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/grün/ - Cecilia Immergreen General

The 269th Wind


>LAST STREAM: Time to avenge balltomo and save the world【HALF-LIFE 2】

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks



#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>87444524
I wish we had it
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Does this game has an end game or just endless wave after 7 days?
>CC: I have successfully de-clothed this building!
> Mori: CC is a pretty can opener
CC is a can opener confirmed
If you eat a Grem they will reproduce inside of you and come back out Chestburster style
Don't eat Grems
No wonder they’re tasty. They’re intentionally tasty and sweet to bait you to eat them. Grems are hella scary.
It's just like Bugsnax...
This is a common misconception because of the wording of that one study. The grem does reproduce by expelling eggs when in enters the stomach, but they simply pass through the digestive tract and end up in feces. Once they have exited the body they eat the feces for nutrients as it is very similar to their adult food sources(ao3 fanfics and yaoi)
That is propaganda from the Grem Doctors, they're trying to fool you
Look it up on the ncbi. It’s there.
CC and Fauna duo kalimba
its tuesday!
There is our daily CCGG argument
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i hate tuesdays
Did I miss any cute moments between any of them?
Gigi and Ceci hate each other!
autofisters got their crumb of interaction for the week
>CC Biboo walkie talkie small talk
>CC Fauna kalimba communication
>CCGG small banter
that's all I can remember
Alright, thanks otomos!
CC evilly planning to kill all the trader except Jen
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what the sigma
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Okay guys, serious talk. I’m on sick leave until monday. I drank alcohol, smoked weed and watched Ceci, but it all fucked my sleep Zeitplan. Today I went to sleep at 10:00 and woke up around 17:00.
Should I force myself to go to sleep even later to fuck it up even more so it becomes normal to Monday, or should I pretend to be asleep with hopes that I get any form of sleep and wake up at 9:00 so I can somehow get used to it?
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otomo, lets jump together
Why does the chat box overlapped the group health ? It’s so hard to read
otomos and grems should have sex and babies
That's forbidden love.....!
I guess whatever option get you back to a regular sleep schedule
Otomos don’t even have genital
I want to have babies with a sapling
Wombforce installation imminent
Mogogo sounds awful and it makes me sad…
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>Clockwork happening
>No POVs
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>CC every time she collabs with someone
Why is it so hard for them to stream it…
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Damn it Rao neither of you two have POVs
It's too early for her to stream
Her voice is fucked from homework
I don't get why they constantly give them homework that fuck up their voice which is their main source of income.
Clockwork is curse or something, everytime they interacted is when they don’t have POVs
are they in different VCs?
It should honestly be a mandatory part of holo to take vocal care lessons. Its more that they’re all amateurs pushing themselves that just the workload
Some of the girls separated a couple minutes ago yeah
These girls are retarded and don't know how to take preventative measures to protect their voice or know their limits so they overstrain themselves too hard.
None of them are professionals in the slightest, all of them are amateurs.
They are in the same one expects Kronii so they have to use the game chat to talk to her
* except
Promise are currently practicing for their musical so its understandable for them
cute Raviolin noises... <3
ceci it's been 3 months...
>t. also considers people retarded for not knowing some gay musical
Autofister mention (I know I'm late I was in the bathroom)
Look, Fame is the crowning cultural achievement of the 20th century
anyone got screenshots of the in-game chat? I missed clockwork's interactions
GG do be digging
>so uh, who knows the way?
classic biker gang gaffe
Probably complied one large chat later since it flash in short portion
cecilia, no...
i looked away, what happened?
probably her isp being shit again
nvm she's back!
> Game is already lagging heavily
The wave is going to be horrible
Ceci is never ever going to see the house raora built for her in their minecraft server? All of them are burnt out from these open world games now huh?
It's going to be the same old fake
>Oh wow!! it's so pretty! look at all these... things and how pretty they are!!!
Minecraft seriously sucks.
So this is life with Ceci, huh...
I might be insane but I think I heard muffled talking in the bg on biboos stream
Time feel like it is passing a lot slower than the previous weeks
I just got home from a mandatory work dinner/happy hour shit thing what POV do I watch for CC????
any, she has been talking on chat with kronii mostly and some occasional VC
is CC too tired to talk or something? I don't blame her, this is going for way too long
I don't thjink so, it's just that she's doing things with kronii who's not in the VC because she's sick
i only have audio on atm screenshots onegai...
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here, catch one
how long until the horde?
How is it still only 8 pm on day 34 ?
Day 35, 10 pm so 45 min to an hour ?
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it started at ~1h14m on Fauna's future VOD
biboo logged a few minutes earlier I think
you need to do more precise calculations now
If I knew beforehand it'll take so long, I'd sleep...
~1h19m on Biboo's POV
cc sneeze on me
cc brap on me
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10 minutes break!
CC has taken care of all the lost souls during this event. Guided FWMC around the other day, tanking their autism. Got Shiori to have fun with others when she was solo. Guided Raora today. Kept Kronii company today typing to her all night since she's sick and can't join VC. She'll flame you and tease you but she's a big softie underneath.
>Moco-chan, you need to eat!
>Moco-chan, behind you!
>Got Shiori to have fun with others when she was solo.
this was a raw demonstration of pure social skills, knowing how autistic Shiori can be...
gigi is showing cece her spike
gigi spiky hole... uoh
She’s back !
why is biboo's pov black and white?
nightvision I guess
even if I can't see them CCGG never fail to make laugh...
I'm just reading the in game chat now
chat is too small for me to read....
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how are they so fucking gay?
ceci is finally learning how to play the game. it only took like 4-5 streams...
Almost time for the horde
There is a chance they might to die to the spike more than the zombie
Oh god the lag
Biboo has killed CC twice…
Probably at least 10 times across all days
the raid is until 4am right? this is gonna be long fight
They did it!
aww was cc crying? that's cute
the coolest biker gang
Jesus Christ
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what do we call this gang?
my bed also calls me!!!!!!!!
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Good night otomo
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>au revoir
even in text french ceci is so attractive
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Let me sleep!
Did she say anything about the next stream?
Next stream is at 9pm CEST!
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that cup? all me.
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i should really fix my sleep zeitplan, goodnight otomos
Good night. Don't forget about the stream in 10 hours 30 minutes.
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right now?
I am going to make an AI cover of ceci singing cupid.
Nice. I'm going to make Ceci cum.
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otomos doko
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waiting for big cat
Just trying not to have a mental breakdown. Nothing unusual.
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you too huh
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Is there any art of ceci in a wedding dress?
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Are otomo sexy ?
They have a curve, I guess?
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I'm bringing sexy back.
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where is she?
Stream in 5 hours.
i miss otomos....
sexier that chattinis for sure
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I could live with you CC.
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stay away from her
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Hey, tourist here
This girl I follow announced she's cosplaying CC soon, I thought you would want to know.
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She's a former camgirl, maybe an escort, and a menhera who maybe drove her ex bf to an hero. If you ever wanted someone like that as CC
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Oh okay that's pre-
Thanks otomo, she looks so good in it
Anyone willing to cosplay elfen lied is probably a criminal
the otomo fishing game, forgotten
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She's awake!
>she caused her ex bf to an hero
>I caused my ex gf to an hero
She sounds like evil EVIL!

CC is just silly evil so she doesn't fit at all!
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Zeitplan soon
I'll believe when I see it! She said it would go up tomorrow on Sunday but she clearly got a little silly

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it's yapping day!!
>The thumbnail
Ceci is GFE
german frog experience?
green frog experience
You know it!
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>didn't she play it when she feels bad?
>"Feel good game for a feel good day!"
>instantly relieved
I need medication.
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Will she eat GGs fish taco for her birthday?
Oh nice , hope people behave on the Majora’s stream this time
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no, we'll be eating grilled grems
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Ok enjoy getting your stomach torn to shreds I guess
Hell yeah, it's garbage disposal module time.
Stupid grem, Otomos are made from immerheimian metal.
Do you think Grems burn better than Chattinis?
We need to find a replacement for coal after all...
Silly CC... 7 Days to die was on Wednesday...
Or like Japanese like to say, Tuesday 25:00.
chattini probably burn better being a plushies and all
hmm... then maybe we could turn grems into handbags
Automos are we playing halo again
how big are grems? a handbag are usually large but wallets sound possible
They are small but they regenerate quickly.
a grem would make a nice fanny pack
not naturally but i think you can probably squeeze them for oil or maybe render them down in a pot
Just use multiple grem hides and stitch them together...
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otomos don't have stomachs, we have shredders. we'll be the ones doing the shredding.
She used the sexo art.. nice. Pretty chill week, hope she can catch up on some rest.
Karaoke or music making stream next week, I feel it.
>Karaoke or music making stream next week
I'll your prayer circle.
you WHAT
Wait, Gigi birthday is two days?
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>grem handbags
we could sell them to raise more funds for weapons and upgrades.
It's 3am on Saturday so most people who will watch won't be going to bed on Friday and it might as well be the same day for them. CC seems to be struggling with how to consistently list streams that start in the middle of the night.
Violin concert onegai!
>shred grem
>the shreds regenerate into hundreds of grems inside you
this is why you need to stew them properly
I'll create a lobby again if Otomos wanna jump in
Since there is a watchtogether I'd say we start after 9pm CEST / 12pm PDT (Sin City is 124mins + zatsu)
Also smaller lobbies & maps this time
Infinite leather.
>want to eat grems
>want to burn chattinis
>half you fuckers pretend erb doesn't exist
What do you have against the other Justice fanbases
Grems are indestructible. That shredder is going to get jammed and then the grems are going to eat and multiply until you burst at the seams and joints.
More friends? What's the downside?
The fanbase represents the streamer.
theres nothing more intimate than the act of consumption
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It's not out fault that Gigi talks about grem tempura.
It's not our fault that Raora made a burning chattino emote for us.
It's not our fault that last time ERB interacted with CC was over a month ago.
You think CC knows about all the nude scenes and violence in Sin City, or will this be a surprise
Think she might save violin for part of her Bday celebration next month.
Is there even a collab name for cc+erb
hell, maybe even shoes while we're at it?
Hell yeah, ill be there. And maybe something other than just CTF, it was mildly sad for blue team to consistently have less members than red and lose every single map
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I'm struggling not to make an obvious joke.
we're German humor enthusiasts we love obvious jokes
They are sticky from their honeydew. Do you really want a sticky handbag?
yea, I noticed, I tried to offset it by being afk. idk why reach does this, non host lobby was always outnumbered.
I'll throw in some FFA, Fatkid and Zombies this time around, no ctf
yeah do it
I still got the ones my grandpa left me, he got them on guard duty in Poland.
You can’t damage the grems by any means, so you’ll probably have to glue or tie a bunch of them together with strings to make a wallet or handbag. They roll around their pee all day so I don’t think it would be a good product. It’s like taking a bunch of used pee pads and glueing them together to make a wallet.
you have to ask us if we get it
I'm pretty sure we can utilize an indestructible being somehow.
it's not that I ignore their existence, it's that I don't even know what to do with them? they'll make good tables I guess?
dude wtf grems are op
more like money maker/ food
maybe they're like the living armor from dungeon meshi
Grems vs Otomos argument will soon reach the fable “my power level is infinite+1!”
Perhaps you could glue them together. They can cannibalize (absorb) each other to become bigger and divide at will though, so I am not sure how to restrain them for long term.
was it actually that bad in chat? I only had it playing in the background
Grems vs Otomos argument will end in steamy hot sex.
no thanks
The fan base is as strong as the power the oshi gives them. Gigi doesn’t hold back while Ceci kind of made us weak and stupid on purpose…
But grems are disgusting flesh
I aspire to the blessed machine
ceci said we could totally take on grems
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Ceci said many things and we know half of them are simply not true. Did you know Half Life was Tetris?
The next justice Jam if we ever get another one should be a Fan reps battle royal
>Did you know Half Life was Tetris
yeah it's true, I read an article about it once
>only holo mascot to canonically have a weapon (knoife)

idk grem, I think your days are numbered
botans fan mascot is literally a bomb
so are we
I saw that interview, the creators said so!
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I’m an otomo. We’re weak because we need to rely on tools and weapons, but that same weakness makes us creative and resourceful. We survive because we are weak.
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>ceci told us we can be anything we want to be, even bombs or turrets
we don't need to rely on weapons, we ARE the weapons
You're literally going cyberpsycho after that one upgrade
Those are upgrades. An otomo with an anti tank gun is an otomo with an anti tank gun. You don’t look at it and just treat or refer to it as a regular otomo. The default base form otomo is weak.
Grems are pokemon
Otomos are digimon
>grems molest children

I'm so eepy. This stream is going to be nice.
Have you ever thought

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