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Total FWMC Success Edition
Previous Thread >>87610564

>Upcoming Streams
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?
It's time somebody said this. Fuck Fuwawa
Me too brother. I want that fluffy all over my dick.
She's a sweet sexy girl she just needs to learn to control her favoritism or hide it better. It can be fixed
>They showed up out of obligation
Obligation to who? If they felt bad about not showing up, they should work on their abilitt to manage their own expectations of themselves and figure out how not to overschedule. Then maybe there'd be less disappointments like we've had for months on end at this point, and they wouldn't have to feel so bad about what they think is disappointing fans.
in which position?
Fuwamoco won.
Ruffians won.
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no real fan cares about irrelevant side branch collab
No one gives a fuck about EN events, just compare clip numbers vs GTA (and I’m not just talking about FWMC) they should just always phone it in or skip EN events/collabs
Considering how overwhelmed they currently are with all this homework, it seems like it would be nice if they receives help from someone that's not only experienced on managing schedule, but also on lobbying and creating wiggle room out of nothing.
It's still a good opportunity for some people and I guess they'd probably follow you after too like they have for others that have done official stuff. Hopefully someone like Resu_desu can do it like they have for others in Advent, but idk their turnaround time.
Ah nice to see nothing changed since i left.
>Did you see those NUMBERS!
>OMG why would they ever want to do that, it's not like they could have fun with it if they tried.
Coco and A-chan are gone
I trust that Nae is going to make a submission and finally become a part of Fuwamoco forever
Yeah, if only they have someone they can contact in short notice that not only can give them input on their schedule to prevent fully booked schedule but also take into account their health to prevent them from falling sick due to overworking.
I'm willing to do it. It's what I do for my career.
That sounds amazing! They should have a dedicated person whose job is just exactly that to make sure all talent are able to perform well during all the crucial moment!
they're not going to have fun in big collabs so they can at least get something out of it
I have to say that whole I was hesitant at first taking the cuck pill has made me enjoy them more than I could have ever imagined. Everything I used to view as a negative just gives me sexual pleasure now. And I still enjoy all the content that I used to when they're nice enough to let it happen. Highly recommend
So lets see, their best opportunity to get more numbers, subs, and CCV is to stream at JP times playing FotM games and JOP bait. Better stop doing everything else.
You know what's better? If that person also able to negotiate their workload beforehand and have enough foresight and ingenuity to know that overworking the talent too much might have adverse effect overall due to sudden illness
This, but unironically
That sounds stupid, they're adults, they can and should manage everything themselves, which includes managing their own health, schedule, negotiating with all related party, and also all the paperwork.
Cover has exactly zero obligation to help them on nothing.
ok zannie you already got a weekly stream do you have to take more from us?
im too stupid to understand what i should be taking from the post
>implying implication
the fuwamoco way includes managing everything by themselves, external input not welcome
Baused answer. Lovingly or hard? Or both?
They're trying to passive aggressively guilt you into accepting their stupid decisions, the same way they did when they said "that's like telling us to give up on our dreams". At this point I'm beginning to think Mococo is black and white schizo.
They don't need any of that for sololive. They should drop streams except maybe monthly catch up chat and fundraising
Last time we have someone like that, she got banished into the rape dungeon...
jwu what the hell is this? Is there any non schizo explanation for this? It's never been so obvious to the point people can predict it before
They should stop streaming entirely outside of merch or events and the occasional karaoke if they are all in on a sololive. Playing donkey Kong or a VN does not help that dream at all and is a waste of their precious limited time and energy
I'd honestly be impressed and respect them if they managed to do that, but they would never.
That seems like an extremely risky position, anon.
Being in that position seems like being the prime suspect to get blamed for anything that goes wrong, why would anyone risk taking that place?
suzu is shit
We just need to provide ample compensation for taking that kind of thankless position, probably even a bonus in case things goes well, even
What casual outfits are they getting?
no amount of DKC2 streams could compare to the kino of the single 3D Patra collab. they should just bite the bullet and officially drop these long running games which only a minority of fans watch.
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Yeah! Sex with Fuwawa!
How fucked would their 'mondshare' be if they actually did thisnfor 6 months? They took a hit (that they recoved from with JOP) back with the move.
But what if FUWAMOCO defy this hypothetical person?
They seems to be an extremely stubborn person so I don't think they'd appreciates someone suddenly coming to their life and dictates what they should do.
early 00s-looking undercover idol outfits
retro games and VNs never did well even before the move. what hurt them the most was not doing RnR. most people turned out for that and they went over 2 months without one.
only JP mindshare really matters if they kept appearing in events they would be fine
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Finally! I've checked off almost every Ruffian Achievement except a direct FWMC reply and FWMC Scoop being chosen.
I hope you get knocked off the top soon.
>Top commenter
Wait that's a youtube thing or you see it from somewhere else? No wonder people schizo so hard for likes and shit.
Gonna start workin on a christmas themed render using the new ray portal feature in blender
Its gonna be in a snow covered forest type area with the camera panning around a log cabin with each window showing a different scene/event of fuwamoco and the ruffians
but its hard to decide what 4 things
my thoughts were things like sleeping on a couch in front of a fireplace, opening presents, kanpai'ing some hot chocolate
Sex X4
Youtube mobile thing
Decorating Christmas pon-de-rings.
Maybe the fireplace can have (optionally fishnet) stockings, one short for Mococo and one long for Fuwawa.
Caroling Japanese 80s songs.
Bucket of KFC (or KFP).
8 Ruffians pulling a sled.
I would like to formally apologise for calling Baudol a mid song. Just saw the live version.
it got good on 500th listen during GTA
strange how all the anti posting stopped once it got late in THAT region
Tweet that. I bet they'd like seeing those thoughts.
Wtf they got like 5 bait threads in 5 hrs kek
listen to the instrumental version too
Good be surprised at how many layers it has too, especially all of the dog barks
It's always those damn Australians
why is it always pissnix before bed? Fuwawa needs to be questioned
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White power
moot was right
Fuwawa sees you having a melty over her favorite wuffian and retweets him out of spite
Ghost sex!
If anything they should retweet the post they replied to saying they'll listen that person's rendition of baudol before bed. But somehow that never gets reposted again.
I miss that faggot a lot.
>anti posting starts around 5AM
>anti posting stops around 12PM
It's funny how this is always the case
The favoritism is just a schizo loop that isn't true but I'm just curious about this pattern and what the explanation is.
because he was replaced by Suisei
Well there's plenty of people that clip shit. People want to claim no favorites, yet its literally always phoenix's clip over anyone else's. Even if the tweet has already been retweeted before.
I don't give a fuck about phoenix he's a faggot no one that will lose interest eventually. I meant that Suisei is who they listen to before bed each day by their own words
Yes I'm late
but why did the community vote go so heavily in favour of FNAF 1
They already played it right?
Judging by the comments, lots of people didn’t know or forgot they already played 1, and there are people who said they only know 1 so I’m assuming they want to be able to backseat.
Completion autism
Glad you're enjoying it. Make sure to yeah taiga out loud next time you listen to it.
I just want them to be more equitable this is unheard of favoritism for a literal who with no talent
People like seeing games being finished. I voted for it too because I have no experience with the franchise and I loved that stream.
I didn't vote at all cause fuck FNAF
I agree and I hate that they're going back to it
IRyS confirmed they have alien isolation perms after all
get a new target sisters you're getting boring
skibidi freddy fazzbear looking ahh
>they should play something else
They should play Outer Wilds instead of FNAF
Why would there need to be a new target? He's a clear favorite. Anyone that denies it is just delusional.
No thanks, they're never going to finish it and they're too retarded to even play it
I have 20
Someone should tell them not to play FNAF at all at least until their throats are healed. I'd rather have DKC2 or a VN.
DKC2 would ruin their throats more
I guess you missed the point of that doggy pack post. There's no point in trying to tell them what to do.
I want FNAF but I also want Frog Detective 2
I don't really enjoy FNAF much either, but DKC2 and VNs would be worse for their voice considering they scream in one and constantly speak in another
They should play Skyrim
Feels like they are trying to get us to accept fewer streams because "voice hurt" but you know they'll never drop voicepacks or any of the other stuff but they still really miss us and want to be with us.
Could honestly be kino
begone todd
Adams apple check
outstanding results
Mococo would go wild shouting everything to death. Would chat convince her to go stealth archer or would she go unarmed?
yeah I love that about them
They should do Raden style deep dive into idol history
Is there someone we can report it to to get it addressed? Do we have to ask them directly first?
And I loved them for it. Like Jesus, I thought these girls were pushovers but nah, they will tell you in the most polite way possible to fuck off. They are perfect.
contact the FBI that he's directly hurting your feelings
Seconding this >>87625220
They absolutely love seeing stuff like that
Cover but they require you to link your real name and main to consider investigating and taking action
Please FWMC thank him for his clips next time he superchats, it would be so funny
Everyone involved is an adult so it’s up to you to self-regulate your emotions if someone getting too many retweets is affecting you
anyone crying over retweets isn't an adult
They should have been doing it.
I want my retweet. I will even fight and whine about it on their tags for it. They can’t ignore me forever. I deserve attention, I give them money. Without me, the have slightly less money on the bank and engagement.
what dark god should i make a sacrifice to to get them to try Space Marine 2
Or is that game too hard for them to have fun with it
It's not a japanese horror game that will bring them numbers so forget about it
Send a fat red aka supa recommending the game. If they ignore you… We’ll, at least you tried.
>what dark god should i make a sacrifice to
I can only pray they don’t think I’m any of the anons complaining about no RTs. My clips didn’t even get liked but I just took it on the chin
They won't and never will. The fag is desperate for it too you can tell with his messages and they won't say it because they know his >clips are trash. It's just a way to make sure he keeps sending money without giving him anything. I don't feel bad for the retard though he deserves to be drained
Are people complaining in their tags about that?
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>are people obsessing over men outside of /baubau/ and discord
They need to make a subaccount where they do nothing but retweet porn of themselves
I have plans to tattoo Pero on my belly
fatfuck on a fatfuck
They don't address complaints in the tags but we k own they come here for feedback. I trust they will address it or silently change.
People always say the same shit here and they don't change. They'll just say, "we're sorry you feel that way" again, if anything.
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A part of me wants to stop posting sad mocococaps here because they keep getting used for bait threads, but it gets outweighed by how cute she is when she looks sad/confused
#helpFWMC them telling that there is a nice Warhammer cafe in akiba, and that it could be a nice spot to take holos on a date
You freak, you're going to cum on your pero tattoo.
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Everything we post ends up on the worst hellholes known to mankind, so don't let it stop you, anon. Everyone should know how cute sad mococo is.
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She still looks sad wtf
Violent rape.
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Why you looking so beautiful to me now when you're so sad...
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I tried but I'm getting Elongated.
What about
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Made for rape.
I'm in love with Fuwawa
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I have more happy Fuwawas than I have sad Fuwawas
do we have a draft of the superchat ready? it's important to get this right
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Same here. And the opposite for Mococo. Makes it hard to find the right image sometimes
What superchat?
>I watched them since late 2021. The authentic feeling that was there 3 years ago just isn't there anymore. The connection they had with their audience isn't the same anymore because of how big they got. It's simply impossible to have the banter with them in comments or discord anymore.
Obviously atm.
No one is sending an anti superchat for you, poorsis.
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Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 436: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched six episodes of an anime.
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I'll try and balance them out eventually
Imagine trying to complain that you can't groom them anymore. Glad they're too big for losers like this now
May send for the 3D collab if I have anything to say, feels momentous enough. But I'll wait until the end because if there's merch I'd rather save for that, kek.
They were literally forbid of saying they were twins when in reality they even shit talk twins who aren't identical. Being twins is a core part of their personalities and referenced in literally everything they do. They share social media accounts and always have for their entire lives.
It's ok to prefer the skin walking days, but holy shit have some self awareness. Niggas didn't even know they were idols and that's what they've worked really hard to be for over a decade. Many thought they were japanese people who knew good english.
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I hit the nail right on the head with my assessment of him, it seems. He can’t groom them anymore with as big as they are now, and that upsets him. There aren’t anymore special interactions he can get with them that we can’t all get. He doesn’t have any oldfag privilege. Playing his shitty ruffian VN wasn’t a priority for them since they’re preoccupied with too many things on their plate already. All of this resulted in him ceasing all communication with them as FWMC to instead try to run over to their garbage streams where he’d chat with them like normal there, to try to recapture the years when they were 2views, but it still wasn’t the same. Ruffians migrated over there and the chat, while not at the speeds of their FWMC streams, was still overwhelming for him. Then, when they placed more focus on hololive instead of that other project and didn’t stream over there for months, he oshihenned from them completely. If you try to ask him about it on discord now, he’ll say he’s merely “taking a step back” without elaborating any further. He’s just a self centered manchild who was quick to abandon them because they got too big. He never wanted them to be successful. He never wanted what was best for them as they saw it. I hope that piece of shit, as well as everyone like him, kills himself.
skippa skippa
To be fair it's nice when a chuuba asks about your day then reference it later, having that gone would definitely suck
He's lucky you're there to give him the attention they won't. Faggot.
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They’ll never, ever play your VN either in private or on stream, nigger.
Not him, just tired of people talking about men. Faggot.
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It's been said before, but anyone looking for that can just find a 1/2-view instead and get on their spreadsheet
still not as bad of a groomer as moustachefaggot was
Chat Gepetto, I'm gonna need the quick reandown
Cry about it. I will always laugh at you.
absolutely based. fuck that faggot and mustache and all others that think they are entitled to anything at all instead of being happy about where they are now and the memories they had.
I would also like them to play that but they'd finish that game in the year of our Lord 2124
>good english
you outed yourself thread reader sister
I just came to BLADE's porn. Thanks for the recommendation FUWAMOCO!
I'm not even him retard. Keep talking about your boyfriend.
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The writer criticizes someone for abandoning a content creator group, FWMC, after they gained popularity, claiming the person no longer feels special due to losing personal interactions with them.
The person attempted to relive the past by following their smaller streams but became overwhelmed and eventually distanced themselves, saying they were "taking a step back."
The writer accuses the individual of being selfish, never wanting the creators to succeed, and expresses extreme hostility toward them.
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T-there’s always next White Day…r-right?
Baused. He showed his true colors in the discord when they announced they were moving to Japan. Him desperately trying to follow them to no avail. I remember when some people were organizing a group SC dump of "We love you" on their birthday, and understandable a lot of people told them it wasn't a good idea. One of the people who said it wasn't a good idea was atm, however after talking people out of doing it he decided to post his own vague birthday aka SC in the stream instead. The roach wanted to be the only one to send anything on that day. I don't forget.
why is she looking at me like this
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Gosh, I dread that. That's why I mostly watch big corpos and I'm happy with the level of personal investment they can muster now.
seems you pissed him off kek
Really good art, instant sub if he releases a FWMC set.
They were that, weren't they.
time stamper did the same when they didn't use his timestamps for the one million vod and ended up having a menhera moment on twitter. A lot of these old fans need to realize that they were "big" fish in a small pond as viewers. Now they're in a masive occean of other fans and these big fish are actually minnows compared to the whales out there and some can't handle it.
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The same reason why Fuwawa looks at you like this
They're definitely retweeting my marshmallows next year!
they won't like anyone's submissions like this year. I still don't get why they avoided everyone's white day stuff.
Maybe I should do a marshmallow dessert next year
Fuwawa said that?
>there, there~
It's okay, you didn't know better marshchaama...
`fraid so
Yeah, she learned it from The Shining
my mocochan...
I know and I don't mind, just kidding. I was a bit worried at the time that they were too busy and missed it, but the way they specifically avoided liking it when they went on that super long spree told everything, and it was enough.
Would be sad if it didn't reach them, but knowing it did is all I want.
Never heard of him before the RT, I wonder which work is their favorite?
They get really excited when mushrooms are mentioned, have they ever said why? Did Papapuppy take them foraging as kids or something?
Me neither, they're too based for sharing these artists with us. Same for that one with the twins with long tits fucking the same guy that Mococo really liked.
I could see that where they are from in the NWP mushrooms are pretty abundant
Really? I only own one Elizabeth from fgo doujin from him but I've liked their art for a long time
When did they retweet Blade? I didn't see it.
Oh, he's one of the artists for Dohna Dohna, cool. Never played it.
BLADE’s post was marked as sensitive content for me.
His art has a lot of anal focus, I'm glad my cute daughters love anal.
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I see, the art wasn't lewd at all
oh you really should, it's one of my favorites. I love the art, the combat is ok though it gets really hard if you try to beat the game really fast. Too bad the main artist ended up leaving alicesoft
Moco-chan was built for anal correction
I want to ravage Mococo’s royal asshole!
As the father I should be the first.
How do you find a good 1-2 view out of the thousands out there? It's just easier to let Cover curate who I watch. Plus I want more than just streaming which is something rare outside of Hololive and the like (and "the like" have tons of downsides that Hololive either doesn't have or only has to a much lesser extent). I can't imagine a 1-2 view holding a live concert like BD for example. And having a relatively insular "walled garden" of mostly collabbing with other Hololive members makes it easy to keep up with everyone rather than whatever amorphous uncurated clique or cliques the chuuba is part of.
Plus having a side oshi like that feels scummy and potentially expensive.
Ueh I don't like the small saggy breasts it looks out of proportion.
Yeah I'll play it for sure, it sounds fun.
This is definitely their favorite work by him.
What was in the menhera moment?
That explains why his art looked so familiar. I'd recommend giving the game a try, the characterization is great and it's already worth it for the style alone
I wonder if that poor bastard is still around. I feel bad about it everytime I think of it. They seemed really fucked up by it
I thought only Mococo was the lolicon
He's getting RTs for his art nowadays so I think he's doing fine.
great. Give us updates, I like talking about the game, not enough people here talk about playing through VNs though I'm also guilty of that
I try to mention here and there but it would be annoying to give too many updates so I usually mention just a couple of times and then once I'm done.
Just mention it around this time and read the room to see if people would be upset. It should be fine most days
It's not that menhera but it was kinda traumadumping. I forget if he deleted and reposted. But they liked it instantly

Feels crazy seeing your oshis hit the million mark live... There's a part of me that's frustrated that I can't do more, but the part of me that cheering them, proud of them is much louder today than ever before! Couldn't be happier to see them come so far.
damn I just came everywhere to some nice Blade work. Thanks for the suggestion FUWAMOCO! I'll cum to whatever you want me to!
We should watch Blade. Mococo would love him.
yeah as the other anon said, most of the time people arent just shitposting so I would welcome talking about VNs a lot more
That fits your standard for traumadumping/menhera? If you think that's too far to post then that only leaves toxic positivity or however you'd call it
She would puke seeing Pearl. We should definitely watch it
There's literally nothing at all wrong with this message.
One more retweet of a favorite and I'm unleashing every thing I have
Didn't this guy throw a tantrum over not being able to follow them when the move to Japan happened? What a creep.
Boomerang mouth
Mococo looked extra cute in her new years outfit.
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After the DMX Idol Concert Watchalong
Anon DMX...he graduated...
The cutest, Mocotyan…
I know how to chase a cat up in a tree
Man, I'll give y'all niggas the business for fuckin with me
Is you crazy!??
GO MY WAY!! GO MY 上へ!!
Wonder Land な Never Land
GO MY WAY!! GO 前へ!!
DMX is definitely getting another sololive next year! It'll be the great comeback!
Blade is a good fucking movie I agree on this watchalong
It's Halloweenish too.
I often think back to that moment of them sitting down to listen to Kevin Lamar together, not being able to understand a single word, and saying "oh, it's like denpa."
They won't do a horror movie watchalong this Halloween...
Mococo doesn't deserve headpats.
You need to take care of that alcoholism.
why are they promoting porn artists? I thought they were pure and family friendly? They're just common whores after all?
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Their entire personality for half their life was porn games
I hope more doujin artists draw FWMC so they can stealth recommend them
>half their life
>half life
half life 3 confirmed
Ok I'll just watch Shiori or Biboo then
is Mococo going to be okay?
one second
Not after I'm through with her she won't.
what is it now?
It's just veins Mococo they won't harm you
Make it a soundpost with Australian noises like a digeridoo
What’s going on with twitter and why is everyone posting some other social medial site? I made a twitter to interact with fwmc and I’m just getting comfortable using and posting there now. I feel like an old man being left behind. I don’t want to move someplace new.
i doubt hololive talents will move there it's just small corpos and artists
It's just your usual nothing burger internet boycott that will fade in a few days
There’s someone who’s trying to push the narrative that all the Travelers were bad. First mustache and now this. No, it’s just you atm
Artists are setting up bluesky accounts because Twitter added to the terms of service that they can use your art for AI training and they’re letting people you block still view your account. Blue sky kinda sucks, they don’t allow loli and some Hololive mamas have been banned there so I’m not worried about moving there yet
It's an artist thing. I use twitter for them too, so as long as Hololive is there, I have no reason to move. I'll miss the art, but it's not my main reason to use it.
Corporations are usually slow to adapt, so I think by the time Cover even considers other SNS, artists will already be back to twitter.
Hopefully they have some back up accounts on there just in case. People have been snatching up their names while they can on that site left and right
That will just give them ever less reasons to move, not more.
What do we think is the announcement?
I have fuwamoco_en they can have it if they switch
biboo pregnant
Nerissa pregnant
Yeah by me
Shiori pregnant
Pero pregnant
All me
Do you expect any less from the slut?
ive got some special sauce that could help with their throat
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What about…
sorry mogogo your womb... it's dry
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Moco-chan you're next!
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She's gonna get pregnant too.
sex with wuffians!!
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Yes please!
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I think its ok to have sex with Fuwawa
You need my consent
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I have Fuwawa`s consent
I used to love her but after finding out she loves other men more it's starting to fade. I want to breed Mococo more and more
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Welcome to the Fuzzy side.
But remember Mococo can be a handful just in a different way than Fuwawa.
Explain in detail
they hit their 1m goal, now they coast on merch sales.
Rectangle shirts 2.0
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Well she's fuzzy and not fluffy
She's a bit bratty and needs to be corrected (tenderly)
Her dietary needs are very specific so you need to learn Fuwawa's cooking skills
She can be a bit tsundere but is still very loving
Needs to be reassured a lot(which I don't mind since she's cute)
Many other things as well.
She's a fucking whore addicted to jap cock, she's no better than Fuwawa
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Got any hard evidence to these slandering claims?
yeah mine
My name is Jap
There's no evidence because Moco-chan is perfect. It's her whore sister that goes behind her back and without approval to give extra attention to her favorites. Mogogo understands what it means to be an idol
sorry man, I'm Jap Cock, he's talking about me specifically.
First name Dimitri?
Become Japanese.
How can you loop the same shit for weeks?
feel like last phasmo collabwas forever ago
Will froggy Mococo make a return tonight?
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>because Moco-chan is perfect.
Nearly perfect.
Fuwawa better be playing today. Mococo is a whiny baby
You're dead.
I'm making it my life goal to be retweeted and dethrone these low effort fags. Instead of bitching let's do better and give them no choice but to stop rewarding mediocrity.

I will need your help identifying moments to clip
Probably and we'll also hear a dying elepha- I mean Fuwawa
anyone that clips during a stream is a lesser person in fuwamoco's eyes. to do that means that you think their stream is not worthy of your full undivided attention. That's damning and unforgiveable
Shut up cuck
CHADnix does just that and he's retweeted by them regularly.
Good luck lmao
My spirit lives on through each and every single one of you. Have sex.
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Abe is with us in spirit.
That's only pity because they feel bad for him giving all that money. He has no chance of being thanked by them and they're deep down insulted that he doesn't even care to give undivided attention to the people he claims to love. He's a nothing that will be forgotten. The people in chat and focused solely on them are the true Ruffians they love.
Not in our hearts…god rest your soul, you crazy Jap
On Sunday let's send a question about their retweet process again I forgot the approval stages
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Advent getting new outfits with a pregnant belly toggle
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I'm the child
even the pillar is here! is he back for new projects?
the dogs in the background are blinking i swear to god
they added achievements to Youtube?
Quick, FWMC's or Biboo's POV
The Fuwawa solo stream was so comfy if you’re able to ignore the insufferable backseaters in chat , I do really hope she plays again its so cute
Fuwawa's tits way, way, way too small in this pic.
Biboo and it isn't even close. You'll still hear FWMC and probably louder than they are on their own stream
Mococo sounds fine
Mocochan sounds a bit better
Mococo's voice sounds ok now
Already the only ones to not have a matching profile card
Do y'all think they ever gotten legit molested?
Holy BAUsed, Shiori
twannies get the wope!!
what did Fuwawa mean by this?
Fuwawa sounds worse than Moco-chan today, but will still do 80% of the talking...
both retard
Fuwawa sounds a bit raspy now though.
Mococo was faking her voice the other day
I used to watch Kaela play this for hours
QRD on Moco-chan's voice?
Man I love Advent.
Yeah, by me
>Nerissa can't even figure out the difference between muting everyone and muting herself
Professional streamer.
Yes, Mococo was actually raped IRL.
they are going to do a fucked up intro and fuck their voices
She's got bird brain please understand
fucking dorks
BAUSED and same
there's the slop clip that's gonna get retweeted. get posting it untagged and send sobbi $50
Why are they talking right now? They need to rest their voice! Just play silently!
That was cute, Advent is so cute
ruffians can you tell your dogs to stop fucking bau bau'ing constantly its way past its welcome
Ok, so how long until they start shilling merch? We all know that's the reason this stream wasn't cancelled.
dogs eat dog food
Not even waiting until the collab ends to antipost like usual, I see
wow, things look really different now in Phasmo
1 hour in is my bet
No, they won't stop with their faggot favoritism either
holy fucking raid kek didnt even wait 20 min
Fuwawa is not actually cute or sexy.
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but you're not their favorite though?
you can't take that away from them because otherwise they would be completely silent
you write like an ugly person, fix that
They’re getting ahead of themselves, it’s been 10 minutes and nothings even happened yet lol
nice projection
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I want to fuck suzy's brains out
so many tourists, you're all troglodytes
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Shiori..stop tempting Newissa like that
You're not clever, fag.
poor biboo has to carry all the shitters
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they are so dead weight kek
wuffians......i thought your oshis are supposed to not be talking right now....i'd hope they won't scream
wow the house looks way better now too
the soundgod has been dead for months haven't they?
nice cope uggo, now fix it
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>1600x900 resolution
Is Shiori...you know?
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they're so cute
Yeah the game looks good now like wow
oh wait it's a lighthouse, no wonder it looks different but the quality seems better than the other maps
you're literally typing the exact same way as me
autistic, yes. how new are you?
damn you're mad sister
yea it seems like it's better now compared to the last time they streamed it
is it just me or do they sound old as fuck on biboos stream? actually hags
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My cumslut, yes
It's funny because they probably have the most experience in this game
I wanna give advent my bone if you know what I mean
My wife? yes
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Same desu
My hands are white, clean, nails trimmed, and at a proper typing posture.
So no.
hope all the concernfags realize they're retarded now
Definitely went through a few updates since the last time.
They sound normal on Shiori's except them being sick of course.
They said they're both sick
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post hand and changing your typing style for this post doesn't count
Do you not have ears?
Careful the janny will get mad at you for racism.
Please stop... I don't want to cum to Fuwawa anymore...
Dammit Newissa stop trying to rizz the ghost
I can't cum to her anymore. Please stop. She's a lying whore that plays favorites. Just a fuck toy for people that pay. I thought she was the real deal
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This 7 says the announcement is new outfits for Advent
Wow after cancelling 3 and a half streams their voices are a little better. I'm sure they'll definitely learn from their mistakes this time.
is nerissa in her schizo arc?
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You fucked us all, but this 5 will save us.
>Announcing a milestone in the middle of a collab
That's kind of bad form.
why do you say this
>Fuwawa immediately trying to shill randomly but fucking it up
Nerissa is a beggar and a sexpest.
They sound fine, Mococo sounds basically normal
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9mil was all me
I won, fuwawa
It's the ghost of Susan Wojcicki.
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One more time, with this 8
You guys suck.
Ruffians would it upset you if they started screaming this stream?
I can fix her
FWMC Morning doesn't count
I don't care
They've already started screaming minutes ago bro
remember the shitstorm mori cause by thanking akasupa during their collabs at the beginning kek
Oh good, Mococo will ruin her throat.
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Well fuck
You fucker you stole my 5
They will NOT get new outfits, but even if they do, Fuwawa will NOT have a sexy outfit.
They shouldn’t do it but they’re scaredy dogs so I won’t be shocked if they do
There goes Mococo's voice. 3D collab will be ruined and fwmc morning will be cancelled
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Prep time means it takes longer than most of their other streams.
Skill issue. If I got a 7 you'd say I stole that too.
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>Fuwawa will NOT have a sexy outfit.
I hope you're wrong about that
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BAUsed floofies poster.
The state of /baubau/ when this moment happened
I would have but you didn't so now what?
Fuwawa HATES being sexualized like this. Her next outfit will NOT be sexy in any way.
This 5 says that Fuwawa's new outfit will show her pubes
If it doesn't count as a stream when they do it, it doesn't count as a stream when the cancel it
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It was a glorious stream and a good ass thread
This 5 says Fuwawa doesn't play favorites
Fuwawa is clean shaven, this 5 says so.
Is this a new account? I think they already had salt before.
being alive is optional on her checklist
99 bizarre summer
>Fuwawa will NOT have a sexy outfit.
Any outfit Fuwawa wears instantly becomes sexy.
here's the retweet
it always counts
Fuwawa has pubes.
this fuwawa says sex with fuwawa
Those dubs confirms that Fuwawa has a nice bush.
I could see that
only 2 months to go....
>GG bday
>all of justice
>the rest of advent
here's where we see if FWMC care about EN
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I fucked up
no more sex with Fuwawa
You already know the answer
can we get incest?
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They aren't there. She moved on to Promise now
There you have it
That's some pro level bowling.
Fucking LOL
>FWMC care so little about EN that they can't even bother to support one of their best kouhai in Gigi.
So much for being good senpai, I'm unironically going to post shit about them
they hate EN
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bau bau...
What happened to spur on sister now?
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Fucking Kronii before FWMC
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>reach into hat during FWMC's slot
>pull out Bae
this means something
>trannies sit in here 24/7 while watching other people when they're streaming
but it's all Real Ruffians!
Kinda funny that if the invitation was from a JP member they would do ANYTHING to be there kek
W-why does Fuwawa wear a dress like that...?
the one piece of homework they didn't accept...
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>Advent minus FWMC
so this thread at this point is where /#/ fags and global fags come to shitpost huh
kek it's literally everyone but FWMC in the latest 3 gens so far
I thought I made a mistake and was in global for a second when I saw all the GG pics
All the “real Ruffians” are in here begging for superchats criticizing them too
>we say yes to literally every homework
>don't even bother to reply to a kouhai that looks up to them a lot and even learned all the calls to BAUdol
I don't like the new FUWAMOCO very much
According to fwmc, yes we are nigger.
they are basically JP holos at this point
there is no point showing up for EN event
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Still no bau bau in sight...
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for the same reason mococos shorts are open
what did newissa mean by this?
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This is Advent now
Shiori start yapping at that ghost
>literally everyone in EN but FWMC are going
Even the worst antis couldn't make this up
The gaslighting from sisters is insane.
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You know Mori is busy too, FWMC
She still makes time for her EN kouhai
You are a nigger indeed.
True, nigger
FWMC really don't wanna be in holoEN huh
>grems raiding /baubau/
why are they like this? GG would be sad
I don't know how yesmen can defend the entirety of EN showing up outside of Gura. They really are going straight on her path
Gura didn't call in. Kiara didn't call in.
go back to /jp/
Newissa's getting desperate for ghost cock lmao
And still a ruffian
stop noticing things
>never raided btw
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And yet they're so ready to be a part of JP collabs kek
Wrong, sister.
Sister raid, not Gigi's fans.
Ruffians are the biggest EN anti
>r-raid!! sisters!!!!
Ok so what is the excuse this time for them not showing up?
Not sure why all these raiders are upset about FuwaMoco not being a guest. They shit on them all the time over in global.
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It means my cock is erect and I'm ready to empty my balls in the rat's womb
>30 shitposts about another talent
>while they are streaming
remember when sisters tried to say there are legitimate ruffians complaining in here?
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sisters still mad that they got BTFO'd by FWMC for the 3rd week in a row KEK!
Too busy accepting JP homework
It's shrimple really, it's not a JP stream
imagine hating EN so much you can't even spare a few minutes to call into a birthday of a senpai that constantly praises you. They did gigi dirty for no fucking reason. She's been so nice to them too
Right, nigger. For how much you are replying you are just as gone as anyone in gigi's chat.
why didn't kiara show
what is the excuse for her not showing up
she must hate gg and want to be JP to right kek
It’s not at a good time for Kiara, she mentioned it during the Mario Party collab earlier today.
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They are actually going to transfer to HoloJP KEKAROO!
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Reinerschizo was right...
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kek holy shit you sisters don't even watch holo how retarded must you be to believe these fags for a second
Unironically more raiding tourists talking about another stream than ruffians talking about the current stream, by several times, even.
Ended up being a great chance to serve as an example for the future, saving this thread.
Kiara's excuse is it's at like 2AM her time
They'll spend time with the Ruffians instead of joining another shitty collab.
All legit ruffians, not everyone is a 1 oshi cuck
can you guys shut the fuck up and watch the stream jesus christ
I do find it funny how if you pay enough attention most of these people raiding right now have specific patterns to their typing or "speech" kek
they also only show up when shitposting
See the issue here is this is a repeated problem with FWMC
you fags are way too obvious KEK
GG is raiding into the Advent collab, she loves her senpai so much. Shame its not mutual
Remember when fags like you didn't complain during a fucking stream?
KEKAROO nice bot faggot
I'm not even mad, they'd fucking ruin the dinner party with their annoying kayfabe, baby speak, and excessive bau bauing
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They’re not sending their best kek
>oh no i got correctly called out better deflect and cry
Yep, this one is getting ROASTED in the 'cord right now. You always talk more than you had to, Jamal!
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No seriously, why do they not give any efforts to participate in anything EN related?
JP is great.
Fuck EN, who cares?
imagine seeing someone do this and still not even caring enough to give them a few minutes of your time
Too obvious, sister.
Your mother is a respectable member of society, Bau Bau.
you fags really think you can cosplay as a ruffian by posting a FWMC image, kinda fails after the 3rd time samefag
They DID say JP was their first choice, so...
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They never do
They are going to transfer to HoloJP soon, so they don't even care about EN members anymore
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I think GiGi sucks
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I feel sorry for GG... at least the others are joining in
Oh right and they have ANOTHER JP collab on Sunday, not a good look kek
Neat they have games they can play inside the game
we love JP and hate EN here
FUWAMOCO belong to the Japanese
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You fags are the gayest. Who cares about Gigi, there's an Advent stream happening right now and you're all preoccupied with Gigi?
Sisters don't know that Ruffians hate EN so this is a good thing. I'd actually be upset if they were wasting their time with any EN streams not tied to merch for themselves because the sololive is only possible with catering to JP
Please stop posting Fuwawa pics...
Gigi cheered so hard for them, but it's not enough it seems
>Ruffians hate EN
Playing both sides again, sister? Nice falseflag
The sisters and a couple of tourists are, I however am enjoying the stream.
She's just like the EN ruffians...
Fucking yikes...
My dick is getting hard thinking about FWMC having fun with their JP fans...
Me too. She's a sweetheart and was also the only one keeping them involved in 7 days to die too on the final day by giving them a simple task that they could have fun with. She's a gem
I do wonder how other EN members feel about how blatantly they avoid EN events, collabs and even members outside of Advent while inserting themselves into as much JP stuff as they can
shitskin tranny janny
stop jacking off to your fellow tranny jannies on discord and coordinating doxposting in threads and CLEAN UP the anti-jp posting and troons spamming other girls besides FWMC
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Feeling a bit tempted?
Can they make the announcement already? This shit is boring
every time someone tries to say this thread only gets raided "sometimes" this will instantly annihilate them
I don't think EN members like them much. They're annoying and self absorbed
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Advent is doing pretty well
Also Fuwawa just went YEAHHH, this is great
today the got like 7 bait threads did something happen in niji, homos or phase? still setting about the 1 million stuff?
Isn't it weird that these random big bones somehow are inside the houses
i get so hard when she says yeah. someone needs to make a compilation of her doing it from the past week
based but he will ban you for racism and ignore everything else.
The jannies don't care unless you post a nipple, then they actually do something
Too bad they're too focused on homework and JP collabs.
People talk about GG here all the time. I was watching both streams simultaneously. I am disappointed they aren't going to be part of it
Yeah, sister was FUMING during the 1 mil threads. He actually got so pissed that he took an hour or two off from shitposting off cooldown around the time their announcement was a VN, instead of "they're moving to JP lololol".
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I guess the brain damage is too extreme
Get checked and maybe just quit watching vtubers
you think random bones are strange but literal ghosts aren't
kys retard
My bad
sure sis, all 30 of you right?
they wanted to participate but Gigi didn't invite them
I have no idea how would their interaction with GG be because I didnt watch the 7days streams
Get on it then.
>She's a gem
She's a grem. Biboo is the gem.
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Same, notice how these "ruffians" cry about posting other girls here when they do it all the time hoping another girl talks about FWMC. I was watching in hopes FWMC would appear for the dinner party and they're the only ones in Advent who aren't gonna be in it
It's NOT a good look at all
Check the anniversary totsumachi
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JESAS... I need to control myself... I won't be tempted by this sex demon
Yeah, me and all of my smart devices are really disappointed. We'll all leave a message on their hashtag saying that we really were sad to see they couldn't make it to Gigi's b-day.
>I opened it up to everyone in EN. Kiara talked about not being able to make it with me during the collab earlier today
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Newissa you can't offer them as a sacrifice. Not yet anyway...
Gigi even called into their anniversary call in the middle of the night... This is a very bad look
Hate to see her probably getting disillusioned with FWMC AND DRIFTING AWAY FROM THEM
>go to fuwamoco general
>don't talk about fuwamoco
mental illness
>they're moving to JP
You know they are going to do it KEKAROO!
Well the ghosts can come travel to the house
Dunno how these big bones happen to pop up in the house. It's not like the owners brought them in and left them there.
no one cares about you delusions tranny (is pretty funny how they use ramdom fuwamoco images that no one use to shitpost here)
They're only complaining now BECAUSE of how bad this makes FWMC look, and it practically feeds into the rrat about their feelings towards EN.
Everyone who posts about a different chuuba below this post will have their balls exploded, and if they have no balls their axe wound will acquire a lethal complication. This curse will carry over to the next thread as well. Be careful!
You can't even speak English
Why is one of her claws just floating there?
Exploded baelz
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Just give in, give into your urges.
weekly collabs with korone and okayu? sign me in.
>real Ruffians post about other holomems and potential content with FWMC or interactions - positive
>"real Ruffians" post about other holomems purely to shitpost and drag FWMC - negative
It isn't rocket science, sister.
theyll be fine even if everything they do is for personal gain anyways, so who cares about how it looks
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sorry but Baeposting is grandfathered in here
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Hey, it's not Grems raiding you guys, there's like 5 of us in this board and we normally chill in our dead split. Sucks they won't be there tomorrow but I know they've been overloaded with HW and are sick rn, it is what it is, I'm sure they'd want to be there despite all the shitposts. Hope GG and them can get along more in the future and sorry about what's happening
yea because she definitely wouldnt have been awake anyway
>"real Ruffians" post about other holomems purely to shitpost and drag FWMC - negative
Nice try faggot, but it was liveposting
No one knew FWMC weren't gonna be in it, when GG was pulling Advent members one out of another, it was only natural to expect to see FWMC join them
But they didn't, and that's really foul of them
Yeah, and they'll do all their streams in JP KEKUS MAXIMUS!!
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My balls already exploded to this
They aren't sick they are currently screaming at maximum power and have one 30 minute stream tomorrow. There's no excuse they couldn't call in
glad they learned nothing, good thing the 3d is prerecorded I guess
Don't worry bro, we know. Just what happens unfortunately, since these threads are abandoned.
no need to make excuses for them theyd have been there if she was jp
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god bless you and that you have lots of fun with streams
It's obvious and we're used to it, don't worry. People here like her too, she was really nice to them in the 7D2D last day.
I apologize on behalf of my oshis, grem. I'm sorry they don't want to give GG the time of day.
it's normal here, we know
then why are you here right now?
>more ESL babble
You aren't bringing your best today.
That FUWAMOCO scream woke me up.
grems, you are being railed by sisters due this
SHe's fine you retard. They got sick, and now they're getting better and her voice is coming back. It has nothing to do with them using their vocal cords.
b-but they're sick! they can barely talk and that's why they're not joining Gigi's birthday stream!
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Holy shit... This woman is too powerful...
>he can't read english
Aren't global and /#/ full of grems, which is why /Gigi/ is so dead?
And nobody thought it was actual grems. Grems are cool and so is Gigi.
she is so fucking hot how is it possible? I didn't think she was but in the past few months after they praised her she's become pure sex in my eyes. The way she moves... her curves..
>she was really nice to them in the 7D2D last day
nice of them to repay the favor
it's normal for this thread, raiders don't even try to not make it obvious
Why are we here?
Good, Im learning japanase, It will be good practice.
FWMC aren't snubbing GG because she's EN you retards, its because of her sub count.
It's a Ruffian trying to save face, probably
Just to suffer?
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Eat shit retard.
they didn't even acknowledge her doing the full calls to born to be baudol in BD. They're self absorbed cunts
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One day you'll be convincing, sister.
Who cares? It's Justice. Don't pretend people suddenly give a shit about that gen now
Everyone already said it’s fine so I’ll say Gigi was based for doing the BAUDOL calls and calling into FWMC’s totsu
Lmao they're playing hide and seek
Hey, at least they still do some stuff with Advent, even if it's usually just full collabs.
They ONLY love JP ruffians, they don't want wannabe JPs like you.
>I’ll say Gigi was based for doing the BAUDOL calls and calling into FWMC’s totsu
And what does FWMC do in return? Not show up for GG's dinner party
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>holo v holo baiting
Like just how blatant does it have to be to even get removed these days?
Gigi isn’t gfe
WTF how did Biboo get so good at hide n seek?
>pure lies
nijisister, the liars concert discussion is two threads down
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its fucking obvious that these niggers started the shit on Fuwamoco plan today.
Why do they always say bau bau when theres dead air?
But that would make them hypocrites since they're wanna be japs kek
Yeah. Maybe if Raden passes them up, they'll give her the time of day.
Ruffians, FWMC are JP cocksleeves.
You always spurn my advances because I'm too poor, Fuwawa. If you won't look my way, I'll force my love on you!
>not even 30 minutes after shitposting about it here and other threads
>makes multiple threads on the catalog
Totally not coordinated or anything.
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Don't threaten her with a good time
They're gonna catch so much flack when they ultimately transfer to JP but it's gonna be so based at the same time.
it's almost like a bunch of people here watched the announcement stream live, retard
kek the fucking 1 million subs mindbroke some discord, ruffian here know our schizos these retard who didnt now that she was a kohai selreported the whole raid
she is the small talent now is like they kept being ignored by Gura is just that they are Gura in this case
It’s not like the cuckffians would care. They’re all pathetic yescucks ready to watch FWMC gargle on nip semen.
>RIP Keith you dumb faggot
Wow Newissa that's harsh
Always making fun of me...I'LL RAVISH YOU, FUWAWA
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I missed about half the collab, but are people trying a FWMC hate GG angle? We deal with some uninspired bait /here/, but that has to be a new low
>more sister cope
Did you just have a stroke?
Jokes on you I get off on being cucked by thoughts of them taking jp tourists from all ends. I want them begging for disinterested ojisans to fuck and discard them like the dirty cocksleeves they are. Anything for attention and a sololive. I wonder if someone should start keeping track of how many cocks they take on this journey
you don't know what any of those words mea
You missed half the collab, but you are caught up here.
Go ahead, we’re waiting for you to explain why they’re the only ones in Advent who aren’t participating in Gigi’s dinner party.
>t-they’re busy
So is Mori, and she still made time for her kouhai.
>I missed about half the collab
I bet you did faggot lol
Nah bro, FWMC obviously have to cut out in the middle of a planned collab with 3 other people (their genmates at that) to go somewhere else for a few minutes.
Or something, IDK, sisters are mentally ill.
Are you fucking stupid or something? GG was just drawing names out of a hat. None of the guests she called were actually present for that stream.
How much longer will this be? I assume announcement in 30ish minutes since they can't go over around 2 hours for FWMC's sake?
This temptress...
Go ahead and give an explanation for why they couldn't spare any time for their kouhai they claim to love. It's her fucking birthday and she is one of the few EN members that love idols and idolizes them to the point of spending hours learning the calls to BAUdol. For claiming to be the bridge between EN and JP they sure are doing a trash job at it. They don't even have an overlapping stream at all tomorrow
/baubau/ actually likes GG bro do not worry this is like using Biboo to shitpost, no way in hell it works but they have tried since debut
Actual retard KEKYPOW!
KEK so bad
It doesn't take much more than opening the catalog and spending a minute backreading for that desu desu
Since the thread went to shit, I can proclaim my appreciation for Bae and I hope that they collab with FWMC in the future more.
Ask them yourself
Stop being a faggot
They've already cancelled multiple streams this week
If you actually used your brain you'd realize they'd obviously cancel everything expect for the collabs
luigi's mansion would be cool to see them play
a real gigi fan should be worry on how ERB was talking with the homos about gigi kek
Don't worry, we are all cucks here, we'll gladly accept FWMC transferring to holoJP and abandoning the EN ruffians
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Not like I even watch her, but man, that's even more of a nothingburger than I thought then.
>They've already cancelled multiple streams this week
All EN streams by the way, but I digress…
Little girls in SEA need to hide from horny boys and men every single day
Unless it's an EN collab or stream then it's first to drop even if they just feel tired or lazy or want to work on HW they procrastinated on while masturbating on twitter to their favorites
>minor spelling mistake
That would be cute! Some bosses could give them a bad time though
Embarrassing cuckffian.
I think they'd actually enjoy it a lot
>Except for the collabs
>The call-in is a collab
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>ESL mad at being mocked
Very wrong
every time sisters come here to shitpost about Fuwamoco something bad happen in niji or hs
FWMC won
Are there more horror multiplayer games they can play?
Marine... Why...
Anon, FWMC have never once cancelled a JP stream.
haha nice one DUMBASS
Holy shit truly nothing has change in 2 months since I last checked here
Probably, but most games with gameplay will do that for them I imagine kek
It's also pretty short so they could probably finish it in 1 stream if they did an endurance, or just 2 streams
I think so too.

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