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idolEN E-Sekai:
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【 ???? ???? 】
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idolEN WildFyre
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Previous Thread: >>87601071
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Sex with Koa!
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Sweaty sex with Poko
Roca makes me happy.
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Trust the plan
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I love Roca Rourin!
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Koa Love!
a 5 letter word
a 3 letter word
a 3 letter word
a 3 letter word
a 3 letter word
A 3 letter word
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Juna sex.
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Roca's audio is low someone please tell her to turn it up
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lol guess the girls are having fun. is this the new twitter trend that will be forgotten in 24 hours?
nope, tell her yourself
skill issue she sounds fine to me
I give it three days.
I wouldn't mind dropping a $10 anon dono to tell her that, but the audio sounds fine to me.
On going streams:
Fuyo was extra cute doing mafs yesterday and she's just as cute being terrible at outer wilds today!
Fufo love!
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holy fuck her model is good
this little fucking line of muscle is so fucking hot
I hope someone tells Lisa the blind girl's brother is the fighter guy with blue hair.
Hi cousins. This is technically members content but since it's just schedule, just wanted to let you know that Remia and Riko of VSPO EN is tentatively doing a watchalong of Wildfyre's debut together. It's not on Riko's schedule for some reason but I assume it may be last minute. Shouldn't be a surprise but yeah.
why the FUCK have any of them not claimed their names, even just in case
Man, at least get Jira...
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EU timezone plays a big factor unfortunately. It's why Remia was doing a lot of outside collabs and solo stuff and has only done a grand total of like 2 collabs with Arya and Jira until Riko and Narin debuted.
Agreed, pure sex
Do we have a list of watchalongs?
I know I can have a good time watching Daisy, but the others.... I'll need a cute chuuba to get through them...
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watching fuyo play at the same time as enya and seeing how they're both retarded in different ways (though fuyo is definitely more so) has been fun
but it also makes me sad because it shows the sheer contrast of their chat qualities, I hate enya's autistic trannies so much
Shitter, your calendar reps
This scene in the movie reminds me of that old webcomic where a guy gets his cat stolen by some abomination and follows it into some sort of hollow earth hive
Lego robot, eventually relaunched as plastic brick automation. Guy had absolutely great shit post comics and weirder series pieces like that.
this exact thing with bluesky has happened half a dozen times before. so your second part of that question answers itself.
>Plastic brick automation
Muh bad, plastic brick automaton
wrong post, fyuobro
damn what a blast from the past
quantum reply
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Brave doing idol ads.
>only 2 daisy ads
>FOUR cersea ads
Yena only gets 2 as well while Poppet gets 4.
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[Coni news] She's feelin it under her pits
I presume they get a similar amount run overall just some ppl had extra ideas so they made more variants
There's still two days left but seems weird to do 2-2-4-4
do you ever feel like snapping someone's neck when you make a joke and it doesn't get read but then a chat oshi makes the exact same joke a minute later and gets their dick sucked for it
Sorry lil bro better luck next time
I'm that chat oshi
Sex with ghost hags.
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noncon noises
That was me. Sorry loser
no that's a dumb thing to care about
Why aren't you the chat oshi and why are you reading chat?
fyoubros, why is frombo such a huge pussy
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get cucked
StreamElements :)
Hermanos Hebreos, so I had my "induction" unno whats the english term for my new job and it was 30 minutes of do this and that and ten hours of work... and it was $5 an hour.
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I'm gonna cum.
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we'll be eating good with daisy tummybros
Its kawaii, please understand
"orientation" here, usually
vaya con dios, amigo
that pumpkin my dick and soul
>retarded artists thinking that people will drop twitter over that shitty bluesky slop
Really autists? just uncheck the AI on settings faggots.
Jamstones are too pure
pure homos yeah
Juna cute
I love Roca so much bros
please at least read
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Hey, me too!
Same, fellow rockfucker
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she's amazing
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No one will folllow you there autist.
That, alright, okay, gracias
I don't care I just want you to read
No, but i am an artist and i get a lot of attention from my oshi, more than her paypigs and i love knowing how mad that makes them.
read what? that they will use your images, posts and shit to train their AI slop and you can turn it off on settings? wow
Based, artchads stay winning.
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knowing how to draw helps but it doesn't beat having a big cock
How about clipchads
That dude really went >b-but what about COCKS...
you won't be able to turn it off anymore that's the change retard.
That said if your art is on the internet it'll be trained without your consent anyway you're just allowing musk to do it now, but if your art is on any booru it's already trained lmao
the TOS literally doesn't even say you cant opt out. It's just there since its enabled by default.
>trust me bro!
it's written
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Still don't know what they meant by this.
See >>87638716
When you put it like that
I want to pollinate Daisy.
squishy Poko handjobs ToT
I wonder if this will become a part of the lore.
Kai live (ZZZ)
I've seen those paypigs crying rivers on blood on a discord server when this happens, seeing them so cucked and humiliated is the funniest shit ever
Whatever floats your boat
weird larp
This guy is still living in 2023
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Goodest girls.
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Meica is pokephilic ?? wtf??
now now anons, don't be sad your oshi brushed off your strong currency superchat, your oshi really needed to entertain the random artist that popped up chat for at least 10 minutes. fuyo did this a lot btw
>he's insecure
I want to make Poko happy and give her babies.
Just realized that Daisy isn't wearing any panties or what we're seeing is her panties.
i get followed by random vtweeter, vtuber accounts on xitter. some seem to be vgen artists, etc. this is just them advertising, right? does this happen to others? no, i'm not talking about the sexbots.
Lala doko
Yes, it's advertizing.
at the risk of triggering some shitposting, yes I think so, Coni has certainly harped on about it a few times
Yup, I've gotten dms from artists offering me their comms but never accepted.
Take a look at their tweets, 90% of the time it's bots skinwalking as vtuber artists
DMs are next level, but the following is just mass advertizing with the intention to make to followed user feel special and get his attention.
that makes sense. good to know, the telling part is how they always have high 'following' numbers in the thousands.
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Daisy and Tonya should groom each other with their tongues since they're both felines
this works wonders with Ruby btw
I agree and I want to watch them doing it.
why does her hood not have a back to it
i do this too by commissioning skebs for my beloved oshi. i only give nip artists the time of day though, i'd never give dirty western 'artists' like you the time of day.
cos it's a 2D asset on top of the model
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do you mean even naked and all?
Ewwww that's indecent you FREAK
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weirdo freakazoids
Anon why did you remind me that Enya and Tonya went to a sauna together and saw each other naked, now I'm horny again
What about Tonya and Daisy teaming up to suck Lisa's tits trying to get sheepy milk?
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lisa can join in
idk anything about enya so i can't say if she would get me horny or not, though i assume so. but having seen Tonya's RM's fleshposting, imagining her naked in a sauna gets me VERY hard.
...can I watch?
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soon check the stream usapin
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commissioners don't get artist treatment tho, compare how ruby reacts at commissioned artwork to how she interacts when it's the artist, it's the same for almost all girls but Ruby is a prime example.
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Damn, that's hot
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I fucking kneel anon
enya masturbates to the secret photos she took every night
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Then I'll have to put a baby in her to get her milk
sounds like someone is jealous lmao, like the other anon said, commissioners are second class citizens compared to the actual artists, even the filthy western ones like me.
Poko sexo!
wonder if Zoey is /here/
Poko just said on her latest drawing stream that she gets excited when she sees artists following her and appearing on her chat...
>his oshi doesn't use his works for her pfp, schedules, and thumbnails
>his oshi didn't immediately add him to her uber sekret PL for better paypigging and sekret discord (and more!)
stay seething. ywnbaja, or you will never be a japanese artist
Who is this anyway
she followed me, doushio
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I wanna rim every idol girl anus except Yena
And clean their gigantic throbbing futacocks covered in smegma except Yena again
it might work for some chuubas who don't have artists dedicated almost entirely to them (obviously not Ruby who already has like 2-3)
>his oshi doesn't use his works for her pfp, schedules, and thumbnails
But she does lmao
Sex her NOW
>delicious groomer wannabe cope
/jidf/ is healing
it's a boy
they do all that and some literally go on DMs with their fanartists anon, I can't even draw a stickman but your level of coping is really funny anon lmao
I can see the skin color of that shitposter
Scroll down her timeline. Even if she is, would.
and yet you keep replying. stay seething, "artist." kek.
Giga based
I'm replying because you keep humiliating yourself and proving every single point anons have been making on this thread about random artists cucking the hell out of paypigs, so I'll keep doing it to have more fun.
It's making me nostalgic for our maro arc
ask for tits
>he replied again
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You fags are being so gay rn, let me fix that
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allow me to help
Tfw no horny Poko wife
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DFC toggle for yellow lion please
I hope she has lore where when she's "In Bloom" she's oppai but when she's "Growing" she's flat
Is Poko traveling?
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that would be so good
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I am the final dumdum
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Yes, we're traveling to kinoland, buckle up.
Yeah she's coming to live with me.
yes because me (a western fan artist) told her to come over so we can have segs and laugh at paypiggies together
Don't you find it weird that she's doing a karaoke at 2am?
lmao how new
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don't you find it weird taking a cock up your arse batty boy
You mean her usual stream time?
Who does a karaoke at 2am when you have tons of roommates?
I can't tell if this is a bit or not
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Scuffkino time boys
I bet she smells salty like the ocean down there
>Lala news: She horny trust me
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poko kino
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megamilk toggle for yellow lion please
not now im watching kai
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my cute lil demon, you can kidnap me anytime you want... please
Give me the opposite instead, super giga tits toggle
Where is my fellow usapin?
Poko's little hand
Working, Lala's way too distracting to watch while actively doing something
Poko is litchurallyyyy perfect
>Lala: I'm not a masochist I just love you so much
smells like the bay
>Lala news: She didn't shower and is sweaty
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poko is being based again
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Real kino incoming
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Poko with the crunchy microphone is pretty kino
Momo doko?
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esekai is finally dead
They got isekai'd.
Man i wish Poko would do a cover of "Livgardet" by Sabaton, the swedish version to be precise
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kek, esekai already treated like they aren't there
To be fair, they haven't been 'there' for the entire year.
I mean they are quite literally leaving in 2-6 weeks. I doubt they are concentrated on the new hires as much as preparing to sever the cord and doing their prep for that.
Poko really sounds like a kid with how shitty her mic is
I want Poko to sing "I love little girls"
hot right?
I'm lowkey hyped to see endless together again
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God, please make it happen
Hell yeah!
working :(
well shit, drawfags drop your accounts
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The waiting room is up. They'll be watching the pirate.
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>i watched that dumb silent hill 2 dancing meme with duvet in the background
>pogo suddenly sings Duvet
Synchronicities are fucking weird when they happen
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>they're doing the shorter debuts
>the two worth watching are first so I can skip the other two and bail the fuck out of the trashfire that /jidf/ is going to be during them
how is Poko so perfect
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>and bail the fuck out of the trashfire that /jidf/ is going to be during them
fucking coward
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it is a mystery
Couldn't be me, it's gonna be fun.
Why does Yena Youngblood remind me of Buffpup?
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we say pyrophile 'round these parts, tourist
>bail the fuck out of the trashfire that /jidf/ is going to be during them
not gonna lie, I'm looking forward to that since it is mostly going to be shitting on the new girls and saying "Idol is dead" in different ways.
They should be called dickless, since Enya chopped all their dicks off.
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What are the gameshows? I only care about the Eternas so I'll only watch that (if I am not working)
idk but hopefully better than the offkai gameshow thing was
probably a collab to gather people and get a bigger raid for the debuts
Esperen, ¿y Meica? No...
Back to twitch where she belongs
Sorry, Idol only.
She got sent to the shadow realm
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i love pogo
Leeterally an anime girl.
>encore + nikki
the world you were born in no longer exists
why do people hate riki again? i know the stupid homo connection stuff and the fact she probably watches homos in her own time, but other than that, which seems pretty harmless if silo'd away, why are we hating on her again?
lol, lmao
can we remove Meica in next bake OP? thanks
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I'll miss Katta
Man her feet are good
Isn't that enough? Unironically.
they really are
she's like rin but worse in every conceivable way
The moment that /jidf/ changed forever
bukkaking poko
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Why did she do it bros...
You know these petting zoos? We should send Enya there. Put her in 1x1x1.5m cage and let people pet her.
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>no "Little girls"
I should've been a man and asked her in chat
poko is gone
i'll request it too if you do next week
poko raided a vod...
I miss Poko.
wee woo giving the gaslighters a 41% tutorial
didn't raid Lala? man
Ahh, tranny simulator. Perfect for Enya.
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>when im playing it they call it fuckshot roulette
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>shoots self on a 50/50
also angry enya is cute
>gets booze and ciggies
>"ooh I have soda and a box"
she's such a kid
[Enya news]
She doesn't have a Penis
It's over
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File: damn.png (9 KB, 399x80)
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I need visual evidence

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