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/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images - :3

Previous Thread: >>87602143

>/vtai/ Wiki (WIP)

>/vtai/ Resources
https://rentry.org/vtai/ | FAQ: https://rentry.org/vtaiFAQ | VTuber XL Loras: https://rentry.org/vtaiSDXL | VTuber LoRAs (ARCHIVED): https://rentry.org/vtaiLoRAs | LoRA Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtailorachecklist | EF+HLL Guide: https://rentry.org/5exa3 | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/vtairecipes | VTuber Prompt List: https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts | Embed/Thread Archive (OLD): https://rentry.org/vtaiarchive | vtaiArchive: https://rentry.org/fhydhwdm

>/vtai/ Scripts
Catbox Scripts: https://github.com/CCC-anon/CCC-Scripts/tree/main/catbox

>/hdg/ FAQ + Embeds, Hypernetworks, Models, LoRAs
https://rentry.org/hdgfaq | https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | Pony Artist/Character Hashes: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf

>Cloud Hosted Installs (Now Require Payment)
Colab for Complete Retards: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1STL60qfoY-iSlhRb9zFETRLTqhNbznRf | Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion/blob/main/fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb | Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy

>/vAI/ doko?

>GPU Performance Data

>More Resources
4chanX Catbox userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
5ch NovelAI wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/nai_ch/
Models: https://civitai.com/ | https://huggingface.co/
More links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link
Getting Started (Legacy): https://rentry.org/sdhypertextbook

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Request anchor
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New model, woohoo. If I understand LAX correctly, this is 13 epochs? The last test version that was uploaded to huggingface was epoch 3, so that's a pretty significant jump.

Gonna need to test some stuff, but happy to report that illustrious loras are still very much compatible (look at this silly little cc).
Sadly, it still doesn't seem to know cc on its own, despite having learned characters like Ellen Joe, and still struggles with hajime and I feel like kanade might also not be fully known, but at least the others work well. Makes sense when you look at the image counts, and it's still an improvement at least. Maybe later versions will learn them, we'll see.

>It shows up in her posing too.
Yeah, pretty nice that those associations just exist
Dog wife is for petting, not beating
That's paint, right?
That looks very pretty
Yeah, I think Euge said it was done for just a few 100,000 steps, and you can really feel that. Still, there's something there that just isn't in the eps version, so hopeful for future conversions. There might be a vpred version coming of the 0.5 noob version as well, though not sure
Nice roboco
Yeah, they seem pretty different from my tests already. Glad I only just started my mix mining, so I can just switch to the new model
>epsilon pred
As far as I understand eps pred is the default for most models, so I don't think it should be incompatible with anything that works for others. Or do you mean in terms of merging with models? In that case it might work with illustrious based models, since loras still work, not sure about others though. I know illust was compatible with SDXL based models, somewhat at least, so might be worth a try.
Strange, haven't noticed any artifacting. Or at least it's much less noticable than it was on Illust, which was easy enough to get rid off. What are your parameters?
wawa died and got rezzed early so she's stuck as a grumpy loli
Requset for Kaminari Clara in overalls only. Background of your choice but a strange/liminal farm would be nice if it is not too much of a trouble.
I merged Noob 0.5 with an Illustrious finetune and it was giving me a weird texture, almost like a pencil cross hatching. It was extremely noticeable on inpainting, less so on initial gen.
Maybe I'll try some different merges later.
Base model is fine, looks a lot better than EA and Pred.
Requested Flare in a Hooters outfit in a bathroom getting groped and impregnated like picrel but with her eyes closed please: https://files.catbox.moe/uhg96i.jpeg
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requesting :3
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thanks :3
could I get a box for this one?
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Mhm, that's very strange. Which finetune did you try to merge it with? I just tried it with pasanctuary at a simple 50/50 merge (once with 50/50 clip, and once with 100% noob clip), and while it has a bit of that illustrious roughness, I guess that's a given in a model containing more of base illustrious. Inpainting didn't really feel worse either
Day 18: Couple
I would think with Illustrious easily clearing 2girls this should be pretty easy for prompters
What's the story with this bike?
IIRC, it's something about prompting Mori on a bike but she didn't appear or something
Suisei and Choco-sensei in a supermarket, both with ponytails and casual outfits, grabbing groceries for a later cooking collab
I did a different merge and it seems fine.
The finetune I used had a bit of pony in it too, maybe that messed with it.
Ah, yeah that would do it. When I tried merging base Illust with other models, I had to be increadibly specific, or I encountered had similar problems.
I see, thanks.
Adding some black magic to soften it...
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femboy tenma getting railed by that femboy lizard maid from black souls 2
Suismug :3
Hags teaching some sex education in school and asking for volunteers for a live example.
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Rerequest >>87630570
thanks for the juicy Marine nips!
Moona erect nipples under clothes is my favorite thing of all time
And done. I think I've got a competent Noob 0.5 model now.
Outfit has some mistakes but that's stuff the base models do too, this is more of a style and hands test.
Great abs on Subaru
Oh boy people weren't kidding when they said artists work differently.
Tried a bunch and they all look very wrong.
Raita, Wada, Eroquis and a bunch more.
It clearly knows them but they don't feel right.
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Dropped here to say, those were some epic Wawa
Moribike my beloved
Justice actually doing their job and catching/arresting Advent
>Tried a bunch and they all look very wrong.
Really? I wouldn't say any of the ones I've tried look "wrong", but there's a big difference in what the model has picked up on vs the pony LoRas I have. In the same way I feel like there's also a huge difference between some LoRas of the same artist too.
I've used both Illustrious-XL SmoothFT and Simple Illustrious merge and the same artists look shockingly different on both of these illustrious models. Nyanctha for example gets ultra thick rough lines on all images on SmoothFT, but they get way smoother on Simple.
I can't even get a Raita gen that looks good enough to post a comparison.
It looks like you Gave Raita a sheet of paper, a box of crayons and told him to draw tits.
And he did a respectable job of it, I suppose, but still.
I can get decent Raita looking images on Illustrious (various finetunes) and Noob 0.1.
If it was just him I'd chalk it down to one artist being fucked/needing a new prompt, but I have yet to find a single artist that looks right.
From some more testing, it's something to do with one of the LoRas I baked in. I think.
Strange because it's the same ones I used on 0.1. And they look great on base gens.
But I went back to the base merged model, manually loaded the LoRas minus the one that's causing issues, and I can get the artists to look fine again.
Weird, but I can live without that LoRa.
Need more testing on 0.5 but it does look quite different with same artist mix

Cute couples
Honest question, why are you trying out artists on a model you already baked loras into. I assume, you did so to get a specific style, so that would obviously change what other artists look like.
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Here you go, it's comfy also has a bunch of experimental stuff in there to try and wrangle the Vpred model. Let me know if you just want the prompt.

Good the LoRAs are still compatible. Cute CC
Fuck these are cute
Based Yuri, love Yuri
Dang brat needs to get grounded for a week >:
NTA but that's good, was scared forgetting was starting to happen, Most of my mixes have changed though, gotta re-weight.
Cute and the rare good handholding!
fubuki and mio making out in the shower
Lamy with a champagne bottle between her breasts, and popping it open with a paizuri.
The LoRas I baked into it are low weight and are meant to improve anatomy, backgrounds, colors, etc.
>I assume, you did so to get a specific style
While they're nominally "artist" LoRas, they're closer to checkpoint extracts in what they do and what I use them for.
The base outputs are a lot prettier, but it's not reproducing any specific style.
If I baked a strong artist LoRa into the model, I'd just have a model that does one artist well and nothing else. I just load a LoRa normally or prompt for a specific artist if I want to reproduce their style.
They still look different, but now it's at a reasonable level, where different prompting can most likely improve it.
Before it was horrible. I don't know why 0.5 goes nuts with that one LoRa, only when prompting artists. Oh well.
>are meant to improve anatomy, backgrounds, colors
Hm, I see. I'd still think this would probably influence the style, but I haven't really used artist loras in such a way before, so can't really speak on it.
>they're closer to checkpoint extracts in what they do
So you're training them yourself? Can I ask why you're not doing a concept lora for what you're trying to improve then? So, images of different artists doing the thing you want better, making it not aligned to a specific style. Not trying to sound like I'm dismissing this here, just genuinely curious, cause if that's what you've always done, it obviously worked for other models.
I feel like a version of this meme with various vtubers would be useful...
useful? useful for what exactly
Futa Kiara small or average size preferred
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>I'd still think this would probably influence the style
Any LoRA will influence the style, but the effect is so small it doesn't really matter. When it works correctly.
It's just to get the base output to look softer and better. I'm not a fan of flat, overly 'anime screenshot' type gens.
>So you're training them yourself?
Nah, I tried a few times but it never really worked out. I just grab, test and combine LoRas.
>Can I ask why you're not doing a concept lora for what you're trying to improve then? So, images of different artists doing the thing you want better, making it not aligned to a specific style.
I've seen a few LoRas that supposedly improve backgrounds as a goal, and I didn't like a single one of them. Either they're trained to only work for some specific backgrounds (eg. mountains) or they're trained to only work for some specific backgrounds, but don't tell you.
I don't think a concept as broad as 'Do what you were doing before, but better' is doable intentionally.
>cause if that's what you've always done, it obviously worked for other models.
Yup, been doing it since 1.5. Not the same LoRas obviously.
Ah, ok if you don't train them yourself, that second part isn't really relevant.
>Either they're trained to only work for some specific backgrounds (eg. mountains) or they're trained to only work for some specific backgrounds, but don't tell you.
WorldyXL worked in my experience. But yeah, usually they aren't really useful.
>Do what you were doing before, but better' is doable intentionally.
This is obviously highly anecdotal and a matter of opinion, but I did do a lora that was just a bunch of "good" images, and it did keep the image basically the same but improved a few details like ears, eyes and hands. However at the amount of images(~3000) I used, it was probably more of a discount finetune than just a regular lora. Never really did formal extensive tests, just a bit of AB testing and then just used it from then on, so I can't really say it really did, but it felt like it at least.
Also using extracts from dpo improved models also supposedly work. Don't know if I agree, but that was the entire idea behind some of the early attempts at improving illustrious, and some anons swore by it.
But yeah, you obviously have had success in the past with this, so it's a bit strange. Maybe the Loras for Noob/Illust aren't good enough yet, or it's because the training isn't done yet. Who knows
When the intern gets lazy and decides to train the AI for the Suibot on a dump of internet memes overnight.
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Kek this was funny. The base gens seem good enough now on 0.5 without needing upscale.

Oh man I was at like 300 a little bit ago. Still at that with LoRAs though, gotta clean those up kek
shortstack parkdona pissing lewdly
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I've mostly been ignoring the holoctober prompts but this is the perfect time to gen my crackship

This is sort of creepy but crazy good
posing* fuck
Don't feel like opening SD to gen something real quick so no image.

Kek I try my best, just went through a couple of hours of setting everything to alphabetical order, since I have been delaying it too much.. now I just gotta prune extra links and the list will be perfect
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>Try to post a request fulfillment as a long list of catbox links
>Our system thinks your post is spam, please reformat and try again
REEEEEE, why can't I do it when I see other anons do it all the time?
I got so many amazing gens when trying this, but the skirt kept getting fucked up on the best ones. So I wasted like an hour trying to chase some of the poses on the messed up ones, lol. Took embarrassingly long.
>Upscaled one
>Lowres non-upscaled ones
>Fucked up but still good lowres ones
>It looks like you Gave Raita a sheet of paper, a box of crayons and told him to draw tits.
Fucking kek.
I have never tried mixing a model or making a LoRa ever, but what you described sounded similar to style LoRas fighting each other.
Bit late, but good job on the Shuba. My only problem on Illustrious is that even after highres.fix my hands still look like shit. Your shuba hands there look great.
Wow, it gave them the correct breast sizes! I guess I should try some of my 2girls gens again and chill on the body tags.
Chuubas under various everyday situations fighting to contain the urge to pee and either succeed after finding a restroom or failing miserably by pissing themselves while standing up, or doing so in unconventional places like in a sewer, a trash bin or a sink.
desperate need to bury my tongue in that butthole
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DPO and SPO or improvements LoRA in general are just hard to gauge if they actually work or not just by random these all are. I think smooth finetune helped the artifacting but going beyond that, I don't know, I think it helps is all I can say kek
One thing I think I can say is base illus has a lot more unique angles and comp which sadly results in the wonky anatomy,

Cute crackship
Excellent gen!
Most of my hands are manually edited.
On Subaru the middle finger hand needed nothing. If you prompt for the hands to do something, they're usually genned correctly.
The hand on her hip was a large tumoral mass, so I manually deleted most of it and inpainted it.
On https://files.catbox.moe/bmeap7.png the hands aren't too bad. The condom hand has just a little error that would be easy to paint over manually.
The other hand I'd redraw a simple thumb, remove the little bit of meat (?) between the thumb and index finger and give it a light inpaint.
Doing god's work anon, thanks!
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Requesting chuubas reacting to getting it in the wrong hole.
Nta but great. Could you do Kronii too please?
You'd be smug too if you could give yourself a boob hat.
Even as a dullahan :3 never disappears
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Hot. Would let Suibot try to murder me
Strongfat Mori seggs
Two men sucking on Gura flat tits while she's asleep
I kinda gave up on learning inpainting over a year ago, when you are talking about painting over and redrawing do you still mean inpainting? Or do you mean actually loading up a program to edit the image?
Are you drawing a reference for the inpaint to follow?
Sorry for asking questions I could probably google.
Cute shooting star
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Yeah, manually draw over with the right colours in paint.net or an equivalent program. So the condom hand would be picrel.
Then you inpaint that at 0.4 or thereabouts.
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Separation still seems to be ok, consistently got them without bleed as per regular Illus.

Box please?
Initial gen had the dullahan prompt at much higher strength to get it to actually gen.
I think I had it at 1.8
Thank you bro.
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I dunno if that anon prompted for it or if they're even using the model, but I feel like illustrious is really obsessed with doing :3 faces when you prompt for smug. Not to say that it doesn't look smug but I feel like earlier models had a more distinct smugface
I did prompt for :3, that was the request.
I guess without it it still kinda does a :3 face, but it's nowhere near as strong.
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Still haven't found an artist mix I really like, though this one seems promising.

Also, still testing, but scheduled cfg seems really cool

>cute cc
Nice workflow. I was wondering, I have seen the multiply sigmas node a few times now, and tried it once, but wasn't sure what exactly it does. So...what does it do?
>I think it helps is all I can say
Yeah, I feel like those Lora's it's rarely possible to definitely say it's better. You can just try get a broad sample and ask a bunch of people, but I'm not sure if there's a way to actually prove any improvement, without first finding a way to mathematically quantify the "quality" of an image.
Dangerously smug

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