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Squishy Heart Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Just check the OP of the last thread that's all still happening except that Froot has since ended stream. Geega Lockdown Protocol and Mata subathon yapping. Nice options. Pick one. or else. Just make sure to keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/fafni_JP/status/1846610564048658619

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/mouse/ for dedicated Mouse discussion
/lig/ and /big/ for extended + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>87569587
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>Matara just recently passed Haruka in followers
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i love kchon!
on top of big momo
good, hope staff rubs it in her face during meetings
It's Har-over
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>two retards racing
leeeeeeeeets goooooooooooooooo
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I love Michi so much.
cute boy
Be honest
Do you think Haruka will stream at least once before end of the year
just jerked off
cute tomboy
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Henya live
Hentais assemble.
nice pits
nice tits
nice hips
how come there isn't a mod that makes koikatsu feet look decent
Mel, Mouse, Froot and Henya backrooms collab
I legit thought this was Nara from the thumbail
Where is Geega
I wish our truckers were this cool
Just finishing Lockdown Protocol, but I think she said she wasn't going to join because she didn't want to do two collabs immediately back to back.
what is this lobby? sounds like hell when people panic that you get killed on twitter for the skin color of your game character.
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Mel will be streaming her perspective of the collab in a bit.
Henya slept for 13 hours and missed her meeting. She's becoming Karui.
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Henya is going to die
>Playing mmo on main
Geega is actively trying to kill her channel
Gunrun in Henya chat
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>Henya didn't know about F&F:Tokyo Drift
Next up Gacha.
>Speaking of Mata, she joined WWE!
I love Henya
Mata joined WWE
Love retarded Kettle
>henya wins lord of the board
>matara joins WWE
Wrestling org
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Hell yeah brotha
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Mel live on twitch/Fansly.
Michi talks do much shit for someone who’s really IRL
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I love this stupid kettle
I fucked that up
Michi talks so much shit for someone who’s really flat IRL
Drama, the girls are fighting!
Drama. Inviting Nijis was a mistake they're bullying Henya
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the weak should fear the strong
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Geega about to punch me in the dick while smiling at me
>inside out (pixar movies) is called inside head in japan
Henya is a mom
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geega fr
Damn bro everyone fucking left as soon as Geega booted up T&L
Lmao truuuuu
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Big witch hat
How the fuck did Kyle make it into Mata's lobby? Where's the connection from?
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Wait a minute, is Zen reposting screenshots from /here/?
strippin maybe
>Henya organized the collab
Kettle cute.
Yes, they are aware we exist.
They use it mostly for comedy content though.
Has that pic been posted here before?
Geega jerks off to us lusting over her
Gremlin is up.
strippin or criken maybe
they've done their RP arcs, strippin more so
Mousey was straight up blind for an entire hour when she woke up today. Her life is a nightmare, man. I feel so bad for her.
>Henya organizing a collab
Did I step into bizarro /vt/?
>boomer movie
It's not that old, I love that one as a kid
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Meanwhile, in China
froot on da telly
the gang is all here
Henya learned "Cooteh"
These damn western horse corrupting the poor innocent kettle.
Limes raided Mel. She's /in/.
words of wisdom
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So whats up with Wales? Has it just been England's pet for its entire existence? Why is the next guy in line to be a British king called the Prince of Wales? Why isn't he the prince of Scotland or Northern Ireland?
What thumbnail?
so true
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Nobody knows
I don't understand why she even showed up.
Because she loves her friends sperg
One king gave the title to his son so then everyone kept doing it for the last 700 years
Hasn't Mel played this game? I seem to have a distinct memory of her in the parking garage area while the monster kinda stalks in a circle and she was hopping room to room trying to get to the elevator. And Zen opened up the door and got them killed I think. Am I crazy?
>Hasn't Mel played this game?
Am I crazy?
the one where you can show your name badge? that was a different backrooms game
The over saturation is real.
Lmao retard
Do you know how little that narrows it down
Did mel's entire stream crash from alt tabbing to mute discord?
Mel please...I need you to prove you're not the dumbest member.
That did happen but I think it was with Froot, not Mel. I'm sure Mel's played some Backrooms game with how fucking many there are, but I don't know if she's played this one.
>the dumbest member.
no such thing, they are all tied at the bottom
Kuro would like a word.
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it was this collab
As in he's worse or better?
By far the dumbest
fastest pussy in the west
>Henya asks if the game Froot is talking about is an FPS
>She says it is
>But with cute anime girls
>Henya immediately interested with no other information
Thank you! Now instead of playing Escape the Backrooms they're playing Backrooms Escape the

It's so obvious!
Who in VShojo has the fattest pussy? We must do research
that was Escape the Backrooms
this is Backrooms: Escape Together
Ok nevermind you guys are right. Mel just needed help figuring out how to walk out of the elevator lol
Was Mel trying to look down in the elevator because of the flashing light?
juni's got a race queen outfit. its all cumming together
>Monster roars
>Froot, Mouse, and Henya run into a whole and hide
>Mel keeps wandering around
>Gets lost on the way to the hole that was in view when the monster first appeared
Wales was conquered by England in the late 1200s, their leaders title was Prince - so the English king at the time gave the title to his son, since then it's been passed to the next in line to the thrown. The monarchies of England and Scotland weren't merged through conquest - Elizabeth I died without an heir so James VI of Scotland was invited to take the English throne as James I - since then they've had the same monarch. That's also why Scotland has its own legal system, whereas Wales has the same one as England.
Incredible game.
It's just a vessel for me to watch cute girls being idiots
I feel bad for Mel because she spends most of the time dead in any collabs that they do.
Actually, I feel bad for Mel for a lot of reasons.
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Im surprised they stick around especially because of the retarded shit that gets posted here
ASL Henya missing Froot's pee joke lol
>Henya tried to kill Froot
Geega has seen all the gooners
These cute idiots
They're not gonna get past this first level, are they?
they hate each other confirmed
What's the deal with the almond water? It was used as health in the other co-op backrooms game too.
Yeah Mel is trying to to look at the flashing light in the elevator
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Some part of the expanded lore. It's basically the equivalent to mana from the bible. Juice that contains all you need so you don't need solid food. So called because it smells of almonds.`
I remember reading someone ranting about how backrooms lore is a big game of telephone and the water is some misunderstanding about cyanide
No shot lol. Mel surviving is the biggest plot twist
I'm impressed that not only one of them made it, but all of them.
Melody, Froot, Mouse and Henya. The four VShojo members most likely to fall assbackwards into success.

It’s so nice to have these dweebs playing together tonight.
that naked man? me
>Geega has probably seen the lewds
>Zen sees all the voice/male schizos
>mouse sees all the spergs
>Haruka sees the no streams posts
>Hime sees the giant tits and keeps increasing them same as zen
Why would they ever look here
Henya got ojisan'd
Why doesn't haruka stream? Is she sick or on hiatus? She appears a lot on other peoples streams
She's not real. She's a tulpa that only appears if you're in love with Geega.
That explains a lot. I must really love Geega
They're so cute bros I can't take it
probably a mix of severe depression, impostor syndrome, and pressure from the days of hiatus piling up
>Mata over analyzing and over explaining every single thing
Bitch is so fucking weird, but I like her.
>pressure from the days of hiatus piling up
this one is huge and considering what she said last time, is her biggest issue
god I missed henya and mouse together so much
Mata would be the type of gal that would force you to do a sperm count test if you want to impregnate her
their laughs lmao
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>Mouse and Henya having fun
>Melody POV
>Geega has probably seen the lewds
She secretly gets off to it
>Zen sees all the voice/male schizos
Sees all the people saying "God I want to fuck Zen's brains out and marry her over and over" and gets off to it
>mouse sees all the spergs
Seeing all those catalog monkeys frothing over everything she does seems like a font of smug catharsis
>Haruka sees the no streams posts
Yeah, that probably doesn't help her, but there's only so long that you can cry "PLEASE MOOSE STREAM AGAIN" into the void before you lose hope.
>Hime sees the giant tits and keeps increasing them same as zen

These four are a perpetual chaos machine. They simply feed into one another’s antics with absolute commitment to the bit.
Haruka should cover this.
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Sorry to ruin the fun, Zen reposts from her discord
Mainly the Zen Memes and Pics.
She's going to bed already? What the hell.
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Is there a gas leak across Canada? Is this some prehistoric chemical being released from Canadian glaciers due to global warming?
for how many hours was she awake?
Almost 13 hours
As you get older it gets harder to stay up late.
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i feel her though. I find myself lately feeling tired after 7 hours being awake and have to take a quick rest
She said she stayed up for hours yesterday after she allegedly "went to sleep", so she's probably flicking her bean right now for all we know.
Zen is definitely the 2nd entity of this level.
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Zen is such a bitch lol
Matara is already done for the day?
It's called lack of vitamins
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Fuck you Zen.
Ohhh okay now I feel bad for criticizing. Mel couldn't look in the elevators because of her epilepsy. My bad.
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Damn anon, making fun of a disabled girl...
Well then I can't make fun of any of the girls!
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Was Mel always epileptic?
Epilepsy is either genetic or from a traumatic brain injury, and she hasn't mentioned one of those so probably genetic
Yes. Its was one of the first things she ever broke her keyfabe about herself because she had to explain why she had a rule against flashing lights for media share streams.
evil momos are evil
I am once again asking for a Vshojo Runescape arc
Mata is having sex i can feel it

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