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RxRxR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WXVFl-N6-o
PAKU PAKU SEIBAI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAFA8SCKpXk
Colour MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9alGJE9ZXA
EIEN MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGgKKwc-jWg
Bling Bang Bang Born with Ina: https://youtu.be/B3kE_zxORik
LOS LOS LOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCOGTtxq24k



>Free chat/Vspacer chat:

>Merch (Limited)
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
Promise swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter

>Art Tags
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png

Previous bread:
Previous stream:
Current stream:
Big win for us today Yayoibros, those were some fat akasupas
japanese hate
Thanks for the bread!
Cute art
Thanks for the bread!
>World tour
I'm not excited for it will never see the light of day for my eyes
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>He missed the Cock and Baelz DO U
NTA but I'm still salty about that
Wait so is it the 20th or 21st? It's the 17th for her now and the countdown says 4 days
i miss en rat
Imagine all the extra money Yagoo could've made if they streamed it.
>Jitsu wa... I amu engirishu ledy
Can't watch, any more Yakuza soon?
Conventions deserve to die a slow starving death.
Subaru became Bae's mother...
Subaru fussing over Bae like a mother duck
Didn't she ask Bae if she was taking enough showers kek
>i still need to watch that [Oshi no ko]
You really dont need to bae, trust me
She originally wanted to play today so I assume she'll try and stick a session in on the weekend/soon
Stop making them your sisters and moms and start making them your sexual outlets instead. Geez.
Bae has an appearance “somewhere, somehow” on Saturday
>Bae all but confirming Gigi birthday appearance
My dreams are coming true
>No streams into kslop
real exciting schedule there Bae
That's probably Gigi's birthday she'll show up to
Just confirmed more Yakuza next week
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She needs to start inviting over some well hung brats to help her de-stress. I of course volunteer first!
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*does a cool dance*
yo yo yo
rate the stream yo
i dont know korean yo
*does a cooler dance*
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this got flagged as spam
I keep forgetting bae is a day ahead of me
Inners is alive/10
Finally watched TTGL/10
Bae likes kpop maybe a little too much/10
Backlog vanquished/10
About the AppleSeed guy, I always found it weird how he's a clearly a brat and a Bae gachi but he refuses to draw Bae for some reason, all of his Chloe art is stellar and I wish he would start drawing Bae
Liking the thing that is the reason behind Youtube views being eternally fucked seems counterproductive to your occupation/10
Nice zatsu to catch up on supers, happy Bae is feeling more upbeat in these past few streams.
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This stream in a nutshell
Today I was having a sad day
but then bae was streaming
so I rember when day is dark alway watch bae
Fun zatsu/10
glad to hear Ina is doing well/10
She geeked out about kpop/10
Bae also generally seemed to be in good spirits today/10 which makes me happy
Not super excited for the mengen stream but I am looking forward to the announcement in 3 days
Korone collab
Month of horrors
Any minecraft (I love the dumb sign, neko neko island arc, building the Id portal)
Any midnight stream
The insane yakiniku stream
Baebi endurance
Fortnite collab
Telephone game
League of legends
Getting Over It Trials (anything promise obvs)
ALL Live watchalongs, especially Towa's
Mermaid watchalong
Princess Peach game
Miori elves
Newly friends game
Her best streams are unarchived, the strawbaerry debut, summer endurance, and preydator karaokes
I have a hard time remembering things when she does rapid fire shit like feb gets
Holy orca titties
Some people are just weird about that though
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boo nigga
Why is Bae driving after that Korean woman?
That dude's an artist and not just some random newfag?
I think his name was Chang Bang not Boo Niguh
I always forget that kpop stans are responsible for more annoying archaic safeguards being added to everything these days than even malicious bot farms
Holy shit I hate them so much
Yeah, he's done some nice art and has a full on Bae shrine from what I can see
The image or the crying
i think this shitposting angle is extremely funny considering she already did this once on her first year with one video, mentioned being an exo fan and has geeked out uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh like 5 or so times in stars watchalongs?
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Yeah, they draw the most sex orca titties
Despite Bae showering 2 times a day when she talks about kpop boys I just imagine how much she must stink.

Love her, she was very cute today
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the crying
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KroBae love
I am not looking forward to this waste of a stream as I do not enjoy kpop or kpop culture and was looking forward to her streaming literally anything else
You may now use this as fuel to continue pissing your pants for another hour
I'm not the weird fuck melting down about her geeking out over kpop. I just don't like it as an idea for a membership stream, it's something that can be done publicly
I don't get it. They look like girls, they wear makeup and lipstick and they even get body mods in the face to appear more feminine, how does this appeal to women
Alright I'm thinking based
Oh holy shit that's the guy who draws all of Chloe's sagger images
They are the closest you're gonna get to anime ikemen irl.
Women love anime twinks and they look like anime twinks
Same reason women love that new Love in Deepspace game, I'll give credit where it's due, at least those dudes are jacked but they still have effeminate faces
Can you just accept that we don't like Kpop here and stop spamming your dogshit
Lonely women who thinks they want a man even they can beat up.
Who the fuck dislikes kpop?
Maybe it's because Bae is his oshi that he feels weird about drawing her like that?
They are really not sending their best huh.
Anyway if the totally epic "oc" they cooked in their discord didnt clue you in, its a raid once more.
night rat, dont feed them
Imagine those same drawings of Bae's perkers...
Society. Actual human beings
I asked myself the same thing when I discovered the amount of women obsessed with that alien faced utaite
Kpop fags would run bots to artificially inflate the stream numbers of their favorite kpop groups, it forced google's hand and now their viewcount coding is eternally fucked up on purpose to never show it's true amount
Fingers crossed he starts doing Bae then
Apparently this is the reason. He doesn't want to draw Bae until he perfects how to draw her
Chloe is his oshi too, he has both marks
kpop stans would start movements for hundreds of thousands of them to spend entire days spamming a video or streaming a song to boost its views to support their idols
They're the reason youtube has weird safeguards now like "one ip cannot add more than 10 views to a video without paying for premium" and other obtuse spam safeguards that often end up fucking over regular users and creators
Ah well there we go
The more sexy Bae art in the world the better
Why are they like this?.
I think you underestimate how many people give a shit about this thread beyond (you)
holy fucking fake fan
They're 12-14 years old on average, I'm not even kidding. Your median kpop stan on twitter shouldn't even be legal to be on social media.
That's the official name for brats actually
Nobody cares about another load of Kanauru slop
Go back
That's how Cover Corp spells her fan name.
That is the full name
Hasn't been brought up since debut though
>Bae is Simon
>But it's pre-timeskip simon
Unironic slop-posters in here now
Oh I missed her oshi mark, it blended in too well with the Japanese text.
Oh I see, hoping he'll draw her soon.
Literally just teenage girls who are also terminally online and rabid
Last hundred times I've seen cover mention it it was buratsu
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for Kpop fans it represents a fictional standard of beauty that appeals to an ethereal almost angel-like aesthetic that blurrs the lines of sexuality and gives the impresion of an androgynous being.
Of course its fake as fuck, which is why it takes a toll on the human body and why they all kill themselves or fuck off after their carreer is done. Also im sorry to break it to you my man but "macho man" hasnt been the standard of male beauty for girls for a long time no matter what sigma pill videos sell you.
>what is the standard
just like men, it has evolved and it has become so widespread you cant put a real pin on it. that's why benedict cabbagepatch has fans and so does someone like kpopman or kendrick lamar or whoever.
Numberfagging is a disease that requires a bullet to the cranium
just stop
Its strange how much of pop culture is run by teenage girls
Is actually a true fan if he knows where brat comes from.
You're the fake fan.
Being ripped is unironically more likely to get you gay dudes than it is women, chicks like fit and toned at most as a preference
What about this made Bae horny and a sobbing mess watching their concert and obsessively talk about them
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He's asian and she's asian
You are confusing being ripped with a steroid monster
Women aesthetically prefer a natty/ripped dude over a bulked up muscle monster
Not really. Pop appeals to the masses and kids are the overwhelming majority when it comes to consume pop stuff.
Baerat was the inspiration behind brat but never the official spelling Bae has used, brat is the official name and always has been tourist
So what was it that hapened that Bae said sucked her soul out of her?
Did it have something to do with family because they visited her recently?
Unironically she's really attracted to voices and she said she loved the guy's voice
Just nonstop hammering of projects + work + family visits + other shit in her life
She hasn't been able to catch a proper break essentially
>the backpedaling
I just need to know how muscular I need to get to rip Bae away from the kpop horde and take her as my own
She didn't say but it was in reference to lately
The whole September recording hell is most likely what she meant
She's been scheduled to learn how to dance a new style and record performances for the past 2-3 months. She's also been following a training regimen with a personal trainer and altered her diet and lifestyle to lose weight and get fit.

If you can understand why she never gets sleep, it's likely because those 2-3 AM browsing sessions are the only time she has to herself.
You really are desperate for that "um aktually" huh little buddy
That's like saying "all guys want toned gym girls". Its all about the kind of people you want to attract in of itself

I hang around a liberal arts college and let me tell you that there's not a single bicep in all of those guys yet the girls still like them
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As muscular as this, anything more and she'll be turned off
On the bright side, this is very achievable natty although it will require a ton of hard work
So you're saying I need to lose all my muscle and take estrogen but also have a deep voice for a baewife?
I'm pretty sure bae-rat is only ever mentioned in debut literally nowhere else
So if he knows it, he at least watched the debut (which is what he said)
Okay, thanks. I thought she was talking about whatever it was that made her really, really sad that she couldn't talk about during the karaoke.
Ah yes the Brad Pitt in Fight Club look
You could also Majimamaxx
I see that person in chat or in SC all the time, it's pretty clear they watch Bae frequently, the fake fan argument simply doesn't pan out
Cover staff should lock Bae in a room on Halloween and force her to complete Alien Isolation before she's allowed out
She can even have a bedpan
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This is also sexy to Bae. Just gain a lot of mental problems with max charisma.
Not really, I just find it amusing how quick you are to call others fake fans but when somebody points out you are wrong you lose your shit.
>Brad Pitt in Fight Club look
There was a period in time where every man was obsessed with trying to emulate his look from the basement scene kek
Having a pirate ship makes you attractive to a lot of women
also men
You didn't prove anyone wrong and continue to respond to me to try and feed your own ego over a little jork you couldn't handle despite your smug facade
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Majima is the personification of what she finds hot.
A lean guy with definition and muscles but nothing outrageous. Partial Blindness is also a must
That movie is largely responsible for modern male celebrities wanting to look so shredded beyond just having big muscles
Oh so now it's a jork
That's just a lower quality model, Majima is a lot more shredded than that under that shirt in high-quality cutscenes
she fell in love with the covered up majimbo though. Also didnt quite vibe with kiryu until he dadmaxxed
Bae seems like the type of girl that really doesnt give muscles the type of day
yeah yeah wipe the tears out of your eyes before your next post and you'll be more convincing
I think you mean The Mechanic
How the actual fuck does that bra even work? is it literally just a bunch of tape?
The chaosbra has been the source of a lot of speculation but only Mika knows
Skin tight strapless bra and it could just be sewn lines of fabric. Truth be told though Mika's fashion is an enigma.
He also dances!
I think she likes both ikemen and dudes with muscles, just not the meathead type, more the lean kind of muscle
Rrat Love
Where's the room in Bae's heart for a poor white man like me...
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is it really controversial that she thinks hot men are hot? come on guys
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This is all we know about the design
In another lifetime where she's one of those asians who settles for a guy with an IT degree.
>Bae seems like the type of girl that really doesnt give muscles the type of day
I will NOT tolerate this blatant falsehood
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i apologize i meant the machinist shitposting is an art not a skill
I imagine that taste also lines up with her female preference too, I think she just likes people who are fit
I don’t think it’s controversial, people just want to know so they can target that ideal
I mean it does to some degree yeah
Look at Vi
Thats definition though, you can have a good definition but not a lot of muscle
Do some cardio retard
I need to know if I'M the hot man who can sweep her off her feet and not the emaciated korean boy I can never be
theres like nine of those fuckers and she zero'd in on the ozzie it was never about looks
That is literally in the upper echelon of natty achievable muscles. Stop looking at roid monsters for the standard
She had/has a girl crush on Vi and that backdancer who has a six pack
I bet she has a girl crush on Bancho.
Does Jimmeh have abs? I'm sure she had great core strength
Fitizens will never beat the homosexual allegations until they stop triying to make all threads about oogling a man's body
A woman wrote this post, my sensors are blaring
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>It's homosexual now to give your bro a good spank for a lift well done
Sure man ok
Wanting to look like shredded celebrities is dumb anyway, they don't even look like that the majority of the time, only under extreme conditions where they've been nearly killing themselves from dehydration
okay well then someone post a fact-based representative human body of her ideal and workout plan to achieve it
I dont adhere to "girl crushes". Ill eat my shoe if bae isnt bisexual because her type of girl that makes her go feral is so specific (lean fit girl with abs/punk rock lesbian) that its just too elaborate to be kayfabe
ok but bae would sniff bancho's shorts if she was alone in a locker room and had the chance
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Why is this thread talking about dudes?
Besides deep voices I’m pretty sure her criteria completely overlap for both genders
Lean but toned and somewhat feminine in appearance but cool
We're just a bunch of dudes that love dudes here
Hajimyeh is flat as fuck but she's a woman
i would happily put my penis inside of Todoroki Hajime's vagina
Her soup is just boiled spats from all the girls she finds hot
Ah, pantyhose tea...
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More importantly
Would Bae make the one block jump for the chicken, or attempt the one block vertical jump for the beef?
>Girl with abs
>Deep voice
(Can we get much higher)
I think Bae is usually pretty risk averse so chicken
But if she was egged on by chat or a friend, the beef
no one that ignores a drunken Mumei throwing herself at you is into girls
Kronii is too much of a dork to be cool enough
She'll go for the beef (and fail), then come back from parkour prison to go for the beef again (and fail again) only to come back and attempt it a 3rd time and finally succeed. She'd accidentally fall off while celebrating.
Bae is just dense enough to rival a neuron star
Mumei is her sister and their last name isnt Abyssgard
Bae knows Kronii way too deeply to find her physically attractive
Frankly I just don't think Mumei is her type
She matches none of the other criteria and Mumei is firmly sisterzoned
>Bae keeps her distance from Kronii to avoid falling for her ideal woman
They tried to make it work but mumei said "thunder is followed by rain" then farted and pissed the bed.
This is why takos baelz became stronger,since ina doesnt drink water she cant piss as often
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No need for that, here's a simple comparison of musculature
Left = attractive
Right = overkill
The way she grabbed her hand in that offcollab though..
Brother Mumei jokingly asked if she could spit on Bae and Bae took it completely at face value and prepared herself to get slobbered all over
Bae is a graduate of the school of knowing how to bully her lesbian friends mentally.
>mmmm I khanda wanna go fer the beeeeef... oh gawd what do I dew
>"Goes for the beef"
I mean she's surrounded by them so no surprises she picked up some tricks
wtf, what am I supposed to do with all these roids then
That was a "when this offcollab is done i want you on my bed with ropes, lube, chicken stock and half a bag of socks" grab if i've ever seen one.
Kronii pussied out
As much as I joke about MuBae I think it’s more Bae being trusting of Mumei
If anything it’s a one sided love….
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You done fucked up
Id be intimidated too if a woman asked for chicken bullion and not pork stock on the first date
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if i had to make a one sided love narrative about mubae, i think it switched sides, like bae started with the crush and then mumei had the crush but it was too late
Truly a romantic tragedy...
Mumei failed to answer the call in time, civilization duties and sickness got in the way.

Ninomae Ina'nis is now ready for the kill and that kill is, rape in bed.
Don't be fooled, Ina is only using Bae for her green card
The HoloEN romance drama is wild
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you guys are sleeping on the dark horse but her time is coming
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Bae would NOT fuck her sister!
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I am forgotten.
Is beebs moving to the land of the rising sun confirmed yet?
That's illegal she wouldn't touch a child
IRyS will be there first
feed them to the chickens.
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those moon runes look funny
no translations?
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Remember me? The canon ship?
>Puk Puk Puk Puk Puk Puk Puk Puk
>I will also impregnate your daughter through incestuous rape!! Carly is pregnant!!
I think Bae, Gigi and Gura should all make out with eachother and also with me, so i can kiss cute girls while feeling the thrill of razor teeth near my flesh.
In fact i think that's the canon ending.

i dont think bae could ever find someone as childlike as biboo sexually attractive
No sadly
I mean I can machine translate it I guess
I honestly will be very happy if biboo moves with bae I also know she will push bae to finish dark souls and play elden ring
Would you say this rattata is in the top percentage of all rattata?
I don't think she'll move in with anyone but I think she'll be living very close to someone.
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while I would personally love getting more souls streams out of Bae, having a crazy grinder like Biboo move in with her is probably not a good influence on Bae health wise
Dark Souls 1 got flushed.
Yeah, I think remember her mentioning she wanted to move close to some member to "annoy them everyday" when she mentioned moving
Someone shoot this grey name
well also she doesn't speak Japanese so having someone nearby that could help her if necessary could be important
but it's true
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>Bae seems like the type of girl that really doesnt give muscles the type of day
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wrong she likes autist people
All of her closest friends are autistic
Is Bae..y'know...
I think Bae just attracts that kind of person
>Years of friendship with Moom and emotional investment to hit 134
>5 seconds of Arupapa to hit 131
Tokoyami Towautist…
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I know you're a shitposter but calling an 8 person dinner a date is particularly retarded
And really, dragging Nessie in?
Towa has an amazing talent for getting stuck in weird situations
This is up there with the Suisei "abune" image
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>Genuine emotional investment
>Laughing really hard
No, I don't really remember because this is something you have completely made up
For one, it was a group izakaya outing that was decided upon but never happened, calling it a date is incredibly disingenuous. It really is nice though, to get a confirmation of the type of nigger you are that's been shitting up this thread. I have always been willing to give you the benefit of the doubt by assuming you are a cranky newfag brat but you really went full mask of by commiting two cardinal sins associated with schizos, attacking another fanbase which exposes you as a shitposter with a history of doing it while also simultaneously making up a fictious scenario that never happened, I already know you are the usual cranky piece of shit who has a meltdown over Bae speaking any amount of Japanese or obsess over her chat.
Nonetheless this is the last (You) you will ever get from me since now I know what you truly are
Bae is actually probably the least autistic member of HoloEN
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Don't ever talk to me again
>now I know what you truly are
stopped reading there.
Can someone edit the beard to be black for accuracy?
Don't engage obvious shitposters and schizos
That's exactly what they're looking for
I really do hope she hasn't dropped dark souls and it's just on a temporary hold while she sorts herself out. The game has beautiful world design and has a lot to give back
She seemed reasonably determined to keep going when she first played but it just really isn't high priority for her right now
Just say she got bored it and dropped it lol
There's a big difference between Bae being bored and Bae being busy/wanting to play comfort games
One is a permanent drop, the other is a delay
What’s with disingenuous shitposters and being ESL?
If anything you can count on Mori and Biboo to remind her about it at some point
She gave it the same kind of "yeah I'm kind of interested and would like to play more" that she gave games like re2 and paper mario so I wouldn't bet on it coming back without a lot of persistence and room in her schedule
Souls will suffer the same fate as lies of p
only thing you can hope for is something motivating her to finish the game
Don't reply to the threadshitter mate
Anyways yeah I have faith she's gonna come back to it, just like she came back to lies of P.
I recommend she watches some lore videos to get more invested
>B-But Zanzibart!
Yeah yeah I know, normies still love the make-up lore of souls
She got fucked over for RE2 in particular, she wanted to continue but she played the wrong version and now she has perms for the actual version she was supposed to play. She did say she's gonna revisit that game soon as well
She'd need to be in a specific mood to continue it which she isn't in right now. She'll probably play it again but not anytime soon. I can see her starting the monkey game first.
Souls beggars are truly insufferable. No, she won’t continue playing your slop.
I get you. That specific mood is
>I want to overcome a challenging game and improve my skills as a gamer
Well she said she wanted to continue it for October given it's the spooky month but now her schedule is fucked with 40 other things and it's likely to just get swept away and forgotten again honestly
yeah but she finished lies of P ultimately
>I hope she keeps playing this game I love and think she’ll enjoy
>”Wow slop slop slop”
Thanks for your contribution
she said she doesn't want to do spooky shit this month, and even tough most people are so used to it by now, those games are full of undead and gross shit. Plus I doubt she wants to play anything frustrating atm
I'm also pretty sure she's been putting off RE2 specifically as long as she can to avoid playing horror (not that it's really horror but Bae thinks it is)
Sorry, the people want kslop instead of souls
At least have the decency to attach a 9am moom image to your post
Bae may actually be too scared to leave a safe room once Mr.X starts roaming thoughbeit
I can easily see her body freezing up like that chillas art game
I would rather see Bae happy and gushing about something she loves than getting frustrated while she already feels like shit, yeah. I just hope she doesn't talk too much about how hot the guys are because it makes me feel insecure
>it makes me feel insecure
Stopped reading there
yes it was the end of the post that is what I would expect
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Comforble bread?
damn this dude really like to focus on his insecurities for the guys for some reason
Yeah, me
I miss comforble...
say no more
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Ina doko?
Appearing in art would be considered working
I assume they just didn't know because everyone else didn't mention the fifth was Ina until Bae did
Kam-Ina is dead (Canada)
She's gone (Canada)
But she's on my back!
In my heart!
She lives on as a part of me!
anyone know how many subs she gained during the stream?
cool, she can probably get to a million within like 20 streams then. end of the year should be no problem
Don't get too excited, that's growth taking advantage of the shorts algo while pushing for subs on the screen
She'd have to pump out more shorts streams in that vein for significant growth like this stream
Unless she really spams shorts she won't be getting the same but she's well on track to get there by end of December yep
Bro she was gaining enough passive subs to reach 1m without even streaming. She'll reach it 200%.
hasn't the shorts boost been dead for a while? as far as subs banners go, that is probably the least intrusive one I've ever seen in holo
There's also the inevitable milestone endurance karaoke to factor in
Other girls grab like 5-9k in one go historically in one stream
So she just needs to get close
Don’t think it’s as powerful as before but her karaoke the other night hit 2k+ so it’s still plenty strong
I think that's just karaoke in general. Though maybe shorts karaokes have some special power. If her brief stint in numberfagging takes the form of frequent karaoke streams I would welcome that easily (especially given what others have resorted to)
Very true and yeah, I’m down for that so long as it’s not every other day
Ultimately she’ll be fine regardless so it comes down to whatever she thinks works
how can someone treat itchy nipple?
this is peak bodybuild according to all asian women
My oshi Friendtaro is going to be on stream soon regardless, so I don't think people should be stressing over this, and neither should Bae at this point in time. Because to be extra blunt, Bae is much smarter about her life priorities than people ever give her credit for. Even before this Ina work visa situation happened, she started keeping herself in peak form and sharpening her skills instead of wasting all her time numberfagging, which she totally could have done. Where even if the Cover deal was gone tomorrow, she could still survive and thrive in Japan not just on her strong reputation as a hololive performer but on pure merit as well, as someone who puts in the hours and can compete with anyone else in the same field. Not something a Zeta or Biboo can probably say even if you love them as streamers.
The thing is, just like with the others, it's all about the money, and it's getting worse because the audience is being pushed further into the background.
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Take your meds
The reason Bae has been busy is for performance and projects, which are for us
If it was about money, there's a million easier ways to go about it like pumping out merch or voicepacks
All the stuff Bae does is because she wants to or thinks we'd like it- Bae didn't join ARK/GTA for money, she did it because she has an unhealthy love for Towa
She didn't do the FMA karaoke for money, she did that because she loves FMA
She's not doing World Tour for money either, she does it because she loves dancing and performing in 3D
A fuckload of her projects cost her a lot of money and set her back for no reason if the goal was to make money
Schizos like yourself need to decide whether Cover is a really great company with no downsides at all or if they take advantage of their employees' goodwill, because if you agree with the latter rrat as most schizos do, then >>87607365 is right, you don't just trust everything is going to work out without a back-up plan like the artists (Ina and Raora) have or Mori obviously has.
And you believe that? I can also tell you that I'm not doing it for the money and come up with an excuse, but in the end, what matters is that it was done anyway.
At least respond to my post schizo-kun
If we go by your reductionist logic then literally every job is purely about the means to an end and you can't possibly enjoy any aspect of it
You haven't even given any examples of this supposed "being pushed to the background" and are just vagueposting
Sounds to me more like you’ve come to your own conclusion appropros of nothing and are bending to make everything fit that
Schizos like you will call everything an excuse, no amount of evidence will ever convince you
ruffians are mad about a new members post where FWMC are defending canceling streams but still doing homework while sick, so they are projecting into other threads
Krobae bros feasting
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So, you're telling me it's not about the money? You know that Cover is still a company that wants to make as much money as possible, and Bae is also bound by this because she has to meet certain targets to continue being supported. So, it's about money for her as well, and I feel like this has gotten worse over the past year.
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Well the problem here is you're conflating the desires of one for the other
I claimed Bae isn't doing it for the money- this is reflected in her spending habits and projects
If Bae is being forced by Cover to do things, that's a separate matter and not what I claimed
If you're specifically claiming Bae is busier because she's being forced into projects "to continue being supported" then you need to prove that
It's an especially insane because all of the things she's doing are either her own personal projects that she's doing for us, the brats, or performance related projects she volunteered for
By your logic, how do you account for the girls who don't stream much or participate in projects? What are these supposed targets that they're supposed to meet?
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this is fucking gross
pits are beautiful, why ruin it like this?
It's become a fetish to draw armpits as vaginas
I blame it on having to censor genitals
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I want to see some abs on that tummy now from artists since swimsuits were apparently one of the themes for holoctober..
There's not enough abs art for Bae sadly
More of a toned tummy kinda gal

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