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Elira fell off
Birthday stream btw
good, fucking retard sabotaged the whole goddamn branch.
birthday, more like low ccv day
But this post isn’t about dookie though
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jesus christ.
>anni stream taken down because of bunny garden
>birthday ccv and scs absolutely abhorrent
goddamn. Deserved, but still rough to see considering I really used to like her.
The only thing that could make it worse would be if she dropped another 1k subs today.
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oh god, comparing it to last year's...
58 is a weak number
Negligible btw
Personally I hope she has a long and lasting career in Nijisanji EN, preferably another 5 years.
would leaving niji even help her at this point
>HoloEN management is garbage.
>NijiEN management is even worse garbage.
Both corpos are sabotaging their EN branch in different ways though Elira shouldn't have been a corpo bootlicker when management asked her to join a smear campaign
>COVER is sabotaging the EN branch
Holy fucking retard
Well unless she recants her statement in the black screen
were you there in the first year of Myth when they literally sorta cannot collab outside of EN?
it would help nijiEN
No. It's been too long. She's shown that she's still loyal to the company and all the shit they've done and are still doing. It's too late for her.
It's ironic considering she was so jealous and seething over Selen being more popular and profitable than herself (to the point of making sure she got sponsorships she knew Selen wanted) that she was more than happy to be a part of her ousting only for it all to come back and bite her in the ass. She's doing worse than she ever has.
She's going to end up just like quinn whining about not receiving the ex kurosanji boost
>but what about hololive
How does what they did 4 years ago matter now?
The only way she can ever even possibly recover is if she really wasn't as evil as everyone thinks she is, and when she leaves both Mint and Doki back her and collab with her.
I see what you did there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Does Ame leaving the company but not leaving Vtubing as a whole ring a bell to you?
Does every myth kinda say that they wanna you to follow them in another life ring a bell to you?
Not unless she has huge tits irl and goes fleshie like that one bunny bitch did
Will Bae call in this year?
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Guys it's fine, she had Luca, Shu, Sonny, Alban, Ren, and Doppio join her VC, so she hit above 2k.
(Until Shu started up his own stream and now she's back down to 1.7k LOL)
why the F hololive is even mentioned when we are talking about elira, HOLY NIJISEETHE
At this point we don't even know if it's as simple as jealousy. Favoritism definitely, but unless someone spills the beans, we'll never know how deep that rabbit hole went, and how the blame was split between management and the talents.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's not THAT evil, but who the fuck knows at this point. That stream was a fucking stain that won't be easily washed off.
What did she fall off of? Is she okay?
Hey sisters, kson's low ccv more than twice of Elira's. Weren't you laughing? What happened?
>Bait threads gets immediately mogged
>Starts preemptively coping
>Starts using JP streams
>Pretends like Holofags weren't the one consistently shitting on Kson

Mega grim
only if she sell out her niji clique which makes sisters forget doki exists and she become their #1 enemy
no way she is going to do that so she speedruns into literal who status after drama buff is gone
I doubt she has many, if any, male fans left at this point. Who in their right mind would want to watch their oshi get gang-banged by a bunch of dudes on stream
Number worse than Kson
Oh no...Nijisisters.....

You lost to Vshoujo
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>JP anniversary 3D event stream with someone who is the equivalent to a Niji
>Vs a birthday totsu

Unironically Niji vs Niji. True coping
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ok then. Let's compare Elira to herself from last year.
Actually Kson streamed at the same time with other Vshoujo member yesterday.

Look at Michi channel.

Kson is just a kuso movie stream but kino nonetheless.

Niji lost
>Multi POV Totsu

This is so ESL, it hurts even attempting to read
Haha, fuck no. NijiEN is at best a joke to basically every indie and all smaller corpos hate them too. The only people who could possibly save her would be Maia who barely has a fanbase and other clique ex-members who are now smart enough to know that her sway with anyone is zero.
>multi pov totsu
why the fuck would there be a multi pov totsu on someone's birthday stream? Elira's stream doesn't have any game playing.
Well, never forget that the whole "bullying" thing was only ever mentioned by Niji. I may not like the company or most of talents but, unless Doki ever confirms it, I'm not believing shit that Niji's skinwalking management says about the matter.
BunnyGIF? She was already a known cosplayer and /cgl/lolcow, as is every single woman on that board so she at least had a fanbase of coomers to fall back on.
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Hey anons! Let's play a game!
Can (you) guess who's having a birthday stream right now?
Is it shu?
Kinda ashamed that I used to be excited for her JRPG streams, including that Xenoblade ones, memes and all
She could always easily triple her viewers just by changing her background and thumbnail to black.
I want Nijisister hurt
>Fagsona pic
Opinion invalid. Human rights revoked.
Fuck, man. It still hurts. I really liked her hades streams especially.
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>Does Ame leaving the company but not leaving Vtubing as a whole ring a bell to you?
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>woops I'm not streaming anymore but I still want money from my simps MONEY MONEY MONEY!!!!!!!!!
jesus CHRIST how greedy can a woman get
Nice reading comprehension.
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Picrel for >>87596338
for >>87596848
and for >>87598295

We won't know Elira's side of the story until and unless she actually tells us in her own words (the words she read out loud on Feb 12 were Anycolor's words, not her own), and she can't tell us her side of the story in her own words until and unless she leaves Niji. I don't know what sort of sweetheart deal she got for being one of EN management's golden children, but once EN officially ceases to exist, she and the other golden children will lose that buff; and she will have an inauspicious exit from the company either at that moment, or shortly after.
But as bad as her eventual graduation and/or termination from Niji will be for her, she will at least have a chance to rebuild her career and rise from the ashes like a phoenix, as most of the others did. But the catch is that she will have *A* chance to redeem herself, not *TWO* chances; so once she leaves, it would behoove her to expedite her attempts to earn her redemption, even if she won't or legally can't name names when telling her side of the story.
If only Nijisanji had granted doki her release and the graduation she wanted instead of pushing her to suicide to force their hand into terminating her elira wouldn't need to whore herself like this. Nijisanji will never recover from the bad publicity they rightfully deserved.
Unless she comes out with undeniable proof that Anycolor had a literal gun pointed to her head to do the black screen stream, the fact she agreed to read out Anycolor's words and act like they came from her, says all we need to know about her thoughts on the matter. She's way past the point of the public ever forgiving her, even if Doki eventually does.
As much fun as it is to dunk on her numbers, remember she is still first in line for any events, mech and sponsorships. And if the branch merges she'll get folded into jp as she is a fluent speaker. There are others in the branch who are doing considerably worse.
It's Vshojofags.
Depends on what you consider 'help' in this regard but she has better chances than a lot of middle level groups in EN like ver and aia. You severely underestimate the power of networking and think of the other indies as paragons of morality. All she has to say sorry and imply that she was forced by the company( even if it isn't true) and she will easily gain a foothold in the indie world.
They're called VshojoChads.
Nijiniggers need to deflect please understand
Absolutely no. The only thing propping her up right now is Nijisanji's large japanese audience who is the only one that wasn't phased by the drama, since they worship the corpo.
If she left, she'd have to rely on the western fanbase, which is utterly nonexistent for her in particular. She is basically lashed to NijiEN until it sinks
See, to me that was just cowardly bullshit to keep their jobs because most vtubers are socially stunted weirdos. Was it spineless and pathetic? Yes. Was it evil and malicious? Probably not. I've seen real-life people do much worse to keep a job.
Sounds evil to me
Neither Doki nor Mint ever alluding to Elira post-Nijisanji EN is a telling sign. Matara and Mint have hinted at watching/interacting with Rosemi, and I think Doki but I'm not 100% sure.
Doki literally talked about having anxiety about the possibility of having to interact with a niji on sajam slam
>But the catch is that she will have *A* chance to redeem herself, not *TWO* chances; so once she leaves, it would behoove her to expedite her attempts to earn her redemption
I think this is the best interpretation. Even if this board will never forget what she did if she manage to steer the public consensus into "It wasn't actually me it was Nijisanji" then she stands a chance at being begrudgingly accepted back into the community.
Wouldn't they attack Niji instead, considering that a chunk of their members are refugees and absolutely despise that place?
NTA but people tend to do stupid shit when backed in a corner. I don't doubt they're fucked up, but I really want to believe they're just selfish, not evil, if only for my own sake and sunk cost.
I don't. NDAs out the ass. As unenforceable as they are, it's likely enough of a pain in the ass that they don't want to risk anything. Doki almost never mentions her corpo life unless Mint starts the topic first (which she does a lot), and the only person who's ever been directly mentioned in some form are Matara and Mint's "rosey" friend, and Doki outright stating that Vivi wasn't involved with anything.

Though there was Doki's "not special day" stream where she had a birthday cake "for anyone else out there who needs it."
Elira is buddy buddy with Enna too, which is the reddest of red flags
Lol fucking sausage fest
Now, if you could read at above a 3rd grade level, I'd expect you to understand this, but you obviously can't so I'll spell it out to you.

Ame not fully graduating means that she's still on good terms with the company, but wants to do things in a different way. Every nijien member who's left has suffered from being beaten into the ground hard enough that they didn't think they were worth anything. If you can't understand the difference you might be retarded and or a sociopath.
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Assuming they didn't take initiative themselves to do the black screen, which I believe they did, given they just shotgunned Riku at the knees with his prepared statement. Just like Nazis and Republicans claiming 'they were just following orders', 'or following out of fear', Elira, Vox and, that guy with the water bottle, I forgot him already, all made the choice to collaborate with evil. They could have have said 'no, we're not going to smear Dokibird' and refuse to take part of the black screen. But they did. So even if you want to say it was Management and they the Nazis, Elira and company, at best, are the Vichy French. And before you say they didn't have a choice, you did see some dissidence from within too, like Scarle refusing to retweet the black screen and then favoriting a comment that read 'kurosanji', and she's still around.
She's still bleeding out subs like everyone else, but when people look back at the history of NijiEN when it's consigned to the trans bin of history, people like Scarle will be vindicated.

I personally believe it was this >>87596278 and Elira abusing her position with management to funnel all the sponsorship to herself and her clique. The data doesn't line and there's no reason Pomu should get less merch when she much more profitable. And they outright told Selen she wasn't getting sponsorships for the year because she was 'brand risk'
And we know Elira had some hand in railroading sponsorships away from Selen because the moment Selen got thrown under the bus, HYTE terminated their sponsorship with NijiEN (Where they were forced to make PC cases of Elira and her clique instead of Selen) and they immediately went to support Dokibird.
We don't know if it was her own words or not. Vox and Ike's speeches didn't feel like scripts because Vox's speech was riddled with his usual retardation and it seemed pretty personal (and he managed to fuck things up even more) and Ike's was clearly just for brownie points. I think some of you give them the benefit of the doubt way too much. Some people are just awful people, and NijiEN just seems to attract a lot of assholes.
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Why the fuck are we discussing the possiblility of Elira going indie and earning redemption/throwing Niji under the bus? Pigs would fly before that ever happens. There is no redemption for her. Fuck her, she's dead to me. Let her go down with the fucking yacht.
Jealous woman.
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Elira isn't leaving because she effectively *was* part of 'the management'. All those costs are sunk. Criticizing 'the company' or the situation or the 'branch culture' would be criticizing herself. Saying 'it was a bad scene' or 'mistakes were made' would mean owning responsibility for things going bad, and that's the last thing that's going to happen.
Because Nijisis are playing the pity card like faggots hoping someone watches the livers when they are the first who left.
>Luca Dogshit is now a 3view
Me cuz that’s a gift that brings joy.
>(the words she read out loud on Feb 12 were Anycolor's words, not her own)
DYRBI? She said management approved the stream, which suggests they did it of their own volition and as such prepared their own speeches. It being of their own volition, and as such their own words, is further proven when you take into consideration how they fucked up Riku's own statement in the process. They just couldn't wait to smear Selen and did it the first chance they got. Stop coping.
>her side of the story
Where she can just lie and you'll eat it all up, you mean?
>Has a fanbase
>That ccv
>The infinite subs drop
Ah right, the “modern audience” is back I see…
Where would she go? I was told she deleted her PL stuff. idk who she was that was all before I was in to vtubers
Evil through stupidity is still evil
Number monkey thread turns into another loop of the same drama. This board is stale as shit
if she leaves and does an offcollab stream with doki while apologizing to her while eating out her pussy and then they both scissor on stream in 3D then yes she will be forgiven
If Elira has even one viewer, it's one more than she deserves
Go suck Diego's cock some more, Enna
>Wouldn't they attack Niji instead, considering that a chunk of their members are refugees and absolutely despise that place?
They are the ones with talent freedom, so they attack any other corpo and think they are on a moral highground. It's weird.
So long as she's in NijiEN, she can repel the grave sin she committed with the black screen video.
If she were to ever leave, she would have to acknowledge it. There would be no Niji familia or whatever to defend her or hugbox her. She would have to face it.
I don't know if most humans with a conscience can face the fact that they were directly responsible for someone trying to off themselves and then attempted to sabotage the same person again after the fact. In fact, most people would stop after the first part.
Reminder that people didn't mass abandon Niji until the black stream. Before that people were still on the "uhh its all riku's fault, LE DO LE BETTER NIJI XD, surely there was no bullying from talents though" cope train.
This stream singlehandedly proved that the talents were absolutely complicit and it's what REALLY kicked off the massive un-subbing and ccv drops.
>There would be no Niji familia or whatever to defend her or hugbox her
She will still have her clique and I'm 1000% sure they would defend her post Niji, but everyone will just laugh at the cliques desperation
>they attack any other corpo
project harder
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>"Did they do wrong because they were weak or because they were evil?"
>"Trick question: weak people are evil"
Them dragon powers getting neutralized, I can only watch in silence
The famous vtuber we once knew is lookin' paranoid and now spiralin'
You're movin' just like a degenerate, every stream is feelin' distasteful
I calculate you're not as calculated, I can even predict your angle
Fabricating stories on the family front 'cause you heard Last Cup Of Coffee
A pathetic master manipulator, I can smell the tales on you now
You're not a V artist , you a scam artist with the hopes of being accepted
Shittersanji merch stood out, but HOLO never had been your collection
I make content that electrify 'em, you make content that pacify 'em
I can double down on that line, but spare you this time, that's random acts of kindness
Know you a master manipulator and habitual liar too
But don't tell no lie about me and I won't tell truths 'bout you
There's sonething about fall from grace scenarios that make me extra hard.
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Unlike other existing ex-nijis who were not in the clique, Elira doesn't have the option-select of just brushing off things that happened over her time in nijisanji with 'bad decisions by bad company', because they are her decisions; be it things she pushed for herself, or things she agreed with and were instrumental in making happen.
Nijinigger deflection tactic
Welp, she made more money off this stream than she did in her birthday stream last year. Despite not having anything planned and doing a last minute Totsu. Completely BTFO'd
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you're joking, right? Last year she was able to stretch it out over four streams (one had monetization disabled), and got around triple this year.
She earned 3604 last year tho >>87595663
>Four streams vs one
Amazing goal post shifting. A countdown to a birthday and a zatsu after a birthday isn't a birthday stream. She made more money on this year's birthday stream than last years. Keep coping
>unless Mint starts the topic first (which she does a lot)
this is completely false btw. no idea why you would make this up when the rest of the post is fairly level-headed, but there's virtually zero allusions to niji in any of their collabs, besides a nod or two in the hospital 666 stream
>besides a nod or two in the hospital 666 stream
Which Doki started. Not Mint.
I really don't know why she hasn't been fired. She single handedly destroyed the entire EN branch, wiped millions from their share price, lost them multiple profitable talents, drove off hundreds of thousands of viewers, destroyed Nijisanji's reputation and is rapidly declining as a streamer herself.

She must have gave Riku some really mindblowing head.
Anon, I'm serious.
She constantly mentions past streams from pomu days, and it goes into overdrive with doki.
For example, the little geoguessr spat in wrestletuber, or talking about having "Another Lake Adventure."
Here's an example from literally two days ago.
Because it'd make them look bad and they can't have that
Mint does nods to things she did in Niji a fair amount, but your post made it sound like she did it frequently around Doki, forcing Doki to reference it as well. That's kinda something Matara tends to do. It's a little pointless to try to extrapolate anything from this anyway, making nods to past in-jokes and accomplishments from your PL corpo life is pretty natural and is something Doki explicitly said she wanted to do from day 1 (not letting Nijisanji erase her career).
nta but yeah, Mint was having issues with Steam and Doki was teasing her like "did you not learn anything the past 2 years?"
Same with the Pico Park 2 collab, with Doki saying her and Mint have a lot of experience with the game (played it a bunch in Niji)
I said the corpos, not the talents. And they might be right, but they all act like the talents themselves are slaves or something. Well, maybe only the nijisanji ones are.
Management have made their choice so no. They are also way too late to apologise; if they ever did they don't mean it and would only do so if they gain an advantage from it. They have all made up their minds and are getting treated accordingly by the vtubing fan base.
You thought that schizo going on about Elira putting champagne between her thighs for a manager to lap it up was lying? Rumaro
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Mint's birthday absolutely mogs her kek
Context, please
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As a ex elira fan she sort has it coming the character assasination she attempted on Selen/Doki along with dox and water bottle guy was pretty grim
Some drunk stream where she says its a good idea and tries to ask Millie if she would do it. From what I know nothing was confirmed
>it's from a stream
Ahhhh, fucking hell. If it was a schizo from /here/ i at least could have checked the archives for a good laugh, but i'm not fucking giving a view to Elira, no thank you.
That won't be enough. She will have to prove she actually denounced what she did while in nij and also prove that she isn't friends anymore with people like millie, enna, reimu, petra, finana, aia, meloco, kotoka, vox, shu, ike, luca, uki, fulgur etc
Can't even mog her Niji self? Grim
Gee, don't give yourself a hernia moving that goalpost
>Randomly starts numberfagging with Mint
>Someone points out Mint can't even mog Pomu
>Random screeching ensues

Learn what goal post moving means
Reminder that nijis only get 2% of that kek, so when it comes to actual profit yes Mint makes significantly more
That's your brain on dramafaggotry. If she leaves and has Mint, Matara or Doki vauch for her character, she'll be fine. She'll probably be fine even if they don't, seeing how Dr. Disrespect and Mr. Beast have simply gone chugging along while being in some much deeper shit.
>pointing fingers at Pomu when the point was to mick Elira
That's exactly what it means, ESLtard. And besides, you don't get to use Pomu as your defense anymore. She graduated.
>Keeps on spitting his schizo babble when confronted with the truth
I accept your concession
Matara also vouched for garbage like quinn and nothex. Ex-nijis vouching for other ex-nijis doesn't mean shit. Elira will have to prove she actually changed and won't pull the same clique shit she did while in niji.
>have Mint, Matara or Doki vauch for her character
That's a tall order.
>Mr. Beast and Dr. Disrespect
>thinking Elira has anywhere NEAR the same amount of clout as them
>Keeps on spitting his schizo babble when confronted with the truth
I accept your concession
>Hey everyone, this Elira person is at fault, it's all her doing, she made us look bad!
>Elira has receipts proving it was at least 50% company bullshit completely sanctioned by management and legal
I'm pretty sure if they could have blamed it on her and fired her, they'd have done so by now. I don't think Nijisanji is above placating the mob by feeding its livers to it. But if they tried that shit and she could disprove it they'd be quadruple fucked.
Where did Matara vouch for nothex, retard?
>Thread is about how Elira is less successful now
>Immediately gets proven that she made more this year than last despite having nothing planned and not streaming for two weeks
>Cope by goalpost shifting and using Mint to numberfag
>When Mint actually fell off after she left Niji

>Mint's steam 2 hours
>Elira 5 hours
>Rosemi 6 hours
>Mint still mogged them both
>When Mint actually fell off after she left Niji
Utterly delusional.
>nijifags aren't numberf-ACK!
>Immediately gets proven that she made more this year than last
LMAO delusional nijitranny
Proof is in the thread, Fagoon. You don't dare to use Selen because you know her numbers fell off too
>Noooooo, only we're allowed to use numbers to mock Niji. Don't retaliate
Hypocritical faggot
>reeing about quinn and notHex
Thanks you were one thing missing from this thread.
Anyways matara has made no mention of notHex. Infact none of the exnijis save sunny and Usan made any mention of him although michi does follow him on twitter.
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She is the reason, along with enna and vox and uki, why nijien sucks so much.
>character assassination
lmao even
And she only got 2% of that while in niji. Now she pockets 100%
Matara is enough for normalfags. If popularity was dictated by this place Ironmouse would be a 2view. And no, Elira doesn't suck as much as Quinn. That being said you're right that she'll have to dedicate the rest of her life to never appearing like a bad person ever again.
Not my point, point is that controversies are damaging, but not career ending. She's also lucky that Doki is obviously not going to start shit.
Excuse you, i'm a wisp. And from what i see Mint doesn't give a cut to the dogshit corpo anymore. But that's exactly what miffs you, doesn't it?
>Fagoons cry about character assassination
>As Doki assassinates Elira's character without ever proving anything

These people aren't right in the head
>but not career ending
As long as she stays in Niji, yeah. But if she hypothetically gets sacked, her career pretty much IS over.
Visitors from the mirror universe aren't welcome. Doki wasn't the one who did the blacked stream, it was Elira.
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Yes character assassination ...
>AIEEEEEEE the Niji made more money
>Time to whine and CUT CUT CUT
Guarantee she also got a fat sum of money from birthday merch and voice packs but don't pretend you actually ever gave a shit about how much money the members actually get when numberfagging. Quinn and Kuro have both said that the money was way better when they were in Niji
>admitting nijimonkey also numberfaggot
Go ahead and tell me what part of the stream wasn't factual and explain how Doki calling them criminals without even knowing they're talking about isn't character assassination
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>Quinn and Kuro have both said that the money was way better when they were in Niji
No shit, no one gives a fuck about male vtubers outside of niji. Meanwhile with female vtubers it's the opposite: they are much better doing outside of niji. But keep seething for my entertainment nijitranny, it's very funny.
>formerly THE biggest earner of NijiEN
Are you fucking serious, using him of all people as an example? And Quinn is literally a 2view now.
X. I think she'll get her remaining fanbase with her if she departs and most chuubas don't give a shit about drama. I remember Lia from Phase Connect made some comments on Elira's return tweet.
That being said, I don't think she's leaving anytime soon.
>don't pretend you actually ever gave a shit about how much money the members actually get
I don't. I care that Mint doesn't have to pay the Riku tax anymore. Cry about it.
>they are much better doing outside of niji
>He says as Mint( the biggest ex-niji) made less on her birthday than Pomu

ESLs can't do math
>Biggest earner of EN
You mean the runt of Luxiem? Vox was always the biggest earner. He's one of the biggest in Nijisanji in general
>Mint made less on her birthday than Pomu
>doesn't subtract the corpo cut
Nice to see sisters remaining consistent in something, at least. Consistent in oshi'ing the corpo.
>Begs to subtract corpo cut
>Ignores merch and voice pack money
Nice to see ESLs remain consistent in not being able to do math
The problem with people /here/ is they are like children who think things are just x or y. They didn't even see that limes replied to elira's birthday tweet.

The thing with elira is that she had an impeccable reputation other than the black stream. Many people will take this statement of mine as downplaying the black stream but that is not true. What I'm saying is that elira has the presence and the connections in indiesphere contrary to what people think. She will absolutely have to give out some sort of apology but other than that , she's set.

Of course realistically she won't ever be leaving nijisanji, even if the branch folds.
>Pomu birthday
>4608 x 2% = 92.16
>Mint birthday
>4161 x 100% = 4161
LOL nijitrannies can't into math. I though asian were supposed to be good at it?
when did Doki ever say they are criminals? The one thing I didn't like about that whole shit storm of events were people who defended Nijisanji with bullshit they just make up. No references too anything that backs up their point.
Erm, how come it says Vox made a million more dollars than Mysta if Mysta was the biggest earner in EN? Please explain
Numberpigs are fucking insufferable.
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>tell nijisister to keep entertaining me
>she does it
Dance for me nijimuppets
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to be fair to the nijisisters the holofags worship the blue dorito too rather then the talants as seen when people don't follow their oshi to their new life
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>Ignores merch
You're the one ignoring the 2%.
When she accused them of reading her medical records, cried that it was illegal and backtracked after Niji said that they never showed them that
Women aren't though
>2% meme
I accept your concession. Contract says nothing about two percent anywhere. It does say 50/50 though
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So according to you, Doki did the black stream against herself?
Please learn English
True that
>don't pretend you actually ever gave a shit about how much money the members actually get when numberfagging
are you serious? that's literally all that matters when you actually give a shit about the chuuba as anything other than a beatstick to hit the other tribe. The fuck is wrong with you? The money I donate is meant to support her career so she can keep making content, NOT to be gobbled up and distributed to fucking shareholders while my girl gets scraps.
Sure. Keep telling yourself that.
>Keeps on spitting her schizo babble when confronted with the truth
I accept your concession
Actually she decided to live broadcast her reaction to show everyone how menhera she is. She truly was brave in making herself an example of how a BPD woman reacts to confrontation
>now it's Doki overlapping the black stream, not the other way around
Literally some mirror universe shit.
What prevented her from just turning off the stream and having her meltdown off camera?
I hate when the discussion gets so low quality. I miss the older threads. Now it's all dooki dooki sister sister.
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>literally shut the fuck up and take Elira's cock up your ass, Doki
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this poster is a good asset to the company! >>87609763 here have 2%
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God Elira's design is so sex. I love evil women.
>Le phasefag exposes itself
Every single time
...Emotional distress and the fact that they literally announced it less than an hour before she was to go live?
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D-Don't be mean, pwease.
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the shocking truth the sisters don't want you know anon is that elira and selen are maple (dokibird)'s parents
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Guess my true allegiance and kiss my ass, sister
Phasefag. No holobrony on this board would ever associate themselves with ERB or save Phaseslut reaction images
>emotional distress
Now you’re just making shit up
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>forgetting me using a Mint reaction image earlier
>not knowing that Lia is Mint's friend
>not knowing that pipniggers fucking despise Lia
>not appreciating sexy asses
You're usually out after three strikes. You're on four.
She really didn't realize the consequences of what she was about to say back then, huh.
The Marie-Antoinette of Nijisanji EN
>I swear I’m not a sister, anons! I love the Homos I mean Holos
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>Knows phasefag interpersonal drama
I already figured you out. It's alright, you have a reputation for being a shitstirrer
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Now you're just making no sense.
>Throw management under the bus
>Make up with Doki
The latter may seem pretty hard, impossible even, but it's for the best to let bygones be bygones.
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>figured you out
Do you want a cookie, nijinigger?
These sex images are the one good thing to come out of this shit thread
it seems about as likely as millie not shilling nijisanji
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Don't worry, i got you
show tits sis
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I got some Selen too.
This is good culture
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>>Throw management under the bus
Unless Doki shows DMs between her and Elira during that time showing Elira apologizing for what management made her do, I don't think the public will buy it. They'll just see it as Elira trying to save face now.
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Of course. I'm all about the culture.
Doki just has to say something vague and generalised that some bad things happened blah blah but I always look forward to good things blah blah and most people ( other content creators) will forgive her. By forgive her means they will consider it safe to interact with her.
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fuck, man. Fapping to elira guilt-free is the one thing I miss from before all this.
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>Force Elira to come begging on her hands and knees
>ridicule her live on stream
>Elira has to just take it
>treat her like a joke for views and rake in $$$ while Elira doesn't see a single penny

Hot. Make it so please. The amount of femdom/revenge porn yuri/futa artwork made from it would be worth it alone. And yes I am a coomer. I don't give a fuck about these women as anything but sex objects.
There was already artwork of doki having vox on a leash but I lost it :)
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>Elira comes on Doki's stream
>Doki savagely hatefucks her
>they both moan their tits off
>Mint appears nearby
>floats above them, verbally berates Elira with a shit-eating grin
>Doki cums and gets exhausted
>Mint posesses Doki
>Mint in Doki's body tenderly caresses Elira's cheek, whispers words of comfort in her ear
>Elira dares to hope
>until suddenly Mint awakens Doki's second wind and fucks her harder than anyone has ever fucked
>Elira cums and loses her mind completely
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but Elira, that's every day!
>the grave sin she committed with the black screen video.
If she ever leaves, she should do a white screen stream and go full scorched earth on Niji.
I'm surprised nijifags even dare to reveal themselves on this site. I would be embarrassed.
to be fair, the 2% is the merch cut iirc. Niji takes between 30-50% from supas after YT cut. It's still infinitely better only having the 30%YT cut. Someone can correct me if I'm completely wrong, tho.
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Edit with (you) I had saved.
In terms of her side of the story, it's only going to work if she doesn't double down on the "Everything was Doki's fault all along!!!" narrative.

To be honest, I am expecting her to do some kind of document dump with a title like "My Truth" where she tries to get revenge on Doki and double down on the narrative that was being peddled by Nijisanji. Given that Doki claimed to have receipts, I have significant doubts she will "win" if she reignites things again.
She fully deleted her twitter like a retard rather than just privating it, so at some point a random guy took over her old handle using the same pfp and name. After the blackstream he briefly changed the pfp and banner to Doki art - so that's one thing she's not getting back.
>Dr. Disrespect and Mr. Beast
Elira Pendora is known of by only a tiny number of people outside of vtubing, and they only know of her because of the blackstream. To compare her to Mr Beast is completely insane; if you're a big enough celebrity then normally you can tank controversy - Elira isn't.
not after she kept on taking all those sponsors still
She needs the online equivalent of witness protection and a new voice, that is genuinely her only chance and even then she would be starting from square one as a literal who albeit without all the negative baggage. She is years away, if ever, from recovering from this.
Just imagine her as an evil dom that's captured you and is forcing you to do things against your will - then there's no guilt and it's even hotter.
i was visibly hard for doki to keep her mouth shut during that moment in hospital 666, kinda funny tho, she definitely had to say a lot about mint's tech skills

i don't think they do it intentionally, it's just hard for them to pretend like they have no history before, their each interaction is like floodgates opening, they have to be extra conscious about not saying things, which isn't always the case
imagine the level of meltdown /vt/ would have if doki would collab with nova

too bad it's probably never happening
Elira isn't management, stop spinning this rat, nor a translator for them to the JPs.
then explain why black screen is streamed on her channel.
We tried to warn Elira her parasocial fanbase isn't enough to cushion the fallout of her shitting on Doki and now we see the truth. But hey she has her loyal viewer Uncle Biff, who doesn't donate.
>Uncle Biff
Feels like I haven't heard that name in months. He didn't kill himself yet?
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i want to go back....
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I don't. Elira and Finana are both dead to me. So are Rosemi and Petra, as a matter of fact.
How did it do compared to Finana's btw?
Worse actually lmao
Finana's https://www.vstats.jp/video/2dH3-QHS-Kc
Elira's https://www.vstats.jp/video/0OFiXHeZeDc
The rrrats I'm willing to believe is that Elira had manager-like responsibilities for Nijisanji EN and she wanted Doki gone.
i can understand it if one of your talent is completely monetary irresponsible and throw tantrums if their projects don't get approved

like, i enjoey the niji themed vr rooms she commissioned (her new year stream with rosemi and pomu is still one of my fav) but cmon
The best part is she managed to lose over 1k subs that stream.
Oh wow Finana actually outdid Elira wtf.
You'd expect the opposite with how most of the time she has double/triple the viewership Finana has
>she wanted Doki gone
Why would she though? The two barely interacted, they have nothing in the content they produce, so 0 competition and they had a massive audience crossover. The only person she had more audience crossover with was Pomu.
Because Enna and Millie did. And naturally, being friends with them for 10+ years at that point, Elira allowed their opinion to color her own bias. There could have been potential for good chemistry between her and Selen. But she never allowed it to foster because Enna and Millie immediately hated her.
But why enna and millie hate her? Isn't enna chinese.
Nope, he's still around, he just hovers only around Elira these days cuz every other girl told him to fuck off when he tried to cling to em.
Mint is talking about Niji regularly in her streams too. She refers to that period as her time in 'heaven'
Enna is mainlander scum, and Selen/Doki is from Hong Kong
>HoloEN management is garbage.
They make up for it by making their talents rich.
Even their ID branch makes enough money to live in Japan.
Enna is mainland Chinese, Doki is Hong Kong Chinese - there's a big difference. Regardless I don't think it matters to Enna even if she was mainland Chinese because Enna is, by her own admission, a petty bitch - there were numerous occasions where she would made unpleasant comments about Selen in the past few years that were usually just chalked up to joking but they clearly weren't. Her behaviour at Wrestlesanji when she was deliberately shitting over the entire event was a clearer example of the way she behaved towards Selen. As to why Enna hates her - who knows? Jealousy maybe? Maybe there is no real reason, sometimes bullies just pick a target at random.

I'm not the anon you originally replied to but I agree with him in that I don't think Elira herself had a personal grudge against Selen (until Selen sent the document into Niji at least) she was just supporting her long time friend Enna.
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I can think of about 5 or so times she talked about her time at niji. That's hardly "regular". In fact she talked more about her pre-niji jobs.
That's retarded because Doki wanted to be gone, too.
>20k tweets using the hashtag
>not even 2k watching the actual content
I will never understand nijiSEAsters
No she did not. In fact, her last stream, right after releasing the cover, was spent mostly talking about how she is planning to work hard in 2024 to be "worthy" of getting sponsorships she wants in 2025.
Only if she executes Enna live on stream.
And just think that this could have been avoided if it wasn't for the black screen stream.
Words mandated by management, i'm certain.
Does dokibird getting sponsorships and events that nijisanji could not even dream about ring a bell to you?
Does matara selling out merch a second despite restocking it after the first sell out ring a bell to you?
Does u-san having a 3d concert tour while nijisanji would not give that even to fucking chronoir or nornis ring a bell to you?
Does mint actually getting her projects done by herself without elira's nepo management sabotaging her ring a bell to you?
>Why would she, though?
As someone previously mentioned, Selen would be willing to butt heads with management over projects she wanted to do while everyone else lay down and died. You also have to remember how fucking dependent Elira was on her career at Nijisanji. She would not hesitate to apologize for whatever to keep viewers or upper heads happy. Like that time she delisted her POV stream with Nina because she talked about watching shows illegally off TikTok/Instagram. Selen would also be a little problematic with her content, but nothing to the extent of fucking Twisty.
She never apologized for the black stream
>Why would she, though?
It's very simple; women are jealous creatures by nature. They have the same mama yet Selen was infinitely more entertaining, charismatic and profitable than she could ever hope to be. Selen was second only to Pomu in the branch. There were sponsorships that Selen wanted that "mysteriously" ended up going to Elira instead. There was one in particular sponsorship that Selen had wanted since she debuted. Who got it instead in the end? Elira. It's clear to anyone who isn't brain dead that Elira used her pull with management to get herself these sponsorships instead of Selen.
Enna and Millie didn't like Selen either, both of which made that abundantly clear with Enna basically celebrating that Selen was gone and Millie taunting Selen with her "oh nyo did you confirm with management???" tweet. Enna and Millie are Elira's besties btw and part of her clique.
Taking these things into consideration there were several reasons why she would want Selen gone; jealousy, hope that with Selen gone she'd become more popular, her besties and fellow clique members didn't like Selen and wanted her gone as well so that they could ride the popularity wave.
She then spearheaded and volunteered to have the black stream on her own channel after receiving approval to do it (which means it was something they did on their own initiative and not something that was mandated). It's not rocket science. Use what little brain cells you have.
I accept your concession
In a hypothetical situation where I find a new indie vtuber I like, finding out she used to be Elira would disgust me more than discovering that she's a male with a voice changer, unironically.
Elira sucks anyway, she's a one note character and her only innovation is screaming loudly into the mic like a fangirl. It's obnoxious to watch her because she's constantly screaming in your ear. Also her voice is starting to sound older now so she doesn't even have young girl energy anymore
Get off the 4chan, Doki.
Same. There aren't many dealbreakers I can think of that even come close to that.
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Goddamn. All the had to do was not rock the boat.
So Elira was jealous of Selen because she was 'more successful', but not jealous of Pomu who was more successful than Selen? Even though Selen and Pomu are close enough to go to Antarctica together?
>Even though Selen and Pomu are close enough to go to Antarctica together?
Retarded catalog shitter can't even do basic fact checking lmfao
Yeah I had a mixup cuz I wasn't paying attention, Yeah it was Elira and Pomu who went to Antarctica together, and you'd know that was my intention if you looked at the context.
>Ame leaving
but that's a good thing
It's no secret management sucks(or more accurately non-existent) in the first year. But they learned and evolved a lot.
nta but just because someone is jealous of a specific individual that is above them they should be jealous of everyone that is above them? that's a false equivalence because selen and pomu are completely different people and therein lies the answer; sometimes some people just don't like specific individuals for varying reasons, anon. if you had a modicum of life experience you'd know this.
Nova come back
Have a (you)
What did Petra do wrong? She was non existent most of the time.
I'm boycotting them all, anon. Petra might have done nothing, but i don't make the rules - no views and no money to Nijisanji.

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