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Main links
https://twitter.com/uraakapeko (Sub-account)

Peko essentials

1st Album [USAGI the MEGAMI]

Sololive [Poorfag edition]

>>Original song
Shōten chokuzen Love it LIVE [NEW]
Saikyou Megami Usa Pekora
-https://cover.lnk.to/SaikyoMegamiUsaPekora (on Spotify and others)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTwDH_KQ_g (MV)
-https://pekora.streamlink.to/PEKORAMDOMBRAIN (on Spotify and others)
Iiwake Bunny
https://youtu.be/tlLo7jypqDI (MV)
-https://cover.lnk.to/AlibiBunny (on Spotify and others)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1zMWBU39E (Live translated)
-https://cover.lnk.to/RaRaRaRabbit (on Spotify and others)
Zen Jinrui Usagi ka Keikaku!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzdie2uH0N4 (MV)
-https://cover.lnk.to/ZenjinruiUsagikakeikaku (on Spotify and others)

>>Cover songs
Discommunication alien
Renai Nou 「New song」

>>Collab songs
[LADYBABY] Easter Bunny (w/Mito) [NEW]
Song list


なぜ?なに?ぺこちゃん!/Why? What? Pekochan!


PekoNoe ASMR
PekoMoona Offcollab
PekoMama April's Fool 2024

>>Pekora's Sololive Letter


>>Thread template
japan are the clear favorites, australia has been playing a competent game so far with tight defense. Add to that how japan seems to only be real influential on the wings. A solid defending team vs an underperforming attacking side will always be dull. Until the break through or the counter.
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pekotyan rabu
it's fucking over
it's over
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I'm sorry argbro but this is the original
Yeah but the Argentina flag has her colors.
Australia is so bad at controlling the ball they had to get an own goal, coach is good for making use of their athleticism to just run into position for defense though.
Japan is physically inferior they can't run or jump for shit, they're better with the ball so they get more chances but their shooting has been weak so far.
Australia scored? What was Peko's reaction?
It was an own goal against the run of play. Shock.
Soccer really is an embarrassing sport.
Been awhile since i watched football. This game is funny
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Yeah. It needs like 15 more commercial breaks
Pekora really deserves to be introduced to real football and God's chosen sport: Rugby League Football
weak by japan, aussies gameplan worked out. at least they didn't lose. And we had some great pekonoises.
It's all here, fast kickin, low scorin, and ties? You bet.
Japan played into socceroo's hand, they needed to stretch the play as the Aussies have just sat narrow with a low block all game. They don't have a target man or destroyer to break through the centre so their best bet was to overload the wide areas but they didn't do it enough.
>at least they didn't lose
Uh I'm fairly sure they won't qualify with this score
so no PK?
aussies or japan? Unless japan collapses in their following games they'll qualify. Australia will have a harder time getting that second spot.
The roos
It's qualifying not knock out rounds.
no thats only for elimination matches this is kind of a league round
pekochan... got fooled by the chat
They'll have a though time yea. with the "at least they didn't lose" I meant japan.
I thought Pekora would know the rules by now
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pekochan is like my grandma, who watches every single match of our team and is very enthusiastic about whats going on the screen, but has 0 idea of how the game is played or the rules
3 streams in a day, thank you pekora
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The power of shiling, Pessi & 2/3rds of Bakatare
And /sp/ hasn't changed one bit. I love it.
Half of Bakatare Circus you mean. Bakatare was Flare, Fubuki and Watame, they expanded to add Polka.
The asses turned into AI slop actually
ah fuck, you're right
I can only watch until about midnight so I have no idea where they ended up at last night
they took the wall down
Shit they already beat Hitler?
pekora is like a kid when she discovers something new
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it's extremely cute
does this game have more or less bosses than Terraria?
cute pekotyan playing ocarina
Lmao the Do-Re-Mi tune again
less than terraria
ah well thats fine too
This is comfy. I wish these started a bit earlier.
yeah its chill
i hate fighting this boss alone
I can see why
Polka will still insist she can't play "real" games
those crystals can heal this boss
after this i dont know what will happen because i stop playing the game
i actually impressed on how pekora utilized the armor slot
sometimes pekotyan is very smart, most of the time she isnt
Poruka's eye tracking is so much more responsive than Peko's
fuck now im kinda regret not finishing this game
pekotyan is very lucky finding all this rare shit consecutively
you have no heals! back out now and don't be greedy you dang bunny!
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i know flare will react like this
pekora is mvp
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*ruido de hornero*
>that tiny groan when she saw the scarlet bars needed for boat
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Old but gold pekonoises
thank you
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this is like terraria again where she doesn't care the time and continue playing the game
I think they are too absorbed to notice its 3:30
polka and flare porbably notice it but not pekora
this is furea normal streaming time tho
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cant wait for next year
good night pekotyan
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looks like they will do it today as well
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I'm candy
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kimi to pek & go
I wish that was me...
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Where is the healslut
I don't charge
You reckon Peko ever got fingerblasted back when she was an outdoorsy child?
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I'm sleeping
This guy's sleepposting.
Which stream was it that she talked about her health checkup?
peko's bumps
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How is this board so fast at this hour
strange, doesn't seem like anything's on fire
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I wonder how bad her sleep schedule is now
college student rushing an undergrad thesis level, I would assume
Pekora bleaches her hair
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Bleached her hair & got a fake tan
Monster Strike if anyone wants to join
Does it do the raping or is it the one that gets raped?
Nothing from the Gamefreak leaks so it's safe
More Core Keeper soon, Pekora is excited.
Sankisei collab tomorrow
We'll possibly be hearing Polka's robot baby in stream today
Core Keeper frame up for 20 JST
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From FBKs stream
Foil peko
Damn Friend has some big boobs now
She's either gotten fat or self conscious, because they've been growing steadily for over a year
the remake on her original model gave her quite the buff and also massively increased her popularity with ero mmd makers
Pekora turned everything chrome
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So is Peko a playable deck in the Hololive game
I think she's considered pretty good? 3rd or 4th most used amongst the meta decks.
PekoMoon deck is above average meta wise
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I thought everyone is on Kanata oneshot or Promise piles now
there is a working online emulator with multiplayer already, I tried it the other day, pretty simple but works well enough, the game plays kinda like pokemon tcg
Those are the metafags but I do see a lot of people just trying to use their oshi
core keeper jork
wonder if she will try other game like this in the future
All this preparation and I still think they'll get slaughtered by Omoroth first try. That sunovabitch is a son of a bitch to fight.
if she can get a group to go with it, probably. I'm still hoping for some kind of stardew stream
I believe
how annoying the boss fight will be? i stop playing after the bird boss
I think Polka hasn't slept since yesterday
Either you cheese it by placing land everywhere, or have fun dodging 100 tornadoes while moving as slow as molasses with a boat, all while trying to find and damage him.
And it's clear they have very little experience with the boat.
SDV is more fun to watch soloplay than a group IMO.
someone tell them to equip the boss bait on the offhand slot
in japanese
ah i see it now
they are doing fine
until the boss gets angry
I was gonna say it doesn't look too hard right now but that'll probably jinx it.
i'd honestly prefer to watch her play stardew solo too but i feel like it won't happen, so I'd settle for a group
This reminds me of yogg saron from WoW.
She's practically soloing the boss right now because she refuses to give them their boats lmao
peko's just free firing while the blondes are getting tornadoed
pekora is carrying this fight lol
she's doing an admirable job going through the tornadoes honestly
her weapon is hard countering the tornadoes because the explosion kills them
I take it back, Sasuga Pekotyan for carrying this fight
Peko never looked to be in any danger whatsover. Anon overhyped that fight.
in fairness to the other anon, peko actually looked like she was locked in there
Peko's just that good
I didn't, it really was a very hard boss to fight alone ;_;
yeah being alone would make it much harder
Has Pekora played any twinstick shooters? She should.
How long until the next boss? Want to know what I'll miss if I run an errand.
They're right next to the next boss arena right now
ah well...
but they haven't figured out how to craft the summoning item yet, you still have time for errands
i think you still have time because they will not fight it immediately
i wonder what wrong on my end that i have to wait 60s for the captcha to load
It does that with every IP change Mr. Phoneposter
The next boss is a snooze compared to the octopus. I wonder how well they'll fare against this game's version of Wall of Flesh when they accidentally encounter it later when exploring too much
oh shit it's boss fighting time
There are 4 other holos playing this game together just a few minutes ago.
Why didn't they just join these three from the start? I think cross-playing between worlds should be possible
i guess pekora only invite fuutan and polka or even if other members want to join they probably already late because they are progressing too fast
could be because of different level of meta progression? would be a fun idea though
Peko is not part of the clique
the girls can't be that terrible behind the scenes
my completely baseless and uninformed take is that PekoFlarePol started playing and then other members thought the game was fun and wanted to play too but they probably want the whole experience so they started from scratch
plap plap plap the ground and summon the boss!
do you really want to hear 8 people talking at the same time
No just autistic
they're getting wrecked by hololive
they're weak to hololive
this boss has the highest body count so far lmao
pekoeating sounds
may our ears be blessed
since pekojyan is farming slimes, i came to check on the other newbie group and they're all screaming at the giant mushroom
i really hope these three coresenpais visit them later on, even if its just to observe the baby steps
I really just hear them saying bego now and not peko
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Pekora still manages to kill an ally with explosions even in another game
bravo peko
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you know, pekora really know her way with words
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Friend knows she can't be in close proximity to Polka and Pekora without disaster striking again
(This isn't an excuse to post a wet bune)
wet peko is so hot...
>back arched
Well I'd say it worked anyway
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This game needs more English text for Pekora to read
chin ore...
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They outlasted the other group
how fucking addicted are they?
you should know by now both Peko and Flare are very strong at these kind of autism games, Polka isnt to be understimated either, she doesnt do it as often but if you check any of the box games she participated in she put plenty of hours every day
what their progress so far?
stuck on hunting the gems for the hydra boss summon items.
if they want guaranteed gems, they'll need to explore the passage chests, but everyone's too afraid to cross the void
the three copy-paste bosses after killing the 3 titans
This is basically what early Shiraken was like.
wait they already that far?
yes, but they're still severely under geared. they barely survived the 3rd titan after dying hundreds of times
isnt shiraken formed because Flare is trying to guide choco and polka around the server right? then it became only flare and polka
i guess 5 people make it more easy or they just don't explore much like these 3
so far the power levels are
Peko >> Flare >>>> Porka chan for maining summons
I think there's a misunderstanding. I'm actually talking about FPP. If you mean the other team with Subaru in it, then they stopped after killing the worm boss. No Mogulaz yet.
silly rabbit, that's not a koseki, that's a bomb!
this is it, we're gonna see them die at the same time and get confused
fuck no core keeper tomorrow
Announcing Sankisei as guests for Marine's sololive
isn't it a bit early for that
Is it? Her sololive is only ~7 weeks away. Day 1 is on December 7th. Pekora announced her guests in a similar timeframe I think.
im not sure myself, i had in mind pekora did it 1 month apart
it was about similar timing I think
Just went back and checked. Pekora announced it on October 29th, and her sololive was on December 6th, so 38 days. Marine is announcing tomorrow, and day 1 is on Dec. 7th, so 51 days before hers, so not a big difference.
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okay then
me as koyo
lucky bastard
fat fuck, unironically, it's almost 6 AM...
If its pekotyan I will allow it
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A cute fatty
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*spikes them all*
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Wonder if the sankisei collab will be another 3d karaoke like Pekora's announcement
I would love that
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Is very cute

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