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>anniversary stream to 4k ccv
Even Matara got five times that.
Literally what the fuck happened?
>dead genmate clickbait
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what about the 700k a year
>Graduate from Holo
>Promise to do loads of fun and cool things with you new freedom
>Talk about how much you love being an indie and won't join a new corp
>Join vshojo on the literal anniversary of your graduation
>Call yourself a vtuber
>Do cosplay flesh streaming where you flash your ass on stream
>Some numbers end up dropping
>Seethe about it ever since
You act like this is surprising in any way
>conveniently cropped relevant information
It happened that your low quality hololive whores aren't entertaining, they're only carried by the brand, once they quit hololive, no one cares about them anymore 'cause they're boring shitters.
delicious seething at hololive out of nowhere
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threadreadus maximus
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The question is why did her JP fans leave I was watching it at work, it was at prime JP time
kson is basically a jp streamer though, it should follow that people would still have watched her
like, patra left her corp and enjoys two to four times the ccvs of this kson anniversary streams wit just her zatsu and asmr frames
unou/ningen gets like 9-10k
at least she's doing better than dokugai but kson didn't piss the entire island off like she did
>prime JP time
probably some holo started streaming
>JP streamer in an EN corp
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>I don't know English
>just take this from /#/
True and real
She speaks in a nasally voice and sounds unpleasant. It's a wonder how she was ever as popular as she was.
>builds entire career off of vtubing
>gives the middle finger to vtubing to be a generic fleshtuber showing her ass on camera
It's not hard to figure out
And to think we will have fresh dooby posters like this in six months time.
Pretty sure even Mikeneko has more numbers.
>kson is basically a jp streamer though
But most of her fanbase was EOPs, just like all the other Holos. This is why none of them will ever do better as an indie.
there's literally no reason for tatsunokos to have left other than her changing
tatsus were some of the most loyal
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I’m still here motherfucker
wheres the rest
>multiple faggots
>getting mogged by mikeneko
>even vshojofags don't care
It’s because she doesn’t network as much and matara last I saw a few hours ago was doing a sleep stream holding 2.6k “viewers”
>Literally what the fuck happened
(YOU) left.
have you considered that she's happier that way?
you know, the real streaming world is full of people who have been on top but after years of chasing the bag decide to just do whatever they want now without caring about the numbers.
Yep, EOPs straight from reddit who need subtitles to understand what she's saying.
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>No IM
>A random ex-Niji guy
Why should I watch this?
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by far
Why do people unironically like the Steel Grifter rat? I don’t get it.
>henya in the thumbnail
kson won
Comparing to Patra, which kept her channel, is ridiculous. If Kson kept her holo channel, her numbers would have sank, but not that so low.
It seems ARK shitvival literally kills your channel lmao.
Her content is simply boring now, she doesn't do anything she supposedly left hololive for, """creative freedom""" and yet she does fuck all other than zatsu, gunpla and fleshstreaming.
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will they ever get over it
Because she is fun and she is basically one of the most iconic / popular VTubers on Twitch (if not outright the most popular)?
It's like asking why do people still unironically like Gura
your copypaste script doesn't really work in this thread
Will she? Most big Vtubers don't openly complain about people leaving them
unou disproves that cope considering she gets bigger numbers now compared to lulu times
she need to do a sleeping subatons. it will farm viewers
beyond obsessed
I left
If doobfags spam the catalog bragging about her numbers the first few weeks after her redebut like keksonfags did, you can be damn sure people will grudgepost once she reaches 3 view status.. Everyone knows 90% of the people that watch a vtuber after they leave a jp corp are dramatourists.
They won’t. Dooby fans will go through the same thing, it’s just the way these people are.
Why are you lying
She's streaming to 900 ppl right now
>YOU left!
They will never stop seething about her, they've been at it for 3 years, even after she graduates they will keep seething.
>People shit on whores
I mean, yeah.
she transfered most of her subs to kson side soon after graduation though everyone seem to know about her but few will turn to actually watch whatever she's doing.
>most iconic
By lying and being fake?
It really is like leaving a cult eh?
I wanted that whore gone as soon as blue homo appeared on her stream 2 years ago
Why is she always nagging and whining on Twitter then? Happy people don't do that.
You got keked by the anime girl? That’s rough man
>I like her because other people do
George Lucas syndrome. She's fantastic when she has a crew around her to bounce ideas off and when she has management to keep her in check and force creative solutions to problems. When left to [talent freedom] she's free to do things that feel fun or justified in the moment but hurt her numbers in the long term.
>hey can i do asacoco again
>because i say so
>damn i'll play minecraft i guess
creative solutions to problems
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I've said it before, holobronies are like that one guy who's still talking shit about his ex girlfriend years after they broke up. Like we get it dude, she was a crazy evil bitch and you're totally glad you broke up, but she moved on and got engaged to some other guy, while you're still bitchless and all your friends want you to shut the hell up. I may or may not have personal experience with this
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>Getting half what holoID gets for her anniversary
Jesus. Grim. Her carreer will soon be over at this rate.
she gets 1.5k
and I'm comparing that to her 1.2k or 1.3k avg as lulu
remember, her 500k celebration with 3d live only had 10 times her average then with 13k ccvs
you should get rid of the faggy filename convention and learn how to use commas
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She's quite comparable to Lulu, who flesh streams a lot too. Her numbers are even worse.
Kson is very inconsistent with her content. Despite leaving Hololive because "muh freedom", she really don't do shit other than random fleshstreams and boring shit that barely qualify as content or even vtubing for that matter.
You live in Hawaii?
that's literally who unou/ningen is
if you'd ever seen misumi or a single stream of hers you'd know she keeps strict separate kayfabe between watagashi unou and the ningen (her herself)
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>Shitting on Ollie
>Still losing
The keksontard cries out in pain as he strikes you.
You can make a thread making fun of anything to do with vshojo and they'll cry so hard they bump it to limit while pretending they're not mad every single time. Literally doesn't even matter who.
yeh it's not like antis set up their grudgepost /here/ it never happened
We're here we just learned to ignore the catalog years ago.
Add another one to the count
Where did I shit on Ollie?
he says, in a catalog thread
i'm thinking >>87561609 has it right
I see we've hit the "I was totally just trolling guys" phase earlier than expected.
Oh it's you, you've been at it for almost a month.

Totally just epic trolling though. Yep. He's not mad about two words on a poster nearly 3 years ago.
speaking of lulu didn't they literally graduate in the same month too?
I remember that was back in the heyday of nijiholo tribalism and people were making fun of lulu's grad getting way less viewers
now she has a 50% higher average lmao
i thought niji was the corpo cocksucker corp but most of them seem pretty happy when their oshis graduate while holopags sperg out for literally 3 years because they don't get their meme review anymore
You should really go to sleep instead of numberfagging at 5AM.
not him but do you mean talent freedom?
I've gotta say it's pretty cathartic to see how vapid that slogan turned out
Hey it's better than she gets for her normal streams at least. Good for her!
>posting it almost every day for 3 weeks
Jesus. >>87561250 wasn't wrong
people are happy with niji talents because they're escaping from a black corp
people only meme on coco because of the stuff she said after graduating and because of all the bad blood that happened between vsjfags and holofags on here (desu that was more on the three whores that left than it was ever on kson)
people meme on miguel gato for obvious reasons
delta was barely even a thing and most people were just super annoyed by obnoxious simp MASStards

Nobody thinks ill of Rica and Aqua whatsoever in contrast
Idk about Ame though I never really followed her or the brown aussie
Kson didn't even want to play minecraft.
Did you forget she introduced Ark because she didn't want to play minecraft?
>Idk about Ame
They're already going full anti on her, claiming that they've always hated and that they're glad she's leaving, just check any Dooby thread.
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>He missed all the hate she got for being a homocollabing whore
People wanted her gone for 2 years now. Only reason they stopped shitting on her is because she didn't stream.
Fucking tourist.
>this >>87561377 >>87561602 ksonanti has an inferiority complex from living in SEA.
it's not our fault that within the hololive fanbase, ID is the lowest rung and they treat you like shit.
Sad anniversary, no one wanted to join her anniversary stream?
No seriously Justin, it's scaring the hoes away. Just talk about football or some normal shit for once.
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>It's not our fault that within the hololive fanbase, ID is the lowest rung and they treat you like shit.
What does that say about kson. She gets mogged by them.
that's just a menhera thing
>What does that say about kson
who doesn't live in a shitty country?
As a company member:
>comes up with asacoco, a long running joke on drug abuse, in one o fthe countries with the strictest anti drug laws in the world
>Popularizes a short daily news stream format to do funny bits and promote fellow talents
>Cultivates and harvests a fanmade content farm on reddit (this is plus or minus depending on your perspective)
>Has multiple creative ideas shot down by management for being too wild or risky
>With her newfound wealth after blowing up, invests in a shared streaming house for her and her friends.
As an indie:
>casual twitch style facecam zatsu slop
>FOTM game
>leverages popularity to get a cameo appearance in her favorite game series
Apart from the Yakuza stuff I don't see how she has continued her motivation to be creative and break boundaries in her content.
why are vshojofags always jealous of holo despite all the talent freedom and vshojo's exploding unending success
>3 homo
>shadow is probably also a homo
I'm not gonna watch that
He's talking to himself again. I thought he was just trolling though?
This is still mindboggling to me, how does talent freedom lead to catastrophically less creativity
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The streets are extended gutters and the gutters are full of blood and when the drains finally scab over, all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout 'SAVE US!'...and I'll look down and whisper 'No.
This is how somebody who's extremely Not Mad Online talks
Shes really boring when shes not showing off her much more attractive gravure model friend and her tits
She used to put effort into her playthroughs like cosplaying as bayonetta and shit, she doesn't care anymore, she has money and can be lazy
I dropped her when she thought reviewing unironic mom tier facebook memes was an idea worth exploring
>still making 400k USD/month
Why are Seafags so jealous?
>reviewing unironic mom tier facebook memes
that sounds more entertaining than anything in vshojo
Maybe burnout? Maybe the lack of pressure to meeting company number targets? Maybe because no longer having close coworkers that she wants to support?
>ksonfags don't even watch kson
she was literally talking about concerts being too expensive in the anniv >>87557169
>400k yen*
This isn't the first time either. She once googled onstream what a full xsense setup like they have at the cover studio would cost and said she couldn't afford it because it costs a few million dollars.
>he's talking to himself again
Not. Mad.
Totally. Trolling.
how the hell is it mindboggling? restriction has always been a boon to creativity
Oh my God he made another one
And we're going to be getting these threads about Ame for another 3 years after this, fucking shoot me
Maybe she shouldn't have been a whore. I've improved myself by shitting on her relentlessly. Isn't that what she wanted?
He's totally not seething btw.
>Everyone I don't like is the same person
Not biting bait at all, no sir
It cost more to have guests at a 3D stream than it does to do a solo concert according to Henya.
It's a proven fact that restrictions give rise to innovation. As a creative, you try to find a way to either get around the rules or meet them in a way that is engaging and fun. Give someone a new canvas every day with guidelines and they'll make something colorful and unique every day. Give them a blank canvas and no restrictions, and you'll get maybe a few good pieces, but the return will diminish rather quickly. Women are especially susceptible to these rules.
explain why asacoco 3.0 was worse than 1.0 then
Vshojo doesn't have the money to give her an anniversary concert? What happened to this multi-million-dollar company? Can't even support their big and important talent?
Dame reason her meme reviews as kson were worse.
She got lazy.
it's not a company, they're all indies
is that why hololive hasn't done anything interesting since 2021? they're all just lazy now?
>I've been found out!
The well had run dry by that point. It was no longer innovative.
>sour grapes
premium cope
Myth has eclipsed Coco's time several times over. She was interesting at the height of covid when she debuted as an american barging into a japanese vtuber group. She's not particularly unique anymore as a regular japanese streamer.

If you like her, cool. That's absolutely your prerogative. If you don't like her, that's understandable. More bait for the catalog. Mods are fags.
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Unfortunately for you they're close to getting half of the entire vtuber market share. So viewers don't agree with you.
The important thing is that she has creative freedom
He IMMEDIATELY posted his seethe screencap too, how fucking embarrassing!
Spent it on bags.
hell hath no fury like an indonesian denied his reddit meme review
am I back in 2021 talent freedom meme era? the talents themselves literally call it a corp
geega specifically called it a corp when she was reacting to that northernlion vtuber question thing
RUMAO even.
I see this so much in the twitter art space lol. Women constantly venting in public about having no motivation, or something or other thing not feeling right, or some health crisis they have, or just art block in general.
Meanwhile from male artists it's either crickets of silence or posting works.

Vshojo is unironically The Ironmouse Company now. Every other talent has become secondary because of how much financial clout she holds in it. Ask people who have worked with her for events and cons, they might vouch for her being professional but she's hardly the sweet bean she is in front of the camera.
the retard just took an image without context.
the theme of the anniversary is that she took a job as a truck driver.
>Hours watched
Why is this the ONLY card I see you guys play?
>sour grapes
premium cope
Trust me, bro. Keep posting. You totally look cool and not mad.
I think the vshojo bot isn't working
>Source: my ass
Poor Kson, Vshojo literally forces her to do a trucker job and makes her participate in illegal street racing to cover her bills.
Holochads would never do something like that, it was obviously a falseflagger.
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the hololive ones are
you sound poor, stop doing your retard math if you think vshokeks has comparable revenue to niji or cover. What an embarrassing retard
Want to deflect from your chuube becoming irrelevant? Just pay money to bot bijou. Even though the image clearly shows she gets 15 times the ccv kson gets without bots.
Doki seems to be making good use of her freedom. It seems like creative workaholic types benefit from it the most.
kill yourself ennacuck
I like how he's literally afraid to respond to anyone else and just replies to his own posts.
>henya came back recently
>just in time for ksons anniversary
you better not tell me kson forced henya to come back just for her shitty stream
convenient boogeyman for when you get caught botting
>still a healthy 9-10k ccv without bots
thanks for the self own?
Kson can't fill a 40k venue like Pekora can.
kill yourself ennacuck
ai crowd. they even all look the same.
Other corpos can't even get 40k ccv without bots, what do you expect
>Source: my ass
>literally the stream from a few hours ago.... where the fucking pic was taken
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Sad she didn't die a horrible death from pneumonia, holobrony?
That doesn't look like 40k
henya is a sweetheart, she deserves better than vwhorejo and being zen's side piece
No they are friends retard I guess you wouldn’t understand that
Bullshit. You've literally been praying for her death.
I can't believe Kson literally lost all her money and was forced by Vshojo to become a part time truck driver. At least she was able to train under Kuroda-sensei, famed truck artist.
She loves them and hates people like you though.
ah yes, the "friend" defense
sha passed the vibe test bro
I remember the seethe when she publicly called out holobeggars
hours watched is the more reliable metric, it naturally removes bots as they are to expensive to run to the entire duration of a stream. your chart counts peak ccv which is easily botted daily by cover corp. guess that's why you like it more.
hours watched are just as easily manipulated
It encourages garbage content like sleep streams, subathons and watching youtube videos.
So you're admit that Hololive is botting, thanks for the concession.
irrelevant. maybe people would watch your corpo if they made good content.
this is the same as the drones who kpopmax songs on youtube, meaningless
kys Ennaschizo
Least obvious bait..
that's called botting
I genuinely don't understand what these people hope to achieve by throwing shit at hololive. It won't make hololive less successful and it certainly won't make vshojo more successful. Do they just enjoy getting humiliated with facts and logic?
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Speaking of Hololive, was this month's graduation announced yet?
the only way vshojo can stay relevant is starting drama they don't have anything else going on
>throwing shit at hololive
throwing shit at antis*
drama doesn't help though, froot lost subs after hers
Who the fuck is that knockoff Pekora on the lower left corner?
>convenient boogeyman
Says the guy claiming anyone calling out Kson for being lazy is the same person
That's just ennacuck. He doesn't watch Vshojo, he's just here to post his bot graphs.
You're the one who keep making these threads.
>hours watched is the more reliable metric
Doki is an exception because she is a rare breed of actual drive and talent, while also having been so suppressed creatively that she can explode out of the gate when her inhibitors are removed.
It also helps that she is willing to dump any and all resources she can throw at a project, despite financial shortcomings.
Why is ennacuck giving more views and making hololive more attractive to shareholders?
>more numbers
>with just her asmr
No fucking shit retardchama , that's her main content , talk about her gaming streams
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>t. guy behind this chart
There's a simple formula that all of VShojo's top members follow (Mouse, Zen, Henya, Michi, and to some extent Matara) that Kson doesn't.
>stream on Twitch
>stream in English
>stream for 6+ hours each stream and stream often
>collab with other popular English vtubers and streamers fairly regularly and get them to like you
>show you actually care about other VShojo members
>try to play games that are at least somewhat popular
>don't fleshstream at all or keep it to a minimum
>don't randomly switch where you're streaming day by day
>don't speak a language other than English while streaming on Twitch or all the big EN vtubers will stop raiding you and EN VShojo fans will ignore your streams
I'm pretty doubtful about VShojo's ability to expand into Japan, and Henya seems aware of the fact that catering to EN fans is the safe option.
The stream crashed and a lot of people didn't come back.
Ironic, I remember reading a holokek post around the time of Pomus graduation saying that Holos only have to deal with graduations at most once a year….
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calm down ennacuck
Well the JP expansion failed when she left migeul catto on an island for over a year. Not sure what kind of promise Kson fed her, or if the hiring process was not was she was expecting. There is obviously no desire to actually build that branch.
Vshojo was never going to hire jap indies. Their plan was poaching holos with promises of "talent freedom" which failed horribly.
Now the JP branch is effectively dead. Nobody is jumping ship when the most popular vtuber of 2021 struggles to beat Ollie while a member of vshojo.
The JP expansion didn't fail at all because it got Henya into Vshojo and we'll likely see more VshojoJP members at the start of the next year.
(You) hologgers live in a bubble. Nobody sane likes hololive.
You know full well she's "JP" in name only.
She would have never joined Vshojo if there was no JP branch.
While I think this is a major cope, I would love to be wrong. Unfortunately Henya looks to be a total poach job, since she checked a lot of boxes for whoever makes the calls if a talent is a good fit for vshojo.
>can speak primarily in english. She can collab with all the existing members who want to be her friend.
>Was a very recognizable name and voice
>Has social pity points because of the wizard game and how the previous corpo "fell short"
It needs an actual JP branch of a gen that can collab and talk with each other in japanese. I'd find it hard to believe Vshojo couldn't front a gen of 4-5 members at this point.
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uh oh melty
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I wish it was like that because Vshojo would have hired Sushidog by now.
YOU left
So it's not a falseflag anymore when Niji gets botted?
What's the point if she only stream in English?
Is there scheduled one?
>What happened to Coco, bros. She only has numbers most streamers dream of, makes more than a comfortable amount of money, gets to grope JAV idols every night, and appeared in her favorite game series. Is it fucking over? Grim...
Numbers and numberfaggotry should be moved to /trash/
No longer hard carried by Hololive.
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>boring entertainer is not popular
imagine my shock
Yeah but Lulu’s fucking hot, have you seen her? The flesh streaming is incomparable.
>facebook image
>hours watched is the more reliable metric
It would be a reliable metric if it was possible to verify if a person is actually watching a stream or simply has it open.
And as anyone already knows, Twitch is much, much less reliable on that account, since they count a muted and tabbed out stream as a view and towards hours watched.
>tabbed out stream
that's the way i watch any stream honestly, listening while doing something else, like fucking work
i like how you number people are so absorbed in your freakish hobby that you get all conspiratorial about shit that nobody other than you guys cares about. especially when like 90% of stream viewers these days are on phones and smart tvs where you can't even do that.
Doesn't the same apply to the post he was replying to aka you? Implying a corpo would bot daily streams when no one tracks that, not even Cover in their reports. You're both retards.
I can actually beat her recent vod numbers with my YouTube poop shitposts.
>Numbers don't matter
>I will now spend countless threads screaming in rage whenever you point one out
Lulu had 5k as a Niji, even in her decline year. 10k average in her peak.
stop asking questions
I don't think she did anything particularly shocking since leaving though that one Project Melody collab was tame as fuck. She tried to do asacoco or meme review type shows but it seems like they did pretty meh without involving hololive in any way, turns out she wasn't all that creative and desu I never seen creativity as her biggest strength.
VShojo is a talent management company, not a media production company
Isn't it obvious? It's the same when you point out Ironmouse's botted sub count.
>half the entire market
>statistics exclusively from Japan

I know you can't read Japanese so I guess I have to be the one to tell you that this chart >>87563852 is also hours watched.
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They realized copying hololive does not result in hololive numbers
> 4000+ streamers
>All those corps add up to like maybe 600 streamers

That 35% is a sea of shitters
Hololive invented concerts.
It's okay when hololive does it.
She and Zen are a diamond and a topaz in a pile of manure
cover actually does advertise the talent's youtube channel performance
You're joking right?
The only thing cover advertises is subs, not average CCV, and especially not when a random streamer got on a normal gaming stream on any particular day
The Ksonfag spamming the monkeys picture is literally one guy who is terminally online.
I don't get it personally.
>statistics exclusively from Japan
The green part is phase so that's false.
Ok then, cubic zirconium. I just find Zen amusing.
>Literally what the fuck happened?
You would know literally the moment you opened any of her recent streams, instead of looking just at numbers.
She stopped streaming in english. Don't ask me why.
Phase has a Japanese branch.

It can't be global because VShojo isn't visible and there is absolutely no possible way PC is ahead of them in hours watched.
your oshi likes holo too retard
It is global, it is also YouTube only because it's pointless comparing YouTube and Twitch with each other as they count numbers differently. Although Vshojo would comfortably clear Phase either way
Dude's still coping and thinking Coco's still alive.
just grad ollie already yagoo, 3d reveal+bd under 20k
He's annoying, but is he wrong?
Nope. Coco ruined the entire Vtuber industry by inviting twitterfags and redditfags in.
Her current predicament is her fault.
How did she do that?
YOU left!
>People point out objective major decline
>Pssssh it's all just numbers, if I scream numbers loudly enough and repetitively enough it doesn't matter anymore

Nunberfagging for the sake of caring who gets the most is pretty retarded, but observing trends (including declines) is not that. Kson herself cares, she just has no way of talking about it without sounding like or acting like a bitch aka "YOU left" etc. if they truly did not matter she would not have cared. If anything fork my observation JP chuubas are actually much more fucking blatant about numbers and are not afraid to talk about them, while they are pushed as some taboo in the Western sphere for everyone to try to pretend to be nice.
kson did expect at least three more members by the end of the year when her and mike first joined. have there been any updates on the jp auditions?
They made the JP branch hoping to poach rushia and succeeded, although didn't know what to do with her as she disparaged about being less successful than she was as a Holo. Kson is less successful too but just has some narcissistic factor pushing her to put up a cope front about it. She got an image of herself in her head as being like the leader of vtubing but up until the "YOU left" crack she never let it show.

Vshojo is blatantly greedy as fuck hoping to cash in on high earners they can and also try to use them as weapons against the other large corpos, but I think people see them more for what they are these days as a corpo larping that it isn't one and is some kind of alternative savior for big stars burned by those evil nasty corpos (which they toootally are not, you guys). Rando ex nijis joining them has not changed my opinion of nijiEN either way, they were shit before and are still shit now but I don't think vshojo is some benevolent savior for them either, just opportunists attempting to cash in.
It's global because when doki debuted her chart piece was larger than nijen. Streamchart combines both twitch and yt(which is really dumb) and cuts non gaming holo streams from their watched hours.
>reddit meme review
>shoutouts to the quartering
>inspired Melody
Gee, I wonder.
that shit's still so funny to me
>and cuts non gaming holo streams from their watched hours.
Oh, I didn't know they did that. That's where more than half their watch times come from sometimes. 1-3 hour gaming, followed by like 3+ hour yap/supas section with most people still sticking around.
Its kind of funny to see Phase grow enough to be a visible piece of the pie
They actually shrank a lot or the competition is getting bigger.
(Me) >>87563852 this is last month graph. Phase is the green portion.
Mix of both. The averages are up for all of them except for Pippa which tanked her momentum. Which means less numbers but a more balanced distrubution of them.
she doesn't care
okay smartass, then why did nips leave?
But enough about NijiEN
It's actually kino stream unironically.
I feel prime era essence of Kiryu Coco from this stream. Recommend to watch

Rate the stream

Kuroda Kino/10
Nips actually not leave. They stay
She can maintain her JP audiences
(1000-1400) until now.

- But... Reddit numbe....
- They are not JP you should use BarCoco stream for estimate her JP audiences.
>combines both twitch and yt(which is really dumb)
What's dumb about this
>1.3mil subs
>A bunch of guests
>only 4k ccv
>only $4k superchats
Even EN indies can do better than that

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