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First time bake



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thank you for the first bake, baker-san!
Sorry for screwing up the op
it’s fine! first time is a start!
someone link the previous thread
You did fine
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Wow he really hates this guy.
kyrio when he sees kitty
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kyrio mentioning YIAYs gives me flashbacks because i was addicted to them years ago…
No way, you just tried to bake a general for this dog. Just cut yourself already.
almost slip up again kekw
he needs to be scared more it makes him so cute when he is
I think Mike and Sydney had a drunken hookup but he caught feelings for her. I guess that makes it a little less creepy.
the only thing he’s scared of are puzzles and making coffee out of a coffee machine apparently
Oh nice, a new INMEN thread I was hoping another would pop up.
And Mike, apparently.
Just a test run as of now. I cannot keep baking in the future. Hopefully we get a few more.
this game is good. we got to fish. 8/10
comfy yapping time!
The songs he plays are pretty fire
yass #cut4kyrio
i can trust him always with music taste because they always get saved to the playlist
this stream was nice but I will bust when he starts mouthwashing stream
Doesn't sunny has a collab with some other ex nijis. Hopefully they get some phasmo action too.
yeah, shes about to collab w some of them this week i think.
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thank u for the stream kyrio!!! yippie
do you think he'll get twitch partner soon
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god this is such a banger schedule
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god damn he's cute. i wish he didn't stream when i was fucking sleeping
I'm glad he did horror opening week. if he did competitive games it would be so boring
Ah. it feels weird to post without using my images since they're old now A thread! I saw this in cbdct, I can post in both though, right?
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why did he scrub all mentions of his favorite mod yuy from his twitter
its still there..
does he really need a general? Can't you just lump him back in with one of the Niji generals? Lazulight still inexplicably persists, after all.
well he’s no longer in niji so like, we gotta make a general bout him too individually since he’s indie.

and this was just a test run, if it works, it works, if it doesn’t then, we ball
I’m curious, how did he slip up again
Just wow. KYS all of you. Seriously. Go find the tallest building where you live and jump right off it. The world will be a better place. Don't wait. Go do it now.
accidentally said the full government name while yapping
wonder how long it’ll take for him to finally stop calling himself hex
I think it only took 1 to 2 months for the others to get past their past identities
I joked earlier that he keeps almost saying something and I was right that it's him probably unlearning saying a fanbase specific name
what's the new fanbase name?
Accidentally said mama haywire.
what happened to his chronic illness if he’s streaming several hours longer than he ever did as Hex
Haven't been decided yet
chronic illnesses have their ups and downs and flareups. sometimes they don’t show up as much, other times, they will show up consistently.

and i think account the fact that he probably got a little bit more rest recently as Kyrio than when he was at his past life, probably.
yeah, muscle memory can be really there especially if he was there for a year
He actually did talk about taking some rest next week.
Why it moving so fast
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Gaywire ain't beating the kiddie groomer allegations
What allegations? Schizoing out again, anon?
we’ll get a lot of those here, just ignore them
everyone's playing roblox. you may as well say the same thing about caseoh playing dress to impress too
schizos and trolls, i mean.
Forgive me, but I don't quite get the timings for his streams. Japanese people can't watch for more than 2 hours because they have to sleep. NA can't watch because they have to go work or school in the morning. Is he only targeting the SEA audience?
EU and Asia
Go do this.
What did NA even do? EU doesn't even have that much audience and asia, well I won't say more.
maybe next weeks schedule will have different times
he did say he was on a vacation for a while. rest can do wonders for the body
he said though it is always 10pm JST, most likely a time he’s comfortable with.
>>87549551 kuro streams at the same time most days and has no issue with it too
Didn't he start an entire hour before?
>>87549860 ( me )
Never mind, I'm stupid
now that his model isn't shit ass fucking stiff he's actually kind of cute
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he sounds a lot happier now
he really does, he seems more well put and just more himself. being indie truly helps him wonders. i hope he continues to find a niche audience only he could muster with his love of horror and music and just yapping and keep it strong, improving from his previous faults. he has potential.
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kyrio changed the title for later’s stream!

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