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Tonguing Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.
Numbers for 10/16:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (7,664)
2: https://twitch.tv/Sykkuno (5,763)
3: https://twitch.tv/vei (3,635)
4: https://twitch.tv/lilypichu (3,178)
5: https://twitch.tv/CottontailVA (3,112)
6: https://twitch.tv/OliviaMonroe (2,832)
7: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,442)
8: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,071)
9: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (1,867) *Tie
9: https://twitch.tv/deme (1,852) *Tie

1: https://twitch.tv/nacho_dayo (3,011) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (2,906) *Russian
3: https://twitch.tv/hennie2001 (1,959) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation, lack of brand cohesion, or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
October 18th - Squchan
October 21st - Grape
October 24th - Batat & YUY_IX

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>87594545
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sex with bat
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Good morning /lig/. I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
What if your oshi was a funny little smelly creature that scolded you for being hit in video games?
can non japanese users sign into misskey yet?
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
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Long elaborate romantic story about Meredith nursing me back to health in her church after being attacked by specters and ghouls desu
Boo socute socute
Where were you when it was discovered Shondo sent her fans to tear down Chromu, give her a rushed and forced Get Well card, then got her channel terminated on her birthday?
Don't know yet but I'll make sure to remember when it happens
'Ate me brainworms
'Luv me oshi

Simple as
Good morning lig I blub my oshi!
Can you see other people's likes on Bluesky? This will determine my position.
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womp womp
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More so the church attic that she's squatting in but I get you
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This but it's a horror comedy where I'm her prisoner that fall in love with her.
i think mari likes the criken baby
We like AI sloppa here, never forget.
Bluesky is aids I'm never making an account there. Vtubers ghettoizing themselves there is retarded, it's never to going to change the fact that the internet is trending towards everything being fed to AI algorithms whether you like it or not. It's backed by the same people that made Twitter shit in the first place and led it to be bought out, and half the people there are only there because they're mad about Elon
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Good morning.
yes and they have a dedicated tab for it
Shouldn't you be doing ketamine or something elon?
This is just sad.
Did criticising elon/twitter/whatever manifest a bunch of drones to defend them?
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You've said this last thread already elon go away.
sorry that people still dont like your tweets after you paid eight dollars monthly to force them to the top of replies
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>they're mad about Elon
Almost entirely this. You can't argue with them, let the vtubers leave where they can all mald
can you squish the paraegg scrungly
100 gift subs? Does he expect us to go to his house and suck him off or something?
russians are just waking up, give them a minute.
Her finding it cute that I think she's pretty and cuddling me when she notices I'm getting cold
Throw some foot fetishism in there I think Idunno
Always does. The amount of people who will dickride someone because they agree with his politics is insane.
Why else would anyone unironically defend twitter in the year of our 3am 2k+24?
this this hits
no one calls out elon for the transhumanism or the baphoment armour, its the stupid shit they want to complain about
have mari and meat ever done a collab?
Would you punch your oshi in the face if it meant you got three times the Halloween cady?
(You)s probably
It's as bad as the people who will blame every bad thing on him because they disagree with his politics
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Nope. I tried signing up just now and it denied me. So, I guess this is goodbye to all the artists I followed for now.
I can just buy candy
Jesus it's even replyingto itself like a brain dead twitter bot, at least try to hide it.
Elon is a grown 50 year old and he's deep into culture war bullshit. Embarrassing man. His dick riders should kill themselves too.
yeah they have in the past and they've been in group collabs too
The children that fall for the false dialectic
didn't misskey block non-japanese users in the first place because of trolling?
I dickride twitter because I'm just a contrarian.
On the one hand I don't want to hurt my oshi, on the other hand I would get to touch my oshi
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Based retard
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I have been killed by work recently but again, I am going to be on a trip and wont come back until November so pls cover for me
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You are mad about a guy who is actually making reusable rockets happen.
He isn't a childless incel like thougheverbeit
Wow I sure love vtubers
I kinda wish I had been on the english internet sooner honestly. Everything seems to have been going to shit progressively faster over the past 10 years or so with no hope in sight.
what are all these retarded posts? holy shit are we actually under a tack?
>shondo pic
>stupidest shit you've ever heard
Same as it ever was.
Prove it. Name every vtuber.
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what site are the porn artists moving to
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>make bluesky to follow all my JP artists linking their profiles
>see this on main page
welcome to america
Why do you keep signing your posts like this
Meredith riding my cock on a cool rainy night, seeing her sweaty naked body glisten in the candlelight
How did Snuffy react to the typhlosion thing?
thanks mari now I'm deaf.
why don't vtubers move too threads?
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Well I lost respect for Coqui, deleting her whole twitter account because her annoying artists friends pressured her into it.
you can't say that, that's an ad hominem reeee
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We can deduce that it got shit because you started using it.
Seems like huffslove is going to blsky so I can get all my short stack goblin porn right next to my anime girls.
space is fake and gay
Wernher von Braun's book
tells of the leader of mars as "the elon"
the guy who so happens to want to go to mars in our lifetime is also named elon, uh huh
btw does the baphomet armor not irk you in the slightest?
you missed the greatest era of the internet
its not hip. even though they all have instagram
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Internet's been shit since like 2014.
>Vtubers ghettoizing themselves there is retarded
The internet was better when it was more "ghettoized"
why does bat hate mario so much
It's a typical big tech play where they know it'll take years to get a class action organised, then years more to have it stringed along in court. Getting government regulation involved isn't going to happen because both sides don't want to miss out on AI being the next big thing so are willing to throw everything on the coals for it to happen, especially as international rivals are going all in on it.
>baphomet armor
She thinks the Italians cost her people victory.
and they just attacked him with ad hominems
Bsky looks like twitter and you can post porn there
go jerk off to ur sloppa ojisan
oh you're like a REAL schizo, cool
Yeah, Florence said the same about Dante and his vulgar Divine Comedy.
Nah, it got shit before I got here.
I'm in a position where I've only seen a lot of the "history" of social media fairly recently and with little recency bias I think it may have been shit but it was stupid shit. Now it's just artificial soulless exploitative shit which is worse.
gatorschizo back in da lig?!
Fucking so?
Yeah. I'm not a fan of the kitchen sink approach to everything online.
I will stop posting lewd Coqui, if she can't rt it
4chan during the moot days was fucking terrible. thank god for now
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>A man gets his fingers brutally sliced off
>Eww, yucky!
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literal satanic shit
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Don't worry I will sexualize her harder in your place
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What the heck? That can't possibly be.
it's called Halloween ya dingus
fire fit, would look better if he lost the facial hair though
now that Elon is in charge of 4chan, things are running smoothly
Isnt she deleting her whole account?
If you actually give a shit about elon one way or another you need to go outside and make your own real drama to worry about.
She's deleting her twitter and moving to bluesky fully
man I wish
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He's dressed like every mid-level background character warrior adventurer in isekai.
shut up incel, Elon's family worked my father to death in the diamond mines!
if you actually give a shit about coqui you need too stop being parasocial and go outside
What is Ironmouse?
erm watch it chuddy it was actually emeralds
Vtubers in general, if you care too much about them
Meredith foot massage
Meredith feet kissing
Finally, a good post
bat hating fludd and yet dying nonstop on non fludd levels is kino
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>hating fludd
For good reason
Please do not discuss the at video games when the at video games isn't streaming, thanks
Is this why Anny was depressed?
good god what a retard
Fucking weak. Lost respect for her.
wtf is "alt-tech"
Meat is the goat fr
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marimari getting 1000 dollars worth of gift subs in 10 minutes playing a windows vista default game ...
para smells good
>brand loyalty to a social media platform
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Clearly something he has a complex understand of.
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Omg I love schizobabble.
mari has a really cute feminine penis
Going from 22 to 20 by using the trump card was a kino moment
how about you fuck off
What does Meredith smell like
Bluesky is a leftist INVITE ONLY shithole that will no doubt be run like Reddit. No thanks, dont want to need an account to read my oshi's stuff/
you never had any if you care about elon that much
my jaw dropped unironically
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we'll never know the truth, it's all speculation

also ipn duos with dozens of female vtubers in every online girl game.
It's been open for all users for about 6 months now
>invite only
Anon, the site's been open for almost a year now
Probably incense and that slightly musty old smell from hanging around in cloisters all day
bat is shitting all over sunshine but i still like her. don't be so thin skinned logger bros
Bao irl
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>invite only
Erm (threatening)
Chuddy you can just google this shit and not look like such a retard.
bao sexo
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You need a paddlin.
lol that last tweet is obviously about a man
you're discussing brand loyalty in a section that is built around the concept of brand loyalty and one sided loyalty to streamers
>also ipn duos with dozens of female vtubers in every online girl game.
Just waiting for that one tweet that will cause an avalanche
Don't reply to some cunt linking a bait thread
i must remain loyle to my oshi
Nursing handjob from Meredith as I obsessively smell her and when I cum we kiss passionately
>you either brown nose elon and his platform or hate him for being a bigoted blumpf supporter
are you a real person?
>brand loyalty in an indie thread
This ligga got lost
Did you know Inis has a lazy nipple?
I want to pick up bao and run off with her
>the concept of 3am loyalty and one sided loyalty to southside
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Cyphi live
bobo is so cute
how long until someone is racist again on stream this time?
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What is a lazy nipple?
Okay, wokie.
Wtf is a lazy nipple? It doesn't get hard?
that is a bat but i do also like this image
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I'm sleepy and I'm done being retarded (for now), night
never come back
>I don't respect her anymore because she changed social media platforms
are you a real person? wtf does that have to do with vtubing?
Elon Musk is Reddit Willy Wonka
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lotta cute retarded chuubas in the thread tonight
sleep well, batposter
free my boy
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Wait this has some gas. I was wondering how she got in this random ass collab.
But really though why? Holy moly
Honeysuckles and attic dust
And then there's this clown
They killed him for being too based
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this entire thread needs to be purged
The point is that 3am and southside are a bunch of woke fags and if you're this anxious about le bluesky commie moderators then you never gave a fuck about coqui in the first place. Do better
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I want to compulsively post vtuber images for few hours.
where are her cock and balls
Drama nights in /lig/ are always like this. It's a tradition
if nap dosent want people listing over her she should invest in a mocopi
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>Luck runs out instantly and she loses the next 2 rounds
Is this ai generated
One of them doesn't get hard. I think she also said one of them is inverted.
kinda horny for meredith rn is this normal
idk what everyone is schizoing about, im just enjoying my comfy banana cat movie night
why is Bao so overtly sexual
this isn't even really a drama night, a vtuber just said she was leaving twitter for another platform and retards started sperging when it literally doesn't matter either way
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do it brother
Oli, Meat, and sometimes Callie are ok and have generally good sense, I agree with you on everything else though
>you have to deal with commie mods and horrid bullshit just to enjoy coqui or im not a real fan
You can be shoveled shit, I won't.
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Can I post this indie in /lig/?
Why are people obsessed with sally whitemane of all things?
She's a d list wow comm bait npc
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New ligger incoming
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the big one will save
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yes, she's an extremely sexual creature
the fuck lmao
why would bao do a irl stream after being told she's too loud?
Inis' mom probably was 60 years old when she gave birth to her, because it's the only way to explain the abstractness of her existence
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It's my destiny.
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Scam mail?
People are literally staring at her when she shouts loudly. Quite cringe
frfr I don't even look at twitter for chuubas I only go there to get mad
>no partner
Laimu... To wvt you go...
vinesauce as a group should be allowed here if 3 am is allowed here
Vsauce got into TPP with the old system of just being made it by a mod.
I'm guessing someone realized she was never actually made an affiliate and checked the box which sent out an automated email.
All of her tweets are going live notices anyway. You're not missing anything that you aren't already getting from the discord
we talk about mike and hackerling when they vtube
Inis is a medical marvel. In any other age she would have been preserved in formaldehyde and put in a museum of medical curiosities
Fine but if my Mint or my Margo goes im freaking the fuck out.
Plus people usually screenshot and post whatever she says on socials here anyways so even if you don't wanna join another site people here will probably keep you up to date
Please god I want to talk about Joel
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Vsauce Michael here.
i wouldn't do that in america but japan? fuck no
inis should let henry knot her
Speaking of Mike, what is he doing these days? It feels like he dropped off from vtubers
he still hangs out with vtubers but mostly just Limes, Juniper and the Vshojo crew
>he didn't watch the knotting on kick
guys be nise she's not that loud
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>the 2view male I watching raided into Milly
FINE! I'll jerk off to Australians.
According to tobs discord poll there are at least 4 currently pregnant women in her server
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Halo with duwag was everything I wanted and more
Inis is almost certainly a late surprise baby, her other siblings are at least 10 years older than her, I think her oldest sister might be in her 40s
Funniest part was catching Nina muttering "at least mine both point in the same direction"
where are her cock and balls
Hackerling's model is so cute
It's a shame she has autism and gets nervous when using it for some reason
Probably one of the best voices I've ever heard
>Why do people like a femdom nun in a leotard that shows off her juicy ass and thighs
>>the 2view male I watching
just the usual /wvt/ hate comments against pillars of indie vtubing like bao
its been a wild ride bro lmao
I think I have a fever, liggers for this feel?
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I made this post
NTA but I hate Jelly.
16 bricks
All me
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what about me
Hackerling sounds like Alekirser
She's literally me if I were a loli
Who's the smartass that invented 20 min stream breaks?
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i love bao but irl streaming in public is embarrasing
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I did
seething sister some of us like hanging with bros once in a while.
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Moriko "Batass" Kyoho.
Imagine someone lovingly rubbing their pregnant belly as Tob does a lurk check
Bros, my G403 died after 5+ years of use
Now I got a hyperx pulsefire haste
Is this shit good?
Ally sounds like a squeaky-toy hackerling
Jelly SUCKS!
Gaspar sounds like Grimmi
Oh like Badass
>random phase posting out of nowhere
ah, that explains the sperging from earlier
I only watch bat during the word games
Why would you ask this after already buying it?
Your God and/or evolution that made blood clots
Bat has to make sure Batrick has a drink and a snack and brush his fur, cut her some slack
Nta but because she won’t marry me and have 2.5 anchor babies with me
idk, I was sleepy when I bought it
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Batrick is a big boi already, Moriko should stop pampering him so much.
Siblings sound similar, yeah
bobo is cute
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bao and rob really providing the best content on twitch
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Para is my wife
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blue in cyphi's chat uuuuu
behead rtxfags
Which one of her several boyfriends are you, Paracuck?
She doesn't look so tiny when standing next to rob. Anny wasn't lying when she said that he's really short
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If Meredith did ASMR it would be so over. Gallons wasted.
If a break goes long I'll just open another stream during the break
Onigiri is like 4 inches taller than Rob kek
Let him retain his innocence for a little longer
I can hear her lips smacking so clearly when she drinks her wine, they must be right next to the mic
She knows this and yet she holds back. She has restraint and so must we, my fellow hymncel
It's me I'm her boyfriend
I want to lick your wife's nipples
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oh yeah and then there's this baffling decision
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>Saying her hail Marys between kisses because she knows she's going to sin and take it much further
I see why he moved to japan
this is a good one. but now lets see the big one as whitemane.
This one was just a smoke screen for the ToS bullshit
murloc rape bait
Giri is tall for a woman, but that still puts him around 5’5
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i love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE fallenshadow!!!!!!!!!!!
Please stop talking about twitter.
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No, those are for me to lick alone.
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This is actually kind of tense
thats a big pussy
nice butthole but that pussy area looks weird
Sorry but para's brown nipples are mine
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I can’t imagine Mint leaving Twitter she already says she’s not gay enough for blue sky
Made for anal
I wish this bitch was more consistent
pretty nice but I think the pussy should be showing just a bit of the interior with that degree of spreading unless its stuck together
Giri is literally a giantess
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>bao buying a toy on stream
hoffman love
Reminds me of Whiskey_Project, she's supposedly a 6'1" Dutch amazon, shame she's a lesbo though.
How is this woman so much of a college liberal raised by hippies and yet be so BASED???
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I did not know she was so tall maybe i should start watching her.
Lucas is such a rat bastered its great
why are people sperging out over twitter? literally nothing changed
she just has a fat pussy
because you have the brain of a middle schooler. and associate liberal with 'thing you don't like' instead of any actual ideology or belief.
>Why won't anyone think of the poor artists?
When will she livestream her being caned?
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>barely escape ghouls
>chest bleeding badly leaving you hard of breath
>find an empty church
>a tired girl priest sees you at the door and helps you inside
>sits you on a pew and opens your bloody shirt
>Merideth's hands glow and starts feeling your chest wound
>"Damn they got you good huh? Yeah this is gonna take a while"
>sits on your lap to keep her hands steady
>Hymn laughs nervously pressing into your skin more
>the priest starts talking to keep your mind off the pain and hers off the awkward position
>hours pass
>chest is fully healed
>Hymn is more relaxed and speaking casually as her mind wanders
>want to bring up that shes finished but you dont mind her company
>the spell makes your chest feel nice and warm
>night falls
>the church is quiet
>the priest blushes
>chest feels hot
>"....Maaaan its getting dark huh?"
>takes a hand off to light a candle next to you
>take a sharp breath
>"Now I can see you better. Erm where was I?"
>goes back to healing you with both hands
>the light highlights her figure though her robes
>cant look away
>dawn breaks
>cant understand what shes saying anymore
>chest is on fire
>eyelids are heavy
>cant look away
>mouth wont move to tell her to stop
>arms are too small to push her away
>cant feel your neck
>candle burns out
>pain stops
>Merideth's hand moves off your chest
>a small whimper leaves your lips
>the preist smiles
I like that about her (idk who that is)
God I wish I was necro Grimmi's Igor-esk minion so I could take liberties while helping her get dressed every morning
They changed ToS
Now twitter has rights for everything you post there and they'll also use it to train their AI
Obviously artists aren't happy
Also they changed how block works, so now the blocked person still can see your posts and profiles
i agree
Because she’s actually funny desu
>Now twitter has rights for everything you post there and they'll also use it to train their AI
kek no way
haven't seen her in two years, is she still a league main?
If your profile is public they could do that anyway. The TOS thing seems unchanged from before too. I think this is another Twitter artist outrage that will subside in a week just like it did last time desu
I like how we can just invent liggers.
first one makes sense, everyone else is already scraping everything and training on it, only artists are delusional enough to think they have any control over public posts
for the block it's a nothingburger, obsessed people have millions of alts anyway
Remember when we made up a whole vtuber around a silly nickname for chibi? Fun times
iirc all she does is play jhin
New legally dubious TOS changes where they claim ownership of everything you do on the platform, not only text and images but audio and video too.

It's extremely legally dubious, but are hoping to get away with it before anything catches up to them.
And it truly is like it was invented by us: all it does is posting ass pics
youth risky
is it just for stuff going forward or are they free to do that with past years of posts now?
>pussy mole
it's still fucked up chongus dongus is an actually vtuber
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Lmao true
That’s makos wife
she has a nice ass
Nah, if she was an actual full liberal she'd be insufferable. I'd explain how you're wrong but thatd be deep political discussion.
there's always been an option to opt out of having your data used for AI, but the new tos says you give X all rights to use your media for any purpose. this post is getting a lot of traction so we'll see if they respond https://x.com/shiinareii/status/1846672917582766246
As much as it is about the scraping, it's also about Twitter having the audacity to claim they own everything you post.
The fact you think she's a liberal at all and not a leftist is proof i'm right and you're fucking retarded.
I can always tell when it's time to go to bed because all the posts get really fucking weird.
She better not suddenly go live now.
Shut the fuck up 3 am fag
Retroactive apparently.
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sorry that's because i was busy i'm back now so the threads should be better
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Pink thing was similar, a load of people saw the dancing gifs and assumed it was a Chibi model
that's wild
Newfag :D
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they already did a long time ago
this is before they added a few words about training genAI
Isn't the first part just absolutely bog-standard social media tos, so they don't get shit for distributing your stuff on their cdn?
I love girl buttholes
ok but has sploo given her opinion on the twitter situation only her opinion matters
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Oh boy the elon spambot is back
Why are you butthole sexist?
>option to opt out of having your data used for AI
where was this option?
I guess I see why everyone is abandoning then.
I love Mako and Moofie
I have to be a specific kind of horny to like guy butthole
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>an option to opt out of having your data used for AI
i beg to differ
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A lot of it yeah but it specifically mentions use for AI training. They removed this line from the terms:
>However, if you have chosen via our features to limit the distribution of your Content to a restricted community, we will respect that choice.
I think that actually refers to the changed block function

how much money have you made off that
I feel cute aggression for this awoo
>how much money have you made off that
I have a real job and this is purely for coom purposes, or to help out friends
eee ooo iii!
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butthole way too small
Looking at her profile, someone paid her 5k to draw her ass IN DETAIL and post it on main
Some guy donated 5k, God bless his soul
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>really thought she wouldn’t get enough players for a Halo lobby
Mint.. be more confident
yeah I'm just saying that X is using it for their commercial product. I bet it would be impossible for artists to do anything legally about a style LORA unless it explicitly says it was trained on their work
Yeah don't know about the AI training part, that's why i specified that i meant the first part that's highlighted. They get worked up over that as well and I'm over here feeling like I've read that part of the ToS hundreds of times on every social media site ever. Feels like those old facebook chain-posts about how facebook is going to take ownership of your post if you don't post "I do not agree to the ToS changes and withhold the right to blablabla..."
even if it's explicitly trained on their work, I'm not certain the artstyle itself is copyrightable, currently on civit it's a grey area where generally it can be taken down at the artist's request
if artists manages to make draconian IP laws pass just for that I will hunt them down
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Someone needs to start documenting Alice.
>ai slop "artist" calling something draconian
do you think there are literal hags, like, witches among the ranks of liggers? like, surely there's at least one more, maybe two or three, who have some degree of supernatural ability. which ligger would be the funniest as a witch? i'm thinking batatvideogames
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masturbating blue
Gorillas in the Mist style?
Yeah they're engaged in spiritual warfare with their antis right now though.
this blue slut should finally do a fansly stream soon. Do you think she might use all those toys she got?
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She said that she's a bitch, not a witch.
blue unbirthing
is this some kind of language barrier issue? it might make sense in indonesian but not in english
Nina is a known semen sorceress.
I love you ecto
The funniest thing is her eyes shifting towards where the wendigo is on her screen.
I accept your concession of defeat
blue reads tarot cards and knows some spells so she would 100% be a witch
indonesian indeed
eating mari's meat pie
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Never heard of that but sure.
don't sign your posts
Bao sounds different
going to a place mo men have gone before
I am the great "Indeed", how did you know?
she said that bitch is short for bat witch but I cant find the clip :[
No idea, she already created the account but apparently it still needs to be verified
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Meat freaking herself out in this minigame is great
these resident evil 7 DLCs have actually been really solid
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She should put blue body paint on her throne
the old lady probably put a curse on her
She should let me paint her blue
she should put blue body paint in her pussy
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I like this thing. It looks the way I feel right now.
has kuu dropped the name of the account yet, or is it not publicly accessable until it's verified?
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It looks overconfident when it speaks.
with your tongue
I'm guessing it's not visible to anyone before it's verified
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It leans more into head empty for me.
very naiyosdrool of you
has she said anything about how she's going to use it? I know she wants to do adult games and adult vr worlds but is there anything else planned?
I meant liberal as in leftist, not classical liberal, dumbass.
This one is more of an impending doom emotion imo.
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Her hands on her waist makes the stance look strong.
no please don't end mari!
ohhhh like strong at vide- BANGBANG! BANG!
*falls to knews*
*coughs up blood*
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The giant eyes with tiny pupils make it look like she's trying to tell a joke but she'll kill herself if it doesn't land.
Mari is ending and so is jets. What now
>I meant liberal as in leftist
Again, you are just proving my point even harder toddler brain.
Layna should eat my shit while I press her head down with my foot
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I can see that.
I for one think every poster in this thread should be raped
this but I should eat her shit while she presses my head down with her foot
nuhuh i will save them for every poster that would be raped i will offer to get raped instead
Are you saying that only because you are a poster in this thread?
been there done that
too late for that
any tips for staying in the goon while watching a prolonged stream? sometimes i get too entertained ans forget to keep stroking my hog
i bet vtuber poop tastes really good
>not focusing 100% of your attention on the pleasure
i agree
i just watch bug girls and literally never go soft
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You need to take your medicine
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nothin personnel
Does Meat usually get told what to play by the same person in chat like this?
bat could never lift those things up
when I take my meds the cartoon women disappear :(
Really? An 8am shitpost?
i would eat hers in a heartbeat
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What kind of meds make you go blind and deaf?
So if i upload the shrek movie on twitter it belongs to them?
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Nta but sleeping does that.
bao wants to fuck a bear
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the image is actually flipped upside down
Not suprised
is it really so wrong to want to get fucked by this thing (if it was like, really big)
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i put an ampersand instead of a percent ligga im killing myself nobody will notice if im gone
a regular bear or a werebear
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Who is your least favorite avatarfag
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all of them
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Arax by a landslide.
I'm not going to tell you why that's a bad idea I'll just tell you to look up square cube law 2svvap
the ones with the invisible avatars... I know theyre laughing at me
juni should become a dog
I look like this and do this
Can you provide a list? I really hate Rakastan ever since I learned he was a white supremacist
juni should fuck a dog
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rakastan can you explain yourself? that's not very comfy
Based if true
Meat sounds fat.
yeah yeah i know its a bad idea but think about, fluffy bug fur, that throbbing abdomen, those legs with the hooks, how they would feel clinging deep into your skin.
what do you mean by >white supremacist
that term has been throw around so much
she is
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I read fluffy big fur and thought this was about bat
i fuck with that too, imagine her wings wrapping around you
what kind

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