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ahoge fight! ahoge fight!

>Latest & Upcoming
Schedule: https://twitter.com/gigimurin/status/1845706365689569560
Four Types of Extreme Love Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice
Back to School Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_backtoschoolvoice
Secret Island Summer Prequel Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_islandprequelvoice
Halloween Villains Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_halloweenvoice2024_villains

ECHO POINT NOVA w/ Moom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eNa9WzJXt8

>Recent Streams:
TCG simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r_IFMvjKD4I

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

OP Template: https://rentry.org/gigger
Previous: >>87336344
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remember to stream hitomania as much as possible! let's get it to 800k views by her birthday! we can do it!
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daily reminder:
i'm doing my part!
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I am the grem who has been photoshopping your images into lewds and I want to apologize to you. I hope you understand my desperation and forgive me. Thank you for your work. Itadakimasu.
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Gigi Cute
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I love how this outfit also has hip windows. If this is a common theme for all of her outfits, then you definitely won't see and complaints from me.
Gigi tweeting from bed again
yeah, mine
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it is now gigi time
Sup grems
Looking forward to our collab
this game is totally gonna give mumei motion sickness
kino game incoming
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it's so over
Technical difficulties right off the bat...not like this
I hear the beeps!
gigi is really sounding like my aunt right now. don't know why, when she talks slow i hear her
we're so back
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Phew. Glad it worked out quickly. All those beeps kek
>that sync
anon think of the advertisers...
ugh, she's so fucking cute. i love her so much
this is just like minecraft/parkour civilization/roblox
my favourite ritual posts
this game seems pretty neat so far, lots of movement tech is always a good time
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glad you like them! <3
second time this happened to me today lmfao
Gigi is kinda shmoving
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hi grems, please excuse my oshi
she can be a bit dumb
She's a little.. you know
it's okay, she's not too bad. gigi's just so good, she makes others look bad
Wrong, she's #mumeiway-ing her path
ritualposts are part of the life and blood of every general, they just wouldn't be the same otherwise. keep it up!
It's amusing to me that her hip windows would result in a ban on twitch.
this game is so sick, surprised more people don't talk about this one
it's less than a month old and has great reviews so it will probably keep gaining traction as a sleeper hit
Are you guys excited for Gigi's birthday extravaganza?
This game makes me wanna watch Gigi play Risk of Rain 2, she would thrive as Mercenary
ah that makes sense. i hope it succeeds. grateful to gigi for showing it off
yup! ready for the merch. it's gonna be a blast
>it put me in a liminal space...
I was not invited :(
I will be buying all her merch.
Limited if I can beat the bots
Of course you were!
and gigi is so good at finding games her collab partner would like. this must be why she's never invited ceci to her channel before, she hasn't figured out ceci's tastes yet.
pick: gigi doom (OG all the way to the newer ones) or gigi hotline miami?
for me it's DOOM
i'm more of a doom guy
Did they touch ahoges yet?
hotline miami because fuck nu-doom
DOOM because HM2 sucks (great soundtrack though)
they were deepthroating ahoges during the starting screens, we just couldn't see it
Get her a can of monster and let her loose on HM
another stream I can't watch because of motion sickness sigh
Hotline Miami so she can make up enemies to lovers stories for the protagonist.
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sorry to hear that grem. maybe you can listen to the audio in the background
eat a ginger candy femanon
please dont post that
it makes me horny
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Grems what did this guy mean by this?
This game looks neat.
damn gigi is moving
Gigi is such a cracked gamer. If she bore my children they would be the greatest gamers of all time.
god she's so good
Is Gigi a skilled gamer or is my in experience with FPS games making me thinking she is?
Oh yeah how much of a gamer are you
she's pretty average
mumei is jobbing hard on this game because she can't figure out the movement, so gigi looks better by comparison like a fat girl bringing her 6/10 friend to an 8/10
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she's definitely above average, especially for a chuuba
The avatar I'm using for my Youtube account happens to be a gremlin with the spinning hat. I'm very happy Gigi agrees that it's perfect.
I'm such a gamer that I literally play video games every single day.
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I like how your oshi is always on the same page as mine Grems
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My zoomerpilled girl looking for a tasty treat...
yeah! she's pretty great at matching vibes
pretty good level
definitely gonna have to check this game out afterwards
yeah i dig those kinds of creative levels
Didn't Gigi at one point says she gets motion sick from shooters? I think she said it during BPM?
yeah she mentioned it
she's probably fighting the urge to puke so she can continue her courtship ritual for mumei
She's in good company in that case, Mumei also is prone to motion sickness.
This game is mostly taking place in wide open spaces so motion sickness isn't really an issue
Gigi wants the moomussy so shw's holding back
i want gigi to do her "kitten" bit with mumei
>AN ORB?!?
What the hell was that Mumei?
she's moomin
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She sometimes does that. Don't worry, it's normal.
moom makes moom noises
Moomin' time
I call Gigi Gina in my head sometimes. Just thought I’d let you know.
*goes back to sleep in the pee corner*
I bet mumei slurps gigi's gina
lol that's a cute nickname for her
the gun's name is granddad
agreed. she's being a lil cutie
You bring Gigi home to meet your parents and they ask her about her job and hobbies. She starts talking about Teen Wolf. What is their reaction?
I want CC to start calling her Gina whenever she disapproves of something she does. Like using your friend’s government name when they do something stupid.
he’ll ask me to marry her asap
Reminds me of when CC called Gigi jizz
my mom would've loved gigi
my mom would have hated gigi and called her a literal demon unironically sent from hell to corrupt, just like she did for anything that I was remotely interested in as a child
i got some of those nerds gummy clusters they were talking about. they're pretty yummy
They are happy I'm no longer a wizard
aw, sorry to hear that grem
god those small zatsus are so good.
No way moom is freeing Gigi of her R*blox addiction
no, gigi is dragging moom back down to the pit
I'm lost.
hi gigi
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my crops...
It's okay. Gigi will join 7D2D.
did gigi just raid into mumei...
i miss her
no she raided wawa
but it brought me to mumei
can confirm they're addicting and making my tummy a little upset
I love Gigi!
Didn't watch any of the collab... was it better or worse than the nerissa collab?
they laughed and made silly noises for 4 hours
t. hooman
I missed the collab, will Gigi be joining 7DTD?
i'd say it was better. the gameplay was really entertaining to watch and they had some fun interactions, but i enjoyed the rissa collab so idk how you'd feel about it
kiara said she might
nothing concrete so far. kiara seems hopeful
Thanks for playing with my oshi grems
yeah! i'm glad they have fun together. i hope they can play more roblox soon
weird, it sent me to kiara
I'm glad they had fun, they seem to get along with each other really well
gigi doko...
she’s in her hamster wheel right now watching family guy + temple run tiktoks
lmao i love that
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Gigi has arrived. She will join discord as eating.
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>get back from walking my cat
>gigi logs on
feels good
thanks grem!!!!!
What is she eating right now??????
Don't say """"me""""
me- ermmmm... idk probably something asian
>What is she eating right now??????
so good
nice! hope your cat had fun
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lucky bastard
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Gigi.. join the VC >/////<
i really love that gigi has become the favorite justice member of a lot of the girls
She's very 'interactive' and knows how to play off of people. I think she talked about improv before on stream, right? The old 'Yes, and' mentality really does go a long way to make chemistry.
Cute Gigi!
>gg has headcrab
someone call the free man
yeah i remember she talked about improv/rp and how important it is to build others up. i imagine that's where a lot of her magic mojo comes from
gigi in da VC!
Gigi in VC!
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I miss this voice
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She is alive!
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GIGI CUTE! CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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my soul is at peace again...
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How the heck does she always have MASSIVE amounts of everything?
maple story
grinding is in her bones
She grind.
Hi grems I missed the collab with Moom, how was it?
mumei moomed several times
GG jeej’d several times
parkour civil with gun
very chill, they really enjoyed the game which is just like minecraft/parkour civilization/roblox/fortnite/sonic/titan fall/DOOM/7 days to die/spongebob/only up/apex legends/team fortress 2/pacman/
it was pretty fun. gigi was going hard af. that's a new stream we can point people to who want to see her game skills. the game is interesting, i wanna play it now
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Thx for the very clear summary
She is a hardworker and has almost no downtime. She cuts tree whenever she's not doing anything. While the other girls are idling and chatting at base, she's chatting and cutting trees or out hunting zombies.
I mean, I get it because I too have played maplestory off and on for 18 years, but damn.
Gigi was also moomin
Asians are just better at everything, including being addicted.
Fauna really loves Gigi :)
ya love to see it
Not as much as me
She wants her SO BAD
And how did that make you feel?
Ahaha all the tree planting actually did help out. Big brain GG
So am I
it culminated in my social isolation and liveposting vtuber streams on /vt/
kek gigi's services are so good they harm everybody, zombies and players
scale of 1-10, how was the Mumei collab? that's a long VOD...
6/10. not much banter because they were both so into the gameplay. mooms was a little confused for the first half but got there
It lacked memorability, but otherwise it is worth watching for some fun gameplay (Gigi is great at fast shooters) and cute tangents in-between.
Gigi is a miner.........
>Gigi is a miner
She's not a gold digger, r-right?
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They synced up once
gigi is rp'ing the highschool bully who picks on fauna because she has a crush on her!
She certainly doesn't give the vibe that she's one.
If anything, she looks like the sort of person others mine from
Gigi cute!
someone clip that
is it just because i'm a grem or is there another, normal reason why every time gigi speaks i smile? surely outside of my crippling fanatical like for gigi, she's also a funny and entertaining gal, right?
it's probably mostly because we love her, but she has a very sincere voice, she wears her emotions on her sleeve. she has a very infectious positivity, and her laugh is very contagious. it's a very healing voice when you come to love her

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