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just one more pack, okay?

>Latest & Upcoming
Schedule: https://twitter.com/gigimurin/status/1845706365689569560
Four Types of Extreme Love Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_4types_extremelovevoice
Back to School Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_backtoschoolvoice
Secret Island Summer Prequel Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_islandprequelvoice
Halloween Villains Voice Pack: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololive_halloweenvoice2024_villains

TCG simulator: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsrpXZxnUqs

>Recent Streams:
ECHO POINT NOVA w/ Moom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eNa9WzJXt8

Hitomania Cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmT_cEfOTJE
ABOVE BELOW: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilLEj-SCCn8

Lore Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qllhhLELbP4
Collab: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j89Phi0oom8
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15aufXwBIKw
Teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sF4g-50fLz8

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_gigimurin
Xitter: https://x.com/gigimurin
Merch: https://shop.hololivepro.com/collections/gigimurin

Arts: #rkggk https://x.com/hashtag/rkggk
Live: #LFGIGI https://x.com/hashtag/LFGIGI

OP Template: https://rentry.org/gigger
Previous: >>87447039
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remember to stream hitomania as much as possible! let's get it to 800k views by her birthday! we can do it!
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Gigi butt give me life!
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I love love love Gigi!
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Would you rather:
1. Sleep next to Gigi (no touch) for 8 hours
2. Play games with Gigi for 24 hours straight (no sleep)
24 hours no touch
Play games for a straight 24 hours. Not only is it a nostalgia trip but I get to rough house her if she does better than me and vice versa. We also get to be skin to skin while not cuddling because we're in the heat of competition.
I literally couldn't do 1. I'd be all over her. Even if I was restrained. Handcuffed to the bed posts or whatever. I'd break the cuffs or the bed. Whichever cracked first. Then I'd touch her. Every part of her. So 2, I guess.
Gigi soon!
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it is now gigi time
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Woke up just in time for Gigi. Life is good
24 hours of gaming, easily
Unborn yourself.
Unborn yourself NOW
And be born on the same week as Gigi!
>We don't serve your kind around here
Sounds quite a lot like Bae.
2. The game is Twister
You wouldn’t last more than 10 minutes.
I’m really struggling to find her this time bros

Also I’m so happy I’m not the only one who’s seen those Winston posts
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I kneel....
Good spot, well done grem
how the fuck
Holy shit...
WTF, That's cheating GIGI!
This poster is Gigi
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This is Gigi's salad.
>Failure of a person
just like me frfr.
god she's so fucking cute i missed her so much
The little shine/light highlights in her eyes always look like tears to me, so sometimes when I look at Gigi I think she’s crying…
I need to eat healthier and lose weight so Gigi would like me…
my pathetic and sad number...
If you don't bring GiGi big numbers than just don't even try bros. 7 figures is minimum
>I fucking hate poors
>Gigi fucking hates poors
WE ARE????
You can tell she's really stressed because she's extra bratty today
I’m qualified
Looks good, I'd eat it.
Yeah, but a deal's a deal. She has to play Twister over my dead, cummed out corpse.
>raisins in the rice
HOLY SHIT BR GIGI??? yeah its pretty good
>stay home and play with Gigi
M-my heart…
I don't think Auntie will understand that zoomer stuff gigi
why is Gigi so cute....
A more important question is how is Gigi so cute
Oh we are eating good today. Send me the timestamps for soundposts later.
I wonder how many people are gonna try opening a TCG shop after watching or playing this sim. Also whoever in the chat said her store is like an antique shop got a good laugh out of me
Gigi is so FUCKING CUTE tonight
This might be the end for me. Why does Gigi keep playing this horrible game, and why does she have 14k viewers… I have been in a deep depression because of her recent gain of popularity and this game in particular. I don’t even feel like posting anymore. Gigi has brought me nothing but misery.
>This might be the end for me
good. delete yourself
Might as well end it all now you miserable 22 year old loser.
It's current FOMO game, especially for streamers cus they can Yap and play it.
Also Gigi always was popular.
hang in there, my love <3
There's a cat on my lap, Gigi's thriving, Niji is failing, and I'm having pizza tonight. Life is good
Gigi has had the lowest subs in all of EN her entire career. She used to get really low CCV and would read my messages. Nobody used to like her. She was mine and mine alone.
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what kind of pizza?
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So THAT what it is about? You want Gigi only for yourself. What a selfish grem you are!
Onion pizza
I'm having pizza tonight too, grem. Hope you having a comfy time
i can dig it
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Otomo here, I'll eat this Grem if you guys don't mind
Be careful tho, you might get poisoned
Stop eating grems Otomos! or we will go into war!
Ok so what are Grems role in Holofandom? Like LuKnights and Novelites are tanks 35P Investigators are ranged DPS Sora-tomo are support etc
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Just that one okay?
Grems are cavalry support or melee DPS
It hasn’t even been six months you fucking parasite.
It’s ok. Grem can’t be digested since we are indestructible. We will just live and multiply inside of you. Now that I think about it, grems are pretty scary parasites.
we're like horses except we only eat a high calorie marshmallow diet so we're really strong and rotund. like hippos.
Did you forget that we’re mouse sized?
>like horses
>like hippos
>hippo literally means horse
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>We will just live and multiply inside of you
People really like this jank game. Gacha is that powerful.
Grems come in all shapes and sizes
No we can be any size. Gigi said so. We could be as big as a skyscraper. I’d prefer to imagine grems as tanks and is resilient to damages like a slime.
you being alive is nothing but a detriment
Ok gonna list it as calvary thus highly mobile support
gigi has brought that up before, voring grems doesn't kill them
I imagine the exit isnt a lot of fun though
Haven’t you realize many of your otomo friends no longer exist? They didn’t listen to the warnings and ate some grems. Now they’re grems.
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Maybe we should get along instead
Should I go to work tired or fall asleep to Gigi
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you don't want to be tired at work, go get some shuteye!
fall asleep and dream of gigi!
I shall sleep for a little bit then and hopefully see our beloved goober in my dreams. Goodnight Grems, pass your luck onto Gigi on my behalf so she can get that card she wants.
sleep and watch the vod later
GG will bully you non-sexually if you deprive yourself of sleep
sleep grem
there will always be the vod and if you don't want the vod there will be another gigi stream to watch
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gi night grem!
She was my everything.
Grems are actual parasites... Cool!
Holy shit we grems are terrifying
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yeah, grems are weird little guys!
the big chicken big mac...
I would fall to my knees and cry tears of joy
Its good
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made schizo-chan a gremsona
I'm craving a mcchicken rn
my beautiful cuddlewife...
>giving it attention
this will only make him feel justified and possibly turn him into a spammer while he tries to be recognizable as “that grem”
>a grem with “obsessed” tattooed on them
You guys DONT have Gigi quotes tattooed on you?
Remember to leave a 1 star review for her store, grems.
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>says she would never accidentally punch her wife
>has punched her wife multiple times
guess it wasn't an accident
We can finally eat brothers...
The $300 card looked a lot nicer
That hand? Mine.
she's gone... I can't hear her voice...
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there she goes...
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GIGI LOVE <33333333333
What th e fuck do I do now
i can't go on like this...
Play video games. Watch Gigi VODs. Stalk Fauna 7dtd POV for Gigi.
I'm doing 1 and 3.
Grems are gentle giants. We have great strength so we play nice unless we are provoked. We don’t intentionally parasitize others. We only become parasites when others try to eat us.
watch park ore sieve
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I missed her stream so 5
7. happy to see the wife. hope she's doing okay
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fixed, now we can use it without the faggy credit-giving
feeling like an 8 rn
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I miss Gigi...
get better aim, bozo
she came!
i want Gigi to sit on my face
gigi in da vc!
I also came on Gigi
go back to sleep Popo
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The schitzo has said this before. For some reason, he believed shitting on her in /vt/ was somehow going to convince all of us (including the majority of people who don't even come here) to ditch her. Don't pay him mind, he's just young, dumb and full of cum.
wow, every single person in the call went silent to listen to the autofister duo bicker. they love them
He already is, though. I he's been around since near the beginning.
Gigi cute!
i don't mean to be a hater, but mori's low mumbling to herself/her chat is making this event really hard to watch. i miss the proximity chat
there are spikes in there!!!
And you don’t think giving him more attention won’t make that behavior worse? Just ignore him.
She has permanent lung damage pls understand
>mori has lung damage
>laplus has vocal chord damage
it cant really be that taxing can it smoking I mean
Do zoomers really not get that inhaling chemicals is bad for you? Was it a mistake to get rid of all those commercials showing rotten lungs and people with robo voice boxes?
Yeah it's pretty pointy.
It can. That's why it says it'll kill you on the packs.
If you'd been here long enough you'll know that we tried that, too. Most of us aren't bothered by him anymore. He's like that drunk uncle who shits up Christmas dinner but always gets invited anyway. We just tell him that he's obsessed with Gigi and move on.
> Was it a mistake to get rid of all those commercials showing rotten lungs and people with robo voice boxes?

Young people don't watch TV anymore, and if you try putting those ads on YouTube, they'll just skip them.
I think it's funnier when he shouts into the void and gets progressively more desperate until he just replies to himself as a last resort.
cute interactions between gigi and fwmc
The resident schizo's entire plan is to make Gigi looks bad so she might loses viewers just so he could have her for himself. He's really OBSESSED with her. I can't say I agree with him but I get him. Such a shallow man.
Unskippable ads are a thing, and it’s easy to put shock value into 5 seconds.
>but adblock
zoomers don’t use it
is it worth switching pov to fwmc? i'm on fauna right now and it's pretty boring/quiet
i switched from mori to fwmc. it's pretty cute, i like seeing them together
He's a tsundere.
He's a tsundere, but the tsun part is on steroids, and the dere barely exists are all.
>creating a namefag in all but name while he’s not even posting
And I thought you guys were good at ignoring schizos.
Gigi the beaver, the digger, the miner, the provider
why would you think that?
What was it? Sadly missed it but I'm on FWMC's pov rn
Someone always replies to the schizo when he posts so not sure where you got that impression.
it was just cute to see them talking. i like when they interact, it's pretty rare but nice when it happens. i feel fuwawa likes gigi a lot
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tail doko?
it's off screen please andastand
Got it, grem. FWMC used to be my oshi so I'm happy to see them getting along
Heh, same. I went back to Wawa before picking up Gigi too, so this entire week has been me eating soooo good.
Man I love GIGI!
she noticed fwmc were a little lost and went to help them she is so sweet
Gigi is such a good provider. Always getting all the raw materials for her wives.
Zoomers are surprisingly tech illiterate, it seems
It's a shame that Gigi has been so quiet. I was hoping she would interact with the others more.
She is still really worried about the birthday event, I’m just glad she is here
I love it when her little yapper model starts moving and yapping even though she doesn't say anything.
Ahh I want to give her a headpat and let her know it'll be great!
Gigi love, sadly due to my work I can’t stay longer, I will catch up on the VODs, Gi Night Grems
She's very focused collecting a billion iron or whatever.
gi night, grem!
gi night grem!
Night grems! The VoD from someone else will be good tomorrow!
wait, WAIT
gi night grem, I'll be heading out soon as well
i feel weirdly happy, like i'm self inserting into the group as gigi and i'm being loved by everyone especially fauna
i just self insert as whoever gigi flirts with lol
that's exactly how I feel too
the interaction was awesome, you'll see it in clips tomorrow, don't worry.
gigi said she'll make everyone depend on her iron gathering until they love her, and fauna said but we already love you. then gigi giggles
popo is a tiny dog confirmed
what’s a dog?
sorry i meant bird
actually he's a kakapo, but close!
No, popo is a popo
CUUUUTE! I gotta see if for sure. thanks fellow gremnigga
food in mouth gigi cute
how does gigi make everyone fall in love with her. is she a witch
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the power of spats
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No, she's a Chad. Her Charisma stat is absurdly high.
at the cost of which stat?
certainly not strength, she tops ceci in arm wrestling
Given her inability to avoid impulse spending, I'd say wisdom.
i think she has posted her stat sheet before and her lowest was int at 8 with like 20 dex and 16 wisdom because she is a monk
what, youre nuts, next youre going to tell me animol isnt an animal
i neeeeed the ceci/gigi pov right now
are gigi and ceci fucking? ceci said she needed a 10 min break and gigi also disappeared.
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low int
they're chatting (bantering (flirting)) with each other in the ingame chat...

not now, 20 mins ago.
that stat sheet is inaccurate, it says gigi has 10 charisma when we all know she has 25
That was such a great laugh
Why is Fauna doing the fisting and not Gigi? This feels weird...
she's da beaver in this game! someone else has to do the fisting
fauna loves gigi so much she wanted to adopt her style. and gigi being the kind and giving person chose not to overlap builds
Her Int stat stat is clearly much higher given she won the spelling bee. I wouldn't take that stat sheet seriously.
it's over....
in the end, we will never know what the fuck were CCGGKronii doing.....
Gi nights grems!
Concocting a futa potion so one of them can get the other two pregnant.
erotic girl
Gigi, Fauna, Biboo and Kiara will play Grounded together soon
gi night grem! *slaps ur ass*
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People want to believe we live in a point-buy system, but the truth is that we roll for stats with bonuses from our parents. Gigi just good, simple as.

STR: 8
CON: 10
SEX: 20
INT: 17
WIS: 9
CHA: 18
>SEX: 20
I see what you did there, you sly grem
im finally going to become a member for a vtuber witness me fellow grems
welcome to the shoebox!
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welcome aboard
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trying to make a plush grem but the face...the fucking face. It just doesn't look right when viewed straight on. they're always drawn with the face to one side. What the hell am I supposed to do???
I made a few tests with red felt, and they just look like shrimp. Perhaps I could market them to chumbuds instead?
>What the hell am I supposed to do?
What about just making them with the face to the side
well its a 3D object, so one of the sides would just be blank. You'd only be able to view it from one angle. I made a finished mini mock-up one that's front facing, so I suppose I can try with a side face one.
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is the overall shape of the grem too shrimp or just the face? because when i think of a shrimp i think of a really pointy face whereas grems are super rounded
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Grem's I'm thinking of plumping myself out so one day when Gigi walks past I can jump up from the shoebox and bite onto the hem of her spats. With the added weight, despite my smaller size, I should hopefully be able to tug her spats down so we can get a good view of Gigi's gigi + gibutt.

Great plan
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Thanks anon, I figure I'll probably get smacked around by her or punished in some way but I figure it's a worthy sacrifice for my grem brothers and sisters. I know I could focus on just getting bigger in size but I think it'd be harder to suddenly yank em down compared to being small and getting a sneak attack on her
gi muriiiin!!!
Maybe try a wider mouth like this guy has?
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Any moment now
She's having a hard time going to sleep because she's so nervous for Friday.
i imagine she might be staying up a bit late to get some work done since she was playing 7 for a while and the next stream is later than usual
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gi night, grems!
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gi night sleepy!
i can't waiting for a while
spent quite a bit of other merch
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eh its probably the overall shape idk
heres the small mock-up
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ah! it looks cute! i think you did a great job!
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maybe. But it still's a bit off right? What do you reckon I should focus on? It's the head shape near the front, I think. It's too small perhaps?
I want to bite it
Looks great! I'm sure she'll love it when you post it to twitter, but I would wait until she's up in 7-8 hours.
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Oh hell no. It's nowhere near good enough to post. I'd much rather wait until I have someone actually decent looking before I post anything.
it looks very pleasantly derpy
Any of you guys know a stream where GG became really toxic or angry
Yeah dude, there's a couple where she beats her wife. Pretty messed up situation. I expect to see a cr1tical video about it any day now.
I'm actually asking because I'm making a domestic abuse GG x Fauna soundpost rn. I just need some good GG rage clips
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She'd get a kick out of it and you could always say that it's a first draft. Make her smile Anon!
didn't you ask for this already and opted for using kronii sounds intead?
I need a proper horror collab with CC, I want to see GG SHIT herself from fear

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