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/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - Family Edition

Previous Thread: >>87546903

>/vtai/ Wiki (WIP)

>/vtai/ Resources
https://rentry.org/vtai/ | FAQ: https://rentry.org/vtaiFAQ | VTuber XL Loras: https://rentry.org/vtaiSDXL | VTuber LoRAs (ARCHIVED): https://rentry.org/vtaiLoRAs | LoRA Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtailorachecklist | EF+HLL Guide: https://rentry.org/5exa3 | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/vtairecipes | VTuber Prompt List: https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts | Embed/Thread Archive (OLD): https://rentry.org/vtaiarchive | vtaiArchive: https://rentry.org/fhydhwdm

>/vtai/ Scripts
Catbox Scripts: https://github.com/CCC-anon/CCC-Scripts/tree/main/catbox

>/hdg/ FAQ + Embeds, Hypernetworks, Models, LoRAs
https://rentry.org/hdgfaq | https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | Pony Artist/Character Hashes: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf

>Cloud Hosted Installs (Now Require Payment)
Colab for Complete Retards: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1STL60qfoY-iSlhRb9zFETRLTqhNbznRf | Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion/blob/main/fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb | Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy

>/vAI/ doko?

>GPU Performance Data

>More Resources
4chanX Catbox userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
5ch NovelAI wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/nai_ch/
Models: https://civitai.com/ | https://huggingface.co/
More links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link
Getting Started (Legacy): https://rentry.org/sdhypertextbook

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Request Anchor
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Just realized I only thought about replying to this and never actually did. Yes, I plan on compiling all of these so that it's easier to search through.
Cute barksemi
Rerequesting >>87583754 Pochi Iida breasts being milked
Requesting Gura in a detective coat with Bijou by her side as her assistant/femme fatale role.
Requesting Iroha naked and sweaty getting hard fucked in a samurai dojo in the same position as picrel fertilized please: https://files.catbox.moe/5or0u2.jpeg
It does seem like the vpred one has a bit more depth to it? Though it's the only one that kept Rosemi's thorn which is kinda surprising.
I do feel like the backgrounds are better on VPred. Also, Rosemi's hair is weirdly gacha. Just in that example, I prompted for "short sidetail" which is how her hairstyle is usually tagged and didn't get it on any of them.
thanks for the hot saucy businesswoman
please buy grimmi's hotsauce
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NoobAI v-pred needs more epochs, but there is a distinct difference already from eps-pred
What is a v-pred model, what does it actually change for the user? How does it affect model merging?
rerequest for
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v-pred is a different way the model generates the image (like how SD3 and Flux uses Flow matching)
v-pred by itself somewhat improves quality and prompt comprehension
v-pred combined with ztSNR enables the model to use the full colour range from pure black to pure white
This gives a noticeable improvement to contrast, colours, lighting
Model merging in general works only among models of the same type, so you can merge ztSNR v-pred models only with other ztSNR v-pred models

ztSNR is independent of v-pred, but there are some technical issues with eps-pred and ztSNR, so ztSNR models are typically v-pred
Gundam pilot Hakos Baelz
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gn /vtai/ , excited for the future
Kson's sarashi can't contain her MASSIVE honkerbadonkers.
>Re-requesting Towa DP/Double Anal and Okayu sling bikini
Testing the V-pred model a bit. I don't know. Something feels off.
Maybe needs different prompting. Or some extensions mess with it.
I can't tell what CFG it wants. Low CFG loses all details. But even a couple points higher very quickly results in very harsh lines.
No merging is a bit crap, unless they manage to bulldoze though and become big enough to get offshoots, finetunes, etc.
Are there any other XL V-PRED anime models? I only know of a couple 1.5 ones.
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Great concept
Thank you for the Iroha anon!!!
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Thanks anon
Vpred definitely gets rid of that slight grey filter the other model has. Excited for the full one
GN, anon. Great demonstrations today. I am genuinely considering buying a 3090 now kek
Sexo and the Iroha too, skin is really nice there.
Prompting should be the same just more responsive to lighting tags. What CFG are you using? I think 4-5 is the recommended value and if it gets too burnt you try using the rescale extension which dials it back a bit.
This is a proof of concept model as far as I know so going to be a bit wonky. If I understand their timeline the full one should be a month or two away.

>Other Vpred
Other than NAIV3, I think CosXL and the few finetunes it has.
Oh wait actually I remember LSD anon, merged a cosXL with a anime model before. Not sure if it's compatible though, it's here
Kanata in Magia Baiser/Hiiragi Utena costume
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Slowing breaking a Robo-Anya.
This is were my tests for the "Damaged half-cyborg face" LoRA on full body shots. Like I mentioned before, it only works sometimes but not consistent.
It is
Wow that's pretty beautiful composition
Headpats for my wife Henya!
Cool, that last one is pretty crazy
I found this in the archive, i want to request a continuation where this smug kusogaki getting a lot of correction

Muscular jungle girl Botan or Raora.
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Nice, roboNya. They look good when they work though
Man I love Mummies (anime)
Anime on demand, future looking bright
Testing with V-pred.
Bodies are alright. Backgrounds are god awful. Can't get much detail on faces, even with inpainting.
I wait with bated breath
I asked for this back when an anon (>>87188780) was already prompting Marine on a raincoat as part of holoctober but I'm reinstating it for anyone else to try and deliver it, with her or any other chuuba of your choice. Doing the following actions:

>Walking around, pressing her body against the glass of a convenience store or any other shop.
>Grinding herself with the backrest of a bench on a public park.
>Stopping by a fast food to order something while she's all drenched and people look at her confused.

The setting remains the same as back then, during a dark and rainy evening and wearing nothing but a rain coat.
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Requesting POV Nene fellatio in the either in her original, cheerleader or school uniform in a clean bathroom/toilet stall. Ending with a messy facial and a double peace & heart eyes.

If you want an extra challenge then make it double fella with Towa in her first outfit, same location.

No SPO test compared to SmoothFT?
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Trying out this holotober thing. Missed half of it already, but saw some great stuff while lurking (as well as that one meltdown, but enough about that).


I have also noticed that the vpred conversion seems to be pretty susceptible for burning, depending on the artist and general "theme" of the image. Previously, sometimes a few pictures and extremely light or dark parts, but the rest was fine. However with this artist combo, and especially the beach setting, the image was prone to what I would call burned color(Example: https://files.catbox.moe/c5htmm.png )
Reminds me of having the cfg too high, but even turning it down, it doesn't really change much. Hopefully just a consequence of an incomplete conversion of an incomplete model.

Nice moom
I still remember your tests from much earlier in the year. Kind of crazy how far video gen has come.
Whoah, I love the style. Very cute biboo
That's wholesome as fuck.
>hope you had a fun trip
Thanks, I did
The way it did the plants is so good. Really love that style of just a few bits of color implying the shape of the leaves, and impressed that AI can get it this well. Never looked this good for me. Any tips/recommendations?


Absolute sex
img2img is crazy good at that stuff. In some cases just doing a whole image pass on a slightly doodled on picture to fix an arm or such gets me better results than inpainting, though I still tend to avoid it, cause I remember it messing up other stuff back then, though models seem to have gotten better at it now.
Yeah, vpred looks very promising.
>something feels off
Might be because it is extremely underbaked (just a proof of concept basically by euge iirc). But yeah, I also noticed it being even more sensitive than illustrious to cfg, and also having some quirks unrelated to that. For example I found it really prone to defaulting to a more flat style even for more 2.5d/3d artists unless I explicitely prompt for shading.
I’ve heard reforged pop up a lot, how different is it from vanilla and forge? I’m using a 3090 for reference so I care more about features than memory optimization
reforge is a fork of an older version of forge so it's fairly similar. both of them have more features then vanilla, but forge is more cutting edge on features.
i believe most of forge's recent updates have been focused on flux instead of SD though
need thicc polka booty
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>Any tips/recommendations?
This was done with Illustrious and artists like hjl and alphonse (white datura). I also trained a LoRA on the latter to further emphasize their style. Honestly, it's really just carried by the artist style.
Azki passionate kissing and nakadashi.
whoa, spooky
and then the fairy respawns
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Looks like this meme method actually does something, even if it is not very much
and adding it to kohya scripts is easy.

The effect is especially visible in the third row:
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okay, looks like most of my problem was that I hadn't activated znsr. Of course it was something so obvious.
Anyway, dog wife.

>alphonse, hjl
oh wow, those are really nice. Really need to brush up on artists it seems like. I have started doing random artist combos, but honestly, maybe just doing them on their own and finding ones that work well might be a better use of my time.
From those tests, it definitely looks to get better results. Nice find
Good morning!
As promised, the fat bugmom.
Sorry if you didn't want butthole stuff but I love buttholes
Requesting gynecologist POV of fully nude Nerissa
Day 17: Monochrome
Didnt want to repeat my noir detective gens
Seconding your request, she's super cute.
I wish to produce strong children with her that will conquer the world.
Love how bashful the style makes her. It shows up in her posing too.
Not the requestor, but these are absolutely fantastic.
based. Same.
Iroha charging a rasengan
Fucking epic
Maid was posessing the fairy the entire time. Spooky
Quick followup for a fellow connoisseur
Chuubas with tans and leopard print bikinis.
Exquisite. Thanks anon.

Feel free to try my request with the gremlin or some other chuubas if you like.
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Love this gen, the details look really good
She is free!
Interesting, the style is definitely closer to the original is it a bit stiffer though? the 3rd row is the only row that didn't really do the footjob right. Could be seed though of course.
Cute style!
Good morning. Nice roach mom
Cool, is this from something?
>rare underwater gen without specular highlights
really ni-
ah damn
Hey if spongebob can sweat underwater so can Marine!
I dumb mf, forgot to remove the sweat tag
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Been a minute, but I have another outlandish ship:
Kiara x Gigi
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Suisei dry humping Iroha, and getting confused when Iroha unexpectedly climaxes, like this.
Natural progression TSKR. Appreciated, anon.
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>1girl, nakiri ayame, hololive, virtual youtuber, hair bell, oni horns
impressive, very nice
Kek, hey bells
Sex roach mom.
Mommy is still Mommy, even if she is now insects.
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Testing some styles and this one is pretty cute, dangomushi.
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Really like that style.
Victoria's Secret AngelRyS
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Anyone else completely switched from Pony to Illustrious? I got a backlog of Civit links for Pony concept and style LoRAs that I wanted to check out and ever since Illustrious came out I haven't felt the need to look at any of them.
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nude display
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This time it's intentional. It doesn't feel the same
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Yeah, I deleted all my pony stuff kek. Mostly only have the LoRAs I trained for it left as backup just in case. This model is just too convenient to use.
That being said chances are final bake of noob will probably make illustrious LoRAs incompatible so gonna wait to see that one before training for this model again.
Cute Ayame!
Nice Anya
Amazing set, gahdamn!
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Yeah, I like it a lot. Could just be me chasing for new toys.
I had already mostly abandoned Pony for animagine based merges. Inbaked characters and styles is just too good. Illustrious feels like a straight upgrade from that. Kinda reignited my drive too.
Simple request, testing new merge.
Back to ancient Illustrious, I'll let Noob simmer for a bit longer.
Pony is maybe marginally better at anatomy than the early Illustrious merges (that are a big step up from base Illustrious).
It can draw genitals in more detail, but Illustrious is serviceable.
Backgrounds are generally much better on Pony models, that's where Illustrious tends to really falter.
But Illustrious is so, SO much better at handling prompts, even long complex ones, that I am not going back.
Plus Pony is done. It has gotten as good as it ever will.
Illustrious is a baby, it's only up from here.
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>Cute Ayame!
Yeah! I've become a bit infatuated with her lately...
I can't imagine the day I wake up and decide it's time to learn a new model, I never even learned how to use Animagine properly, most of the time I don't bother with adetailer, I never upscale, etc.
I dunno if I'm the laziest genner in this thread, I do a lot of little bits of manual editing, but I'm definitely the least ambitious
Every merge I do reacts differently to muscle and breast size tags. This one is very sensitive it seems.
Not entirely sure what this request means.
gigi's spats grinding on (You)r dick while you cum on her ass
>I dunno if I'm the laziest genner in this thread
>I do a lot of little bits of manual editing
That makes you less lazy than me. I gave up on trying to use inpainting completely, my attempts to use it either did nothing or just messed up the area I tried to inpaint.
>most of the time I don't bother with adetailer, I never upscale, etc.
I think 95% of the stuff people gen is just low res 0 edit stuff, but when we see something we like we go and fix it up.
I find inpainting really inconsistent too, but that might be Tensor's fault since it doesn't have all the proper options inpainting is supposed to. Sometimes I'll do really dumb shit to get around it, like edit the problem area, img2img the whole pic, then if the img2img made other parts worse, cut out the fixed bit and put it on the old gen and img2img again at really low strength to blend it in.
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Vpred version changed pretty much all my mixes kek. Gotta experiment again

Maybe I have a different mentality about this than others but I do treat these models as toys, I just jump around from model to model once I start getting bored of it kek.
Nice just a normal illus merge with other checkpoints? Skin looks good. You are good at keeping that nice style you have in your merges.
Cute! what artist are you using for the background? it looks good.
Hey as long as you are enjoying making stuff, doesn't really matter imo. This model is a bit finnicky if you don't upscale so maybe better to wait for the final version before moving, if you ever choose to.
Seeing you describe it as "learning" a new model feels so strange to me. I don't feel like I'm consciously learning it or anything I just type in prompts and see what comes out, it's the variety that makes it fun
I've only ever used pony models (hell, one pony model really) so I'd have to learn how to do quality, characters and styles in any way other than the fucked up way you do it on pony and my brain is mush and thinks that constitutes significant mental effort. I don't think I'm really "into" genning like most people here, I don't experiment for the fun of it, even the time I spent creating "my style" was on the order of minutes, I'm just in it for the magic push-button lewds.
This new merge also operates differently for androids. At least with the same prompt as before, seems to go for simpler designs.
A merge of various Illustrious finetunes, plus a few LoRas.
Pro-tip: Some Style LoRas for Pony (I think it depends on how they were trained) work on Illustrious. They're weak, some to the point you only start seeing they effect at strengths of 2, 3 or even higher, but some work well enough at reasonable strengths to steer the gen.
>You are good at keeping that nice style you have in your merges.
I try. I think the LoRas are responsible for most of the look, so I can just move them from merge to merge and as long as it isn't too different, they'll steer the model in a similar direction.
The model's job is being good at anatomy and eventually backgrounds. And retaining good knowledge and prompt adherence.
I'm eagerly waiting/hoping for the couple artists I'm using Pony LoRas of to get Illustrious updated ones.
That rib detail, cool af
This feels like the golden seed for this prompt while I'm testing styles. They actually properly look at each other in a good portion of them.
Holy sex! choco azki love!
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>what artist are you using for the background? it looks good.
It's mostly just innate when using default high quality tags. Picrel is without any artist tags.
But some good ones often contributing to better backgrounds and overall composition imo are:
>ciloranko, dino \(dinoartforame\), kalmahul, pigeon666, quasarcake, reddizen, sokura \(mochichitose\), wlop, zuizi
And some more controversial ones:
>alexander dinh, aroma sensei, asakuraf
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I NEED to see your most bizarre looking attempt at a proompt that must include "mayonnaise to taste eggs" and "the bottle is a crack. please handle with care."
After months of hearing how garbage Pony backgrounds are and people trying to fix them it's weird hearing they're better than something else.
my weak attempt, midjourney does not provide enough room for chaos
Skill issue. Late Pony finetunes are completely different beasts compared to the early valiant attempts to make it good.
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That is one hueg Ayame
>I do a lot of little bits of manual editing,
That alone makes you an outlier
almost there...
Not getting particularly bizarre outputs either.
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I had to deliberately prompt some chaos, not much though. What I'm more amused with is that this thing will output quoted text directly into the image. Let's see if it survives upscaling.
>houshou marine, kewpie, mayonnaise to taste eggs, "The bottle is a crack. Please handle with care.", confused, red hair, heterochromia, yellow eyes, red eyes, baggy shirt, kitchen, glass jar of mayonnaise, broken jar, hardboiled eggs, tasting eggs, question mark, chaos, absurd --niji 6
cute Nenechi! wouldheadpathugandwife/10
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Mayonnaise genie Ayame...
The torii gates are just very small.
Backgrounds seem quite competent...
I think it would be difficult to gen a Nene that isn't cute.

the other 3: https://files.catbox.moe/gj71sm.png
the English text didn't survive "subtle" variations on #3: https://files.catbox.moe/es85n7.png
"strong" variations on #4 actually introduced text: https://files.catbox.moe/hfazqf.png

I'd have used Koyori for obvious reasons but MJ doesn't like her, Marine is EZ-mode.
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Kek great prompt to test styles too
Need to motorboat
Dang really, that mean some artist I use is actively huring my backgrounds kek. Anyway thanks for the list, will try them out.
Kek, the bottle is a crack!!
>Readable text
Tell me your secrets fampai
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>product information, mail order, group purchase
Mildly interesting results with this one.

I do have this mixed into my model which is definitely a huge contributor:
On its own it's pretty overfitted imo but it's nice to use in a mix if you can wrangle it to retain the backgrounds without impacting the style too much.
very true, and I thank you nonetheless o7
like I said, when I put text within quotations in the Midjourney prompt, it just started writing it on everything. I thought SDXL and nuNAI were even better at this, or was that a different new thing? I know it can't be unique to MJ and it's clearly not the best at it either
>bottom left
maybe I should've asked it to inpaint the hand before I expanded the perspective...
Boxing Doog.
Oh ok, thanks for the link
offer me a nice egg in this tryin' time
me cheering in the stands, gloves on, ready for my chance to fight koro-san
NTA but text wise only model that can do that aptly is FLUX. The request anchor was made with Flux

FLUX! That's the one. I remembered reading about something new that could reliably output coherent text but forgot what it was called. Whatever Midjourney's doing might be some kind of post-processing, look at the bottom 2 here: https://files.catbox.moe/hbu07d.png
I'm honestly just as surprised by MJ doing this as the anon that asked me about it, but it still feels more like an improvement on "[that early NAI days anon that loved to put Fubuki in silly shirts by] rolling the dice 9000 times" than "wow it can write now!"
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afternoon. wamy back
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Ange tries to get booba (It doesn't work out).
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Nakiri style Katori Shinto Ryu unarmed kata.
Is there any difference between putting stuff in negative prompt and using negative weight. (And in the same way, putting negative weight in negative prompt and using a positive prompt)
Afternoon! sexy wamy
how do localfags cope with how much better NAI is ??
We don't really care about model wars in here, better try the other imagegen generals.
Your oshi's reaction to you cumming on her foodplate
Somehow Illustrious doesn't seem to know what a bokken looks like very well.
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Dang she locked the candy!!

Writing wise, I think regular XL can do a bit but most animetunes blew that knowledge out the window kek
That style is really nice
Epic Ayame
I could be wrong but I vaguely recall reading that negative weight don't do anything for tags at least, it does work with LoRAs.
Requesting Akirose, Raden or Lamy getting groped and fingered while she's tipsy at a bar. Either while she's resting on a couch or a barstool.
The denominator of the universe.
She didn't get her position by fighting every primate she encounters in fisticuffs.
That's cute, she is trying to be fearful again
Sort of a cop-out answer but if certain artists you like are giving you bad backgrounds you can always include "blurry background" as a tag. Obviously it doesn't make them look like complex detailed backgrounds but it can help the bad backgrounds look nicer since they seem stylistically bad instead of just poorly done
Tenma in wedding dress please.
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Could you catbox these please?
Matsuri stroking Zeta's chin
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Requesting some Shion, similar in size to this (or bigger!), if that person is still doing gens here! If possible, put her in a poorly fitted cow bikini! Thanks so much!
the best outcome. saggy guts are the best
Can >>87568258 be (with crabs and all) but with Amanogawa Shiina?
Whoa, allright she is scary now. Box?
shion getting a bukkake from at least three typhlosion
HoloEN members taking a massive facial from pokemon of your choice
mumei getting a nice, big facial in the style of gooey anon please
Thank you
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Nta, but this is why my transition to Illustrious models have been so painless. I just do
>(artist A:0.7), (artist B:1.2), character name, actual prompt goes here
-and it just works. I don't even have to specify the character's hairstyle or eyecolor most of the time, it just works.
>even the time I spent creating "my style" was on the order of minutes
I did try back and forth a bit, but I just picked like 4 artists I like that draw good looking asses and played with the weights.
>poke connoisseur back for higher highs
kek, be careful anons. What you are doing is on the path to gooner hell. Soon nothing feels satisfying anymore
File: roachbox.png (1.01 MB, 1281x875)
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PixAI, so no metadata, sorry.
Good enough, thank you.
Ameanon retired
Yeah no problem.
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The hips on this style anon, wow great work
I must continue to go even further beyond
I have been gooning to Poképhilia since 2012
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2005 for me. I'm old.
t. Bloomer
JK Holos instant loss! Preferable JP Holos
This Korosan looks like the kind of wife who gets beaten constantly
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Requesting for some suisei footjob, buttjob and/or thighjob while wearing an orange full body stocking and jacket like seen in this fanart: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/120519948
holy sex! may i see the catbox please? that's such a hot outfit.
Requesting Biboo getting licked by Shiori
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GN anon!
Thanks for the advice. Pretty good idea honestly, at least won't make the background be distracting
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Lulu got ketchup all over her again...right?
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Kek. What's the prompt for style like this?
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Of course, what else could it be? Just Lulu and her totally normal ketchup incidents.
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Evening folks
Day 17 - Monochrome
This on was pretty fun got to play around with some colour fading techniques, brings me back to when I used to airbrush stuff by slowly building up colours.

Everything is works so well in the style, the fur trim, the skull and lion 'buckle', the lamps and tent interior.
>Lol, you always figure how to make those request work
Thanks! I like requests that make me be a bit creative like these Holoctober ones
Cute loli pink cat
Damn great narrative gen love it.
Morning, very healthy bug
Kissing a fucking at the same time, good stuff
kek just like her stream schedule
Cute! Great testing template for 2 girl gen as well
Love Lulu and her ketchup shenangians.
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Thank you! I am cheating by bringing attention to them with "harem pants, from below" as well as just doing "(wide hips:2)" here.
Your Btn looks insanely crisp there, so I wanted to attempt a Btn as thanks. But the Highres just kept fucking up her hands for like an hour.
Sure! Because you asked I just noticed I'm using a bunch of wrong tags, but I guess the AI understood them anyway. Mind you that I'm using an illustrious model, so these tags are from danbooru.
I'm using "harem clothes" (which is supposed to be "harem outfit"), "dancer" and "harem pants". I'm not sure how much it's using the "harem clothes" tag, but I thought that was doing the heavy lifting here. You could also use arabian clothes.
Sadly the bra on the Flare image doesn't have a tag, so it's RNG what kind of bra you'll get as there is a ton of different ones used with the aforementioned tags.

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Of course sometimes you get artist combos that just don't really care either way
XL, from a technical level, can't really do text as it was never designed for it. Any text that it can output is sort of incidental. SD3 and Flux have layers of encoders that are specifically designed to process coherent text.

Spoopy spooktober continues!
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Just have to be careful not to get it in your eye.
Thank you for the catbox and explanation!
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Requesting Suisei leaning forward and tugging open her shirt's chest opening
I keep trying to switch to Illustrious but the hands are just too ugly to switch from pony. I've been prompting with hands in view or even featured for months and it just feels bad to give that up again. I'm gonna wait for better finetunes.
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>That style is really nice
It's really good for that cool beauty look.
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clauvio mating press
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kek they stole her hat(s)? on the second gen. I might do this one too, I love me some good gangbang
I've been using it to get better compositions but I've been too lazy or hesitant to try and remake my pony style in Illustrious after spending a few nights doing some artist rolling and getting nowhere. Instead I've been upscaling the illustrious gen on pony so I kinda get the best of both worlds albeit I just need to switch models and replace the character tags with the pony LoRA. 1-2 extra steps over my normal pony workflow. I think eventually when there are more artist style LoRA and finetunes to play around I'll take the time try and get a good mix so I can prompt 2 girl gens more effectively.
Sexo chocolate AZKi, dark skin with white lingerie is a fine combo
Holy kek, Ayame just vibing with the bizzard idea
Afternoon, nice back and clothes layering
>(artist A:0.7), (artist B:1.2), character name, actual prompt goes here
Wish mixing for me is as easy as that, artist roulette always seems to give me too bright, too faded, too flat styles or faces I can't vibe with.
I should checkout these new Illustrious models, do they still do 2girl prompts just as well?
Good night
very cute friend!
CUTE lulu!
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Raita tits spotted
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Alright another chance to try different costumes






Seeing these old style in such a clean style is very amusing
Just keep walking and don't look back
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Thank you for the box! These Lulu running amok set is great
Still trying to see if I can wrangle this Vpred model but probably will have to give up, just too inconsistent
Kek the she becomes her true form.
True probably is but I feel like AI actually somewhat attempted to do the specified text on models like animagine but just couldn't get anything similar on the other XL models.
Intense plapping with onscreen commentary kek
Damn, Mint wishes she was there, lmao.
Thanks anon!
Cool Raora
File: catbox_75ubsw.png (2.54 MB, 1344x1728)
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2.54 MB PNG

Tried a bunch of the bulge tags from e621

Looks like we had the same idea for her god-eyes, just blue eyes, glowing eyes, I added white pupils
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Hi again. Here's a feet set for another Phase Connect member, this time it's Shiina who gets, um, "feet-ured". She's supposed to be wearing her crab hoodie, yet there's no crab claws in most of these gens, but the main focus is supposed to be on her feet, anyway. I'll have these and a few extras on the usual mega folder. Enjoy!
Fucking kek, I can hear her yelling it
Cute feet!
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Pretty Mea!
Eldritch beast is awakening
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>Wish mixing for me is as easy as that, artist roulette always seems to give me too bright, too faded, too flat styles or faces I can't vibe with.
Mixed styles turning out too bright/faded/fried etc is something I always have troubles with when using multiple LoRas, but since we're just using tags on Illustrious it isn't a problem at all so far.
>do they still do 2girl prompts just as well?
I saw that post a few days ago too, that's right before I made the switch.
The issues I've found so far is that using body part tags obviously applies them to both characters, so prompting one petite and one voluptuous character turns into RNG. In making this post I also noticed that Flare would get a lion tail too if I included it in the prompt.
Trying to use height/size difference also has a surprising amount of RNG, even if the model knows that Matsuri is smaller than Coco for example, but it's not super awful.
Lastly, when you upscale a 2girls image I've noticed that their eye color tends to be set to one or the other. I've got a highres .fix upscaled version of this image where this happened.
As for the good, in my test gens now Flare and Btn never got the wrong skin or eye color, hairstyles, etc. Only mixing that happened was the lion tail as mentioned earlier, due to it being it's own tag.
I'm also not using any character related tags here besides their names, after I removed the lion tail from the prompt.

Also, JESAS Christ -that's some hardcore pounding!
I lurk much more than I post my gens, but I recognize your style. I like how clear and colorful it is, and also love how the genitalia turns out.
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>You've seen too much...
Not again!
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As much as we all love mating press it's still an ass to gen. I much prefer piledriver position much easier to gen and you can a full face so more expressions. Plus mating press you get a face full of male ass

Cute Shiina feet!
Thanks for the write up, I did have some pony style LoRAs when I did my artist mixing I was providing a bit of texture and helping eye clarity but didn't find anything like my pony mix or anything to anchor on to. But that was last week with base Illust and SPO so maybe these new Illust models can help tame the stuff I don't like and I'll drop the pony style LoRAs.
Yeah guess of you don't tag the other character traits there will be less bleeding, would help in more complex comps where the girls are more tangled and not just side by side. I don't mind fixing faces if of it means i get more interesting 2girl poses.
kek, picked that one up, that person also made a few funny meme LoRAs too
First it was Shiori now Lulu...
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72 KB

>Seeing these old style in such a clean style is very amusing
Yeah I'm kind of just tampering with certain style loras. I dunno what styles would look good with BEEG.
requesting this but topless and inverted nipples, please.
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Forbidden knowledge inside! Most men go mad when they peek beneath the surface of what we call reality. Once you see it, you can never unsee it. Are you prepared for that?
It's just some nudes, I was curious.
Cow sex
Amazing belly.
Streaking Lulu is pretty nice
Can you do strongfat in this style?
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"Of course I'm the strongest in Advent! Can't you see, pebble? My body is rock hard! ...Wholesomely!"


Not wholesomely (nude):
Need more muscle
The dude is dead with that level of teasing
jelly hoshiumi working out at the gym and getting fit and toned with a nice muscular ass
Gura naked in bed dakimakura
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Good evening, /vtai/! The threads are too fast for my slow rock brain... I'm seeing some nice things about artist mixing and new models, I'm looking forward to all that new stuff!
Another horror (?) gen for spooktober, and I'll also pretend it's monochrome enough so it counts for day 17. Double points!

Nice Lulus!
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Requesting Futa Ina impregnating Calli (both naked) while playing with her tits like picrel with the same faces and Calli’s arms restrained please: https://files.catbox.moe/z5k9jt.jpeg
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Ina for anon

I have no idea what "Ina in that style" means so I'll spam some, sorry if it's sloppy
Thank you!!
Nice. The perfect woman.
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Last Ina for now, I guess?

This base prompt loves making the subject naked for some reason kek
prime belly shape on the inverted link, thank you!
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Cute and evil, devilish combo
Biboo got hips
Evening, keeping up with the schizo gens today too. Love em.
Love this one, perfect censorship.
>>87654960 (My Favorite)
Thanks for the set! >>87654960
Don't Worry it was that purple surreal style, if you want to do more I would love it no pressure
very nice. we need more of these o7
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Well it just fun seeing these old styles in more varied and modern context and settings.
Cute rock and very clean style
Evening BibooAnon, more cool schizo colour prompts!

Ello~ It's not a phase mom, I swear! kek
Wow, cute & cool Iroha! I love seeing gens with coherent katanas, mine are too wonky

Douzo o7 Is this what you meant right?
Yo! I'm having way too much fun with schizo images, I don't think I can go back... bweh
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Last one for the day. Good night, /vtai/!

I'm glad you like em!!
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Oh yeah, I upscaled the vpred one but didn't post it here.
Could I have box please?
Warning: ComfyUI
No worries, I am on sphaggetti hell too kek. Thanks
Requesting Alias Anono as a sexy nun
requester of the first one, thank you!
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2.72 MB PNG
Amazing nips
Goodnight! I would take that invitation!
Vpred really has a good separation between foreground and background. Are you finding the colors just wonky sometimes? sometimes I get a pink hue or green hue.
Good night, don't let the milfbugs bite.
>don't let the milfbugs bite.
But what if I do?
hologram hacker bae and cyborg ninja ina enjoying a delicious bowl of NEON RAMENâ„¢ together
Requesting Ayame nopan pelvic curtain
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2.8 MB PNG
>mfw no moon gf
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807 KB PNG

Tried genning on SimpleIllust, kept my pony artist tags and such and I like what I see. I think I'll try probing around on it tomorrow.

Night BibooAnon cool dual persona gens, the symmetry on these is impressive for AI
Thanks, more enchanting Pekos, eyes are very pretty
Suisei and Chloe are my favorite
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166 KB PNG
More style testing.
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936 KB JPG
Wife.EXE has stopped working
Wifebot broken but she can be broken more on the bed.
The scraps were used to make bigger and thicker wife.

Cool Lapbot. Looks like the kind that would be fully dressed as disguise then gets fully revealed as a robot when it gets removed.
Cute! that's a nice style
File: Spoiler Image (3.11 MB, 1864x1432)
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3.11 MB PNG
Yes! Thanks you. Your pics are awesome. Hope you don't mind if I make a variant version on some of them.
Great IRys, naked apron especially
Why's my maid looking at me like this?
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SEXO set, was starting to do this too but model stopped cooperating with me kek.
The wife bot breaking in.
Love that expression half smug, half keikaku doori
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2.89 MB PNG

Finally some easy cosplay now on Illust. Just purely on SimpleIllustrious but with my pony tags, looks pretty decent actually,

Terminator wife my beloved
She cooking the household books
>SEXO set, was starting to do this too but model stopped cooperating with me kek.
Took me a bit to get the right set up and striped panties tended to shift colours to the common blue striped panties. I think I didn't have to wrangle colour as much if the request didn't ask for striped. But pretty nice to see Illust getting costumes down pretty solid even Aki.

Goodnight /vtai/
can I get some Prisma Miyu, Medusa Lancer/Lily, and/or Shuten-Douji?
Love the maid! sex the maid
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Damn those are some dynamic poses
This one is my favorite. GN TWL
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Noob vpred is underbaked, but very nice if you wrangle it a bit
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Yeah when it works it's pretty good. What are you using to wrangle it? AYS? I've tried a few things but what works and doesn't feel very style dependent kek
nice wawa saggers
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1.49 MB PNG
I've been playing around with a ton of illustrious mixes and finetunes already, catcarrier was released yesterday and is now my new favorite
0.5 version just released.
I'm using AYS, but the main factor is scheduled CFG
I'm using the Inspire pack node with cos schedule
from 8 to 4 if I want prompt adherance
from 4 to 8 if I want artistic and style quality

Illu and all its variants behave well with cos CFG
You'll have to trust the base gen and Hi-rez though
base gen often looks jank
I use PAG 3.0 CFG 4.0 for Hi-rez
PAG takes care of the noisy nature of Illu
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2.67 MB PNG
thanks for the heads up
0.5 looks good, looks like they added Noise offset
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Yeah just downloaded, testing it but colors seem a bit better.

Quite a bit coming out, thanks for the rec, sexo Mummy Wawa
Thanks I remember you recommending that before. It seems to work pretty well for 2.5D-ish styles, having trouble with it with flatter styles (colors fluctuate a lot), could be my mix though. Haven't tried PAG on upscale yet.
My go to currently is SDE it seems to do the best black (upscaling it messes it up though kek)
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giving the new noob 0.5 a test on some prompts I had before, looks like artist mixes will need slight readjusting bleh but it certainly feels a bit more flexible anecdotally. can't wait to play with it more but first I sleep. night /vtai/
uoh wifey postmarital sex ToT
I dunno if it even possible, so i might aswell ask.
I want to request gangbang and all other positions for ina lore character the wahtcher.
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Wrangling earlier versions wasn't really my jam but noob .5 is a marked improvement in my experience
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It seems a lot more stable than the regular noob. Artist mixes have changed though (at least mine have kek).

Sexo Roboco, gn anon
Cute, yeah probably won't need as much wrangling.
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Massive indie update on the pony list, courtesy by other thread anons, many thanks!
also found out that theres a new metadata update on rentry, I'll have to look into it to see if I can do something cool for the list or not.

fucking kek
Still chilling on pony, I'll probably wait for good finetunes to come out, seems a little too janky for now to bother.
File deleted.
Thanks Inanon! I can't appreciate enough how much easier the rentry makes genning.
Classic AI giving the fire a tent kek. Cute scarf that ina is wearing.
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Fixed wonky hand kek
Ceci in the hololive dance practice outfit
Nerissa in gothic lolita attire showing off her tits while during halloween night
Botan cosplaying ken ryu or akuma from street fighter.
Thank you~
>Hope you don't mind if I make a variant version on some of them
It's fine, as long as you don't pretend to be me on other generals/boards... Someone did a while ago and it was a little bit troublesome. Just say you got the originals from here, I guess?
Tried to do a Noob 0.5 merge and it looks oddly awful, tons of artifacting.
Does the Epsilon Pred thing still make it incompatible with anything else?
I tried merging the V pred one too yesterday even though it's not supposed to be possible. It actually looked pretty nice, too bad it was in black and white.
>It's fine, as long as you don't pretend to be me on other generals/boards...
Of course not as the variants are just for personal reasons, as in this particular case, the cracks, while a very artistic choice, Do hit me as strange. But what do you mean by tha-
>Someone did a while ago and it was a little bit troublesome
Wait. You mean the Vocaloid IA pics? If so in no moment I was pretending to be you and even posted that got them from here when someone asked.
>Vocaloid IA
Oh, not that kek it seems I got the wrong guy. Someone a while ago was pretending to be me in /e/ (or was it /h/?), very weird. Anyway, you can edit them as you see fit! (And maybe share so I can see them too, the more Biboos in this universe, the better)

>the cracks (...) do hit me as strange
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1.75 MB PNG
New noob, pretty cool
Koyori practicing her baseball swing
Yeah I'm going to stick with Illustrious for now, let people more knowledgeable than me about merging figure it out.
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>Oh, not that kek it seems I got the wrong guy
OK I was real scared for a second that I had done something really wrong.

>Someone a while ago was pretending to be me in /e/ (or was it /h/?), very weird.
Probably /h/ as things had been very hetic in /hdg/ as the war for the general rages on.

>Anyway, you can edit them as you see fit! (And maybe share so I can see them too)
Sure, here are two (in tha box as to not use an image slot again) tho they are real minor details like some cracks and the droplets on the original versions as my silly headcanon is that only the "shadow version" is the one with such things. Thanks again for the awesome gens.


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