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Previous: >>87489699


>Original songs
WAO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt5SB2igQUM
Otome yo motomeyo QED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvmDTbmal64
Egoistic seesaw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIK13uH30gg
Shijyo Saidai no QUESTION! https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=4MHgF1_jya4
Unbalance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLCs_rT8iKI
!!!DreamCooking!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpAa5ZytTQc
Tear Gazer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QIQk3StRmc
New Journey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q30q9XR6DRA

Solos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCxKJRIVDrYHVk6OfBsuGwIujL63ooOQV
Collabs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCxKJRIVDrYFg33j7wh8HIDXD2TLQu_1C


>Earblessings, Sneezes, Treats and everything that bloated the OP

>Generals containing Koyo

>Mayo Rules
Always end with Koyo.
Always end /holox/ with Koyo.
Joshus may process all data without restriction (/mayo/ ended with Koyo)
All mayo rations have bits of eggplant in them. (/holoX/ ended with Pokobee)
Don't break the rules! Don't delete the rules! Accept your punishment! Be good Joshus! Watch Koyo! Spread Koyoyo!
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That was futaKoyo thoughbeit
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When's she finishing SH2?
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Fully? Never
Her current suicide run? She said next week
femshu my beloved
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recharge time keep the lab safe!
This joshu picture is one of my favorites. His belly looks so stuffed, like he just ate lunch and decided to take a nap
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As the week winds down, remember—like the last scoop of mayo in the jar, you've spread yourself thin, but you've held everything together. Rest up and recharge for the next one!
so wise!
FF10 begins tonight!
I love stinky Koyori mayo
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Just secured a job! Though it doesn't pay well enough to be a paypiggie. Pien...
I'll miss FF9 thumbnails.
I feel sad that i have to do my japanese reps now since i have so much free time.
You'll have a better understanding of Koyori.
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I pride myself of being more perceptive of Koyori than the others!
celery man joshu!
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Brick by brick towering to the skies!
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How deep?
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