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Be sure to thank Nodoka-chan

The hololive OFFICIAL CARD GAME is a trading card game with the concept of “competition,” in which we build and compete in this game with our fans.
t. Cover

Official Twitter Account


>Online simulator (automated):
>Alternative simulator (manual):

>Twitter hashtag

>JP Online store for price checks

>Set 2 info

Previous: >>87315575
I think one of the reasons they decided to clone Pokemon over any other card game, besides the simplicity of it, is because it works well with a game that only has a small pool of characters to focus on.
Coming up in the next set:

>Oshi Holomem cards
Fubuki (White)
Shion (Purple)
Reine (Green)
Ollie (Purple)
Mori (Purple)

>Holomem Cards
Fubuki (White)
Shion (Purple)
Ayame (Red)
Choco (Purple)
Okayu (Blue)
Reine (Green)
Ollie (Purple)
Mori (Purple)

>Spot Holomem Cards
Holowitches (Luna, Miko, Kanata, Marine, Shion, Chloe)
Where can you still buy the TCG? Geekjack sold out.
If your Oshi isn't already in the game, how do you want her to play? Personally, I want to see Ina get Takos as the Purple Equivalent to Ankimo or Zains without the +10 to damage taken and arts that play with that.
It sold out? Wow. You can still buy from the Hololive official shop, but it's a 2 box limit. I was looking at this site, snkrdunk, that was selling it for a little bit more. So maybe you could check that out.
Either way, I'm sure it'll get restocked eventually.
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I'd like to see Ame with some gimmicky time shenanigans to pair with the weird homeless stage 2 Kronii, but I don't really know exactly how that'd work.

Alternatively, I'd like her to have some kind of powerful EN tutoring setup, partly to play into the detective/investigation theme, partly as a shoutout to her position as the primary planner/organizer of the bigger EN collabs. She'd have a relatively weak attack but she'd get a buff for every unique EN she had out.
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When you attach a Koronesuki to Korone she untaps and can switch in/out of the active, but then immediately discard that Koronesuki.
>Reine (Green)
I didn't realize, but that's another potential user of 1st bloom Moona. If Reine has some built-in #ID search that could be interesting.

Also I could see Noel as a fat green 2nd bloom, with even higher HP than Iroha.
How is the actual gameplay? Is it something like MTG, Yu-Gi-Oh or Card Fight Vanguard? Or Sword Girls?
Pokemon with the Oshi mechanic taken from One Piece
It's a Pokemon clone with a few twists. Including mechanics built around battling two holomem (pokemon) at once.
Thanks OP for baking. I was busy working in anime
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Debut Dino Gura Name: Baby Dino Type: Debut holomem Color: Green HP: 130 Tags: #EN #Myth #Shark #Dino

Arts: "Rawr!"
Cost: 1 Green
Power: 5
Effect: Reveal the top card of your deck. If it's a Dino Gura or Green holomem, add it to your hand. Otherwise, put it on the bottom of your deck.

Extra: You may put any number of copies of this holomem in your Deck.

1st Bloom Dino Gura Name: Growing Dino Gura Type: 1st Bloom holomem Color: Green HP: 160 Tags: #EN #Myth #Dino
Bloom Effect: "Dino Pack Call"
When this card Blooms, you may reveal up to 2 Dino Gura cards from your deck and add them to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

Arts: "Just one tiny bite please?"
Cost: 1 Green, 1 any color
Power: 0 + (10 × N), where N is the number of other Dino Gura cards on your field
Effect: Draw a card for each Dino Gura on your field (including this one).

1st Bloom Dino Gura Name: Pack Hunter Dino Gura Type: 1st Bloom holomem Color: Green HP: 150 Tags: #EN #Myth #Dino
Bloom Effect: "Dino Pack Assembly"
When this card Blooms, you may search your deck for a Dino Gura card with a different name and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.

Collab Effect: "Coordinated Hunt"
When this card enters the Collab position, you may move another Dino Gura from your Back row to the Center position. If you do, both this card and the moved Dino Gura gain +20 power until the end of your next turn.

Arts: "Tag Team Chomp"
Cost: 1 Green, 1 any color
Power: 50
Effect: If you have another Dino Gura in the Center position, you may have this Art target your opponent's Back row holomems.

2nd Bloom Dino Gura Name: Apex Predator Dino Gura Type: 2nd Bloom holomem Color: Green HP: 200 Tags: #EN #Myth #Dino
Bloom Effect: "Dino Evolution"
When this card Blooms, you may play another Dino Gura card from your hand to any spot in the playing field.

Arts: "I'ma tewifying pwedatow"
Cost: 2 Green, 1 any color
Power: 60 + (20 × N), where N is the number of other Dino Gura cards on your field
Effect: Roll a die. You may reroll this die up to N times, where N is the number of other Dino Gura cards on your field. Deal damage equal to the final result × 10 to your opponent's Center holomem.

Buzz Dino Gura Name: Hyper Dino Gura Type: 1st Bloom Buzz holomem Color: Green HP: 240 Tags: #EN #Myth #Dino

Arts: "Dino Rampage"
Cost: 2 Green, 2 any color
Power: 20
Effect: For each Dino Gura on your field (including this one), deal 20 damage to a random opponent's holomem.

Cost: 3 Green, 1 any color
Power: 0 + (50 × N), where N is the number of Dino Gura cards in your Archive
Effect: You may send up to 2 Dino Gura cards from your hand to your archive.
Extra: When this holomem is Downed, lose 2 LIFE.

Oshi Dino Gura
Name: Dino Gura, Dino Queen Type: Oshi holomem Color: Green LIFE: 7 Tags: #EN #Myth #Dino

Oshi Skill (holo power -1): "Dino Pack Leader"
(Once per turn) You may reveal any number of Dino Gura cards from your hand. For each card revealed this way, draw a card, then discard a card.

SP Oshi Skill (holo power -4): "Jurassic Apex"
(Once per game) Can be used when you have 4 or more Dino Gura cards on your field: All of your Dino Gura cards gain +30 power and "When this card attacks, you may roll a die. On an odd result, the attack repeats." until the end of your next turn.

Support Cards

Event: Paleontology Type: Support (Event) Rarity: U
LIMITED: Only one can be used per turn.
Look at the top five cards of your Deck. Reveal any number of them that are Dino Gura holomems and put them into your hand. Then put the remaining cards on the bottom of your Deck in any order.

Tool: Prehistoric Bone Type: Support (Tool) Rarity: C
The holomem with this Tool attached gains +10 HP.
If this is attached to a Dino Gura, it gains the following effect: When the holomem with this Tool attached uses an Art, you may roll a die. On an odd result, draw a card.

Fan: Paleontology Club Type: Support (Fan) Rarity: C
When the holomem with this Fan attached uses an Art, you may look at the top card of your deck. If it's a Dino Gura or Green holomem, you may reveal it and add it to your hand.
This Fan may only be attached to your Dino Gura, and you may attach any number of this Fan to one holomem.

Name: Extinction Event Meteor Type: Support (Event) Rarity: RR
LIMITED: Only one can be used per game.
Cost: Discard your entire hand (minimum 5 cards)
Effect: "where de dino go"
For each card discarded to activate this effect, roll a die. For each even result:
- Deal 10 special damage to all of your opponent's holomems.
- Draw a card.
- You may play a Dino Gura card from your Archive onto your field.

Then, choose one:
- All your Dino Gura holomems gain +15 power until the end of your next turn.
- Return up to 2 Dino Gura cards from your Archive to your hand.
Extra: If you have 6 or more Dino Gura holomems on your field when you play this card, you may choose to activate all effects instead of picking one.
Maybe prehistoric tag instead of myth although myth also works...
god no
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also i want this to be a proper timmy type deck, so maybe bump up the energy costs? Would need to have some support for cheer energy maybe, something that sacks back holomembs for cheer energy the same colour as the holomemb "eaten"? Could just be called chomp
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FYI, the "Timmy" term this anon used is a MtG thing. There are fan terms for the three broad grouping of player types, which were later referenced in official joke cards.
- Timmy plays big cards that are more on the simple side.
- Johnny is the combo player.
- Spike is the hyper-efficient and competitive player.
And outside of gameplay, there's also:
- Vorthos cares about the story more than anything else.
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>Tags: #EN #Myth #Shark #Dino
Pretty sure Gura will be #Sea since spot Marine has the tag.
Also #Shark and #Dino sound useless, who else beside Gura will have those?

Green seems to be the dedicated timmy color so far, and Gura looks more blue than anything.
Ah shit i accidentally kept the shark for one of the cards they are meant to be just dinos not sharks because after all dinogura isnt gura, and saying that dinogura is just gura in an onesie is absurd. Which is also why shes not blue anyone can see that the dino is green
Regarding typing i dont care too much for it to be a strong deck but eventually you could have other dino holomembs, like nanora or even some bird synergy in the future
Giant animals expansion...
Nanora, fubuzilla, dinogura, king kong kanata, iofi godzilla bride...
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Looking at the tags, so far we have:
- #JP ; #EN ; #ID
- further separated into 1 tag per gen, so 9 JP ; 4 EN ; 3 ID ; for 16 total
- #Art
- #Song
- #Kemomimi
- #Bird
- #Sea
- #HalfElf
- #Alcohol
Notably there's no #Dance, otherwise Bae would have it.
And somehow Kobo isn't #Sea either.

I could see a #Kaijuu tag in the future but I wouldn't get my hopes up for anything dino-related.
Ah yes kaijuu would work
>Don't get your hopes up
Too late im already looking forward to playing dinoguras in the game, I'll take anything i can get but i want dinos in my damn game cover
If you squint hard enough you have holobirds.
>And somehow Kobo isn't #Sea either.
this one holoOCG just put random #, wtf Kobo not #Song group but moona did it
Halfelf was a weird one. Doesn't Hololive only have two half elves?
>And somehow Kobo isn't #Sea either.
Kobo is more closely associated with the weather than the sea. Still odd she only has her branch+Gen as her tags and no "Preistess/Shrine Maiden" tag.

Three actually AKA every elf in Hololive is a half-elf. Aki's the only one who isn't half-human.
Aki, Flare, Lamy, so 3 for now.

>no "Preistess/Shrine Maiden" tag
Maybe they wanted to avoid anything religious?
If Kobo is more weather-related then I guess it makes for her to be just generic Blue. Since with Suisei, Moona, and Kronii, the color so far seems to be "sniping the bench with the power of the sky and the stars and stuff".
Sword girls
Holy shit someone else who played that
Btw did you know it's back as KanaTales now?
>Maybe they wanted to avoid anything religious?
That would make sense but we have Miko and Ina.
I knew that Lamy had pointy ears, but I didn't know she was a half-elf.
for Ina I want a Jade Tako deck similar to the Hearthstone Jade Golems
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Ina will most likely be #Art and #Sea and Miko will just have her gen.
Too bad, I wish they had used the lore for once, we could have has Holy, Demonic, Mythical Beasts, Warrior, etc.
I'm surprised they wen with #Alcohol though, it's not exactly the safest keyword around. Also curious to see what they do with it. So far the only ones are Aki and Lui, and I see no synergy or theme.
>And somehow Kobo isn't #Sea either.
The only sea-themed thing about Kobo is that her hair references a sea painting. Otherwise, she's WATER themed, but not specifically SEA themed.
The bigger missing tag would be demon. Hololive has a lot of demons (Ayame, Choco, Towa, half of IRyS, La+, Nerissa, Fuwawa, Mococo)
Three. Aki is Elf/Siren, Flare and Lamy are Elf/Human.
Lamy and Raden should have it too.
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>Looking at the tags, so far we have:
>- #JP ; #EN ; #ID
>You can only use this card if your hand contains 6 or fewer cards (excluding this card).Look at the top 4 cards of your deck. From those, reveal any number of "#ReGLOSS" Holomen cards you like and add the revealed Holomen to your hand. Then, return the remaining cards to the bottom of your deck in any order.

note:machine translated
YGO also reminded me of this video. Yu-Gi-Oh almost sounds like a layer of hell at times.
Since I got reminded of this video, any YGO nerds lurking around have good recommendations on Videos about the history of YGO powercreep? I love learning about metagames in things.
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>Lamy and Raden should have it too.
Also forgot Noel is already confirmed alcoholic.
Calli doesn't have it though, didn't she get some booze collabs at some point?

>- further separated into 1 tag per gen, so 9 JP ; 4 EN ; 3 ID ; for 16 total
Read, nigga, read.
Although it would be funny if somehow Regloss holomem don't have #JP.
So what you're saying is we're all vorthos
>Although it would be funny if somehow Regloss holomem don't have #JP.
Regloss not JP i remember that graph chart from a-chan thing
Regloss aren't even Hololive, what are they doing in our game!?
what is the ability/strategy of each color?
Gameplans differ between decks in the same color (See Promise building a full house vs Kanata setting up for Overkills) but I've compiled things I've noticed that generally exclusive to specific colors.

>White: Drawing cards, Searching the deck for Holomem, and Damage Mitigation
>Red: Archiving Holomems+Fans and pulling them back out later
>Blue: Burning Cheers for various effects, mostly hitting the backstage
>Green: Gathering Cheers, controlling dice results, and healing
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anyone have success running blue decks so far? mind sharing decklist? i always lose with blue except that one time where azki player bricked hard
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Blue feels like the weakest color at the moment. Suisei seems like the best in the color right now but the upkeep needed to keep her swinging seems like a pain. I think this deck was the one of the ones that went 5-0 in that recent big event.

> that one time where azki player bricked hard
As someone who has been sticking with an AZKi deck, this has been my biggest problem and it only gets more painful because all my search or drawing supports never show up. I need to screencap the next time I have an obscene amount of cheers on an AZKi while only two or 3 are on the field.
I think blue really needs some more support.
Isn't ReGloss in a funky spot where they are a part of Holollive but not any of the other preexisting branches?
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I'll just post the graph. Taking another look at it, it doesn't really clarify whether they can be considered JP or not. But my impression was that they wanted to leave it open to possibly having non-jp gens in dev_is.
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Lest anyone believe this shitpost chart, this is how the company is actually split.
This SuiKobo deck does a decent job:
Oshi: Suisei

2x Suisei (90D)
2x Suisei (70D)
2x Kobo (70D)
2x Kobo (100D)
4x Moona (90D)
1x Peko (90D)
2x Suisei (110F)
2x Suisei (120F)
2x Suisei (150F)
2x Kobo (120F)
2x Kobo (180F)
2x Moona (110F)
3x Moona (240B)
4x Peko(90F)
3x Suisei (210S)
3x Kobo (200S)
3x Nodoka
3x Mane-Chan
2x Encore
2x Sub PC

Anti-Blues still fuck this deck over though.
Draw 3.
Oh, there was something that seemed off about it.
I suspect the fake one was made to annoy unicorns.
For holoOCG purposes however, the real chart shows that 'hololive'(the JP branch is simply called 'hololive') and 'Dev_is' are separate groupings and so it seems likely that none of ReGloss would get #JP
Yeah I came in with zero knowledge of any TCG terminology and played a little bit, I can tell Mumei is pretty fucking busted.
How come she's overpowered in TWO games?
>so it seems likely that none of ReGloss would get #JP
So Regloss will be the only group without a language tag?
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Seems that this polka card is one of the best selling ones https://www.tcgjapan.com/omaru-polka-hbp01-071-ur/
Perhaps you'd like it Anon boy?
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I kinda prefer the regular one actually, sorry Gramps.
Polka cute.
And it looks like purple will be focused on the archive (Graveyard)
Wonder who will get the summon 2nd bloom + attach cheer from archives mechanic
what does she do
I want a set of Gura cards including a red set that can consume other cards setting up a "food chain" with the Apex Predator eventually eating everything on the field
you can try moona zeta with kobo oshi.
moona in the center for damage+plink. zeta cycles in for protection + big damage too if you can get 3 cheers on her.
promise really huge...
need another counter
>The Forbidden Yab - Discord Notification
>Support - Event
>Archive 3 Cheers from your field, then archive your opponent's Center including all the cards attached to it.
They are hololive, ENtard.
very nice
>attach cheer from archives
220 HP 2nd Bloom AZKi has that as her Bloom Effect and Iofi has it on her Debut and 2nd Bloom cards as a Collab Effect.
#Blondes when?
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Will this fast Bloom effect be green only or other colors will get it as well?
Maybe it will be different for each color like getting a down for white or having X amount of cheers/holos in the archive for red.
Presenting a perfectly normal AZKi board
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This game is genuinely fun, I can definitely see myself getting addicted...
>halloween deck is impossible because Mel is gone
Cover bring her back please.
They can just make a Myth or Treat deck instead.
I clearly wanted a Mel, Choco and Shion deck, why the fuck would i want a myth deck.
Because it's a Haloween deck? An actual Halloween Night deck would need Rushia too anyway,
Halloween could live without Rushia but not without Mel whose birthday was literally on halloween and she had the entire halloween theme.
Yeah, that's rough.
Have another draw.
I wanna take a break from the game for a bit until the next set releases, but I can't stop coming back. How dare Holoduel be so easily accessible.
Weekly Holoduel tourney when?
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>doesn't get the joke
>calls other retarded

Best I can do is Holowitches next set.
If we're lucky she'll get a Spot, same with Aqua.
Gravity or Mane-chan?
The offscreen Nodoka that actually brought me another Debut when I used it
Gravity digs deeper though. Or did you have some standard pc in the deck?
Gravity wasn't digging up jack all morning and my Standard PCs were all MIA except like one early on.
There's got to be some discord organizing this right?
There is one in the hololive ocg discord server. That being said, it’ll primarily be on HoloDelta but I’m sure someone will let you gentleman Holoduel for a match or two. Maybe we can even play against each other
>That being said, it’ll primarily be on HoloDelta
Why's that?
It's a manual sim so my guess is that they wanted to make it as close as possible to irl.
I guess it would be a bit much to do proxies with webcams.
Many of the Discord people are biased towards HoloDelta. Holodelta has been around longer so it is seen as the more authoritative sim.

People rather allow for human error rather than have some computer program do something wrong itself. Think about the reluctance to adopt Holoduel kind of like self-driving cars where failure of the robot is consider much more tragic than failure of the human. Finally, the last tourney was on HoloDelta, and it's hard to change the status quo.

Proxy play with webcames are quite uncommon in the Anglophone Hololive ocg Discords (many people are digital only) so don't expect webcam tourneys soon.
>Finally, the last tourney was on HoloDelta, and it's hard to change the status quo.
Is there a vod somewhere?
Reading through this, Dino Gura fees more in line with White Cards than green.
I want to try if the site can be played on phone
>People rather allow for human error rather than have some computer program do something wrong itself.
last time I used kobo on holoduel the backline kills dealt life damage even though it says it shouldn't. I don't know if this is fixed yet or not but at least with something manual you don't have to deal with bugs like this that you are unable to override
Holoduel works on phone 100% but the itch io site works better than the .net site.
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You sure that wasn't Kobo oshii skill? Because that one can take life.
Yeah I'm sure, it was one of the first tier kobos. That was like a week ago though and I haven't tried it since
Yeah, I guess that makes sense. But the game is still pretty simple right now. I'm not sure if Holoduel is going to last as more cards come out and the game gets more complicated.
If this game is based on pokemon, I don't think things will get too complex.
If Bushiroad and Cover are sensible, they'll keep it simple enough that even most holomem can play it without too much brain power.
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>lets queue with suityan!
>game 1 brick
>game 2 stomped very fast by ppt
>game 3 brick
>game 4 stomped by poruka
>game 5 got rngkeked by zeta buzz, 4x null damage fun
>almost won game 6 but enemy destiny drawed you are an enemy and irys oneshot 2nd bloom sui, couldn't bounce back
>game 7 stomped by irys
bros everytime i try to play decks i like this always happens, i'll join promise metaslaves until shion+mori dark deck appears
I know which kobo you're talking out as I remembered it taking life when I played it (hBP01-086 bloom if anyone is curious). I wasn't aware it wasn't the intended interaction.

If you run into any bug, just tell me so. I'm in pretty close contact with the HoloDuel dev so they'll get get it fixed pretty soon. Thank you for reporting.
Suichan might be playable if they give her strategy more support.
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I'm really curious to see if GGs going to get a card for her birthday merch tomorrow. It's possible we might see the first official English card.
Do nips even know about her?
They already set all birthday merch sets will get a card and it will be in Japanese
I guess you could imply that, but it doesn't really seem completely clear to me. The choice to not include English cards for the English members would be a bit weird, but I suppose that's fine too.
I feel like GG will be yellow.
Is daktagames.itch.io/holoduel or holoduel.net the better simulator?
for mobile, the former is better since it automatically goes fullscreen
Prediction gigi element?
Imo yellow or white
I'm thinking white. Purple already brings the game to 5.
If we're doing the tourney, I found a free private chat room that's not discord and requires no registration. Problem is, it's developed by pajeet.
Looking forward to it
Betting on Yellow.
look at her, she's yellow all around!
Modi would get to see all of our confidential communications...
yeah, but we still got purple Ollie
Purple is the spooky color. That's why it has zombies, reapers, and demons. Yellow is uh... yellow.
Yellow is piss, PISS IN MY MOUTH
Can someone tell me what Spot cards are for? You can't bloom them, right? Do they have better than normal effects? Cheap costs?
So far they mostly just have powerful collab effects. A lot of them mimic support cards. Peko is the only way to search for buzz forms. And then there's Kanata who has no ability but the most HP for a non-bloomed card

In exchange, their attacks are generally weak or overcosted. Personally I don't think any of them are super great unless your deck really needs that collab effect because you're giving up a lot for it
Some of them do, making them splashable. But right now, they're either too weak or nothing can take advantage of them atm.

Right now, only Spot Pekora has use because she can fetch Buzz cards. Can use fans too if you're using 12fan Polka
Ame should get better and better as more powerful items get printed. Right now though, the main limiter is that you have no way to search for Spots, so they remain extremely niche.
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b-but the dino is green though :(
Any suggestions?
Green is cheer related so eating opponent cheers could be neat "Return 1 Green cheer attached to this holomem to your cheer deck, reattach a cheer from opponent's holomems to this holomem"
Get this: Arctic Dino Gura
Anya and Kaela are locked in for 3rd set, right?
No, as the remaining members should be spread out in sets 3 and 4
>reattach a cheer from opponent's holomems to this holomem
That sounds absolutely vile in a game where a lot of gameplans get kneecapped by a single use of Moom's Cheer removal card.
I doubt they'll ever do that. By comparison Pokemon has never done this in nearly 30 years. The main problem is that cheers are the same for every players, so having your cheers mixed with your opponent's means it's extremely easy to steal each other cards without knowing.
I could see a "discard a cheer from opponent and accelerate a cheer from your deck" though, it's functionally the same but keeps the cheers separated between the 2 boards.
Isn't the point of custom cards making them somewhat busted?
Swapping cheers was meant to be a negative because you could have the wrong color for your attack.
They might as well have an ability that archives an opponents cheer and draws you a cheer at the same time. But obviously that would be really powerful.
>Swapping cheers was meant to be a negative because you could have the wrong color for your attack.
I see, but then you have the logistical problem of mixing both player's cards.
I think it's more likely they create a "colorless cheer" for these cases, a special kind of cheer that's not in your deck and can only be placed on the board if a card explicitly says so. KInda similar to damage counters, except this one would be a "colorless cheer" counter.
Or you could have the holomem say "if you meat X condition, you can attach this card to one of your other holomem as if it was a colorless cheer", similar to Zain.
Well you can balance it by putting it on a stage 2 bloom for example.
Hey guys, have you seen any good Sora decks? I've tried Sora, SorAZ, Sorapol, and a zeta/Iofi deck with Sora oshi. Anything else cool out there? Doesn't have to be great.
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The best use I've seen so far is mixed with Kanata. Here for an example list: https://www.holocardstrategy.jp/whitekanatasore/
But the Sora line is good support, so you could probably try her in most decks as a secondary attacker/draw engine. Just don't forget to slot in Ankimo.
She could probably go well with Polka Buzz. Ankimo doesn't contribute to Polka damage, but with both Zain and Ankimo you should be able to have 2 attackers online extremely fast.
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Mio with Hatotaurus support and he's just the strongest. Does 500 damage 5 times per turn. Can attack front anald back rows and losing to him is losing 3x lives. And he doesn't need any cheer if Mio has one. And collab effect of blooming Mio to stage 2
>Can attack front anal
Dude, finish fapping to Mio before posting.
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I wonder if Marine's PR card is available anywhere. People must have it by now.

By the way, Shion's debut will survive full force Kanata at 130 HP.
>By the way, Shion's debut will survive full force Kanata at 130 HP.
Big Zam, really? Are they previewing cards now?
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It's nothing new, it's just this preview from the announcement of set 2.
Oh. I completely missed that.
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thats really cool
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good thing the card's bad because I wouldn't be able to play with that on the table
It's somehow lewder than all the cards using dakimakura and oppai mousepad art.
>not not on /tg/
The translation link is great.
Would a Holotcg thread survive on /tg/?
who knows but its safe here
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are all the cards slightly mis centered?
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>Shion is the fattest debut so far

Well fuck. Maybe it's just perspective?
Incredibly dense Gaki
you can see the borders
reminds me of how fucked some pokemon tcg cards are printed
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Here is another one. looks more centered?
Doesn't look like Gigi is getting a card after all. Hoping I get BTFO a bit later.
Cards are part of birthday merch, is she even getting merch?
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I got BTFO after this post
By the time I posted her merch had been announced.
I kneel.
She's yellow! It's not really a surprise.
ok so they are including these with ENs right off the bat then
These aren't even holo right? so its only purpose to non-jp buyers is collectable
Yellow Enhance (イエローエンハンス)

Holo Power: 2
"[Once per turn] During this turn, one of your Yellow Holo members gains +20 Arts."
Birthday Gift Yellow (バースデーギフト 〜Yellow〜)

Holo Power: 2
"[Once per game] Reveal one Yellow Holo member from your deck, add it to your hand, and shuffle your deck."
I assume they will still be playable with the English version of the card game. A lot of TCGs allow that.
The bday card effects are mostly the same with the only difference is the color
when's the next holocure update kay kun
I'm from the gigi thread, I collect YgO cards and didn't know hololive had a card game, does this series have foil levels and all that?
From what I heard only MTG allows that as other TCGs don't have simultaneous releases for EN and JP
there are multiple foiling types and certain cards do come in multiple rarities
I see, I see. I assume the one that i'll get in the limited edition one will be common, but I'll order a pack and see what I get cuz gambling is fun.
It has foils and they look really good! The card game itself is brand new. There should be an English release coming some time in the near future.
To be honest, I'm an MTG player, I just thought that other series would allow it too. I don't think simultaneous releases are necessary for it to be allowed. You just don't let players play with Japanese cards that haven't come out yet.
All Magic cards are treated as though they are their English versions, so you can use foreign language cards in tournaments. You are allowed to reference the official card database wording at any time.
ygo claims it's because of different card stock and card backs, but it's more likely the tcg just being stingy as fuck because ocg has dirt cheap cards with better quality. the card backs isn't an issue if cards are sleeved and tcg has had multiple different products which vary in card stock anyways.
>the card backs isn't an issue if cards are sleeved
not all sleeves have opaque backs. Many players use clear penny sleeves. different card backs is a legitimate reason to separate the two.
this is technically Hololive's third card game, it made appearances in two of bushiroad's preexisting card game before this.
They shouldn't have used different card backs in the first place.
So bday promos aren't foil
The current rarities are:
R (plain background foil)
RR (patterned texture foil)
OSR (Oshi card, patterned texture foil)
UR (Borderless alt art of an RR, patterned texture foil)
OUR(Borderless alt art of an OSR, patterned texture foil)
SEC(Foil stamped signature version of 2 OUR cards(Kiara and Suisei))

pictures of the actual cards can be seen at https://yuyu-tei.jp/sell/hocg/s/hbp01
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It's also understandable why they did, different languages and marketing and all.
Speaking of Yugioh reminds me: what size are these Hololive cards? Are they normal sized or do they use the stupid smaller size Japan likes to use sometimes?
They're normal sized thankfully.
That's what she said!
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She wouldn't say that though.
I know you didn't ask, but the game itself is pretty fun. You can play around with digital proxies here: https://holoduel.net/game/index.html
I'm really looking forward to the second set and the English version
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I asked this in Hololive Global but feel it's adjacent enough for here as well.
I like to make Hololive MtG proxies, and I also like writing shit out.
Do you know SHIT about Magic? Wanna check that out to see if any of it makes sense to a non-player?
As for proxies, I want to do a Sol Ring, but I can't decide what Holo thing should represent it. Do you have any ideas?
I was briefly tempted to do Rushia's engagement ring for the lulz, but I've decided against it.
Maybe something from Subaru?
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A Holo playing Ring Fit
cute asf
The ratings seem bad
>get into a rabbit hole of Card game videos
>Playlist of a person's complaints about Konami

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