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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307 (embed)
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK (embed)
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt (embed)
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Common Trolling techniques in /here/: https://pastebin.com/24DaTTvm (embed)
/asp/iring doodles LIVE!

Be kind and loving and smooch Edition
Previous thread:>>87416911
Never forget: YNGMI
Ye' Negroes Gonna Make It
I hate m*le vtubers!
If you are a m*le just forfeit! Your incel smell scares us away! We do not need to be sexpested by your kind!
Stop sniffing people you freak
I love male vtubers!
If you are a male keep going! Don't let the schizos get you down! I know we can make it together!
If he doesn't i'll steal his 3rd leg and his figs, so he doesn't really have a chance
I want to do little silly doodles for people but I have literally never drawn in my life...
that never stop me before
Never too late to start.
nikola i missed your stupid tweets
I know this may sound crazy, but accidentally dropping heavy objects on your toes hurts a considerable amount ;_;
I haven't been vagueposting and I can't tell if people are confusing each other with the ones they want to actually talk to or if there's some new lovers I'm unaware of.

I will. I'm just having some kinda fucked up mental breakdown atm. Don't really like talking/posting about it because it seems like an invitation for ass-pats and the wrong type of attention/sympathy, and male menhera is inherently just gross an off-putting to look at.

I'm planning to take things alot more seriously once I'm fully adjusted to my new meds. I have a new format I wanna try out that I think will be pretty funny. Also my new model should (I think) be ready soon.
Being ryona'd by fwofie and malphon at the same time

Thanks! Good luck anon!! Live2D is strangely a mix of fun and frustrating.
gyaru dog!
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You know what. I’m kinda glad twitch is ban happy with vtuber thots. Keep these worthless whores out of my hobby.
>your hobby
there's no way those hashtags do anything
How do you get your account labeled as a vtuber account so that Twitter shills it to people looking for vtuber content if you don’t use these shitty hashtags?
I'm glad the updated rules were released now. I was going to have an outfit that showed my sides and hips in the future.
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/asp/iring doodles LIVE!

third page begins!

I think a little sexy is fine but I'm pretty sick of the goon-bait type of vtubers that pop up on my timeline.

Omg!!! Thank you for drawing me!! :D
We should all report her on her debut.
nypa faggot
why post about "Keep these worthless whores out of my hobby." then if you're not actually going to do something?
I will if I even remember
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Asps that play ZX Speccy classics?
second page is full already? how fun! maybe I'll draw more aspies who weren't added. yall niggas really should be doing it yourself tho
>my hobby
one view spotted
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>second page is full already?
there are still some small spaces! so feel free to fill them if you like.
mikio is a whore
Oyasumi punpun
it is in the OP...
I wish i could draw better
Yoiu guys are great
hi glorpo
I grew up with the Spectrum and Sega Master System but I feel like nobody would want to see rhat
For someone
gotta draw a fellow alien! I wasn't sure what the bottom of your tie looked like and its amazing, I'll fix it later tonight.
that would be a question to ask somebody who said that
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What made (You) start streaming?
who do you hate so much
I just keyed his car. Thats what he gets for not being mine
I'm lonely and talk to myself. This way if I'm talking to myself I'm occasionally talking to other people too.
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Brb getting new big tiddy bikini model
Hello /asp/ I hope your evening is going well. Tonight we're playing fire emblem, currently challenging one of the most difficult extra maps to reach in the game. Come cheer me on!
Harassing female vtubers
I wanted to collab with my oshi at first, now I just like playing games on stream
I know for a fact #Vtuber has a retweet bot, and quite a few of my figure pics, twitch clips, and schedules got retweeted by it. Whether the retweet bot helps or not idk but it's better than nothing
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i was feeling pretty good and then i saw this, and now my heart aches.
favorite asp couple?
you dodged a bullet
I give it under a month month before she flips out and dumps him.
ive dated women like her, and when they fall in love, they fall crazy in love. you can't get rid of them without them having a meltdown and threatening to kill themselves
It's not like I've been doing that with all my exes, haha
I'm a male btw
uuuuntil they get bored of you. Then they drop you like you never mattered at all
weird thing to say when you've never been touched

Ah no worries! Thanks again :>
yeah rub it in everyone's face why don't you
how many years has it been? dried up whore
I need me a woman like that
>No you do-
You're a coward for not staying with her.
english practice
i still suck at speaking
I want a woman so obsessed with me she cuts me open
I have a general question sorry if its not on topic. But what does a normal Japanese adult do? Like if all the week stuff we know about japan is "for kids" like shonen seinen shojo etc. Its basically like being into YA novels or comic books or something. Then what media is the typical Japanese adult consuming or meant to consume and why do we never hear about it
I want a gf that's just like a best friend but also we have sex.
hi i can do that and then i can play with ur guts after?
What program it's easy to use for making shorts? I don't wanna go crazy with editing but i want to add captions to my clips as a baseline
J-dramas, western movies, working absurd hours, drinking
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i haven't, and i can't
dm me
dm me
>what does a normal Japanese adult do
men: work
women: cheat on their husbands
the same thing any country does that doesn't have a big hollywood like media export.
consume american hollywood movies
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you guys STINK
Examples of good j drama? Or is it just telenovela tier junkorama
Is Murakami an adult author? That's the only modern Japanese writer I know. Is he a common thing to read for Japanese who read?
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I've eaten five times, I've slept six times and I've made a lot of things mine! Tomorrow, I'm going to see if I can't have sex with something!
still can't tell if she's actually selfposting
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Takes one to know one, stinky
I will punt you
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Local stone man resumes journey as vampire, jobs horribly, dies
Code Vein
Attention, all lady vtubers! I am feeling very, very sexy! Can you hear me, lady vtubers?! My body is available! Please form a queue! No squabbling! This is your lucky day!
that's a man. you can tell instantly
I wanted to try it
And its really fun
"where are you guys coming from" i think she actually doesn't know guys
eh, well i gave her a follow and such anyway. Not like its gonna kill me
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Does anyone wanna watch Thunderbolt Fantasy with me in about 3 hours?
How do you cope with not having a female voice and not being able to be a cute girltuber
I would like to.
I castrated myself
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i miss rura.
By being a man with a manly voice with no desire to be an anime woman
ive been in bed all day
Delete this
I miss nearly all of gen 5
just be a normal streamer. works for a lot of people. the top 10 most followed twitch streamers are all men and theyre not vtubers.
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Haru's playing Luigi's Mansion!
>TB watch along
>3 hours
Anon..... its already 3 am here sorry
have a big kiss tho
that's a man
Will you wash my balls or not
Work for 20 hours a day, hit up the karaoke bar, sleep, repeat.
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I aint touching your sweaty ass balls
Stop sniffing balls, freak.
Fucking around with friends, haven't done it as a vtuber yet
I've seen the nsfw.
You can't hide.
i ALLOW NSFW because I'm fine with artist doing whatever with my character but that doesnt mean im INTO IT
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yes if my internet wasnt so bad… maybe next week ;_;
Kiji likes MEN
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NO, I like WOMEN not you NOT MEN.
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art stuffs
what will I draw??
YOU yes YOU! anon I will draw anon
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Thanks ^^
Is something wrong with Twitch views over the past few days? I had half the CCV of the number of people in my viewer list and I see the same on other streams right now
vtuber sex is frying twitch's data centers
but on a serious note: i dont know, i havent noticed anything weird
Name the ones you don't miss
How do you deal with rejection?
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it's happening again
whats happening anon?
Stay made males like fwofie are wining.
I only get 1 or 2 viewers every time I stream, so no difference here.
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Watchalong here in about 55 minutes
there are no alien asp only schizos
I am just not a fan of... The gay people.
Seeing how absolutely dogshit some people are at playing videogames.
>absolutely dogshit
Great way to describe everyone here when they stream.
There are a good amount who stand out and who I believe could truly make it.
Why is it every time I see an aspie get a new model it looks worse?
list them
>did tons of singing reps for higher notes
>resting speaking voice got higher and sounds more grating
>still shit at singing
>tfw now my voice is shit all around
Guess I'll do a flip
Name them
goddamn so not even dudes wanted cheens lil micropeen lol
Do HRT, no half-measures.
I think that Alpin is a very good example, he puts effort into his streams and has a great energy all around, along with a good brand. Kanman and Skab are two other examples I can think of off the top of my head who have great potential. The definition of 'making it' is different to different people, so I imagine not everyone is here to dump all their effort into vtubing, which is respectable.
great list you got there
i wish i had a drive to do big unique ideas or setting up gags per stream. i've never had that in me ;;
Gonna start doing long streams to prevent me from eating so I can lose weight. If I have an audience watching me, then I'll feel less likely to be a fat whale. I'll be skinny for me. I'll be skinny so when I do handcam streams everyone looks at my hands and wrists and doesnt think I'm a fat lard whale.
I agree with Alpin, he's going to be partner level in a year, but the other two are I think held back by their model. I just don't see how could a cantuber be successful, but I hope he proves me wrong.
just eat very little (like 1000 calories max) and go run 3 to 4 miles a day 5head.
And that's completely okay anon, to each their own. Just don't set your expectations too high without putting a bunch of effort in, it'll only result in disappointment.
that's fair! I try to setup what I can in terms of energy but it's hard for my exact vibe / feel to know what I can do better rn...
I wish I came into vtubing with a set lore and background instead of being like "im just gonna try it", now I'm trying to scramble together assets and cool stream bits that pertain to it, but i have no idea how to do it. I want to make it, but my numbers have been low as of recent due to scuff. It's discourages me. I already have big issues with my model I made so it's just gonna get worse from here on out I think
Reminder you all suck ass. Tupo just got approved for twitch partner (from all the raids I gave him) :3
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I believe in you
Same person posted both of these btw
I posted every single post of this thread except the ones written by you.
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Thank you to everyone that came to say hi tonight while I played what ended up being a pretty spooky game. Have a great evening everyone!
How bad of an idea would it be to pimp a female friend out to becoming a successful vtuber?
If a guy did this to me I would be mad and grossed out.
That's like 90% of vtubers
this isn't for me but holy fuck thank you
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asp for this feel
they never post here
>source: my ass
Once I release the beast, i'll stream...... maybe
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Thank you for droppin by the stream, doddled some it was fun
idiot retard
anon this is an imageboard without names, you're retarded
Megino Love
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Wanted to be a babi before the word was a thing, the idea was fun to me.
Never could cause menhera, but I am glad I started now and not back then, I wasn't emotionally mature enough.
i know them more than any of you
I salvaged my model after my computer got nuked
Now to re-setup everything else
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I want to be drawn by Must.
uwo i suck your cock if you help me become successful
33 year old female attempting to understand vtubing. Is the main point to basically give lonely guys a surrogate parasocial girlfriend experience in exchange for money? Or am being overly cynical
Vtubing is literally anything you want it to be, you can method act as whatever you can imagine. But women realized that it's a very simple way to emotionally manipulate men without even having to look at least decent, so the balance shifted onto that direction.
Wait until you see how men react to other men getting trying to vtube, that's what cemented it for me.
>hag /asp/ie incoming
It's time for you to learn how to stream.
So the reason I want to vtube is because my favorite streamer used to be asmongold, he sucks now though and I feel like it would be the coolest thing in the world to just play games and have a big audience to laugh at my failures and root for my successes and let me make dumb jokes and just have fun. and having a cool vtube avatar would be great. but the more I've looked into it the more I feel like I won't get that experience, and the vtubing I see from girls feels like this kind of predatory thing in a way. Maybe I'm dumb.
It doesn't have to be that, you get girls like Haru who just shoot down horny chatters.
You *can* do whatever you want, the key aspect is your expectations and how you mange them.
thanks all for coming honk!
If you don't offer GFE then you'll face similar issues as every other male here.
That's problem 2. I actually kind of want to lean into that stuff to some degree, like to a very small just for fun degree. but it feels kind of fucked, I don't want to exploit male loneliness and pain
you are a woman. all you will ever do is exploit male loneliness and pain. the sooner you can admit this truth to yourself, the easier that things will be.
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It's very difficult because no matter what you do, someone will get the wrong idea regardless, you can try to set boundaries as much as you want but there will always be delusional men.
Just do what gumpai does.
I just wanna say Thunderbolt Fantasy was very fun to watch. Will watch more next week :)
I'm sorry, I should have also specified that I don't believe you may even do so intentionally. This is just how things work, it is how things are. And none of this is a personal commentary on you, either.

The issue isn't the vtubers. It's the camgirls. We just want the rules to be fair.
then dont do it?
There are a ton of successful female vtubers that never touch GFE. Moriko at batatvideogames is a quick example posted in this thread.
are you gonna do this with batrick?
I'm gonna have that really good burger I've been looking forward to. Thank you for allowing me to have hope for you dearest cherry blossom. I hope you can relax and find the courage to seek what your heart needs soon.
Instead of VTubing here is some hard life advice.
Why not go find a man to settle down with and have a family with?
You're looking for life fulfillment, and there is nothing greater.

You want to turn to VTubing. Why?
Unless you really really like content generation and networking then you should not get into VTubing.

What you expect VTubing to be:
Streaming video games for 5 hours.

What VTubing actually is:
Dealing with randoms in DMs and playing nice all the time to foster support of your channel.
Chopping out bits of content into TikToks.
Shilling everywhere.
>Chopping out bits of content into TikToks
Get a timestamp app and set it to a hotkey or use a Stream Deck to set time markers when you have a clippable moment. Makes it super easy!
>Why not go find a man to settle down with and have a family with?
That's not an appealing life to me

>What VTubing actually is:
>Dealing with randoms in DMs and playing nice all the time to foster support of your channel.
>Chopping out bits of content into TikToks.
>Shilling everywhere.
Can't I find someone to do those things for me though?
can you just make them for me
There are a lot of successful women your age in vtubing, just start streaming and see how it goes. If you dont like it you can always quit later on.
Yeah I feel ya. Chat can be kind of useless sometimes, you'll say "somebody clip that" or "that's a clip" and nobody makes it even though it takes like 3 clicks. So frustrating lol then you have to scrub the whole vod trying to find that moment.
>Can't I find someone to do those things for me though?
You can, they're going to want to fuck you though. Having a manager as an indie is retarded.
I want more but I don't know how to tell her
>finding a man isn't appealing to me
>but I want to VTube
who do you think you are going to be dealing with 99% of the time?
Exploiting people isn't going to give you the real fulfillment you want.
why don't you find a man and settle down and raise kids with him if it's so great
I already have a girlfriend. We are waiting until she finishes University to have kids.
Nice. We are still waiting until my girlfriend finished middle school.
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good night /asp/
goodnight sweetdreams <3
Vtubing is the most miserable thing ever
I want to cut my body to feel anything right now.
Try something worse than self-harm, cs2.
Okay I’ll go learn HTML
hop on overwatch
Let's play counter strike on the Brazilian servers it will be fun I promise.
I just learned to do it as thing I would already be doing if I was playing games alone.
How about DMing her
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How are we tonight, dear friends?
never dm your fellow chuubas. it will ruin your life.
Nighty night :] rest well.
Just don't DM anyone desu. Having minimal interaction with the community as a whole avoids the drama, the sex pests, and the weirdos.
This. It gets lonely sometimes but I learnt the hard way it's better to be alone than to have your trust broken.
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We're all gonna make it.
Gn /asp/.
Doing fine, stranger
His girlfriend is middle aged anon
miss you
Huh, lotz of selfposting now. I guess /asp/ is healing.
I dont really focus on youtube, about a video a month of gaming content and 4-5 shorts which generally does pretty well, however I was thinking about dropping some SAMMI / Resolve / OBS tutorials - is this going to absolutely tank my algorithm? I'm not trying to be a youtuber so if it does its not the end of the world, just trying to make an effective plan & some helpful content for my mutuals
Making useful and accessible content is a good thing. Do that.
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>is this going to absolutely tank my algorithm?
It depends.
You need to publish these tutorials outside your normal content time.
You need to continue publishing your regular content.
You should also not publish or notify the video to subscribers.
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What is the difference between VTuber and VStreamer.
Nothing. Normies tried to differentiate vtubers on Twitch from Youtube but failed to break the term from existing culture
Noted, thank you
Dunno who it is for but thanks for reminding me that I need to do a little animation with this song
Who's the whitest /asp/ie?
Female: Pukki
Male: Iriya
Three of my oomphies in one pic u.u
Fuck yea that's nice. That heavy, fuzzy, sound. Good shit
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actually, literally, physically me. i'm going to give vtubing the college try. working on getting my money up to set up properly beforehand. i'm not paying anyone to make my model or png, i can do art reasonably well enough so that's not an issue. just need a mic that doesn't pick up my phone's data and some echo cancelling so people can't hear my family and i'm set.
I have nothing fun about me, I have no interesting gimmick, I'm nothing good
I'm not gonna make it.
I should graduate.
is your model cute? i could make use of it
You must have SOMETHING
I can draw, I can yap, but am I good at those things? Absolutely not, I'm fucking spiraling right now cause I have nothing good.
Post some drawings
you probably are good at those things but don't recognize it. post your model
"Post your model" don't do it anon, these crabs are looking for their next target.
nut up and give me my (You). i'm curious if they're cute
i haven't seen you yet, i only showed up last month. I'll find you and form my opinion later
you are better than 90% of asp artists kyuu, calm yer tits
Bro if you say you can then you are good at those things. You have more strengths than that or develop new ones. And I’m pretty sure you are able to keep an audience entertained which is better than most on twitch. Take it from me a guy with absolutely zero skill in anything and I plan to go on till the outside world forces me to quit. You need to TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT A BIT OF IT because they can show you that you are so much more.
you are better than art than me, have more charisma than me, you are more entertaining than me, you have good numbers, you have people who care about you and yet you are still complaining
Bro if you think you're bad, I'm probably gutter trash. Chin up
you are better in art than me*
you made me so angry that I can't even type
who dis cutie
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I want pity points too! I need external validation! I must get reassured about my skill level! I am le epic doomer!
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get patted, you dork.
you're doing good.

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