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A thread for the Shotgun Slug Slinging Shinigami, Calliope
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Remember to love your Kakkoi killer
>Day 34
>Raid is on day 35
It's funny, I think the collab will probably wind up ending at the usual time lol
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Wild how they all missed the loot and went home instead
That's why they started at 4
Mori's voice sounds pretty nice today
Why did she just run off by herself and do a solo quest for no reason?
Calliope who?
>Why did she [...] for no reason?
>do a solo quest
You answered you own question lol
How do her lockpicks always break right at the last second
If you have a party there is literally zero reason to do solo quests. You get less XP, have a higher chance of dying, and miss more items
>If you have a party there is literally zero reason to do solo quests.
Also other get in the way as shown by the Sham factory quest they tried to do
>Hey Biboo there's a direwolf over here
>*gun shots*
>Ok he's dead
Luv that little murder rock
Man Mori, Fauna just shared a personal vignette and for all her talk about liking her, she didn't bother to give her a reaction.
>Dude in SC talking about the NLCS called them the "Nets" instead of the "Mets"
That made crack a smile irl lol
did she get meeped?
That checks outs for a dodgers fan alright
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No, today she was the one who meeps
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can watch right now how's my Morbi doing?
butt fucking stuff with a shotgun.
She's been blasting away zombies (and bears) with her pump shotty and doing quest while waiting for the next raid to start
Mori should play ds3 after this!
>Kiara disapproves
fuck Kiara right in the pussy
I’m working on it
she'll cuff Mori to her bed but what will she think when Mori finds it hot
I find it a bit funny how whoever manages sever settings mess the time a bit so days take 1:25 to pass instead of 1 hour
Morichama... you dumbass lmfao
Imagine a full zenloss this close to the final raid...
If anyone falls in during the raid they are 100% fucked though.
this happened to the JPs and they just had to jump in and tank the damage
God the lag is going fucking crazy now lmao
Shiorin in chat
I wonder why she's getting hit the hardest when she's got the lowest ping
The shit is built with Unity, so maybe there was memory leak?
Morpo you could've tried to be uplifting, that was not the time and place to spill your spaghetti, purposely comment on what others are doing for distracting, and airing some insecurities to boot.
shut up retard
she should’ve just done the speech from Independence Day
Perhaps the REAL 7 Days were the friends we made along the way....
Stop trying to ruin a sappy moment you menhera
She should play DS3 after this stream/10
This BGM is so unfitting with SC reading lol
This is absolutely a collab, why is she reading SCs?
eh, its more casual
Very good alliteration on this one.
this deadbeat complaining about bonus mori
>This is absolutely a collab
of all time!
A cranky ESTbeat
I forgot the reason she wouldn't do it, anyway Advent does it and Im pretty sure they've been affecting a lot of her current habits.
She has more than 12 hours of SCs to read if she wants to just read SCs
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>On location shooting
What could that be?
>Redirect still doesn't work
Th-thanks Nealchama.......
>Wawa raided just as she ended
Doubly funny that is Kiara redirected into Mori right as she ended lol
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Nini debbies it was very fun
Maybe another one of the vlog things?
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I think Mori did a really good job this past week and I'm happy that so many people wanted to play with her
I want to rest my head on Mori’s chest and listen to her breathe
G'nite catbeat
I know her goal with this server was to help EN members bond with each other even more, so she must be feeling really fulfilled with that success.
Yeah, I still wish Bae and Ina didn't have to pull out right before it started though
It may of been a blessing in disguise. The server almost shit itself with 8 people today
Yea, I'm glad things worked out cause ngl when Ina and Bae had to pull out I was little worried what the head-count would look like
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for me it was kinda like EnReco where I wasn't interested at first but then got more invested by the end
anyways have a good night /morig/, looking forward to SM1 tomorrow
g'nite sleepbeat
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soooo... who else could she make a go-getters remix with? also, why are we getting another go getters remix? wtf umj
Jared Leto and he's going to promote it in a video while dressed as his version of Joker
the ol' go-getters rape ft. joker
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Wish Kronii was able to talk in VC. There is always a few hilarious moments between them anytime they are.
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Irys's game seems boring. Hope Mori doesn't play it.
Here is a zip with every variation of that type of skeleton gif I could find. I remember someone in the past asking about them.

I want Kronii and Mori to kiss each other on stream
I Meep, Therefore I Morp
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Yo, thankies
Ok Kronii
Ok Mori
Ok Ollie
Ok me writing a fapfic
That would only happen if both were really drunk and stuck in a hot room that would force them to remove most of their clothes, but still would leave them sweaty. Mori finally letting go of her pent up urges and pounces on Kronii, pinning her down, kissing and groping her in front of a live audience.
Kronii would literally allow Mori to rape her
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Kronii, taking off her top:
>It is hot as hell in this hot ass room I'm in!
deadbeats really like big tiddy deep voice girls huh
>"when I say stop, I mean keep going"
>"I'm really vulnerable right now, if someone told me to do something, I would probably do it"
I think Mori is the one into rape-play, but then again, Kronii is into pet-play and choking.
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big fucking tits
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too big
would smooch
canon size
brother, you need 6 heads to fill the volume of those tits
What if Ci had huge breast...?
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nighty noodles debbies
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My deadbeat bones need mountains of Mori Milk.
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Watching SM2 just makes me more mad over how consistently GW fucks Tyranids and Genestealer Cults.
Genestealer Cults get treated fine. They got some good books and a solid range of kits and some fluffy rules even if they are bottom tier.
Nids just got a massive range refresh and new kits, and a solid balanced rule book this edition. The only thing they are lacking in is lore.
3.5 years of morig
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Really? It's been a good ride, my moriggas.
I miss the first six months of /morig/
What was it like old timer?
Did the ferry only cost a nickle and have a picture of a bumblebee on it?
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I don't really pay much attention to early days of deathclock (before holosalt), was their dynamic the same as of now?
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>pre recorded promotion for cover
Why did they just use plain text instead of any of her logos?
She's a nobody
It’s the font they use for her name on the Phantomine covers.
I liked the first logo UMG had for her with Shinigami Note, the sharp looking text.
Damn, the Kronester RAVAGED my boy
There wasn't much of it back then. I think that gif is from a stream where they played some game about orcs which was meh. It was a bit awkward but us dethklokfags sure were happy.
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They didn't properly become best friends until Mori visited Kronii in Canada late 2022, also seeing and touching each others half naked bodies most definitely helped them bond.
>what if Ci had a downgrade
I need that powerwash collab to happen soon
On the Shrek stage, like the ERBissa one the other day? Would be cool
The 40K one is also an option now
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I think it's great how Holo has given Mori exactly the type of friends she always wanted. Kronii is someone she can talk about "fucked up" things with and know she's just as morbid as her, Suisei is the role model and inspiration who also happens to be super into her work, IRyS is a fellow American in Japan that has really been there for her in a "hey, let's hang out" capacity. Obviously a lot others too like Kiara, Bae, Biboo (basically all of EN at this point)
Ooh Milky is doing a Halloween karaoke tomorrow.
Deathclock muppets
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Tombstone but it's plastic.
This man clearly owns a cat and needs to clean his minis before posting.
Sick. I want to see some Holo Chaos Marines.
>Inner sneaking up
Brothers, look out!
Lore accurate to the morine
The pricing on some of these are crazy, some of them are fucking expensive
Mori tit status?
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in my mouth, as always
Mori toe status?
bitten by tutu
From the stories we hear, Ghost Cat might be a goober and dumb, but he seems much more well behaved than Tutu lmao.
didn't Ghost Cat almost scratch one of Tutu's eyes out?
>the favorite is the spoil one
many such cases
Is the Spesssh Muhreeeeen she'll playing in a few hours still PT2? Or is she going to try the first game?
We don't know who started that fight.
She beat 2 last stream. This is 1.
first game
Thanks. I watched those streams but wasn't sure if she was doing another run through or mp etc.
She will do coop missions with Biboo once Biboo is done her playthrough.
How far is she into it? Rather, how much longer till she's done?
She only played 3 hours last time so either 1 very long stream or 2 shorter streams. She is playing tonight as well.
I see. Soon then.
None of the JP's have picked it up. I guess 40k was never really a thing there. WH Fantasy was more popular in Japan back in the day, before they killed fantasy and replaced it with shit slop.
Biboo and Mori's dynamic is like Mori now has a younger sister that looks up to her and would do anything she asked.
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I want to pork this dork
Do you sometimes think about how the timeline might have been different if the fans had picked "Calliopeople" instead of "Deadbeats"?
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Me too anon
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Previous thread: >>87478679

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/@moricalliope
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDRujCXXtVQ
Upcoming stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaYOoiFwYS0

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (July 20, 2022) EP: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
Sinderella (December 16, 2022) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_sdl_ec
JIGOKU 6 (August 18, 2023) EP: https://lnk.to/mc_jigoku6
Phantomime (August 16, 2024) LP: https://lnk.to/mc_pt_ec
//// Stream Taste of Death: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsJY8bli86s

//// Mori Store: https://shop.moricalliopeofficial.com/

October 19-20, 2024 @ Saitama Super Arena, Saitama
capacity: 37,000
guest starring: Mori Calliope, NewJeans, Creepy Nuts, Rita Ora, Rauw Alejandro, Omoinotake, &TEAM, NEXZ
//// Live archive: https://rentry.org/3zf6w

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}
Well, CALLIO PEOPLE would've been quite the track.
Mori is a lovely girl who I'd like to hug
Seconding that
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a mori hug would feel pretty great desu
but would it be warm or cold?
Would be VERY warm
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it would be the warmest hug ever...
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She could be ice-cold to the touch and it'd still make me feel warm inside
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I can't believe Ina was secretly a tyranids..........
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>Ina's tentacles produce cum
hentai tentacles
Biboo as watching 40k lore videos too.
Biboo is lost to heresy brothers…..
>Biboo thinks she would be Slaanesh minus the "no no parts"
Biboo is a concentration of all "UUUOOOOHHHHHH ToT ToT" manifested in the warp
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I think I have seen this artist in chat recently
based Beebs
Mori should give us more details about her huge milkers, like nipple size, areola size and softness.
She had mentioned they are quiet soft. Enough that sleeping on hen stomach isn't an issue.
They probably sags a lot
like this?
Natural boobs that big always sag. Perky giant tits only exist in fiction or are fake.
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Where's her fancy font?
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That is the fancy font
It's the font they used for phantomime.
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had that dream again last night were we held hands
How obscene.....
With revelations in this Biboo stream he needs to update this with Biboo being a Chaos Marine.
I'm kinda worried about ratsis
fucking degenerate
I clicked over and she seems fine. What did she say?
I'm worried for Mori's womb she needs my seed in her
She's just been out of it for the last month or so.
watching the last SM2 VOD and it makes me want to know more about the 40k lore
I'm worried for Mori's feet. they are not in my mouth but they should be
Baes talking about the girls night
I'm worried for Mori's tits they're not on my head like they should be
give us some bullets points when she's done
Should I concern
>IRyS cried three times at TTGL
That’s gotta be a good feeling for Mori to show something to your friends and they have an intense emotional reaction to it.
Eh she's super busy last month

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