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Rested Barkers Edition
Previous Thread >>87415107

>Upcoming Streams
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
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good nite
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>Mococo: It's not gonna be that much change
>Fuwawa: Yeah... We'd just want to be able to do a stream in Japanese **occasionally**
>Mococo: Yeah
>Fuwawa: And the Golden Week... Is a sp-
>Mococo: It's gonna be-
>Fuwawa: one time a year! So...
>Mococo: a bit surprising!
>Mococo: So please don't worry, okay?
>Mococo: Like I said, our main language is always gonna be English. We wanna-
>Fuwawa: We are HoloEN, we want to [unintelligible] strong!
>Mococo: but even beyond that! Beyond that! We are most comfortable in English!

>(Explaining what the Golden Week is)
>Mococo: So... We are gonna be streaming in Japanese a lot more for that week, okay?
>Fuwawa: But we'll do our regular streams when we can!
>Mococo: Yeah, okay?
>Fuwawa: Yeah
>Mococo: But it's **just** for Golden Week, okay?
>Fuwawa: It's **just** for Golden Week! Yeah, so...
>Mococo: Un!
>Fuwawa: Uhm

>Chat: Are we invited to JP stream?
>Mococo's voice cracks and loudly says "of course you're invited" while on the brink of crying
>Well actually the first thing is spending hours on twitter each night
Their favorite passtime is sucking off tekzi, pissnix and all their other favorites on twitter each day . That would be the last thing they drop. It's placed above even sleep
Good night!
Was that poster shitposting last thread, they didn’t actually like the project tweets from last night, right? I didn’t get skipped again, right?
Oh FWMC morning is canceled, back to bed.
keep yourself safe

I'm surprised by Anan, never thought he'd still stick with them for so long. Haven't seen that one OG fan tho ex fan here, left way back because there were too many jp streams lol
Judging by the views, they liked and skipped some. Then again I didn't tweet anything because I was lazy.
You call that shit a project?
>Haven't seen that one OG fan tho
Which one? Mustache?
Actually, the solution is rather simple. Let Fuwawa be the one playing horror walking sims with Mococo backseating. That will lighten Mococo's load considerably.
For those keeping track at home here's the current tally of excuses for cancelled streams since FuwaMoco moved to Japan.

>Ruffians! Moco-chan woke up with a really bad migraine… We’re really sorry, but we’ll have to postpone the Rock N’ Rawr Party until next weekend.
>I’ll make sure Moco-chan is better as fast as possible here, and we’ll make it a super RAWRing time for sure next weekend! BAU BAU!

>Thank you for all your kind words, Ruffians! As you’ve heard, Moco-chan’s voice is in pretty ruff shape, so we’re going to be postponing the start to our Minecraft journey and our Rock N’ Rawr Party this weekend as you suggested!
>We’ll still be participating in the holo DOROKEI 2024 event since this has been planned for a long time and so many of our senpai have been working hard for it!
>We’ll do our best not to get caught by holoX!
>Thank you for caring about us!

>We’re sorry, Ruffians!
>You know how much we hate cancelling or postponing streams, but we can’t do Fuwawa’s solo Rock n’ Rawr Party today… ⤵⤵ bau bau…
>We’re really sorry to disappoint you!
>We’ll do our best to get better soon!

>Hi Ruffians! We’re sorry we’ve been a little bit quiet!
>We’re doing our best to get lots of rest so that we’ll be back to our fluffy & fuzzy selves soon!!
>Please wait for us, okay? We want to see you again as soon as possible!

>We’re sorry, we’re going to have to postpone our Portal 2 stream until next week… We were looking forward to it and we’ve been pushing ourselves so we can make everything happen right now, but we’re too exhausted…
>We’re going to rest up lots!!

>We had to postpone Portal 2 earlier, but we have to postpone today’s FUWAMOCO MORNING too, Ruffians… ⤵⤵
>Please understand and be proud of us, as this isn’t something we want to do, but it’s us being responsible.
>We hope to see you again soon! Please wait for us!!

>We’re sorry Ruffians, we really don’t want to, but we’re going to have to cancel our Portal 2 stream for now… ⤵⤵ bau bau…
>We’ll let you know once we have a bit more strength and are feeling better!! We’ll do our best to recover as fast as we can!!

>We’re still feeling very unwell, so we’ll be back with FUWAMOCO MORNING on Friday! We still plan to do our Superchat Reading stream later, but we’ll let you know ASAP if plans suddenly change!
>Thank you for being understanding, Ruffians!!

>Ruffians, we’re still not doing well, so instead of today’s Superchat Reading stream, I’ll be doing a solo Twitter Space while Fuwawa rests!
>The food poisoning is really doing a number on us… ⤵⤵ She still has a fever, so I’m going to do what I can for now! bau bau…!

>We’re so sorry for all the technical issues, Ruffians… We’re really disappointed… We were looking forward to having a big party and chatting all together about Breaking Dimensions!! Please wait for us, and we’ll celebrate even more next week!!

>We’re sorry, Ruffians!! All our streams today are going to moved back by an hour or so…! We didn’t realize our Meet & Greets go past our stream start time…! We were just too excited!
>Thank you for understanding! BAU BAUー!!

>Moco-chan has developed a migraine and has been battling it all night, but it hasn’t gotten any better so it might be best if we put a pause on Donkey Kong Country 2 for today…
>We’re really sorry!! We will go bananas together next week!

>For Ruffians who weren’t able to join us earlier, there won’t be a #FWMCMORNING tomorrow like we had planned! We have an important rehearsal that we can’t miss…
>We’ll see you on Monday morning and have more fun together through the weekend though!! BAU BAUー!!

>We’re so sorry, Ruffians!! We have to postpone today’s Rock N’ Rawr Party… We were all really looking forward to it… bau bau… ⤵⤵ We’re sorry to disappoint you!
>We’ll see you tomorrow and update you with our schedule for next week then!

>Hi Ruffians!! We're sorry, it looks like we'll have to postpone the stream due to server instability! We hope you can join us next time!! BAU BAUー!!

>Hi Ruffians! Our barkers are feeling really ruff today, so we’re going to start any hour later so that we can still fight during the raid!!

>Ruffians, we’re so sorry but we’ll need to cancel today’s streams! bau bau… ⤵⤵ Moco-chan woke up to having no voice… We’ll make sure to get lots of rest today and keep you updated on the situation!
>Thank you, and sorry for disappointing you, Ruffians…!!

>Moco-chan’s barker still isn’t doing well, so we’re going to rest to make sure we’re good for our recordings and 3D collab later this week!
>For now, our next #FWMCMORNING and 7 Days to Die stream will be postponed! We’re sorry for the changes, Ruffians! bau bau… ⤵⤵
>>87436337 (Me)
This hit the character limit for a single post by the way so with the next cancellation it'll have to be a two part post.
Anan told them to chase projects. Hell, I think most big paypigs told them to prioritize projects and health.
they ate out of pissnix's bowls...
Mococo is really lucky she has a older sister who is so devoted to her wellbeing. lol.
yeah mine
I wonder how mamapuppy and papapuppy feel about them not being around for thanksgiving and Christmas...
I wonder how it feels to chew 5 gum
Why is Fuwawa cooking at midnight???
can't they use Skype or whatever video-call app the kids use these days.
Is this the reason why Mococo has been falling sick so often? She didn't get to drink the soup until now...?
Yes, they haven’t had Fuwawa soup since they moved and the Japanese cedar trees also made her allergies worse
I hope they’re not drinking the tap water. I’ve had multiple Japanese people tell me Japanese tap water is bad, especially in Tokyo.
she's tweeting at midnight
Don't forget, allergy season hasn't even started yet in Japan and Mococo is already in worse health than she was last year
Someone /here/ made a post glorifying japanese tap water not that long ago
She'll be perfectly fine for any JP stream, it's okay
Oh he oshihenned
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>you see this blue demon dog girl in the pool
>she giggles and throws water at you
How would you react?
>proof that they only egosa in Japanese before going to bed
grim but nothing we didn't know already
>they really do egosurf in jp
kek Zannie knew what he was doing
What's the point in having an English hashtag and tweeting to them if they only care about JP fans?
They egosa both FWMC and フワモコ, only tourists didn’t know that. They’ve liked my soft tagged tweets that I send around this time
there's basically no point in replying to their tweets so if you feel stressed about that it should be the first thing you cut. posting untagged egosa ones will always be the way for them to see it
How the heck do they not have salt? That’s the most basic of basic ingredients. Are they really that bad at taking care of themselves that they haven’t managed to buy a container of salt in several months of living in Japan? That goes beyond being busy into self neglect/harm territory. Why do they make me worry like this.
can confirm they're liking JP tweets I"m refreshing it live
Well, I didn't post anything so whatever.
only japanese and favorite EN confirmed so far. hold tight lesser ruffians and hope it's a blanket likespree
Mococo should be watching Shangri-La Frontier. It would nurse her back to health and I bet it combined with Fuwawa Soup would give her barker a lasting buff too
They're about to lose the "laughing" fox too. The Hungarian disappeared shortly after attacking them because they didn't change at all. Any paypig who thinks they have control over them would leave after the harsh reality hits.
Unfortunately I don't think laughing fox will ever leave until he dies or is forced to. The worst of the worst mentally ill like him are parasites that won't stop until they've made everyone as miserable as they are
Don't hold your breath on that.
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Where? They didn't give me a like anywhere.
I don’t see anything. Judging by the post after it, just the usual menherabait
You seem tense, ruffians

Come and join me
Yeah no, I know his type. These ones will latch on like emotional leeches and make even the happiest of occasions depressing when he talks about his experiences seeing "talking shadows" or his numerous close-calls with death by his own sheer stupidity.
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cant.... cant fuwawa stream without mococo talking? I mean if its about including mococo she can play, if shes super sick, she can rest... this was supposed to be one of the advantages of being 2 in 1 channel.... There really is no reason Fuwawa couldn't stream without mococo...
Splashing her back with $100 dollar bills
#helpfwmc unironically
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I want a Fuwawa Morning
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I'm getting tired of this fucking bullshit.
How much longer do I have to endure?? I've been trying to be a good Ruffian for months, but I'm sick and tired of pretending that I don't want to rape Mococo. I WANT TO RAPE MOCOCO, OKAY? It's not MY fault, it's Mococo's fault for being too rapeable.
Oh they gave my comment a heart even though I posted late
Stay the fuck away, you damn lunatic!
Drink your juice, Bryan.
They must feel terrible
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To the retard last thread, you fucked up the order of importance
Homework>JP collabs>Health(if JP collab/big event is coming)>EN streams>Health(rest of the time)
Pretty sure he got the heart awhile ago before they cancelled streams based on where they stopped, but this guy just noticed.
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Be like me. Take your lust out on Biboo, she was built for it.
Whenever you get unreasonably horny for Fuwawa or Mococo, just pick up Biboo and use her like an onahole.
Based! There, you got your (you) now kys
It was from yesterday
I'm not sexually attracted to Biboo in any way, shape, or form
She's BAU BAUing at me nigga. Get your facts straight.
You can try but she’ll just give you kidney stones
Going from FWMC to biboo is like going from eating the best steak to eating shit
So before they cancelled the streams like I said. Nothing to do with them feeling bad.
that's pretty much going from JP to EN, Gura aside, and Gura isn't around anymore.
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They cancelled a stream yesterday though
You have very bad taste
I can't have bad taste, I'm a ruffian. Going from FWMC to whoever else would be a downgrade
shut up you pebblephile
say what you want but at least Biboo streams to an EN audiance
The likes were before they cancelled the streams yesterday though. Wow you people are slow as hell.
The only English stream FUWAMOCO are going to do this week will be a short appearance to shill the advent announcement and a superchat reading where they milk paypuppies dry from all the pitty superchats they get after such a totally unavoidable rough week. They may not actually transfer to holoJP but they sure are acting like it
It's not a like though
Whatever it is. I'm still right so you are trying to find something else to nitpick at.
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True ruffians would creampie Biboo's cunny
Why do other fanbases want ruffians to fuck their oshis so bad? If it's not Jailbirds coming /here/ begging to have Nerissa get saved ad impregnated, it's pebbles wanting Biboo to fuck her. If it's not pebbles, it's novelites with Shiori
one for two so far, should have guessed FWMC morning, that's on me
But I'm a ruffian, I just like sexy lolis too
no idea but now I am wondering what the actual fuck advent fans?
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I want to replace all of my bodily fluids with Mococo's pee.
You can use soi sauce instead if you really need to ...
Anon they will never ever cancel a superchat reading unless they have no choice. That's the only EN stream on the same level as important as even the lowest JP slop stream. They only love EOP for their money and they don't get enough from JP tourists so it's the only way they can fund their next JP exclusive event and projects
>Gura aside
lmao you wish chumshitter
Even your pee?
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anon it's on the same day as a JP stream, which is the number one risk factor for a cancellation
Proof is in the CCV, she is an utter standout in EN, and there is a reason. Pretty normal in JP though.

Rest of EN?

Hot Garbage.
Not for them it isn't. They want to spend time with EN Ruffians, but it will cost EN paypuppies money to keep them there longer because they'd rather be doing Japanese activities. It sucks but it is what it is.We should be thankful that we have such great paypigs willing to spend obscene amounts of money just to keep them streaming in english for a minute or two longer
Whaet? It’s all horny Ruffians, no Pebble or Novelite is coming here to ask for that
And people will keep denying it. It wouldn't feel as shitty if it wasn't for the fact that it's almost always accompanied by a JP stream in close proximity.
I'm a real Ruffian. I just have a high libido and am willing to share a bed with FWMC's friends because I love them too.
Fuwawa's small fry pussy couldn't keep up with how much sex I need!
The extended absences and sudden excuses for cancelling streams last minute has me really worried about just what they're up to. I want to trust that they are staying true to their idol promise and love us only but I am starting to feel sick that it's all a lie
If you were with them how often do you think they'd have sex with you in an average week
JP ruffians are not nice when streams gets canned EN ruffians pampers them when streams get the cam
>has me really worried about just what they're up to.
Just a reminder Gura is following Ame out soon, and good riddance.
Can you at least wait a bit
Fuwawa would be fuck on sight
>They want to spend time with EN Ruffians
Well yeah, being late or cancelling is one of the worst things you can do in Japanese society. Even if it’s for a good reason a Japanese person will remember that for ever and they’ll never not associate you with it.
Lui being the top result for フワモコ is pretty funny. kek.
>being late or cancelling is one of the worst things you can do in Japanese society.
I misspoke. They are willing to spend time with EN Ruffians but only if they pay via superchat. They are not going to stream for EN out of the goodness of their heart. I am going to assume that all of the holiday celebrations this year will be primarily in Japanese, with an EN superchat reading to 'celebrate' by collecting money
>a Japanese person will remember that forever
>posts evidence of being late over 4 years ago that is still remembered to this day
>one of the worst things
So what goes into Fuwawa's soup?
It's funny when people who hide their twitter checkmarks post tweets that go far beyond standard length, revealing they pay for it cause it increases their visibility

They have money. You don't. Cry more.
Wait you can hide checkmarks again?
we get it Aeon is a faggot we already did this loop
There’s a lower tier that gives you a small boost and lets you go past the character length without showing a check mark
Fuwawa is the only worthwile part of FuwaMoco. She is the reason it exists. her sister is worthless dead weight that's been carried by fluffy her entire life. When Mococo was stuck at home outcast from society Fuwawa gave up all her hopes and dreams to spend time with her. She's made the biggest sacrifices to protect her smile.
Yeah it’s literally one of the worst things and something we tell all employees assigned to work for Japanese clients. Try going outside and actually interacting with Japanese colleagues, clients, or friends. It’s something that not even the gaijin pass can be used to get free of. Retard
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Ruffians, what do about those AI posts
Marine has been cancelling streams since forever. Retard.
go to sleep Mococo it's ok
Moco-chan is in her feelings again...
every time I look at Shiori's community page she's doing something new and creative with the Novelites. I'm a little jealous that they have an oshi that loves them so much
Guess I'll watch my backup 3view oshi do karaoke gacha wheel singing today...
I know she's had her ups and downs but that's no way to talk about Mumei
One exception, let alone an exception as big, popular, and exceptional as her does not break the rule. Look at Pekora, even after all these years nousagi still bring up the cold chicken incident from her cancelled Xmas stream.
>Look at Pekora, even after all these years nousagi still bring up the cold chicken incident
She is the one constantly bringing it up to shit on him. And guess what, the nousagis agree with her.
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Soon their only streams in English will be superchat readings and management forced merch announcement streams. Are you willing to stay by their side through this?
Honestly, the only JP who is indestructible is Koyori. I don't know how she does it.
I just don't trust her enough to get invested, maybe it's unfair but I'd rather not deal with the eventual fallout
What are you afraid of specifically? male collabs?
this is basically an entire vacation week for me with no streams I'm interested in.
If you're not even excited for the Patra collab you might want to reconsider FUWAMOCO as your oshi, bud
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yoh should have known by now that you had to enjoy her in the fullest every time she starts a new thing before she gives up and fucks off like always
I wouldn't say no interest, but most are meh at best. I'll watch Patra 3d because it is a bit of a big deal but I don't give a shit about the collab thing on Sunday. Advent collab will be decent too, maybe we'll see new outfit announcement this week.
Isn't this week just collab week?
It's been that way for months for me.
That's on you then if you haven't enjoyed a lot of the streams in the past MONTHS.
that's one possibility
If I put together all the streams I enjoyed, it still wouldn't even come to half of a collab week in terms of hours streamed.
I pay for the cheapest tier because it gives more characters, better bookmarks and longer video length, there's no checkmark on that tier. You have to pay extra to have it, nobody is trying to hide it, people who have it specifically want it.
She's an autistic shut in that's been doing vtubing for longer than hololive has existed I'm not sure what else you're worried about besides that. She takes great care of her health has a niche and doesn't give a fuck about what others think and does her thing while enjoying it. She won't burn out because she's is responsible. The only bad scenario is cover forcing her to do a ton of extra shit but I think that's pretty well taken by FUWAMOCO taking every single opportunity offered to EN so no one else even has a chance
Like I said, you are the issue at that point. If you feel that way about multiple months then it might be best to put your limited time and energy elsewhere, in the hands of people you enjoy more.
why are you here then, go watch something else if this is clearly not for you
When a vtubers favorite tag is ntr it's only matter of time
>Just drop your oshi bro
There is nobody I enjoy more than FUWAMOCO. And obviously they weren't always like this, they've just declined. I really enjoy them when they aren't spamming weeks of collabs or doing horror slop.
You might as well oshihen instead of being a whiny bitch.
>Shiori mention
I wanna tongue her asshole
People having this board as their oshi is not a joke. They'd drop their supposed oshi before dropping her thread.
> really enjoy them when
Clearly you practically never do, you just said the past MONTHS have been like that for you.
>There is nobody I enjoy more than FUWAMOCO
If there is no one out there who you enjoy more than "I haven't had fun with FUWAMOCO for months" than you might as well quit vtubing in general and move on.
I've fallen off pretty hard on SC reading streams. The first half hour are usually fine, but I just don't want to hear the same thing being said from both the SC's and them.
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I want her to tongue my asshole and tear me apart
>or doing horror slop.
We had fs/n, gta clips watchalong, home3D in the past 2 weeks and you don't have streams to enjoy in the past months?
>original song by Patra on debut
>take time from their debut to gush about her
>bring her up several times since and always talk about how much they love her
>now have a 3D collab with her, something that isn't all that common and they worked hard to achieve
>"they declined"
I'm lucky I don't have this issue of not giving a shit about my oshi's passions, must feel miserable.
>GTA week
>EN Reco week
>7DTD week
>20+ cancellations
It's been pretty rough. Even if 7DtD hadn't been cancelled all over the place, a lot of times it's been the only stream of the day. So when it is cancelled, you have nothing, and if it's not, it's still collab spam.
3 streams in 2 weeks. Should I be grateful for that?
Shiorin is looking extra meaty and naked today... Wonder what shape Fuwawa and Mococos pussy is like?
>Should I be grateful for that?
If they are your oshis, yes?
I think it's just people upset that it's a sign that most/all of their 3D streams and collabs are going to be in a language and time that's inaccessible live to 95% of their fanbase. PeroTL is better than nothing but needing to depend on that to enjoy your EN oshi gets old fast
>off model garbage
Why do people do this?
how is that off model
This is where I get off. I stuck around to celebrate the 1M and wanted to see what the post numberfag schedules would be like and we got a pretty resounding answer that they'll be focusing more on JP content than anything else. It was fun while it lasted. Probably won't tweet about it but on the fence about sending a fan letter thanking them for the memories as a bit of closure
Shiori is not that fat.
They already have your sub and your money.
watch streams
Is this an airport? Do you really have to announce your departure?
Shiori's very fat
>IRL shit
Talking about her model retard. Mococo has the same size breasts as Fuwawa but we don't care about that.
Most FWMC art don't give them the stick legs they're supposed to have but I don't see you being pedantic about that
So what are the chances that all the streams of this week, not including the one with Patra
They have cancelled 20+ streams all of them EN, RnRs, solos, collabs, FWMC Mornings. They've never even so much as moved a single JP stream.
Stop being a whiney fag kek
Won't tweet about it since you aren't even leaving stfu.
>FWMC Mornings
I thought those are not real streams? Make up your mind.
You're right, she should be fatter
Please just once give me an example of a single JP stream they've canceled
>Every poster in the thread is the same person
They're going through the hashtag right now
None. Am I angry about that? Nope. Kys.
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Not that I mind him leaving at all (quite the opposite), but I think it's funny that he'd say that over a week where the JP content is... a fucking 3D collab with Patra. As if that was a random JP kanji de go solo stream or something.
The japanese one, to clarify before people go menhera
All you shitposters are cut from the same cloth anyway.
Patra is a fucking whore that sucks her subs dicks under the label of 'ASMR'. no thanks
>Everyone who isn't 100% satisfied with their recent direction isn't a real fan!
Speaking of shitposters from the same cloth.
I wish she did anon, I've listened to many of her ASMRs.
>sucks her subs dicks
You can't even do that without getting strike by YT.
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Metaphor Refantazio RTA next week for sure
>Persona but with wokeshit
No thanks
unrelated but you reminded me i need to back to listen to Biboo's Japanese popsicle sucking Twitter space. Gets me rock hard
but she'd do it in an instant if it were allowed on YT. That's my point. she's a whore
Doing sexual ASMR doesn't make you a whore.
If only she did that.
Yeah, I feel like that too. I'm not hating on the 3D collab, but I'm just not excited for it, and it's completely understandable, because I'm not the target audience for it.
But they're right and you're wrong
You're such a retard and unapologetic newfag tourist who knows nothing, it's astounding
Both /vt/ and all the twitch adjacent corps and groups really were a mistake
She's doing sexual tricks to hundreds to thousands of men for money.
That is the textbook definition of a whore
Just... play Yakuza... please... Majima is waiting
>If they're JP its fine
You're a fag.
>went on a JP likespree
>not a single EN tweet liked besides the traumadumper
Are they allergic to showing any love to fans that care about them?
>the JP content is... a fucking 3D collab with Patra
Don't forget the JST sunday stream. It's gonna be a JP solo stream, and I'm 1000% sure that they won't cancel that one.
You didn't get a like? Maybe the issue is you then.
It's almost comedy how much love they give the few worst apples
>JP solo stream
What do you think a tournament is?
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I didn't get one either... I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if they just never see my tweets...
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I love how stupid and sweet Fuwawa looks in this picture.
>Using the skinwalking Niji and indie begging seanigger and his unofficial models
She's not even fat in that clip, show me the belly fat.
Anon it's a tournament somewhat like Mario Kart 8 where everyone is playing at the same time but they aren't talking except in intermissions. It's essentially a solo stream and it will 100% be in JP.
Have you tried giving them mean backhanded compliments, threatening them with indirect ultimatums or just straight up shittalking them?
It's going to be in their channel, and they'll be by themselves most of the time. It's a JP solo stream.
My issue is they hate me. So I'm not sure if that's a me issue or a they're stuck up cunts issue. Meanwhile they are liking fucking reposts and low effort slop from their favorite snake Ruffians constantly.
shan't be clicking that. I do not like that seanig attention whore. I remember he always brags on his twitter when he gets to meet holo's irl and posts pictures.
>She's doing sexual tricks to hundreds to thousands of men for money.
Fuwawa does this every time she shakes her floofies
Do we know who are the organizers?
No, the only "issue" is that I'm a EN Ruffian. If I was a JP I would get a instant like every time I mention FWMC.
>unironically posting that seamonkey homobegging fag's "content"
the guy is a fucking creep who is for some reason constantly employed by cover despite having obvious dangerous stalker obsessions with how much he brags about meeting managers and talents IRL
maybe they forgot his name...
No idea.
The last animal tower tournament in hololive was organized by a holostar and Ollie's oshi, Miyabi
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For how much she calls us that, maybe she's the big silly one
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Sorry puppies my desires need to be taken care of and you weren't around so I had to pay a visit to an old friend...
I was thinking it might be okayu or korone.
They should do a throwback stream FUWAMOCO v OkaKoro. That was a great one
There's no chance it is anything to do with holostars, I refuse to believe it and I know you're shitposting
I'm eagerly awaiting for this to eventually happen. What could they play? I just wish it won't be Mario Party, that's boring.
They have said before that they'll do stuff that won't make people happy, so who knows.
I just want them to do something silly together like this.
If that stuff includes them collabing with any of the homos, I would make it my life's purpose to destroy theirs
Head-to-head retro game challenge, race to see which pair beats the game first
it's funny to watch all these shitposts about the animal tower battle stream being JP when they will get knocked out in a single round
it's going to be 15 minutes max
Surely, surely FUWAMOCO use this stream setup for their stream this weekend right? They aren't going to be retards and put it in a different shitty layout are they?
pity like they told us about it before
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cute. FUWAMOCO won't ever do a stream like this though.
>they will get knocked out in a single round
I won't be so sure. Mococo is pretty good at kusoge.
when did the mention pity liking things?
This stream is pretty silly.
I'm just going to guess never. Maybe some people will interpret some random comment as that though to fit their narrative.
Baused and same
They'll do it if it's for the JPs.
like what? playing with irasutoya? split up?
FWMC did quite a good job in Marine’s impersonation contest.
They should do human-ventriloquism stream with her in English.
>in English
They would never do cool streams like that in English, all their "original" or "unique" streams are made for the JP ruffians
Yeah. both. They have done a tiny bit of it but my guess is they're gonna be retards and try to cram it into their usual overlay or worse yet make it a vertical stream. they should copy that okakoro setup exactly
That is a valid idea, but knowing FUWAMOCO's gaming skills, it would hardly be a challenge. Maybe with some handicap, idk.
What I meant was they could expose all of their non-Seiso part in the disguise of Marine.
I sense what we see in regular streams is only the tip of the iceberg. There must be a large amount of boiling libidos behind their innocent Baubau so hot and steaming that even Marine herself would flinch.
Stuff like this could surely work. Something silly enough so that they won't be easily outmatched by OKAKORO.
Old fan here, been gone for about 6 months, based off what I'm reading and the cursory look into what they've done since. Might have been the best option for me. Something ain't going in a direction you like, or its negatively fucking with you, just drop it. You'll be happier and its not worth it to put chicks who aren't interested In pleasing you on such a high pedestal. People grow apart and have different desires. If it's true they're forsaking the people who made em, just leave Instead of complaining and doing nothing. Your wallet matters.
They're never going to play your vn, atm
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 433: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched two episodes of an anime.
who do I watch now
>for some reason
>Mel's Manager
Par for the course really.
Good, cause I played it ages ago and might've cringed myself blind. Just never really said it pubically.
A story by Ruffian Raul.jpg
Sure is interesting how many "old fans" "people taking a break" "X other fanbase here" posters come in here to comment on the state of the thread.
If it don't start with being knee deep in shit water in a dilapidated hollow then its a lie
>I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck.
I think you should build 10k vocabulary as soon as possible when you are learning foreign languages.
And as for immersion you need to watch Marine streams everyday because of high density of speech.
Stop noticing things.
Raden is pretty good immersion practice.
I agree.
remember to include FWMC in your prayers tonight.
Could FWMC talk as fast-paced and nerdy as Raden?
Only for very specific stuff, like when they were talking about VNs with Patra.
What if they paid Okakoro to use the Fuwawa and Mococo models and they gave them their stream keys so they could pretend to be FWMC and stream to the FWMC channel in their stead to cover for them
Fuwawa gets close when she's really excited about something. Last time I remember it happening was during FWMC morning.
been gone overseas this weekeend
anything new from fwmc?
no and there's probably no streams this week until the weekend.
is there something like a compilation clip from all pov to catch up for 7dtd at least?
or just stick to biboo?
Biboo is probably best. There's only like 5 people who played consistently so any of their POV is good.
Calli, Kiara, Biboo, CC, Fauna
I groomed him to stay
Kal knew too much she had to go
They are too yabai... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYznOzYLBe0
She was one of the few nice ruffians that just like posting cute pictures... why all the fucking manipulation and soap opera grooming
I still cum to that countdown. I miss her smile
How have the goalposts shifted so far that suddenly everyone is OK with weeks with multiple JP streams? Hell, we're almost at the point where we unironically may have more JP streams than EN ones in a week...
Some number of people who got tired moved on, anyone who says 'this sucks' gets told to suck cocks, and shitposters terrorize anyone else left.
Opionion discarded
Only solo JP streams are meh, kino collabs like the upcoming one are great
Time for your steppies, Shiori!
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I love how she encourages everyone to be healthier and take care of themselves!
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Why don't FUWAMOCO ever do something fun like this with their fans?
they have actual work to do
Ruffians are capable of organising stuff like that for themselves without even involving FWMC
What's fun about this?
>lol put up a fall themed candle
>take a photo of some fall leaves and eat marshmallows
thanks for the great content
I really did like the small discussion people were having before the cancellation yesterday.
You don't like soup? Or paper planes?
You're right, Shiori should stop interacting with her fans with silly little things like that and instead only use her community page for posts like

Ruffians, we’re so sorry but we’ll need to cancel today’s streams! bau bau… ⤵⤵ Moco-chan woke up to having no voice… We’ll make sure to get lots of rest today and keep you updated on the situation!

Thank you, and sorry for disappointing you, Ruffians…!!
here you go >>87441752 nobody's forcing you to be here
Sorry me not caring about your boring "let's do autumn themed stuff" bingo upset you to the point where you wanted to insult FUWAMOCO over it
I'm not. Anyone who complains gets accused of being a fake fan though.
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>ask a simple question
>get an evasive, passive-aggressive response instead of an answer
Somehow I don't think you're a Novelite at all
hey fuck you I didn't make that reply. I forgot how badly this place was raided
whata the current over/under on years to their graduation?
It's because people are hyper sensitive right now after mass stream cancellation. Shitposters stir up the threads and antagonize people a bunch here and they get all pissy and reply to anything even slightly critical as an extreme attack on FWMC. I had fun chatting about enjoying retro game streams and VN content yesterday, and even if it's a loop for the umpteenth time, it beats playing into shitposting.
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>I kinda want one of these ... "bush bananas"

What did they mean by this?
They won't graduate until they die or get their Sololive. As for the distance they put between themselves and their fans, it feels like it grows more every day as more and more people freak out over this stuff on twitter under their hashtag.
We have that usually three times a week. I might do the bookmark thing though, sounds fun!
if you think the twitter hashtag is bad don't look at the subreddit. Which is the primary place they and mama puppy interact with EN fans, btw.
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There there, novelffian.
I haven't seen anything too bad. The "It didn't get lost, it just became Marine's voice for a little bit" made me laugh though.
it's been days since even the usual suspects bragged about huge Ws. What happened? If they are unable to record you'd think they'd be heavy on Twitter love
You failed
Their favorites are clip spammers which isn't possible if they aren't streaming. If you want the honest truth.
I'm gonna find them and slap them if they ever try to do another stupid 'voice mimic' thing.
I don’t post huge ws anymore to make you keep guessing whether or not there’s a spree kekekek
that's every stream though
I only watched Fuwawa's ending to help her close the tiny gap to Mococo's ending
It's time to cut the fuzzy dead weight
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You'll never be rid of me, Rufferan.
I thought they would have retweeted Dossie's every 100k Ruffians clip at least, but it looks like not too many even seen it.
You know, Fuwawa could do a stream or two solo this week, or show up for a single 7dtd on her own. It was planned, and Mococo is the only one with the limitation.
That's fair criticism imo. Could easily do a short 1-2 hour comfy zatsu solo. Could even do a kind of stream where Mococo can stay quiet and doesn't have to talk, like she draws stuff and Fuwawa has to guess what it is or w/e.
If you want to stream you can come up with ideas.
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Even their JP senpai always say how lucky it is that there are two of them but they rarely take advantage of it. Maybe some tough love is needed. Fuwawa should do a solo stream every time Mococo gets sick. Inevitably Mococo will get jealous of the attention that Fuwawa gets and maybe that will finally shock her into taking care of herself better so she's not always sick and missing time with the Ruffians. That strikes me as Fuwawa's primary motivation as to why she doesn't do a lot of solo streams, she knows it might hurt her sister, but if it gets her to become serious about her health, it might be worth it.
How much goth/emo FWMC art did we get for the 10th by the way? I must have missed it
Yeah, we already seen your idea here earlier. Spam #helpfwmc instead.
I think she's scared to because they got suspended after fluffy week because she pushed herself too hard to try to make up for her frail sister. She doesn't need to do a full schedule on her own, just one or two short streams to have something on their channel.
Nah I'm good, they don't read me anyway.
Oh, that's unfortunate, me either.
fluff n fuzz onegai
Just saw that now, it's a good one. But not in Japanese so of course not worth a retweet
Does Marine hate Fuwawa?
Who doesn't?
I don't hate my wife.
stop drinking cum Nerissa
for all I know i missed my like because they aren't verified
laughing fox is about to stop being a Ruffian he just needs a new girl to latch on to. Anyone have any recommendations to make for him?
When do the plushies and other merch get released at round1? I know currently it’s the towels only.
happy canadian thanksgiving
It's funny how even my predictions were optimistic. I thought they'd just cancel one stream today, not both.
Send him to Tenma, I know DS is membered to her so he’d have one familiar face over there.
good joke but it has to be a new girl about to debut or just fresh. he hopped from Ame to Kronii to FUWAMOCO. I don't know how we didn't lose him to Justice I guess he was feeling too coddled and loved by fwmc
I think the coasters are the 18th and the plushies are the 25th unless it gets delayed or released early. I dont know about the keychains.
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I'm sorry your girls are not around tonight, ruffian. Well, you know, let's hope they get back on their paws soon! Let's be positive! We can pass the time til then together if you want?
I think you should stop being obsessed with men
Thanks. I know when to start looking on eBay and other scalping sites. Being EU is shit for this kind of thing.
biboo's childlike features isn't sexy
you can actually get the towel for cheaper than it costs at round1 right now but it might get more expensive as they run out
Mococo, don't read this...
Mococo is NOT sexy
How does that even work? These must have been stolen from the factory or something, right?
Could be a fake.
Kosexy Biboo will always make me rock hard.
What mic did they use for the Vacation CYOA? It sounds like shit. Not just them, everyone.
I wonder how much it would cost to produce fakes for towels that size and quality. The Dodgers shirts were like 50 plus dollars at the stadium, but people could make and sell fakes easy and cheap.
Mori's phone
The whole point of fakes is that they won't be of the same quality. You can just print an image on a towel easy. But a lot of people don't care about details. You can rip any image off of Twitter and have it printed on a dakimakura and if you don't care too much about quality it'll look mostly the same. Real eagle eyed people will notice that the image has been compressed to be on Twitter but a lot of people consume slop.
How can that happen? did a nip cause a few to fall off a truck or what?
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