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Saint Mori Calliope, of the Imperium of Man
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Remember to love your Mori
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remember to love your Mo-the empress protects
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thanks for reminding me of that meme
we got Mori sniffles I can sleep sound tonight
If the artist made the other picture we could literally remake this entire thing
the one for Bleach final arc was where it peaked
that a lot of Ork screaming
It can be a bit much sometimes
>Bleach final arc
I remember dropping Bleach like two dozens chapters before it ends cause I got so bored by it
it can I sort of tune out the game when that happens
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Would you let a Morifairy into your home?
This is just the British east India company looking for spice and colonizing mori's ass
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nighty noodles debbies
G'nite boobbeat
Nighty noods deadbeat
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Cool Morpi dropped
>I ear you're a heretic now brother. Should we all be heretical now? What's the imperium's position?
she's really incapable of reading screen prompts
>Only now the corpse starch plant takes up most of the day, and at night I like a cuppa tanna. I might be able to devote meself full time to th' ol' heresy.
Mori should buy a set of the 40K Magic decks and play commander
Someone should remake that one DS1 screencap image but with this game instead lol
Funny enough, proxying a Be'lakor deck is what got me into building/painting 40k, though I have yet to build/paint his model
Arrows pointing at the entire HUD "Blessed is the mind too small for doubt." Arrow pointing at chat "Full of heresy."
just got here how's the stream
she summon chaos yet?
sounds like a shrekin good time
Shrek Powerwash with Kronii CONFIRMED
>Brother Dearest <3
at Mori
It's been cool, she got acclimated with this game being slightly less polished then the first one and she loves the Orc's cockney accents
Also holy shit Deathclock tomorrow
Soon I think
I tried playing this game on steam and there is an upcoming part where it would crash 100% of the time in a cutscene, without fail
Tried a million solutions and nothing worked, and many others had the issue
Hopefully she doesn't have it. It's when Titus has to grab the power source while being shot at by the warboss
She did that already
In the future, these humans should go home
Mori is particularly cute tonight I think
Everytime Mori mentions coughing now I concern……
I haven’t been watching the thread at all, I’m surprised at how there doesn’t seem to be much fanfare about Mori asking for Warhammer figure painting perms.
Yeah, horny space marines have a big "man of steel, woman of kleenex" problem I'm guessing
We mentioned it near the end of the last thread
It also wasn't the first time she brought up the possibility. The staff being fans of 40k and pushing for perms too is the surprise though.
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The Codex Astartes supports... Whatever the fuck it is she's doing
Yeah that was pretty funny to hear, but I suppose tech guys being into table-top games shouldn't surprise me lol
hopefully we can see more of her cute fingies
I don't think she'll be able to paint a GW anything on stream. Painting a random something with non-citidel paint would be fine though.
Yeah, one of the EN stars was having perms issues trying to do that. Mori does have the office staff behind her though.
Hopefully it'll go through thanks to them having a particular passion for it. Bonus points if that even nets JP, ID, and stars perms in the future, new avenue for everyone.
I'm starting to feel like the guy who told me "all the empire's integrity and competence goes to the inquisition, they're the most efficient guys ever" was talking out of his ass
Guys! It's happening!
No... he's telling the truth... sadly
Very cute thumbnail
To be entirely fair Drogan isn't the best example for reasons that will be made clear later in the game.
They look kinda gay here
>soundpost note:
Mori happily chanting "put it in, put it in" like 5 minutes ago
Kronii will confess her love to Mori and make a vow to move in with her in Japan
they would make a great couple
NTA but now I see what you mean lmao
Death to all bougie stores
I love it when she calls them "archers"
It's a very funny Mori-ism
Also "little humans/brothers"
I wonder if she'll try to finish this in one go
It's really cute. She just decided to own it, to much effect.
Seems so
I forgot just how oppressive the Rocket launcher orks were in this game lmao.
How close is she?
Cause of death: Snu snu
she's starting chapter 13 of 17
>princess Enoch
Another perfect mori-ism
Imagine getting prrrroinked to death like that orc....
She is a boy in all but physical form. She is a man with tits.
>permanent lung damage
She won't be singing for long
It's such a complete and total non-issue that I'm laughing at you for even bringing up in an attempt to troll
Total clipnigger death
Most of the time I feel like that's the strategy with baits
Calli has two different voices that she switches between. One is what I call Real Calli. The other is "Kindergarten Teacher".
Yeah the teacher voice comes out more when she's tired or speaking to someone whose ESL.
Got any more older than the imperium shitposts, tourist?
I like both, but you are also forgetting about the third "kakkoi" voice. She used to use it alot, and still does when speaking jp
>biting the most obvious bait in the imperium
How impulsive
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How is it bait, Satan?
sloppy from morpy
What chapter is Mori on now
Second last. Got the bridge run with the Blood Ravens to do, then the orbital spire. I estimate 30 minutes of gameplay left.
>Blood Ravens
Oh, they're in this game? that's pretty cool
Mori should cover this.
Yeah, it's made by the same devs as Dawn of War as well.
Looks like we've reached the point where Greys say "damn you've been streaming for 10,000 years"
Yeah, there's also a squad of Black Templars.
>wishing death for fellow deadbeats
>gray in chat asked if she finally moved to japan when she said her time
jesus christ
Ah, well guess I was wrong as fuck lmao
We must be getting new folks, or stupid folks
Calli has 15th highest sub growth in Hololive (alot higher than the rest of myth/promise) so it's not surprising she gets alot of newfags in her chat.
The two lost Primarchs...
Which primarch is the biggest dumbass?
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>2nd legion
I am obligated to say Lorgar because I hold him responsible for the fall of the Imperium
So ghost cat could be any of them?
Tutu- Stuck atop the highest point of the Imperial Palace
Ghost Cat- Banished for permanently scaring the machine spirit of the sacred Roomba
I am obligated to say Lorgar because he inadvertently created the strong faith the Imperium holds now. Also because he tried to overthrow Horus mid-rebellion and got kicked from commanding his own legion at the pivotal battle.
Which primarch is the biggest autist?
wtf is this final battle
Welcome to early 2010s game design lmao
That was lame as fuck
Perturabo. The man builds miniatures and ragequit the heresy.
This ending makes Mori liking the Chaplain really funny in retrospect
this game is like a lovechild of GoW and GoW, but not necessarily the best parts
SM2 does a much better job
This is all the codex's fault. BURN ALL BOOKS.
Brothers to enemies to lovers
If mori reads SCs i might dip
is liking armpits a type of heresy?
The Codex Astartes support devotion to the "pit pussy" brother Anonymous
>>87612493 me
She said quick, I'll stay...
It's pretty obvious she wants to just chill and talk with Kronii tomorrow, don't know why people were still trying to get her to stream her powerwash PoV
I hope she just chills
Yeah, It's not exactly engaging gameplay lmao. Mori might say some more funny things without a chat to distract her
Deathclock collabs always only has one POV, they alternate which has it.
You must be new here
It's funny, she asked and there was massive wave of "no" and "not really" and see somehow spotted a single "I would prefer if you did" and made herself feel guilty
Sometimes her brain works bad
Owari da....
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Milkyoke now
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Now she knows why everyone hates Leandros.
Mori will like this on twitter
But it's so prurient
can I meep Ci?
Be careful with the hagchild
This almost made Bae cry
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Not while she's streaming.
leakbeat confirmation
leakbeat AKA Dimitri Jap
That's cute. I hope that someday she can get that same experience that she gave Mori.
>Musician dies
>Mori dies another release
Who died?
one of the One Direction guys
Damn, he was only 31
The one direction fans used to be more devout that the swifties. They're probably sad as hell right now
Wait isn't the new song release in 80 minutes? Did she even tease this at all?
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Speaking of go getters, the mv is about to hit the 4million.
Wallerbeats, more like waller beat the fuck out
her recent music is pretty good, skeletons is probably my favorite song she's done so far.
probably not very excited over whoever this remix is with
>she HATES Ado
It's P. Diddy
nigga, on the off chance it was Ado she'd be organizing a special stream just to announce it, or UM would make her make one
N'wah, on the off chance I thought it was ado, I wouldn't have done a cheeky greentext implying Mori hated her
>teases new EN original
>teases Lose lose days mv
>teases Donmai MV with expensive merch tie in
Go-Getters Remix with the steel chair out of nowhere!
Speaking of Ado, that new song went pretty hard. She wrote the lyrics (and I believe did the guitar)
I hope she writes more because she can go into some interestingly dark places lyrically. The double-edged sword of enjoying anonymity but being unable to fully own your success, and like with Mori: that success not fully overriding personal feelings of inferiority in some way. But I have faith both these ladies will find themselves.
Leakbeat is Mor
I doubt mori knows how to find the invisible metadata leakbeat uses
wrong 森
right 森
So in like 51 minutes we'll know?
Lotus Juice ver or bust
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Kind of dissappointed this 40k banner isn't more known. Kind of lewd if you imagine it's mori.
CC got tilted by the mandatory blitzball match against the Luca goers and dropped final fantasy x over it
Looking into 40K prices because of Mori’s streams, and if I wasn’t already into Lego building, these prices don’t look like the worst thing in the world. I imagine if you just wanted to play though it might be a pain to have to paint them too.
Bleetzball HATE!
>”The emperor will protect my booty pipe though;”
>”My butthole is well protected,”
I don’t know why Mori starting saying this, but every time she does it gets a pop out of me brother.
But did she enjoy Wakka's racist rants against the Al bhed?
I loved Blitzball so this didn't bother me lol, it's probably my 2nd favorite FF minigame right after Triple Triad
GW's pricing is steep and unlike Lego or Gunpla, there are plenty of times when what you want just goes out of stock and never returns. That's honestly one of the biggest issues.

Also, god forbid you like the supplementary material and want to collect physical versions. Books often only get a single printing and then your only options are ebooks or audiobooks.
Mori's butt hole is tight, and her hymen is intact.
Honestly if you see the boxes as neat painting projects it's really not so bad (especially if you get them in a non-GW store) but building an army (1000 or 2000 points) can cost a lot depending on the units you want
I got a kick out of the newfriends asking about project tiles and other moriisms
Seems like the standard women response when faced with the kind of bonds only men would understand.
Nah this is because Mori’s still got the sense of humor of a 14 year old
False, true
So who is it?
It's me.
Asian gutslliope
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Who are these people
I would also like to know
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The most fun part of these is seeing how badly each artist fucks up the mix in their own way. So far Luss has had the least scathed
2 members of a 7 piece J-pop boy band. They're touring America next year. https://x.com/psyfe_official/status/1845509834747371694

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