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What lessons can we learn from this?
Mooms > Bau Baus
Korean women genocide can not come soon enough
Someone likes to make the same dumb thread several times for some autistic reason.
>I posted it again
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Remember when people were saying ERB was going to usher in a new wave of homocollabing and change Hololive forever with her consistent 20k ccv karaoke streams? I remember.
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What the fuck is this bullshit?
Rissa is simply better than Biboo
Fuwamoco streams twice a day, catering to two different time zones. They always stay in character and have their own catchphrases. As a duo, they are an enduring classic. All of this is enough to help them catch up in viewership compared to the previous generation. This recipe seems to work.
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we like to Moom
They also beg for subs, while the others don't.
A korean man made this post.
Turns out horny people are very strong
OP is a fag
This again?
And then she only had 1 male collab and all unicorns ended up looking stupid.
That OP already had his thread yesterday and it was just as gay then
>Jannies deleted my post because it was retarded the first 2 times so I'll keep reposting it.
Most people, with a brain (aka none of you faggots) were commenting more on her constant rebroadcasting.
Clever marketing. The initial Kiara buff helped Rissa get off to a faster start, achieving a steeper growth curve. Shortly after her debut, she immediately started orbiting around Kiara like a pilot fish, which the shipfags also liked, giving her more exposure through the fan content they generated. Plus sex sells.
Rissa numberfags privately and sometimes publicly, pimped out her mom for sub count. I don't remember biboo telling people to subscribe ever, I'm sure she did once sometime
Squeaky wheel gets the grease
I know it's not something we do here but let's be adult about Fuwamoco case, their "sub begging" can be largely forgiven because in term of money they are 2 individuals surviving on 1 corpo channel living in Tokyo (one of the most expensive city in the world), everything they gain is divided by 2 so making projects with that in mind must be pretty hard.

Moreover their coworker and even the japanese ones must understand that it's rough for them because they are promoting them to the max (Pekora, Marine, Towa, Fubuki, Suisei...) they really really supported them after and during the GTA RP, they probably love their work and understand that collabing with them might be a fruitful endeavor but they must also understand that their kouhai need to make the channel for 2 person and giving them publicity is a win-win long term and is a good action that doesn't cost much.

So I think we can forgive them for begging, I wouldn't be as lenient if it was for a single holo but their case is peculiar.
They get 2x the merch which is responsible for like 80% of holomems income. They aren't running out of money.
That Hololive is doing great, but everyone already knows that so its not much of a lesson.
that two talents in one desperately begging for subs and nonstop pandering to JP can barely let you beat out other EN who have been on cruise control for years and barely stream as is?
Also that you are a faggot for making this bait thread yet again.
Why do you act like their earnings are cut in half because they share a channel? Imagine if someone budgets $100 for donos/merch. Whether FWMC has one channel or two, they're still only getting $100 out of that person. That person isn't going to magically have $200 available to spend just because there are two channels.
What you're saying sounds like major cope in order to excuse their pathetic actions.
That, I already post my comment yesterday you monkey.
Your post sounds like sarcasm. They have it so much fucking easier being able to share all their responsibilities and personal problems with each other, instead of having to take care of everything by themselves like everyone else. Not to mention with their gimmick they instantly became super popular and swim in money regardless. They don't sell FWMC merch, they sell Fuwawa merch and Mococo merch, so as a channel they get pretty much double revenue from that compared to others. Their begging was just ugly.
Sex buff from debut, also shipping buff. biboo's gotten pretty popular recently though, she'll probably overtake rissa by the 2nd anniversary. especially if rissa keeps being an idiot with her boring streams and never tries out new games, also with her never fucking marketing her music.
Considering Biboo brought over no one and Nerissa brought over a lot of fans the gap is actually small.
Also Nerissa gets the tourist song subs, just like Mori.
I think you're just a hateful sad miserable faggot who hates seeing them succeed
The same fucking thread again, we really need IDs and Flags in this shithole.
Riveting arguments.
It doesn't matter, it was ridiculous and petty to see them post a reddit begging thread right under Kronii's congratulatory 1 million one.
Literally a copy pasted response from the last thread...
Didn’t I see this post yesterday or so? Is this a bot?
Hire girls that actually like streaming. Most of these girls just like anime but don't actually like vtubing.
Gimmicks outweigh talent.
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numberfags must hang
You meant the mass dicking correction right?
Booba model buff from before debut even.
Yes, sub counts are a bullshit metric.
The wave hate (and sometimes dox) threads against ERB was insane, not to mention the containment breachers attacking her directly on twitter, the unicucks need to fucking apologize.
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>TCG card shop simulator
is not like she constantly flirt with homos on their chats and twitter right?
>FWMC beat Bae
Lmao you love to see it
Quit noticing things
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Fuwawa and Mococo only 500k subs each, not the good look
Everyone knows elder sister >>> younger sister
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Is this a spam bot reposting threads? When are meidos going to deal with spam like this?
Look Mom I made it again! Will you stop blowing Tyrone and pay attention to me, please?
Debuts and first impressions are extremely important. Shiori said some dumb shit about respecting collab choices for no reason and she's still the runt.
At this point it's just objective fact that acknowledging homos as a hololive vtuber is poisoning you're own numbers
begging on r*ddit is a valid method to hit 1 million subs
People really hold years long grudges for something as innocuous?
Fuwa, 500k
Moco, 500k
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>Sexy older sister type, who's gotta need to breed. Brought on sisters and mother, who are just as lewd (if not more)
>zoomer brain rot.
The only reason why biboo isn't last is because her competition is a woman that eats with scissors.
shiori barely mogs someone who never streamed and only lasted like 3 months
and biboo barely mogs shiori
Why do you bump dead threads like this anon? Are you a bot?
I just checked and he's bumping every single bait threads on the catalog regardless of who they are targeting.
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Seriously, why can't they stay in their fucking general?
>never fucking marketing her music.
This I don't understand.
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>holo vs holo
That's nothing, remember when 100+ people were streaming that pokemon BOTW game?
but someone in this place told me that Nerissa attaching herself to Kiara killed her growth...
that you are a faggot who cannot learn shit and is going to spam the same thread everyday
Yes. Niggerfaggots normalfaggots redditors.
Legends Arceus but that works too
that jannies need to be more alert when retards like you post the same thing over and over
you know subscribers is not a zero sum game right? if they streamed on 2 channels the same people who subbed to fuwawa would also sub to mococo, most retarded cope argument from people who have shitter oshis, be like mythfags they have some self respect kek
It's a gimmick. You oshi the shamwow of vtubers.
This tweet aged poorly
Bots work
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Pippa streaming on Kick deflection thread.
You'd be surprised
Nerissa was just spaming vertical stream for subs
Singer buff is the only explanation. Normally the cute memelord would have more subs because casual fans prefer them.
White girl summer
How do we increase Shiori's popularity?
What this tells us is that ~3 years ago people were subscribing to Council simply because they existed. They were all able to stay somewhat equal due to the lingering covid buff.
Bibo should play real games soon
>play real games
Anon you act like she's on the lower end because she doesn't get enough views or something. She now averages the highest viewership in Advent because she has gained a reputation as being by far the most capable at playing games. Subscriber count is not a reflection of popularity or viewership. Nerissa has more because she consistently puts out music and that's one of the easiest ways to get people to subscribe to you on youtube.
what, like backgammon?
>Anyone in holoen
>Real games
I'm already sick of 7 days to die. Need some real kinoge asap
She should play Tibia
Biboo is more like Shoiri in that she'd rather have a devoted fanbase of dedicated pebbles that grow organically than numberfagging that mostly gets you new subscribers from hype that are more there for hype reasons and are more likely to whine and schizo out.

Look at how much Nerissa gets bent out of shape from her jailbirds or how many schizos infest FWMC's streams.

In contrast Pebbles and Novelites are far better behaved outside of their thirst.
>And then she only had 1 male collab and all unicorns ended up looking stupid.
That post aged like milk though Shinri is a good collab choice for a movie watchalong. Still anyone who believed Liz was going to give up on Holostars because of unicorn backlash doesn't understand that she has the same view on HoloPro unity as Yagoo.
Ayame please, they're your coworkers...
I don't know why people still deny this. Literally every holo who's ever done it has torpedoed their viewership.
Well considering she didn't say that, You can see how obsessed these monkeys are over her.
How the hell does Fauna have less subscribers than fucking Kronii?
Hololive wins again
Fauna friend yab
fucking unicorns
Because Kronii is entertaining and unironically a buff to any collab she is in because she can play both sides of the boke/tsukkomi act and isn't afraid to make herself heard Fauna is like Ame was in most big collabs where she usually speaks once in a blue moon.
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>At this point it's just objective fact that acknowledging homos as a hololive vtuber is poisoning you're own numbers
you're a faggot for making this thread

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