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Girls on Twitch Edition

>◆Nexas Links
Official Website: https://nexas.live/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_live
Official Streaming App Getting Shilled: https://anilive.app/
Official Streaming App Twitter: https://twitter.com/AniLive_app
CEO Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
Full Talent List: https://rentry.org/nexasdex
>◆Teamup schedule

>◆Who is on the telly?

Previous thread: >>87326142
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The /JUMP!/ Anchor

Post streams, tweets, updates and discussions about AniLive Jumpstart Program chuubas. Anons can post other non-NEXAS AniLivers here, too.

Jumpkids Schedule Link

Jumpstart Chuubas

Jumpstart Program — 2-month anniversary, updates, and more!

Dottie, Sebastian, and Asura fanart
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Sex with Moka.
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Post streams. Watch streams. Discuss streams.
Check https://rentry.org/brgdex and any new restreamer that might show up.
Kyohei minecraft
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Reply to this post with schedule updates/corrections (please provide links/screenshots if possible) or add it to the "unconfirmed" calendar yourself, I'll color it when I see it. Do your part for your oshi!
DISCLAIMER: TeamupAnon is not responsible for scheduling issues including but not limited to your oshi not streaming at times on their own schedule, rescheduling last minute or not specifying the timezone correctly. Check the tribute's X (formerly known as Twitter) for most accurate info.
why is he streaming with a png
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Fennpals' Information Office reports its latest news: Nowi's favorite game of all time is Skyrim
>"Nowi has the Skyrim 'tism! Nowi played it so much she left her Xbox on for six days straight until it overheated and died... but I really love Skyrim!".
Charmorg is live, doing worse than Tekkers
same reason Nox did, potato pc
A random thought just came to mind... do you guys think your oshi goes through your Twitter profile whenever you interact with them or am I being retarded?
1views tend to do that
>lil bro's oshis don't follow him on twitter
rumao, even
Momoko : https://www.twitch.tv/puffiewaffles
Wawoi sched
Acci sched
Nobody follows me on twitter :(
Except for a random spaniard that likes all my posts, I would die for him even though I know nothing of him
Silas Alien Isolation
Probably happens, if they know for sure it's you from their chat
Osian's added, checked everything that was entered, big thanks!
God I hate animated schedules. Added.

Cool schedule wawoi, but not having times makes it kinda... eeeeh...
Jade sched
Momoko is studying for neuroscience
Mocha stop reposting this autistic homoverse shit please. At least pick something that's actually good to do this shit with
I'm an old lady that doesn't know much new slang outside of 4chan jargon such as 'FPBP,' 'roll for dubs,' and of course, 'Milhouse isn't a meme.' Will you all help me learn the zoomer brainrot terms like 'skibidi' when I debut with AniLive's Jumpstart program? In exchange, I will talk about MS-DOS games and how we used to have to use, golly, had to be at least 4 whole CD-ROMs to install The Sims: Superstars, back in the day.
Prove you used MS-DOS, right fucking now.
Ayo no cap granny we gotchu frfr you'll be straight bussin
Based Oregon Trail enjoyer
PLEASE be GGFE (Granny Girl Friend Experience)
Well, golly, not sure how to do that, but I'll try my best. On Windows 95, I had to open a DOS shell to run games like Lemmings off my floppy disks. I learned to type on an IBM Model-M back in the day, and although I've tried quite a good number of mechanical keyboards, none of them really compare to those good ol' gray and beige IBM keyboards. Those things were so sturdy, you could build a bomb shelter out of them, I swear. All these electronics were so beige and tan, it was so boring, so we customized things like our wallpapers, Windows Media Player using skins, heck, we even had animated cursors that could be enabled without any special programs! You could even set your cursor to have a trailing animation after it, and it was lots of fun just to move your cursors around and around in circles, watching what were essentially particle effects spawn off the arrows. There used to be a screensaver of a 3D maze with brick walls, and you could set the walls to be psychedelic textured instead. Of course, who could forget the classic -- winged toasters? Flying toasters. We sure came up with some crazy stuff back in the day.
Dottie and Mellina are both live.
Well, now, that sounds alright with me! I haven't ridden the bus in a long time, but heck, seniors ride free in my area, so I might be able to start riding for free soon enough. That would be real 'kino.' I hope I'm using that word right!
Sonny, the Oregon Trail was based on a road trip me and the girls took after we finished junior college.
Well, heck, I'm a girl, I'm old enough to be a granny, and I'm excited to make some friends! Now, whether that'll make for an exciting experience or not, only time will tell. I'm not a granny because I never married, so I never ended up having kids. Guess my tombstone'll have to read 'KHHV RETURN UNOPENED' -- only 'real ones' will get the joke!
I mostly spend my time on the other boards: /x/ is where I got my start, because a friend of mine was interested in some really whackadoo theories. I ended up spending a good amount of time on /ck/ to learn more about different types of cooking. I like /an/ for the animal pics, when you need a little bit of a palate cleanser -- oops, pun not intended! I've been on this site for over a decade now, and I've got to say, I like that everyone here is a lot more honest than they are on the other sites where everyone is always uptight and stuffy.
While yes, its developmental psych which is not as high level as neuroscience might suggest

tfw born too early to appreciate zoomer humor and born too late to be nostalgic for boomercore tech
Also do you really want to appeal to the tiktok kiddies? They don't really have particularly deep pockets compared to actual developed human beings.
It's less about trying to appeal to the boomers and more about being able to outright understand what the heck they're talking about in chat and in collaborations! I don't really get what the deal is with the Ohio meme. At first I thought it was about how the state name sounds like a word in Japanese -- some of your stereotypical 'weeb shit' (now THAT one, I know!) -- but I don't really get the Ohio meme. Last I remember, Ohio was known for being where those Paul boys are from, but other than that, I'm stumped as to why it's so dang popular as a phrase now. I know UWOSLAB is from there, but, I'm not sure why it's so embedded in the cultural zeitgeist as of the present. inb4 lurk moar, lmgtfy, I've googled, I still don't 'get it.'
*zoomer, not boomers, my bad! Autocorrect'll be the death of me, if the emphysema doesn't get me first. If I end up being the first streamer to die of old age while live, that would be one 'epic troll,' now, wouldn't it? don't smoke, kids.
Astra sounds like a crazy lady. Is she okay?
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Moka sched: https://x.com/MokaRoki_/status/1845675878598025722
>yukiko horror game collab
My body is not ready for the yukiko shrieks. I don't even have to record it because the YT vod will exist, god bless.

The origin of zoomer humor memes are incomprehensible. More often than not they're just some post-ironic meme that the kiddies latch on to because zany humor is hehe funny that catches on via tik tok and before you know it, all the kids are parroting it. Eventually everyone is saying it because it was funny once and it will be funny again yet no one can explain why or how it is funny.

tl;dr try as you might, there's nothing to understand and no-one left alive remembers why its funny
Mizuki's tits were S-tier today, too.
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Another day, another schedule that's gone out seconds after I posted the previous one
Enaria: https://x.com/EnariaLiliales/status/1845684708665106689
I enjoy your updates Mizuki titposter
If there is ever a problem with Mizuki’s chest we will be the first to know
>kiko's name came up in a hypothetical for momoko
>the hypothetical sounds eerily close to the thread meme about her
She’s so Momocute
>I was always a “C’s get degrees person” but my mum threatened to take away my games
I’ve been out all day with family, did i miss much?
Mizuki titposter is my second favourite anon in the whole thread
schedule anon is my kamioshi
Personally i love the passion momoposters have for literally everything she does
>I have way too many hours in hearts of iron 4
Momoko is somehow the most and least likely map painter but by god am I glad we have one yes I know some of the genesis guys are 100% map painters
Cute nerd!
riggzy: https://x.com/rixxybrightful/status/1845697789361090941

>all 3 entered
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If I take off her mask, will she die?
When are you debuting?
That looks like a muzzle, i think it’s on to keep you safe if anything
march of 2024!
*2025. Gosh. I'm going to start needing to wear glasses when I type.
Time traveling granny…
...five months away? jesus.
good luck, hope anilive is still in service by then
Astra playing content warning with a literal child.
Five months away seems wild even for Jumpstart Vol 2 considering the timeframe they're advertising like goddamn
its literally just letting the AI animation do its magic on a single png, how could they be 5 months away?
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Mizuki posted the tier lists she made on stream today. picrel is what she thinks each Nexan's role would be in a horror movie.
It would be extremely painful.
Oh, it's because I had to put off my debut because I'm going on an Alaskan cruise for Christmas!
I have some stuff that came up so I can't debut until later. I hope you understand, dearie. Now, question, for the GGFE, does that mean I shouldn't collaborate with men? Some of you are rather nice young fellows, but of course, I wouldn't want you to feel shy around lil' ol' me...
aye granny I'm tryna get some oregon TAIL if you catch my drift
Okay, but, there's a limit to how much meat you can carry back to the wagon, so don't waste your bullets on animals that you can't even bring back to the camp!
I like this jumpstart already
It’s another psyop larp. Same sentence structure as the last one. Long run on rambling sentences.
>does that mean I shouldn't collaborate with men?
It’s fine, as long as WE’RE the only ones who get to see you with the dentures off, if you get what I mean
I want to believe
Well, my cream pie always wins blue ribbon at the county fair...!
You related to Lulu by any chance?
Not IRL. I'd be open to being her granny in her lore if she'd have me!
I'd have you, if you're picking up what I'm putting down.
Then I'll make sure to ask you to the Sadie Hawkins, given you're as sweet on me as an apple pie! If you play your cards right, you might steal a smooch from me after we share a shake at the soda shop.
Anybody notice how poette, self-proclaimed philanthropist, didn't participate in the tornado donation drive?

nano sched: https://x.com/NanoGure/status/1845718173393256623
Hag love!!!
watch as this 'granny' is only 30
She's done helping niggers after her mix got stolen, proud of her development.
I agree with this, but that means I get to call all women duplicitous whores with no empathy.
She tweeted that in reference to Mazey. So technically we are doing what she is asking.
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anilive followers
1. Nox 776 +4
2. Mia 764 +7
3. Pyon 695 +9
4. Esila 682 +1
5. Nell 649 -1
6. Yukiko 621 -1
7. Nekosoma* 619 +13
8. Reverie 564 +0
9. Roseli 564 +0
10. Momoko 527 +11
Rixxy 513 +0
Odette 502 -1
Poette 496 +5
Ochu^ 491 +1
Rov 487 +9
Soma 471 +8
Moka 466 +15
Nano 453 +8
Enaria 441 +0
Hikari 438 +1

>no change in rank from yesterday
>+15 for moka, though, that's nice
>+17 for asura just outside of the top 20, she'll be in soon
fair warning to all future kohai for when they open up auditions again. all my genmates have had to go through what's called "the trial" where we have a personal meeting with the CEO. (not saying his name because I don't want him finding this.) At first we all assumed it was like a final interview or something but when we got to his office they told us he'd be "in uniform" because he likes to remain anonymous. turns out that uniform is a fullbody fursuit with the stomach cut out. He looked like a giant blue owl and he'd be really insistent on having you rub his belly before leaving. It was really greasy and uncomfortable and NOT normal AT ALL. so yeah, be safe out there.
Harry isn't proactive enough to even get into a fursuit
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Mia: https://twitch.tv/mystiknight

Arane is live with a guerrilla karaoke
no restream from me, kinda need my device for work for once
Steak dinner and a belly rub. What the Fuck Harry.
not only does arane have a sexo speaking voice, her singing voice is really nice too
definitely overqualified as fuck for anilive, wow
really wondering about her past life, surely she has one if she's got the basics down this cleanly (and all the hardware, more glaringly)
Imase Annoki, the gen 4, is lurking in arane's stream
Jasmine is live

Arane will return after a short intermission to cool off her phone
da wose schedule: https://x.com/MagicalRoseli/status/1845747451749097894
this but black people

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