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A thread for the Devilish Director of the Deathgame, Calliope Mori
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Remember to love your weird cat
i'm gonna meep and none of you can stop me
Mori should cover Gary Come Home from sponge
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Meep at your own discretion
As mori's doctor, I can safely say that will be incredibly painful >>87429138
>>87429138 >>87429138 >>87429138
IRyS is live tweeting while watching Parkour Civilisation... She is goign to talk about this with Mori isn't she? lmao.
That...thing makes me feel more dated than all the skibidi rizz Ohio stuff
It's not terrible and I see why kids like it. I watched it because my nephew.
yeah what is that some sort of minecraft challenge run
Minecraft machinima.
It doesn't sound terrible, it just makes me feel old
I feel you. I'm 35, but I try to keep up with this zoomer stuff because I watch my nephew after school every weekday and I'm the "cool" uncle lmao.
My niece is 10 and is the least online person I know. Meanwhile one of her friends randomly started talking about sssniperwolf one time lmao
Oh man her friend never had a chance. I hope your niece stays offline.
Yeah, she's a pretty well adjusted kid for it
I'm counting down the days until Mori makes a "nobody jumps for the beef" reference
I really, really, REALLY hope she didn't only focus on the face and clipping for the update, if we still have the stapled on boobs and thin ass legs it's just gonna look uncanny still
For wishes they gotta change things until she is happy. She doesn't seem to let them get away with shit for outfit based on what happened with the rocker bunny.
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I hope her hips and ass stick out a little bit more
My lipstick mark on her forehead
>For wishes they gotta change things until she is happy
that's part of my worries, Mori sometimes is happy with pretty little since she doesn't want to be a bother
though on the upside, she is cleary growing out of this mindset somewhat based on how she went about her last outfit
I hope they emphasize how her Arcana is the means by which all is revealed
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did you guys like the beach getaway cyoa?
I wish she would give herself a proper route though. She did the same thing with the valentine's one.
It's because she wrote it. Imagine having to write something like this about yourself.
Now imagine Mori doing it.
So who should write her route?
I haven't read it because I'm not interested in lewding the holos. How smex oriented is it?
Not at all
Well, aside from a couple lines by Kronii
Tried Mori and CC so far
's alright
It's not about you having a romance with the girls?
A shounen anime but in minecraft
Each girl gets 2-4 minutes of 1-on-1 screentime, what kinda romance can fit into that? Just watch it lol
>never try thing because of preconceived notion about thing
Such many cases
It's ok but moris route is the same as the valentine one.
There's nothing inherently wrong with not trying something because you think you won't like it. In fact, that's often the right decision
Well, if there's nothing about shipping you the reader with anyone, why are there "routes" and "dialogue that mori would be embarrassed to write about herself?"
Of course it's not that direct, but implications.
Well, I don't care about that sort of thing
I really just think she likes the idea of being a sentient self-insert. She's the only one that actually gets to talk to YOU.
Mori also is the one that gets to talk with the other girls
It was fun but Mori's route needs to stop being the meta one and play it straight next time.
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The important part is that by being an author avatar Mori wins the powerlevel debates
She did this valentines stream for a reason.
Looks like the sponsored stream is an hour early
After Danganronpa 3 I can’t be excited for anything Kodak’s.
In hindsight, it kind of reminds me of the new joker movie, insofar as it was pretty critical of the game's premise and fan's attachment to it
No I’m talking about Danganronpa 3 not Danganronpa V3. The anime that had the reveal of just how she managed to destroy the world and turn the DR2 cast into Ultimate Despair! She found the Ultimate animation and had him make despair hypnosis.
Oh, I know those 3 games but I don't know the rest of the series well
there was an anime? wtf?
I vaguely remember it, there was some weird, Jedi vs sith assed conflict between hope enjoyers and despair stans or something
V3 was a hell of a lot more tactful and it was never critical of its premise, it was critical of the people that wanted them to milk the premise dry even though the story was already over. The ending mostly revolved around the notion that forcing unnecessary continuations of a story because "fans want more" can lead to compromising what made your story good and meaningful in the first place.
I'd say all of the "fuck hope too" was critical of the series main dichotomy.
>>87433908 me
Granted that wasn't new
why is mori like this
Anon is referring to mori making a minor pon error, and not something actually bad. Paying it forward to those who like me assumed it was more substantial
just in a cosmic sense
Yes but the proximal stimulus prompting your statement was Mori needing to repost her xitter announcement of the sponsored stream
motherfuckers be like you gotta read my whole ass thread to make a 5 word joke
Motherfuckers be vagueposting and making other motherfuckers unnecessarily nervous that real shit happened
donmai donmai
You good, I was just clarifying cause I got confused, I wasn't mad or anything
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thats where you're supposed to do a tsukkomi BAKA
donmai donmai
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Has mori ever been to africa or south america?
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I bought a Standard 50s Les Paul in Sunburst because of K-On

Cringe or based?
She's been everywhere, man.
This is funnier
Did you actually learn to play or is it a wall ornament? This part is very important in determining that.
I already knew how to play guitar before buying it
What the fuck typhlosion
No thank you, I don't want her anywhere near that freak
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This further supports my contention that mori should not have sex with typhlosion
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This describes Mori perfectly
it's funny she said that since she probably the least holo to be a home body.
Shiori's fangs are too cute. I love that unhinged weirdo.
You can't just say that and not post proof in the form of a short rendition of a Mori song.
Mori loves to buy merch
She reads manga, but not books
Mori's a social butterfly with many friends
Her hair is pink naturally
Several of the other ones are bullshit
bocchi exists now so you make the cut into based territory
>no wasting money
>no pink hair
Mori reps, now
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This describes mori perfectly
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Spess Marines at silly hours after 7dtd
isn't that the day after the finale
Forget it, he's rollin
it is, but it's still in silly hours
It's only an hour later than her normal start time range of 6-8pm PST
That was silly phrasing you silly
so basically 3 hours after typical stream time
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Holy Emperor, I beseech you: protect my oshi's rear from all threats. Be they foul xenos, daemon, misguided "children" falsely claiming your homage, Night Lord, or any other origin. Allow the spirit Dorn himself to fortify her posterior. Ave.
or 1 hour.
mori the milk truck
She only streams at 5pm PST for collabs like this 7 Days or if she wants to play a little bit longer but still has something to do in the evening.
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At least my ass shall remain intact.
It's two hours later
Maybe the cranky EST beat will be less cranky when time goes back an hour in a couple weeks.
I'm a PST beat and I fucking hate daylight savings time. I fucking wish we got rid of this outdated practice everywhere like Arizona did.
the late streams only really work for SEAbeats, which explains the level of autistic contrarianism whenever someone mentions how badly timed they are
Naw, I'm a PST beat and love them. I can end my day with her streams.
Yes, being a nerd is a great way to protect your anal virginity
i love her
There are plenty who don't like the midnight start times.
Her late streams are right in the middle of the school/work day for SEA anon
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EST beat will have the last laugh you'll see
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That dude's stuff is good. His Ollie/Olivia set drove me wild.
Oh and I'd be remiss to not mention
>Post a sexy Mori
>Next tweet is saying a family member passed
RIP but also LOL
I had something urgent yesterday and I couldn't watch this in person. Mori sounds weird and out of it, is she okay?
She sounded fine to me, but Wawa was definitely concerned
>concernedfagging for content
honestly a new low for kiara
Don't use my question to shitpost schizo
Fauna giggling when Mori went "I wonder what's for dinner" must've been the first time someone knew the zelda CDI reference Mori was making
She sounds fine, if caught off guard by Kiara putting her on the spot
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Previous thread: >>87400160

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFbACz_hUDo
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmbwTwu-SVc

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
Phantomime (August 16, 2024) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_pt_ec
//// Stream Wanted, Wasted: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XEHbF1PsLI4

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/

October 19-20, 2024 @ Saitama Super Arena, Saitama
capacity: 37,000
guest starring: Mori Calliope, NewJeans, Creepy Nuts, Rita Ora, Rauw Alejandro, Omoinotake, &TEAM, NEXZ
//// Live archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}
Kiara's been getting a lot of Mori updates cause she watches LC_Lapen now.
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did leakbeat ever drop the above?
I raise the notion we should replace Wanted,Wasted link with whatever is closest to 1M on the Morillion playlist
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I love Milky's Sonic autism it's so cute
Rissa accidentally using a thumbnail of her drinking bull cum is up there with Mori's cropped porn thumbnails kek
wait what
This twitter thread has all the info you need.
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keep it Rissa just ignore it lmao
she kept it but edited out the "lecho del toro" text
dammit lol
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Which cropped Porn are ya talking about?
Ina collab
Always appreciate some good Takomori lewds
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If you asked me which EN is probably a cum guzzler, Nerissa would be high up the list
I believe it
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Why is her nose Mt. Fuji sometimes?
The tips of both are covered in snow. My boy has a wicked cocaine problem...
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What do you think of Ope's freakishly big hands?
That she could easily rip my dick off
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I want to hold them
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me behind her
why did you stab her with a knife hidden in the bouquet
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Mori's new sister is making her fans skeletons too
Her model reminds me more of Nerissa than Mori.
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Kino image
Hey leakbeat can we have a clue to who the collab is with
He posted that there's another go getters collab coming
when did he say this
It had 2 sides one was Hope which was after 1 and 2 and Despair which was set pre games and then the last bit was Future. It was not good and then the dub was also very poorly directed.
I liked the slice of life aspect and the op was a banger but the rest was so shit.
Man it's lowkey annoying this dumbass sponsor choose this week of all week for her play this game
Yeah and Kiara gets to do it next week the fuck oh well I'm more excited about the important meeting for the event she's doing and the girls she's having over for food.
which was the best Danganronpa game
2 and it's not even close
best characters
best cases
worst ending
The 1 cameos were so forced
UDG > 2 > 1 > V3
UDG was so fucking shit I'd rather play v3 at least that had a few decent characters.
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Calliope Mori should do a cover of Dig it Up from the hit Disney Channel Movie, Holes, starring Shia LeBouf
yeah, they caused controversy by wearing a maga hat
now I know this is a shit post
is it me or did the stream get postponed?
Holes was not a DCOM, it was just a regular movie. Disney Channel original movies don't have Sigourney weaver and Jon Voight.

I'd like it if she covered it tho
Nah it's always been 7pm PDT for me
They make maga top hats?
>make electroswing great again
yeah, they call them 'trump towers'
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damn. must have missed it. another remix huh? I have no clue who it could be at this point. the yoon one was out of left field so it could literally be anybody
It's me
Post tits Dojacat
Is that like Megan thee stallion
Naw, Dojacat is a fairly famous musician that is literally a /b/tard from awhile back
the sponsor stream isn't showing up on my subscriptions page
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Showing up fine for me. had to scroll down a bit though.
It's there for me
Maybe you're sub to a lot of people and it got buried?
Why is she using the default pose? Cover forced her?
Guessing they gave her the thumbnail to use.
>Rissa drinking cum
>Maximillion Dude playing SH2 remake
I have the other streams, finale and Space Marine, but not sponsor stream. Refreshed too.
What are we thinking? An hour?
Probably yea
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This guy's art never misses

Mori's shill link
If it's a mid phone game, that's more than enough time
Yeah, this seems like a really standard sponsor stream, not a meme one like raid.
i need to sex fembeats
You can't sex skeletons
meeping soon
that's a Mori
Skeletons still have holes.
Has Mori convinced any of you to buy the game she was shilling? I think I've only bought Persona but I'd need a refresher of all her shill streams.
It feels hear the the intro music but not see the accompanying animation
What in the goddamn
Naw. She has gotten me to buy other games she played normally though. I click on her links though since usually that is enough to help her.
I bought P3P on steam using her link.
Fuck that was a good game.
Also bought Live A Live because of her playthrough.
Skeletons can sex you
me on the left
I think she is at the studio for this.
same here. ALso almost all her real merch
Jump King and Suika game
Why is the young man so angry?
Lmao I guessed right.
these skeles aren't real skelemen

I'm talking specifically about shilling streams like that Dragon Quest treasure game
Groove Coaster way back when
The first P3P was a shilling stream.
oh riiight, I forgot about Groove Coaster. I only bought it and the dlc for RIP

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