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Unholy amalgamation Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 10/16:
1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (7,664)
2: https://twitch.tv/Sykkuno (5,763)
3: https://twitch.tv/vei (3,635)
4: https://twitch.tv/lilypichu (3,178)
5: https://twitch.tv/CottontailVA (3,112)
6: https://twitch.tv/OliviaMonroe (2,832)
7: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,442)
8: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,071)
9: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (1,867) *Tie
9: https://twitch.tv/deme (1,852) *Tie

1: https://twitch.tv/nacho_dayo (3,011) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/orkpod (2,906) *Russian
3: https://twitch.tv/hennie2001 (1,959) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
/lig/ is a thread for chuubas of a decent size who aren't defined by their corporate branding, either due to the small size of the corporation, lack of brand cohesion, or the independence and lack of oversight granted to the talents

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)

>/lig/ Wheel of Names


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
October 18th - Squchan
October 21st - Grape
October 24th - Batat & YUY_IX

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>87671654
I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
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I do need bagel
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I want to be Para's mommywife and change her diapers.
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You don't need any more carbs. They are very calorie dense
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I'd eat Lucy's bagel if she asked
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I've been able to keep a steady weightloss this week but I'm at the point where I want to binge eat god damn I want a bagel so bad
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bnuuy cnuuy
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Love my wolf wife
Blue yapping healing my soul
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Vtubers have made me stay in a very comfortable hole when it comes to the internet.
Kek saru learning why you don't do more than your job asks
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Never watched this Deme lady before but I opened up her stream and it looks like she has some pretty large tits.
Anny should kill herself.
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Chuubas take notes, this is what REAL merch looks like
don't do it, imagine tenma or marimari's face looking at you disgusted at your display of slobbery
Sadly there is not much else to her. She mostly does react content and CS2 and her react content tends to be pretty boring
I didn't get to watch it, but I did see that she collabed with Filian a few days ago. How'd that go?
Saru wants Meat, but not dicks for once.
She bailed on the collab so Filian cold-called Tenma instead
height and weight?
I don't watch filian so I don't know sorry
5'5 and 327lbs
you can't be serious
uh based?
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Holy bloatmaxxer.
I would rip a fat line of kuucain off of kuu's ass
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5'10 244 as of my morning shit
the lardest liggerman
I see, what's your goal weight?
I'm 5'11" ~180lbs right now and I'm trying to get down to 165.
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150 lbs like i was in college

If I can get stable at 170~175 I'll be happy
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Happy Monday lig I blub my oshi!
liggerman would say based if it was a chuuba
That's a good goal range, good luck with that.
Do you lift at all? Once you do hit that weight you will likely gain a little back but if you lift a lot of that weight gain will be muscle and you'll be able to eat without worrying about blowing up too much.
stop being so tall
Depending on muscle mass that isn't terrible
grimmi likes resting her bare feet on gaspars lap
your fat retarded ass should have to do five squats for every post you make
>above average height is tall
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Yeah I do weighted squats and some light full arm lifting at the moment, really it's just it's fucking friday and i've been on a calorie deficit for the week and now i want 6 bagels with half a pound of cream cheese each, this is the cycle
I like resting my bare penis on grimmi's mons
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womp womp
average height for males in the US is 5'10".
I'm 4'8 and 85 pounds..
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I can only move a total of 1200 lbs during an exercise routine I'm not exactly built
Nyana you slut, stop posting here
I wanna carry fuck you
I want to hold you in my arms like an injured bird
Big doubt on that desu, I know they do measured tests but I regularly go between 4 really big cities here and the average is more like 5'8".
He'd need to be built like fucking Mike Tyson
5'9 actually
I don't give a fuck
Hmm. I could probably fuck a boy with this build if he had a cute enough face and a shape I liked. I'm male though. Round belly or rolls?
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Last anon is correct, it's roughly 5'9" in the US.
You cared enough to reply ;)
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Saru 3D porn soon
>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-12-31]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig

>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide
I didn't though
any NTR themed liggers? And I don't mean they have a bf they bring on stream, but like they actively mock chat and tell their viewers to lock themselves up in chastity and fund their birth control
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When's the Earl 3D porn coming?
Please post the soundpost
You didn't quote the post, but you still replied to it
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I've watched her and she's just stupid, I need a woman who is actually evil and takes pleasure in destroying men's egos
nu uh
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The pig nig new always cracks me up
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You've just gotta tank a bit of hunger if you're on a deficit, but it gets easier as you go. Your body just cries out for what it's used to, so long as you're getting enough nutrition you should be able to take it.

Ganbare Lucyposter you can do it
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Tomorrow but only in anoza timeline
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Saruuuu! Im finally done with work! Now I can relax, get some food, and watch stream. I was listening most of the time and took a peak now and then so I'm not that far behind, need to catch up on the last 30 minutes while you eat
Murmraider did an unironic blacked NTR roleplay for Valentine's Day one year, if you ever wonder why she didn't take off despite the high quality 3D model
im feeling very lolicon today
That makes more sense to me, I'm a just about a centimeter under 6 foot,REEEEEEEEE, and there's always a clear feeling of I'm taller than everyone in a crowd until an actual tall male comes around.
Posting this in /pcg/ is one of the best ideas I've ever had. Those guys are all crybabby retards but they can make some funny soundposts.
I think you aren't really considered tall until you're like 6'1" because that's when you are noticeably taller than other guys. Anything below that and you're still within one standard deviation of height
Saru: I don't even know what is sigrit and bird!
what was her response to this
3D pookie sex?
small body and tight midget pussy
Pouring vinegar in your eyes is preferable to watching Layna streams
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That's so funny and I can't explain why
>"game dev backseats saru'
>what? How do you expect me to know that
>"its invthe tutorial"
It doesn't play :(
Do you have actual job that provides money?
Should be saru 2.0s 3d , that's what been worked on for the past like year
Frog really blowing out her chords doing that hag voice
In 6 days it'll be Moriko's birthday, show your appreciation by contributing to her birthday card!
Card rules:
>Submissions must be SFW
>Image dimensions must be a multiple of 200 (200x200, 400x400, 200x400, etc.)
>No AI art
>Do not sexualize the bat

Some things Moriko likes for inspiration:
>Her friends (non-inclusive): Girls FC, Shondo, Kitanya, Oli, Stalker Alker, SandyLoam
>Her son Batrick
>Monster Hunter
>Legend of Zelda (Majora's Mask especially)
>Xenoblade Chronicles
>Binding of Isaac
>Banjo & Kazooie
>Paper Mario
>Other retro games (too many to list)
>Old Internet memes

Model References:
I wonder who the animator is.
I followed him but can't remember the name, maybe I can find him again
>mr dev-loper
Breakfast today is 1 lb of ground beef with about 6 tbsp of sriracha while I watch Saru. Might fuck around and drink some goat dewormer
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I wish I hadn't opened this tweet
What makes you write posts like this? She isn't going to see this. Posting here will not make this happen.
All you're doing is embarrassing yourself in front of other males.
>uuuuuuu I want to play votv! I want to plavitv so badly uuuuuuuu
>plays votv
>I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored I'm bored
>guys tomorows were playing project zomboid!
all liggers are /here/
Rael needs to wear sluttier outfits
Vei doesn't even know what 4chan or /vt/ is.
Because I need to get it out of my system and if I post that in chat I am getting banned
Both of those games are boring to watch.
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ADHD brain do be like that.
If I was her I'd narrow the fangs just slightly at the mid-upper portion mostly on the outer side, then round the tips just slightly more. There's some room for improvement and they look a little hazardous for head, but that's none of my concern. 8.5/10
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Kuu makes a cute angel. I want to help her lose that halo
you are so wrong about her not knowing what 4chan is, right on /vt/ tho
Saruei should stream herself talking about classic anime instead of playing games she hates
Ah this tweet made me imagine Snuffy's pussy tasting like Modelo when I first read it
Thoughts about ecto?
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Everything bores her until it doesn't
feeling very chungy wunga today
squelching to squ
>yeah I drank good whiskey
>jack daniel
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But anon Saru is a "zoomer" she doesn't know anything about "classic" anime she only knows about the Jujitsu Kaisens and the Chainsaw Mans
It's the second best selling whiskey in the world. It's good whiskey.
Do you think she'd be okay with you adding salt and lemon before going down on her?
i only drink 30yr hibiki single malt
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whiskey is alcohol, so it's inherently garbage. doesn't matter the brand.
you dont understand she HAS to play boring games
Yes she would be down and the sting would probably just add interest for her. She might have a condition that I let her do something similar to my cock though, and that would be fine.
Someone tell her the age of 35 is in demand
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shoto is cooking some beef wellington at giri's house.
Right on Prohibitionist chibi poster
Whiskey includes bourbon so thems fightin words
shoto should grab my beef wellington if you catch my drift
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why women are like this?
>no ones ever pointed out to saru the milky way's cloudy band stretching across the night sky
I am so in and getting sex on the first date
I forget saru doesn't know that there are more galaxies
Because they know I’m into being bitten
Am I the only one that fucking hates her guts but desperately wants to have sex with her?
are those teeth real?
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i'm so glad i found that in the archive the other day
Vichy France my beloved
If she's fat like they say I want to hit
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You get used to it
She has nice lips
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I'm interested in gathering feedback from other vei enjoyers, do you think I should add Rainhoe to this image? Obviously she isn't actually a vei but based on her new model I think she may be hot enough to belong here.
(Rainhoe image to follow)
No, but they’re still hot
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keep digging
Why does Shondo look fat here
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>I want to watch videos like this [about space]
Please saru, now that you have 3d pookie and th scientist outfit it would fit and we can finally do the education stream please
i will but not for this thread
It's just water weight
It would have been really easy to gaslight Saru into flat earth
no. in fact you should remove the left one too
do what you want dude
fuck off
not a vei but she is bad and matches
>ew ai, ai is so bad at translations
Huh, translating is literally the thing ai is the best at.
Chat is dumber than Saru
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
it used to be annoyingly awful sometimes and people just stuck on that like shit hasn't changed in the speed of light in the last five years
still trips up if there's not a lot of context with big stretches like CJK vs everything else, but there's people out fucking travelling across the rural areas of entire countries using nothing but google translate and a dream
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I love bad bitches.
denpa is my bestie
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Nightmare cock rotation
Oli should eat some cake.
kill yourself
I Love Lucy
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Chatgpt is great for translating when you dont have the exact text. I've used it when saru says french things too
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ummmm no
I love nice girls who dress like bad bitches but are very sweet and not actually bad
Like saru?
So what happened to the Nekrolina subathon?
Leave Lumi alone, she didn't do anything wrong.
>goes from being bored in game to 100% invested reactive
saruei you silly
jesus she knows what she's doing with those sounds doesn't she?
Hope it's not canceled because of bf, that has to be the worst thong that happens to streams when a subatomic gets canceled because their partner gets lonely and jealous of her spending time with chat
damn this thread got good
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nah, i'm good. i'll just continue to post it here. does beef wellington taste great? mushrooms are expensive and hard to find here, at least i haven't found a place that sells them for cheap
Oli farts
Because of the Lemon posters, lemon schizo, or because the weight loss discussion stopped?
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mako fuck off and don't interrupt my pee time with saru
I'd pay to watch them all fuck someone else while I'm in chastity and can only watch.
Actually I'd pay even more if they treated me like human furniture to support themselves while they were getting railed.
But anon girls can be both sweet and bad
just a girl who likes jeans
I read /cbdct/ as "cute boys doing cute things"
talk about indies
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that is what it's called yes
cuz it is, as opposed to cgdct
no bat, you are not allowed in the bad bitch clique
I thought he was redirecting him to some general on /ck/
i do whatever i want
i like lemon woman
no he's just seething
Is this the CBT general?
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no one asked or cares, talk about indies retard
where are her tits
think /vag/ takes that one
kill yourselves faggy traitors
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where is her monster cock and balls
she collabs with indies so she's on-topic
where the hell do you live that mushrooms are expensive? button mushrooms are dirt cheap
In my dresser drawer
bao collabed with nerissa so hololive is on topic
you in particular blow your brains out
go be a troll back in pcg
Bong rips with Alice
oh no
die faggot traitor
>No Olivia Monroe stream this morning
>came down with either the flu or the Chinese bat aids virus
>Feverish, soaked with sweat, shaking
>the dog shit itself right on the new hardwood floor
>spilled my Gatorade all over the blanket and couch
Help me Olivia Monroe! Save me Olivia Monroe!
i just can't find them anywhere outside expensive markets.
>three schizos itt
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Oli has a dog?
Imagine being sick and oli nursing you back to health
She'll be on Nina's stream later.
catbox please
Layna should learn to enjoy giving head
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I might finally give in and watch a shira vod later.
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One guy
Take your meds, denpa
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why aren't you watching her live right now at this moment
wdym "give in"? Also hi
no the phase hall monitor isn't me i like lemon but hate traitors
is she playin mothafuckin yugioh?
People are just nice to denpa so they can be mean about her behind her back. She's the thread's official lolcow for a reason
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>to the anons itt
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is this the real one or just an impostor?
does oli still use weird old granny euphenisms during sex or would she actually say cock
I had no opinion on Denpa until I found out she's a fat lard who posts her lard rolls online and now I hate her
she doesn't strike me as a cocksayer
keep the sketti in your pockets
I had no opinion on Denpa until I found out she's a fat lard who posts her lard rolls online and now I jack off to her
She said she saves cuswords and slurs for in the bedroom
Alice called me the N word in a Modern Warfare 2019 game lobby
you can't trick me i know where the image comes from, kill yourself traitor
I had no opinion on Denpa until she attention fagged in my oshi's chat and now I hate her
Did you cum?
remember when coqui accidentally flashed chat?
I had no opinion on Denpa until she attention fagged in that guy's oshi's chat and now I jack off to her
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One day left to buy Lucy's plushie
> https://youtooz.com/products/lucypyre-plush-9-inch
Saru's diaper destroyed
gross looking nipples, she should get a better model artist
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Feeling schizo and seeing the symbol again
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you seem upset
Yeah, I reported her
Already bought mine
This means you should masturbate on stream
forgot to take your haloperidol again?
call for help
I hope tomato like bite and blood play
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i will post what i want, where i want, and how i want, cry about it
Just chill dude
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>frogs are evil
just like their whoreshi
Yes, she specificly said slurs
Did Squ look at the card?
chaotic neutrals
why is she saying slurs in the bedroom???
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The frog posting shall continue until moral improves!
I think she meant things like whore and bitch which she wants to call men and wants to be called by men during sex
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I unironically didn't take my meds and vitamins for a few days.
Why is her head so big?
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extra cum storage
why are you so useless
can moffposter translate what this means
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just joined. why foil hat?
I want to push that pencil necked geek into a locker
Bro stop posting like you are in the horus heresy please its hard to watch
Thanks doc
Filian would too
Okay, but faggytraitor sounds like something a 10 year old would say kek
she is from Texas, everything is big there
How horny?
What exactly is a "chudcel"?
Hello. It's a joke about the shiraposters saying I hate her.
i fucking hate you traitor vermin so much
stop mocking me faggot
So aliens won't probe her mind, duh.
in a foursome with naiyo, juni and nagi who would you give the most attention to
Do you ever stop to think about what this is doing to your health?
You don't need your tranquilizer pills you need my cum
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She's talking about yaoi (this is the opposite of news).
remember when you said you don't spam anymore
Choso is a character from Jujutsu Kaisen that she really likes, choita is the name of a gay ship involving him and another character I'm not familiar with
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This plushie would look good on my kock
>height 9"
will not fit
have you taken your meds recently?
Saruei sockjob
You hate shira? Why???
Fansly animation where she's getting fucked by a grey when?
Saruei is retarded and has a midgets pussy
he will keep doing it, because you are giving him (You)s
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wtf is this
Prove it right now
twitch gacha
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Ask the shiraposters not me...
Yes but I should probably have more.
i'm gonna stop now but i'll say it one last kill yourselves traitorscum
based and true
he hates shira because it was through her that he saw how big naiyo's milkers were and he fell in love with her as a result
i'm gonna stop now but i'll bust one more time
Is kitanya gonna stream today please god I need something a glimmer of hope to keep me going
do not cum
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hi alice
*licks ur pussy*
>trator spam stops
>saru posting stops
It was same guy after all
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stop pretending you don't like her breasts
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holy shit that's a giant leek
I posted this
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I'm gonna cum
>chat: humans need hugs to survive
>saru: I don't know about that bro, if I masturbate enough during the week I'm good
Naiyo breastfeeding moff poster with her big latina titties
Para doesn't really stink its just a meme
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too late
if i post tob will you guys get mad at me
he should shove it up his ass
this but me
I hate Layna, it's not a meme
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[OH BOY BIG NEWS] A roving group of lolis has been sighted at the Omaha city limit.
ill probably push you down a small hill
don't lump me in with those faggots
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Many reasons
0% i dont even remember last time i did anything related to that.
>he makes his own soundposts now
They grow up so fast
I like Kiki because she's anorexic
I hope squ sees our card
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probably not
what if squ squeed
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>do you like being called a whore? There's something nice about a manly guy being a whore. You don't like it? Too bad because you're my whore, you filthy whore
I got turned on
>centimilkers? ewwwww take this custom soundpost i made to express myself
yep. hes gay.
Tell me which non-anal lovense products you can actually fit into then
imagine doing that to tob
Alice offhandedly called me baby girl once
i would hit her
I'd punch her tummy and impale her on my reliable 5 incher
I wish women would talk to me the way saru does
if i post ecto will you guys get mad at me
is she ugly?
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beef wellington after being out of the oven, it's leaking
shes a cute little zombo rat
NO PEE!!!!!!
Saru literally can't stop thinking about men cumming today
Does selkie still stream
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Read too much of us being hot pitiable gay alcoholics earlier
>stopping the game to look up porn on stream so she can show chat
looks pretty good, would suck his cock and eat the wellington afterwards
Saruei that slllllllut i love her *cries*
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Why are all these women becoming Saori Bagina
Wellington always leaks anyways, it’s supposed to just like cocks
im not gay but i would pound him if he served me that
she's just like me
>"I dont need a lot to be entertained"
t. Saru the constantly bored and doesntvwant to play any games streamer
I'll moan for you Saru
how it looks inside
What she means is that she wants me to mount her
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>There was supposedly a time, before innovation introduced plastic lenses, when glasses were made with the bottom of cow milk bottles.

These women should be in cow outfits

The bikini kind

With cow piercings on their ears

The tag thing
Is Alice a good kisser
Grimmi slow blowjob
Not really, vei is much better
My sister is a very brilliant scientist!
>dude du du shhhh shh dude shhh hehehe dude shhh he ha ah ah he shhh
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If you want more of the French seductress all you have to do is ask
With unbreaking eye contact
Giri looks especially manly today
Teaching Alice how to kiss
It's just the polite thing to do.
She does have the lips for it
What barbie event is happening today?
what about forcing kisses on Alice
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I want more of the French seductress. Yes I am >>87685595 and yes I love Saru.
she is thinking about me, pls understand
the live crabs in ass challenge
Nina + Oli VR collab
nicely done sarubro
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yeah same
im the ballsack scientist show me your ballsack
Wait her name is Ijot and not Ljot? I've been lied to...
ljot called me the n word
I love tib and all tib coded liggers
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why is kuu botting? is he that desperate?
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