabies, etc
then, out of nowhere, she goes, "You know what's funny? My partner and I have this thing..."
There is not proof that the pirate is her
are you deaf
Castration carnie here? Poko is castrating people for free
I'd imagine all the carnies are getting kissed over and over by a maid right now.
Are you retard? that doesn't prove anything
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>Being ok with bf
Is that the state that we're in now? How absolutely low this place has fallen. Keep giving the girls condom money if that's your fetish I guess.
>giving any woman money
we're supposed to donate? i thought that was for cucks
Who's talking about money?
Time is far more valuable than money. You can't get that back.
Clicks are free
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look at these jugs
these cans
these knockers
these gazongas
these milkers
these jubblies
these honkers
these melons
these pillows
these udders
these funbags
these bazookas
these swingers
these hooters
these globes
these shoulder boulders
these bags of sand
these subcutaneous fat filled baby buffets attached to a girl small enough to struggle giving you a breast feeding handjob because she can't reach your dick
and tell me they're just "budding"
alright, i'll admit defeat.
she's got some nice bazongas for a little girl
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i think she just has fat armpits
those will produce excellent milk for our future child
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I never miss
how's that copium treating you?
She has that titty floss.
There's something there anon, and its not pits.
The most important question is
how many toggles does she have
>Is that the state that we're in now?
she better have a flat toggle
The heart eyes toggle is doing things to me
i'm saying there's a whole new area of her slightly chubby small childish frame that still needs to be heavily sexualized
imagine the armpit spreading art ToT
your oshi has a boyfriend too
I can ignore her tits thanks to the frills. What's most important anyway is that her face is cute.
the jacket will definitely be able to come off, but I'm hoping/praying the sundress thing does too
His a shitter from /uoh/, he doesn't even have an oshi.
you're gonna have a dead toggle if you don't shut your fucking mouth
kill me faggot, i'm gonna beg for one everyday
Why does she want me to have sex with Lisa?
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I'll just fuck those too
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That's hot as fuck. I'm glad we have a young looking girl with fat tiddies finally.
WHO'S my little stardust? WHO'S my little stardust?~
Daisy bros what happened?
Not me, my oshi is maidcat
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>getting forcefully sodomized
>pampered afterward
i miss her
kyO isn't the same
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Tonya live, talking about being excited of her new kouhais (will play HSR later)
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I miss her too
those days were peak Idol. I'll treasure those memories
>The hag is the runt
I'm weakening
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Never thought I'd look back fondly on sodomy.
Wonder if daisy will finally make me forget her...
smile through the pain
>Ky0 isn't the same
Yep. A vtuber is both the model and person behind it. Take away one part and it's incomplete.
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we never knew how good we had it
Hope she ignore Yena
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even mitty isn't the same
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Those were the days.
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Tomorrow a whole bag sliced bread, will expire
any ideas on what i should do with them?
All i have is a block of cheese and mortadella, no toasters
I've read online that air fryers also work but i dont trust it
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great times... i'll treasure them for many years to come
when they interact I will cope that she is obliged to do so as a fellow korean (also cos tonya is just a nice girl in general)
you can toast bread in a regular oven, just keep an eye on it so it doesn't get burnt
freeze/dry to use for breadcrumbs in meatloaf or japanese fried stuff
distribute to local vermin (squirrels, etc.)
This. Slap some butter in a pan and toast it the old fashioned way.
Pretty sure I can't chug her cunny juice to give me energy
if it isn't moldy just keep eating it, bread is usually good for a few days after expiry if you store it right
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Roca never got better art than this.
Stardusts have been shitting up this thread ever since that whore left. Kill yourself.
Do a bunch of sandwiches and and sánd your whole day tomorrow giving them for free to homeless and poor people
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if you had eggs, you could make french toast. if you have chicken, you could make bread crumbs out of them and make breaded chicken. you could also use butter, sugar, and cinnamon to make cinnamon toast in the broiler!
>white monster
yeah, my white monster cock
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got olive oil? make croutons. drizzle some oil on them, sprinkle some salt, pepper, & spices on them, toss them in the oven, keep an eye on them until they're crispy, & they should hold much longer and still be tasty.
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you can eat shit and die with your fanbase war faggotry
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It makes me happy that people liked my edits enough to use them. Even this old one is still remembered.
Nah, there's definitely been some very choice art that can contend.
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for me it's pic related
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Why is Tonya playing at x1 speed?
she's a woman plz ahndastando
cersea sounds like rin without the autism
the retards threadshitting with her pretty much fucked off, it's just the one fluffenfaggot doing that at this point
forgive pochi
i really need to sort out my idol corp folder, its a mess
sup Pochi
it saves a lot of time for finding and posting images, i'd recommend it
>lazy + entitled
>no respect for fans
>unremorseful + bad behavior continues
application denied
oh, Poko's streamelements shows donations now?
found him
Official art? Maybe not. But that one where she's in a tshirt and laying on the bed is great.
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Trust the plan
What plan
after wildfyre, momo is the only thing that can save idol
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the plan for momo to return as a loli catgirl and appear even younger than before!
this but with poko
I don't think so.
I think Momo will be [redacted] for longer than she has been Momo
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I remembered something
Cntrl+F Mugi
muh fucking dick
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>constantly keep seeing jidf thread shitting on koinu for being dramanigger/doxfag
>koinu known everywhere else as absolute sex
>join tva server on an alt to see if koinu really is apart of the community
>last message was last month and all she does is complain about sad vtuber drama and give advice

Koinu shitter, what's so bad about the dog just being a woman and wanting to complain and whine to people? Better than her doing it on stream or turning menhera and spamming her Twitter.
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meltie incoming
It's nice to see she's gonna get herself fired eventually.
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>the plan for momo to return
Zero trust
go back
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Most of the people saying [insert corpo] would never accept her because [insert association with other vtuber/site], not knowing she's already admitted to being accepted to V4Mirai and Vreverie. She's stated too that she's wanted to apply to Idol and Phase and had a nepo-in, but was told by a friend who applied they won't accept tan designs.
So basically we're getting la creatividad (forma de futanari) and I'm supposed to be mad at that?
go back
>won't accept tan designs
vtuber ceos are all psychopaths. no exception. don't believe me? papaholo insisted that everyone in a myholo gen have their name start with M.
Please get yourself fired Please get yourself fired Please get yourself fired Please get yourself fired Please get yourself fired Please get yourself fired Please get yourself fired Please get yourself fired Please get yourself fired
Of course a tranny like you wouldn't be mad.
This sounds extremely retarded, please kill yourself
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>they won't accept tan designs.
Hey management, you better muzzle this stupid bitch harder than that. You mother fuckers are letting this bitch fuck up the entire debut. Aside from the insane lack of competency and professionalism on display here, it also is alienating the core audience that makes up the bulk of business revenue. How anyone could see this and not immediately silence her until debut is appalling. Worse yet is flagrant disregard of authority and painting management as the "bad guy". She's obviously emotionally immature and unstable with these passive aggressive remarks disclosing private disciplinary actions. What an absolute shit show.
>she's already admitted to being accepted to V4Mirai and Vreverie
she fucking hates vtubers
i'm not joking. the chuubas themselves said papaholo told them to name themselves that way. Marica Bellerose, Manaka Umio, and Miori Celesta. dude was a psycho.
I see, we're at the point where anyone who isn't extremely furious at her existence is a tranny.
Only about half, 41% maybe
so did she actually ever do any interesting content, or is she just an idea guy preaching down to corpos about how they need to innovate vtubing by mostly doing facecams?
It's probably true. There's no way in actual hell a decent brown chuuba hasn't applied and been a good fit for Idol, especially with the ES gen.

Sakana is openly admitted racist, why do you think he'll never let Nyaru, Sena or Nyana in? Too brown. Aviel doesn't run Idol anymore and Brave has 2 whole browns, so maybe things will change.
okay so I get she's a whore but..
ill even take cuck ASMR at this point I just want more
Kiki the bun raided Pogo the cun
>Rin is going away
>Juna is gone
now you have a new subject to direct your hate towards enjoy
>poko tried to give Kiki a wrench
>ended up wrenching a random champyon instead
it's over it's fucking over
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Juna sex
Poko gave mod to the wrong user kek
now just like on /vt/, her honor will be autistically defended 24/7
she's a massive drama shitter outside of TVA anon, she can't help herself but get involved in shit
you literally are one though
kek this girl is BEYOND fucking groomed, even met up with 0view shitters at twitchcon
Kiki is cute.
>kiki getting mod status from a jewcorp talent
what a time to be alive
Kiki's been around long enough and waded through enough bullshit to earn being able to interact with small collab girls.
just fyi /pyon/ is raiding us, hi champ janny
i should stop smoking so much reefer
Nobody knows because nobody here looks like they ever watched her but if she sticks to the things she says according to those screenshots that are being spammed everywhere I don't think it will be that bad, and we finally have competent management so they'll stop her from going too far and doing facecams and that kind of shit. I fully expect /fit/ bodycam streams though.
Poko is calling out fat fucks again...
>bike theft
calling out niggers too
>momo in absolute disbelief that anyone would stream more than 3 hours in a month
KEK Momo got btfo
Holy mother of KEK Poko lmao
Momo is a living meme at this point. Like a mascot.
Living is being generous, she doesn't even have her model anymore.
Momo is like a fucking ghost now
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No, a mascot would at least get merch and stuff
why did you steal honse's memorial
it's over Poko hates LoL
>no league
>no valorant
Momo trying to corrupt Pogo into League and Valorant...
>what happened with Valorant??
I'm dying here
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this might be the most kino idol stream this year so far, holy shit
I'm sorry to say this Momobros, but she's too far gone.
it's over, she already corrupted wiildfyre...
Tan designs always flop, I'm a sucker for brown lolis like Jahy but I know that it's a niche taste the bulk of viewers will simply ignore just by seeing the skin color, it's been proven every single time its been tried.
Not even Holo ID would where 99% of the population is dark skinned and all girls there most likely are would like to oshi a brown skinned model.
I missed Poko's yessirs so much
Poko is just a delight to listen to. So many cute girl sounds and poko-isms.
They exist?
Poko's cute sounds give me the strength to live
he misspelled shitters
Proof or any public instances? I’ve never seen the girl start or be directly involved in any drama except for when some twitchwhore got mad she said retard.
I'm not sure, it's been a while since I've last seen the final dumdum
No, it's just this shitter >>75745021
grim, this is the kind of person that's absolutely going to try and influence the others around them
>oshis kson
Poko is parasocial for her fandits...
Yeah for me especifically.
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Since when is this child awake and why
I want Tonya to get to Penacony already
Is Daisy that Haewon? If so, is this a good or bad thing? If not, who is she?
Huuh wrong Brave Branch? I kinda get it tho, putting together the Tsunderia Puzzle nowadays is kinda hard.
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>touching the poo
You can get in the wood chipper with the rest of those doxxers and groomers too.
Yes actually all ex-Tsuns share a conscience
Not even that hard when they give it to you when you ask
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Haewon is the Korean ghost slut from V4Mirai anon...Daisy is a Cantonese-eigo hag from Tsunderia.
See how easy they shove that spoon
Lala has a vampire sleep schedule
Why is it always the same people who are getting accepted into corpos? Also, wasn't Haewon anti loli?
Alias' sweaty pits...
>Poko grew giant tits
bros... it's over...
You're asking the wrong guy because I know little about her. All I know is that I pin to fuck that Korean down and fuck her tits
>Pogo with tits
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i'm not supposed to like deep pogo...
Tonya's relics still lvl 0...
holy based
so poko admitted to rubbing her pussy to fans right
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Daisy is.. Miori? Wtf...
like 6 months ago or so she was showing private DMs she had with some sexpest that was trying to get into her pants on some drama male's channel, outing him publicly
I knew she couldn't resist after seeing me at the meet and greet
what did she say?
Any female vtuber who has their DMs open is a pointless whore tbf
Sorry you had to find out this way bro...
>raided lyko
I miss Poko.
Lyko might be an evil woman but her model is hot
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i love poko
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made Stocking a jpg because she's so fat
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>subs from ads tourists
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If it honestly wasnt for the fact that this was Momo, I would assume that this is just some random fan.
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Goodnight jewbros. Hope you have sweet dreams of your oshi.
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ni ni
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nini jewbro
sleep tight!
hope you had a nice weekend!
Ni ni get good rest

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