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3D Pookie Edition

>What is /BIG/?
/BIG/ is a thread to find, share, and discuss the biggest indie vtubers who have a 3-month average of 1000 viewers or more.

>Can I shill my 999 CCV oshi here?
No. 4views or higher only.

>Live /BIG/s

>Wordcloud Creator

>/BIG/ Logo

>OP Template

>Vod Channels


Other useful threads:

Previous thread: >>87595576
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goose love
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pookie cute
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Love my wolf wife
She's opening packs in tcg!
Pookie my beloved
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>love saru
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ma hOOOOmie is almost at 10 hours
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>womp mating
>cute saru
she's wildin
The scar (along with all the alt timeline stuff) is teen sarus chuni delusions. Shes a normal girl with no scar
A very short list of /BIG/gers live, and it's Thursday so expect that to stay that way.
Another chuuba addicted to TCG Card Shop Simulator.
Variety stuff today. Currently watching based Konbini Confessions.
>HalO Sweety
Mommy ASMR
The First Descendent
>MyGomiee (not on Twitch)
A strong independent woman who don't need no man at the 10 hour mark for GTA RP.
well shit
Homie needs some sleep
I thought it was implied she got it from her training which probably happened later in life. The only thing is I thought the red eyes were also supposed to be cybernetic enhancements she got around the time of her training and she was born with green ones but maybe she just wanted the red for the brand identity over lore autism.
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>/big/ bao
Titian is pretty cracked at Counter-Strike
>4view box
one of the things she isn't mid at
Is she?
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needs breeding correction
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nawm sayin, ma homie?
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is pookie fertile?
Very much so

>guess 4view soop
peak fertility
a drop of precum could get her pregnant
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-12-31]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig

>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide
Nisely done
She can actually play the game which is more than you can say about most women. Having watched both her and rainhoe I think rainhoe looks better but somehow they both have basically the same elo.
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Silver must be in serious pain. She had to go brb.
Love ya Pink Cat Archiver
the price of being fertile
Her skill goes down a lot when she gets tilted
that first clip's sexy
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Being toxic in shooter games is part of the experience and it's a shame they took that away from us.
My homie's lingerie is kinda...
ma homie's doing the medic thing again
she's such a dork
She's kinda cool in these clips
love this korean woman
based Silver telling ttsfags she's not going to do tricks for bits
I wanna have sex with Buff
Ewww, brother, ewww.
I'm sick nasty
god I hope we get more pookie posts on fansly again with the new model being out
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BP's accent kinda reminds me of doki's.
more than mildly entertaining clips
based and same
The mother of my children.
oh buffpup i assume
How so?
ok lads this button but that left window isn't a choice, it's a 50/50 which one you get
Some of biggas are making Bluesky accounts
you mean just like last time
and the time with misskey
and then a week later everyone realizes no one actually stopped using twitter
understandable with how shit twitter is going
nah man it will work this time for sure fr fr
think misskey actually did work a bit, but only for jp loli artists?
Doobcord soon.
Also after lurking generals for a bit, i've realized that i'll probably be posting my impressions in here during the debut. Her old fanbase seems...strange to say the least
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I don't remember when it was but it was funny seeing Deme notice that over time her algorithm started getting more and more gym-centric with all these buff guy thirst traps and insane body transformations. Then she started getting recommended videos kind of like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJElSA-LiMc but with sappy emo quotes about tfw no gf and stuff, and eventually she realized she was getting these because that's probably what a lot of gymcels watch as well kek.
2 weeks max
they're alright, just have their own brand of faggotry like any other concentrated fanbase
doob news
they're in for a culture shock
Post her wherever. I think the tribalistic shitposting that comes with someone with that history is going to be chaotic no matter where it happens, though the dedicated general is going to be where everyone talks about her the most. I also don't think she's going to be the next big thing like Doki was, but time will tell.
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They're not used to Indie Culture and are a bit hostile toward it but they'll adapt to it sooner or later I hope
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>Doobcord soon.
Big mistake doob...
I took the ex-rainbows integrating so seamlessly into indie culture for granted, now i realize that it's not going to be the same for Dooby especially /here/.
What is strange about her old fanbase? Is it just because she was a holo and everything that goes along with that?
damn, those period cramps must be hitting Silver hard
She took another brb
hope she's doing alright
Isn't there way to suppress the pain?
What is everything that goes with holo? If you mean walled garden stuff it's not like there are no indies that do that either (eg shondo's friends, most of the asmrtists, et cetera).
Shes just like me fr fr
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there is one way
Reminder that Sinder took her whole mod team out for BBQ. When was the last time a sexy lady paid for your meal? That’s what I thought.
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>12 hours
>still grinding away
gtarp addiction comes for everyone it seems
imagnie the post bbq orgy
Fresh ginger is the traditional solution. As a tea usually, though food seasoning is also a route of administration.
The two Ex-rainbows, Mint and Dokibird, were never really into the whole Corpo culture thing, Selen was always doing things that indies typically do (Twitch streams, "flesh' collabs, etc.), and it was sort of the same with Pomu, that’s why their transition into indie culture was so seamless
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It's thursday.
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I don't think Holos or their fans in general are even that bad, I just think it's extremely vanilla to be a Holofag. There is never a case where someone starts out watching other corpos or indies then realizes "Wait, this Hololive company is actually pretty cool!" it's just a bunch of people who stick with the entry level stuff because it works for them.
The problems begin because people on 4chan always have the ulterior motive of appearing superior to others with their opinions (despite being anonymous) so I'm sure some pretend to love someone like Fubuki despite being completely EOP and spend their free time shitting on the competition because they think that helps their team's brand image on /vt/.
Yippee ferret time
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Love this Ferret
you don't even watch her
Why isn't she live :(
>>87626266 (Me)
Fuck I forgot
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It's Thursday.
Watch this
*unzips dick*
Yes I do I watched her rimming but switched to other stream before she ended
Does she not stream on Thursdays? That sucks.
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i have been bamboozled
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>There is never a case where someone starts out watching other corpos or indies then realizes "Wait, this Hololive company is actually pretty cool!"

Let's be honest here: this is mainly because for most people hololive was the first thing that drew their attention to vtubers to begin with. That's just what being the big fish means.
was watching vtubers on twitch for months before having any idea what holo is
it's so silly
She played a game I liked called Void Sols yesterday
>Streamer hates Ice magic
>What is strange about her old fanbase
It genuinely seems like they were living in a completely different world (which is true for the most part).
Things that seem 'normal' for an indie such as >>87626134 mentioned seem like some heretical thing they're being forced to do. It's just really surprising and it's going to be interesting seeing them adapt to the culture shock with how set in their ways they seem.
I'm new to Twitch Chuubas. Do they post schedules or just stream randomly? Because it seems like they stream randomly to me.
>Do they post schedules or just stream randomly?
yes to both
some post schedules
some don't
most do schedules but they post em in their discords
Usually have a set time and day. For example Filian streams Mondays, Wednesday and Friday.
The content for the week is usually posted on discord beforehand but they're usually very flexible.
That's probably why I don't know when they go live. I don't use Discord.
the discord posters are mostly lazy asses like bao
other ones post proper schedules on twitter
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Flesh collabs and coed content if it happens (probable) will definitely lead to some bleeding off of her numbers, though not necessarily for the same reasons in either case.
Surely girls needing to sit is just a skill issue?
Goose gone wild
I started with twitch indies and then vshojo when it was born, I tried watching hololive multiple times but never been able to stick around, too bland for my taste
>first thing that drew their attention to vtubers
It was actually watching that one Ironmouse clip that got me curious.
I tried getting into Holo during the early days of myth but it just wasn't for me.
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Which biggers know the special techniques for pissing standing?
first time i saw a vtuber was a soundpost of miko saying nigga. then i saw a thread on /gif/ called
"anime girls saying nigga". had a whole collection. then i went to find out where all these anime girls saying nigga come from. the rest is history.
Very poor urinal etiquette from streamer gosegugosegu here.
>filian-poster is a zoomie
don't do me dirty like that hombre.
Qrd on Homie?
they're a homie
her buddy's named Huge Chungu
I like this Korean Bigga, what's her name?
If you are posting in this thread it's probably because twitch rather than youtube is your main viewing site, so there's something of a preselection effect there.
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my first introduction to vtubers were 3D girl dm clips on youtube
my bearie afaik, she does kind of have a bear theme, but it's a little weird to render it like that in english

>*gets a call*
>>knock knock
>who's there?
>internet, who?
>>*dude breaks*
he didn't think that plan through, it's funny watching them all try english randomly
Thanks, brother.
Neuro is really funny.
mygomiee is cracking me up lol
Mygomiee is my Homie
das rite
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>what dat booty do x2
>oh damn, sexy ass booty
The thing that got me into Vtubers was Selen
does she ever use that model or is it all the new 2d with the claw? because i dont like that one.
what a rizzler
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nice panties
She pretty muched stopped using it
She said few times that once she finds good tracking software she will use it again but at this point let's be real
If she really wanted to use it then she would've use it even with worse software
what a shame. i saw a vod of her on onigiri and thought i'll have to check her out and then it's all that claw thingy. why did she stop using it? license to expensive or something?
none of the koreans have a problem and there's probably hundreds of them doing it
doesn't seem like she cares if it's easy enough for them to figure out
Apple cut support to the original software she used iirc
>it's another episode of big corpo beeing the scum of the earth
>13 hours she has been streaming
Why did she drop the 30yo roastie look in favor of teen girl look?
cus why not
is she ok
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>kek sex stream
Yeah she's having a blast
holy cute
holy im so bored.
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is this twitch safe
nice ass
jerk off
Why not get a job!
Have you set up the stage yet saru?
yeah. games a fine and can be lewd just not the avatar

belive it or not but i nutted in a chicks mouth earlier.

i assigned myself a second job and that is the reason im bored

if i was saru i'd be taking lewds all day. no way i would be bored if i had boobs.
*rapes you*
no she's korean
Her model is gorgeous
chibi is doing a collab with fefe tonight or whatever
>14 hours she has been streaming
There's no vtuber called she
>he does not know
how i pity you
>14 hours Mygomiee has been streaming
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Minto Sexo
Oh, so that's where Laimu is.
Yeah, collab today (which I forgot about)
Sex with all of these women.
They don't know that she's Her.
She is always Her.
She will continue to be Her.
finally, it is done
6am in korea btw
holy moly
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The purr she did activated something in my brain, holy fucking shit, I need to marry this woman immediately
Phenomenal stream
i like her fluffy hair toggle
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i'll plap all these women
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mata in da biggy
always strange to see people using my old edits. Kinda heartwarming but I feel bad because I haven’t made any in like 3 months. I used to be so much more pure hearted
many such cases, especially when threads are bad
Bug Seggs
i want to fill minto, mata, geega, and laimu with my milk
yeah idk, I had a phase where I actually consistently made OC, even if it was low effort OC, hopefully I can get back to that one day. maybe it’s normal for interests to come and go but I feel like that time was when I enjoyed vtubers the most too. Whether it’s correlation or causation, I don’t know
She hot
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>butt fangs
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Vei following the banana cat is wild

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