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Kronii's 3rd Anniversary merch is now live!

>Original Song:【Original Song MV】蒼天に燃ゆ / Souten ni Moyu - Ouro Kronii

>Current Stream: 【7 Days To Die】Final Day
No Kronii PoV (Text Chat Only)
>Kiara PoV
>Bijou PoV
>Fauna PoV

>Visual Novel:【Choose Your Own Adventure】Secret Island Vacation with hololive English... and You!
>You escort Calli, Kronii, Shiori and Raora to the spa
>You pursue the cat with Kronii

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#krossets (Assets)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@OuroKronii/featured
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GZ5XGzRY-g
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

【Original Song MV】Daydream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4&feature=youtu.be
【Original Song MV】蒼天に燃ゆ / Souten ni Moyu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sTxcH54jhPk
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
【Original Song MV】Rise -【hololive English -Council- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHibTDJlTJw
【Original Song MV】 Our Promise【hololive English -Promise- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcVyYmVOi1U
Kronii's Latest Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQbmiAo6_qU
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's 2nd Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SC9Qzs7VVI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Member BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUt_6oM9jI&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Birthday BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXGPOaYp30&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Anniversary BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2OoITXJfAI&feature=youtu.be

>Current Schedule:

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 8.0

>Fanfic Listing:

>Kronii's Streams, Collabs, Music, and Merch List:

Remember to report and ignore schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!
>Also report any Leaks or Defamation against Kronii to Cover using this link
Vive La Kronii!
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Now don't die, I will be sad.
Kronii love
Kronfau won
cope clockwork won
The krofau rrat thread in the catalog took a turn. Rratmancers are using divinations on tarot cards and using chatgpt to interpret the results. That's actually kind of funny, asking the machine spiris like that.
Kronii good
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Love my clock
Do not believe her lies. These are the words of a sexy snake.
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Man I miss her
Why is she so fucking cute?
Praise omnissiah
Pretty sure they stole the interpretation from here>>87509926, unless it's the same guy
Kronii HATE
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booba jumpscare
Kronii good
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I will never get used to new face friend
Will it get released in English though? I wouldn't mind building a deck of Kronii's tits
Next Mad Max movie?
Kronii soon
Next stream has to be the 1m celebration whether she's ready or not
I guess we'll find out by Kronii's birthday since they seem to now be including exclusive trading cards with the complete purchase of birthday merch sets now.
Isn't Kronii a Promise tutor?
She's gonna be expensive then
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I hate legs day
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Let's do a watchalong, Kronii
Kronii should make this a public watchalong since her public watchalongs are reversed for bad movies.
>>87560055 (me)
I mean to say reserved but you get the idea
It did that bad, eh
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Beetlejuice on its 6th week did better than Part Doodoo did on its 2nd week... which makes it the 2nd time Michael Keaton beat the Joker.
I guess Warner is trying to cut their losses, but oof
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Wadamama should draw Krunny
But... That's just a normal wada head on a child's body...
Wada is a hack, after all.
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Quit spamming phoneposter
>30 minutes apart
I guess I could let the thread die then
It's a little rough but I'm happy with how it is rn. I might refine it more but I might also just restart from scratch if I find better material
you're mentally deranged mate, seek help
Jesus christ where is that "STOP TALKING" clip from
SALT Mario party
I thought so, she's still never like that with the girls...
She's Korean ofc she saves her deepest hatred for men
Make like a bundle of sticks and set yourself on fire, faggot.
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How cute, the zoo animals think they're people
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Will she stream today
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Even if she gets better before the end of the week, don't expect anything until next week
This Kronii looks like she has no thoughts
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Kromei is the enteral ship
no that's takamori
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enteral? like intestinal?
a ship comprised of Hololive English talents "Calliope Mori" and "Takanashi Kiara"
Yeah because it makes you sick to your stomach
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People already begging Clockwork collabs during CC stream.
You're a whore. We get it.
*molests you*
No anon, I'm not your mother.
You are now.
Oh man, I'd like it but I hope they aren't pestered about it
Pressure works
If you don't pressure Kronii she's not going to do it
>I'll consider it
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It'll happen when it happens as much as the weenies are blubbering about her not doing anything if she doesn't gets constantly prodded about it, how is that Ghostrunner continuation coming along in that case?
Learning English is very important
MORBIUS did better, let that sink in
I don't think I've seen a sequel end up this much worse than original since Wreck-It Ralph
There's worse sequels out there. For example my parents had a kid who's successful, and then I came out.
But I didn't see them or you
It depends on the type of pressure.
KroFau avoiding each other was so painfully obvious that it was breaking into the normalfag sphere of the catalogue which is why their hands were forced and we got the bare minimum interaction between them.
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Didn't she buy orbs
You can go join the outfitschizo and compare how extensive the brain damage the both of you suffer is.
Are you done crying? Still coping?
I'm sure that Krofau collab will come if you just have everyone not say anything.
I'm calling you an idiot for thinking any amount of pissing and shitting you do in public on a Taiwanese basket-weaving forum somehow was a catalyst for change.
>Pretending this place isn't containment breech central for normalfags.
>implying normalfags visit this site, let alone watch vtubers
Oh god it's an honest to god BVTM faggot.
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Gang love
They pop up in threads every now and the
>He head is this far up his ass
And there's the stereotypical ESL comment to boot!
Wada has worked on several cute Fate designs but was Kazuradrop the first time she made a loli?
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>I might have to deal with being wrong
>Oh wait, I can pull this card!
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Nursery Rhyme predates her
Agreed. It should not be our business in a first place, but why they can not just talk with each other. Something personal happened, bc aftershocks of the conflict did not reach here. And hololive at least percieved as healthy environment, though conflict involving third holomems is still possible, it is less likely. So most likely is that it happened between KroFau
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Depending on who you ask, the dumb lizard counts too.
And personally I don't believe rrats about meat kimchi bc Fauna was fed meet previously and did not make such a fuss -- she said just that her day was ruined iirc
Go bitch and samefag in your catalog thread, monkey. Maybe you'll get one that doesn't need you necro'ing it to keep it alive for more than 5 minutes.
Go have a mental breakdown somewhere else
Kronii stream?
I don't want to sleep if I might miss one
You mean this thread?
Doubt it considering her condition
Kronii will NOT stream today!
Eli and Kazura would've been designed around the same time since though she didn't make it in Kazura was part of the CCC planning stages
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Oh it just occurred to me Canadian Thanksgiving was on Monday so even if she was healthy she probably wouldn't have streamed then anyways.
Mori looks like she's naked
Hasn't she mentioned not doing thanksgiving?
the bunny girl outfit does that
magni desmond
her best angle was already leaning forward cause it made her hair go over her eyes but now it also makes her look naked with that outfit. if only mori wasnt so obnoxious to listen to
It's a matter of preference. You can't tolerate Mori, I can't tolerate FWMC retarded voices.

Anyway, Kronii's thread. I miss my clock.
their voices are fine to me just the keyfabe is too much. they talk to their audience like theyre babies and not as a mother
>Still no perms for LOCKDOWN Protocol
Management is a joke
Welp there it is, no stream tonight.
Not that I thought we were going to get one, but what makes you so sure
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There what is?
At our time of greatest need, Kronii will return
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I want Polka to cover Souten ni Moyu
I want polka to sit on my face while kronii watches
Missing my clock
She seems happier these days.
1 mil, mayhaps?
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Should I send a supa to Kronii asking about Name? I'm really worried, what if she didn't run over children this time, but drove off a bridge instead?
I'm glad that Kronii didn't have to number
fag like IRyS to get to a million
I hope she doesn't do the one chip if it is the 1 mil, that's just gonna fuck up her throat even more
Kronii doesn't even know who Name is and already forgot about the fanfiction
> Name? Who?
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>forgot about the TimeRyS fanfiction
Shut up Ina
[Kronii news] Bae loves Kronii's wolf-cut.
Ina... she's..
Like irl?
Hey me too
Shut up Flare
Kronii only read the krofau fic that Name admitted was shitty
What was it
is ina still in jail?
How many days has it been since then?
Can't keep up with dates without kronii streaming
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>It was Krofau
It's been 1 week already
tomorrow kronii
Since Ina looked at her work account and said "I'm hungry"
It's been 5 minutes since she tackled Bae
And she said "I really need some more of your rice, maybe"
Don’t believe Kronii’s lies
what if she announces a hiatus tomorrow...
what if she kills you live on stream tomorrow?
He'd win
smothering me with her breasts
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