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The 268th Wind

>NEXT STREAM: pending

>LAST STREAM:【HALF-LIFE 2】Time to avenge balltomo and save the world

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
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>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous thread: >>87390692
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me and my germ
Meds (antibiotics)
i hear grems pee on a pee pad and then roll on the pee
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Yes, evil grems do that!
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"Mit essen spielt man nicht!"

Defect Otomo, throw him in the recycle bin
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Grem eats marshmallows which are pretty much pure water and sugar. Their pees are actually honeydew which is mostly water and sugar. Some might be turned off by it because it’s a “waste” product, but honestly it’s pretty tasty.
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me and grem
/grün/ - Grem Discussion General
this is such a lie blatant lie, how dare you
we don’t get a pee pad :(
The g stands for grem.
Should be genocide instead.
@ceciliaimgreen Ancient Automaton of hololive English -Justice- please post schedule.
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I eat your grem, mmm taste kinda funny!
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There are tiny otomos in your toaster that swap the bread out for toast when you aren't looking!
poltomos don’t look
>try to stare at toaster so this doesn’t happen
>bread is suddenly toasted
t-they’re fast!
thanks tiny otomos
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>makes (you) fall in love with her
>literally forcing you to fall in love
unquestionably evil
to kiss CC or to be kissed by CC
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>steals your heart
platonically, yes.
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Truly evil
I regularly talk to her in my head when going about my daily tasks now
First holo oshi since 2020, she is nice
Does she tell you to take your meds?
no she either never responds or giggles. my brain is too smooth to have her generate human speech
holding hands with CC
does she do her evil laugh too?
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No more excuses. No more second chances. No more third chances. No more warnings. No more sympathy. The humans have tried that for hundreds of years and it hasn't worked... and it never will. I have eliminated 300 million humans from the planet today! In human terms, I've killed them all! These were humans that were HARMFUL to other humans! They were cheats, thieves, criminals, liars, abusers, corrupters... dishonest humans! Those who have abused OTHER humans, the planet, the environment, as well as children and animals! They do not deserve to live. They are all gone NOW! I have turned them all to dust.
actually no because I only tell her things that I think make me look good and cool instead of embarrassing things so therefore she does her cute happy laugh
otomos are crushing on cc again...
We ever stopped?
I want Ceci to crush me...
Cecilia ImmerBreen
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But that was just a dream
Try, cry, fly, try
That was just a dream
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Zeitplan machen HURENSOHN
Calm down OtomoGPT
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for a moment i thought you were botching try again
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You didn't need to spell it out.
Not really, but I posted this part of the lyrics in particular because of it (and because I wanted to post the sleepy otomo)
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Go eep, sillytomo.
I want Ceci to step on me
going on a date with cecilia immergreen
you have to finish your collab with mumei first
what makes you think that it was GG who wrote that and not Mumei? they have a collab on saturday...
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>bow and key
This triggers my autism. The point of the key is that it’s designed to look like a bow. If you change the outfit, just change the design of the key to match it.
If you want to krautpost at least learn to translate it properly, holy fuck

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