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>phase connect content
Fishman, I think it's time for you to take Pippa out to pasture
Why does Phase attract people from SEA so much? Even holo and niji clippers watch them religiously.
Give me a qrd on this jacksfilm filian pippa threesome.
Low IQ content made by the trash of humanity
Jack mildly criticized Filian for being a reactslop channel. Pippa started full on seething and started saying he was worse than Sniperwolf and Keemstar
>unironically dropping a "le creepy"
yeah pippa's backpedaling into being a shitlib hard
Not surprising phasefags support doxnigs
Pippa’s so triggered she’s trying to get him canceled. It’s hilarious.
Why is it so hard to NOT post your shit takes on social media?
She might as feel a little threatened as the biggest reactchuuba on YouTube
zoomer retards have spent too much of their lives on social media that it's ingrained into them
This retarded cunt unironically tried being the kiwifarms vtuber before, and has the actual fucking nerve to seethe about someone else mildly dramafagging over reactslop? Really??? She even uses the vague ass "creepy" that means literally nothing and is just how catty twitter femoids try to character assassinate people when they have nothing to actually go after.
The funny thing is filian will barely mention it the next time she streams. Filian's biggest super power is not having woman moments on Twitter and ignoring drama until it goes away, which seems to be almost impossible for many vtubers.
It's clear that she did that for the luls and twitter and /vt/ fall for it again...
Did Sakana's paid jannies remove the other thread?
This is about a react content shitter defending another react content shitter, keep your retarded tribalism in check please anon.
There's no way the catalog threads aren't phasenigs "hate advertising" for phase like who fucking cares about this gay shit?
he's a balding white fucking male creep, meanwhile sssniperwolf is a strong and brave female woman, so much respect for her. I would simp for her anus.
Come on now...
Based flipper having minions do the shitflinging for her. She won't even acknowledge it next stream
She's going to start trying to label him and incel or misogynist or something next. One can only hide their true nature for so long.
It's easier to pay jannies than tell Pippa what not to do.
>I am merely pretending
Shes right. Remember when he made actual comedy skits? Now he is just react slop incarnate because money.
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Have you ever watched his content? Being creepy is literally part of his comedy routine.
>creepier than Keemstar
why do women lie as they breath?
Yeah I actually used to like him, now all of these people can burn each other.
>it's just a jest lads...am not creepy and balding at all
Because that is pippa's content
Because she would have sex with Keemstar but not with Jackfilms.
Proof that she lies?
Im just pointing out that people saying hes "not creepy" have never watched his stuff. Whether its ironic or not I dont really care.
I think it’s cause the OP image was a flesh tuber
>Pippa using incel as an insult
Back to 3view soon
Dude, you don't need to watch his stuff to know he's creepy. I watched the video where he talked about Filian and turned off by his creepy voice, no.
>Catalog niggers who hate vtubers are now siding with some grifter fleshstreamer
kill yourselves
wow a 2nd thread about this has hit the board
hating a vtuber doesn't mean you hate vtubers
Hating react andys doesn't mean I hate vtubers
then why are you siding with a react andy?
Jacksfilms is literally a react andy
Pippa is very unpleasant.
All these threads are made by Nijisisters btw, they want Pippa gone so they don't feel bad about watching Phase
White women
plappabros.... he's right...
Nice deflection phasenig
Pipcucks seethe
Niji doxxsisters and Pippa kiwifags are cut from the same cloth
Says a person who hides her face behind an avatar.
So /vt/ is being raided? You can at least pretend to know what a vtuber is.
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>Jack mildly criticized Filian for being a reactslop channel
I don't know this faggot and Idk why vt are seething but his content is the definition of slop
Phasecucks just keep taking Ls this year.
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The mind of a Pippa anti
>watched "is ksi new song actually that bad"
>turned out he make a parody of linkin park
Ok i understand why people love his content, that actually funny.
not a Nijisister, a vchuuba fan who got sick of your retarded bait threads and shilling during peak Selen Shock. I'm here to shitpost and throw rocks at your glass houses. Get your shit kicked in, and don't forget that your shitposting is what caused this
Nijisister cope
hello I hate all trannies and I also hate pippa pipkin
phasecuckold delusion, you can't handle your grifter queen looking like a grifter on main and everyone here making fun of her
Honest to god who is this Jack person and why should anyone care?
>Pippa anti
That flag seems familiar is she an old pippa fan or something?
Someone who makes pippa seethe and thus our bestest friend
I see 4-5 threads and no context on the topic or what the point is other than people who want to shit all over twitter are having a melty and continuing their slop here.
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Sister I don't think you're in any position to call others cucks...
shhhhh, don't tell holofags that she baits people, it's funnier that way
PHASEKEK SEETHE. Hey little retard, I was part of the PsyOp that brought Niji to its knees, I'm not your guy
>Haha guys, I'm merely pretending to be retarded
okay faggot
What a hero! ooo the proudest achievement of your life. wait. that sounds kind of sad
She gonna say he looks ugly next.
>mildly criticized
he's algo hacking
filian is popular, so make a video targeting whoever is popular to get views.
He will keep making videos until filian responds, just how he did with sssniperwolf and any other person he targets.
>Phasecucks think Nijis being sluts saves them

Reminder Pippa's '''''''rooommate''''''' said his dick gets hard when a simp drops a red superchat in her stream
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Why are you posting his out of date hairline?
I watch phase but i don’t watch Pippa at all
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>/vt/ content
Immediately try to dox her eh, chase?
She did this every weeks retard....remember Joker 2??? fucking dumbass
>play hogwart as le based trannie hater and then banned hogwart and jk rowling on twitter after the backlash as le based alphabet lover.
I can understand why.
It's over for him...
I don't watch grifterSlop like you, PhaseCuck
>tried being the kiwifarms vtuber before
a commendable effort, agreed.
The fucking ants?
You only watch the catalog so of course you know.
>4 fucking threads
holy fucking shit kill yourselves unironically
The last cope of a pippafag
It's more like 8 all up. Artificial drama just ignore it.
Pippafag is projecting so hard it's funny
like what you phaseCucks do ALL THE FUCKING TIME?
So true sister
>4 threads
Then according to this anon >>87668697, Pippa's plan is a success!
Let's celebrate with more threads
That's basically what she said
I don’t know enough about current jacksfilms to bother trying to hate on or defend him, are there any genuine jacksfilm stans here who care?
It's probably Pippa or kiwifags spamming these, they thrive from the drama.
You phaseCuks so desperately want to blame it on an outside being but the realistic thing is that a lot of us fucking hated your shilling and thought it was incredibly obnoxious as fuck like your grifting plappa. Do some self-reflection because you're defending freebooting and unnecessary character assassination on someone criticizing reactSlop. That is if you have a brain
Holy rent free
nope, I saw the opportunity to kick you shitters and took it, I have no regrets. Expect more in the future
I've watched him for a while, I don't disdain anyone involved I just like the yab.
kek very ironic considering fucking pippa is saying this
Welcome to the big leagues, your corpo will also get catalog yabs now
Pippa is never going to graduate no matter how much it hurts the feelings of 'more deserving' /liggers/ like you. Accept the fact you are unlikable and move on.
man she makes more money than you make in a year, fuck you think I'm listening to your broke ass for ?
None of these hairlines look particularly 'bad'. Have any of you gone outside in the last 10 years?
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eat shit fagsfilms
Sorry I don't listen to reactubers
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What's with this obsession with phase connect lately? Aren't they a small corpo? Does anyone actually care what some literal who is saying?
Are you starving dramanigs going after small corpos, now that Niji is completely irrelevant?
Still better than Pippa's
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It's true.
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Capipis, our response?
DAMN, it's over
Who the fuck are these people? Who among Pippa's viewers gives a shit about this?
Quit samefagging Amaunet
why are you posting your own twitter posts /here/?
I don't want pippa to graduate bc i want my oshi joining cuckconnect I want her to graduate so that joke of a corpo can crash and burn with all the other griftwhores
Mating press
>Supporting your friends is bad
Wonder if Jackboi will start crying to daddy youtube again
Her face is 50% forehead
oh no no no no no
nowhere near as bald as pippa tho.
>Verification not required.
they're the same picture
>Verification not required.
This dude funds himself with betterhealth scam shit. Pippa is right on this one.
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>checks account
>its a /pol/tard mad Pippa isn't based enough
i'm truly shocked
It's all so tiresome.
She hasn't collabed with Kirsche since Palworld, but pulls shit like this. Shaking my damn head.
there's only one difference
>nijisisters are kpop fags
>phasecucks are culture warriors
Someone should tell Pippa, that if she doesn't know what she's talking about, she doesn't need to give her opinion.
fuck off proctor
No its good. The sooner she's out of phase the better the whole company will be
It's not a super power, avoidance is her coping mechanism. It's in part why she never did anything about her retarded mod team
>I'm not a nijisister
>I'm doing this as revenge for what you did at Niji's worst moment
You're really bad at this, aren't you anon
because if your friend is a piece of shit, then you should put them in their place instead of enabling them, otherwise you're a shitty friend
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her two friends in the corpo aside I don't want my oshi anywhere near your shit corpo.
She should call him an incel and a misogynist that's who her audience is. Career suicide just like that. Her audience are literally counting the days till she goes full kiwifarm alt right grifter again is what they subscribed to her for.
>appeal to mammonism
She's left of Ben Shapiro. Nothing she says is actually edgy, it's all a facade.
I wanna breed Pippa, I hope that helps.
>muh poltard
>your oshit was just bragging about trump tweets recently
tiresome indeed, I look forward to the day this cunt dies.
If that were the case she wouldn't be living with her parents.

The girl has terrible spending habits and clearly can't manage money.

She doesn't even have medical insurance.
Kill yourself Amaunet
why is it when women have no real counter argument they always just fall back to >le creepy?
I don't even have a twatter account, retardchama.
>She's left of Ben Shapiro
You say that like I know literally anything about your e-eleb. You politics niggers don't belong here.
I don't really consider pippa a vtuber
She's more like a form of cancer
>if your friend is a piece of shit, then you should put them in their place instead of enabling them
I agree but i don't think that not crediting literal memes is enough to warrant being called a piece of shit. I remember a couple of years ago 4chan shitting on reddit for getting uppity about Instagram and twitter pages stealing their memes.
>Nijisister are Fujos
>Phasecucks are browns
if you want to do a watchalong, then do what they do with movies and link the video rather than showing the thing on your screen
stealing content and making money from it is a piece of shit thing to do, on top of it being no-effort and non-contributing
that plastic cunt sniperwolf got shit on by everyone above the age of 12, yet kirche gets a pass because she's an anime girl? sounds like double standards to me
I dont care for any of the parties involved
I however wouldn't say no to cumming inside pippa and then parting ways shortly after.
Marking her is good enough for me, I don't actually want to stick around though
Tight pippussy yea
>Jack: I like vtubers I think what they do is very impressive, but this content is a bit lazy.
>Pippa: This guy is worse than Hitler.
She is just fishing to see if he makes a video reaction out of her videos
Why are you simping for her so hard like your life depend on it? he doesn't even talk about pippa.
She make an L take and going full retard on xitter, just owned it and be better.
Huh? Isn't jackfilms a guy who makes video skits? What is this retard talking about?
All i know is, he's more based than pippa for taking a stance instead of grifting on other people like jackfilm right now.
People would say this is gay, but everyone should run a train, creampie her and leave afterward.
>simping for a man
That's pretty homosexual of you DESU
>M-muh pippa antis are all trannies!!
>No wait, pippa antis are all le poltard chuds!!
Maybe it's that literally no one likes your balding whore, pippacucks kek
I do find it funny he goes after fillian who mostly reacts to 8 second meme clips instead of any of the more egregious people like asmon or even other vtubers. There are so many other better examples of react slop on that shitty site I just don't get it.
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Welcome to my world.
Damn things are grim when her only defender is a flip dramafag.
Grifter invading other communities
Been saying this for a while. Pippa at least tries to make herself better because she generally loves Phase and she saw the Off Kai drama get out of hand but the people who use to orbit her--people from Kirsche's group--are pure cancer.
Fucking cringe. Wasn't she supposed to be "heckin' BASED and red pilled" or some shit? I guess she's just your typical retarded woman after all
>omg he's so creepy r-right guys?
When you have no real argument.
Lel sssniperwolf said the exact same thing about him when she was having her meltdown over him BTFOing her, "creepy" is what women default too when they can't come up with a real reason to dislike someone.
>he looks creepy!
>it's just a balding white guy.
And people really wonder why young dudes are going schizo
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idk what kind of content Jack makes but no fucking way he is worse than sniperwolf
The average woman isn't creative when it comes to insulting people. They also fucking suck shit at finding logical faults with someone that isn't completely emotionally driven.
Pippa would say you're gay for not simping to metokur, which I'm already am.
/pol/cucks are the exact audience that Pippa wants though.
Not anymore. She wants to get noticed by Holo senpais and that won't happen if she panders to conservatives. Like every typical woman, she just changes her political views to whatever will benefits her socially
If you don't look like Henry Cavill you're basically a creep.
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not to kitty cat man, he used to be pretty funny though
>>Why are you posting his out of date hairline?
Why don't you post Pippa's hairline? :^)

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