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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest indies.

Previous >>87585178

Remember to report shitposting, trolling, and offtopic.
I want to meet my oshi at a con too...
I want to fuck my oshi at a con too
I will give her triplets even if she only has one ovary.
not how biology works buddy
I will defy the laws of the universe with the amount of sex I'll have with her.
You keep saying this, do you mean QRD or am I just old
yeah its QRD I fucked up
quick rundown
>no one is coming for me, right Pawnii-chan?
Yeah, me
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Would you commission art from this bird?
My beloved
She's a scammer and doxxer
i thought she was just a bitch
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Shadow the Hedgehog | YEAR OF SHADOW RACE WITH kazekunai and kurofoxvt
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I will be strong for her. I will remain faithful. I will not let anything deter me. The brainworms will not win. I refuse to give up, because I will always remember her.
Pippa Motherfucking Pipkin
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>knife ear
there is a con going on right now and anon searching for his oshi. he will impregnate her and make her vtuber friends watch or join.
She is a bitch, some anon that i assume is her mindbroken supporter trying to distract people by saying just anything
I would categorize her as a serial abuser, to my knowledge she has driven at least 2 people to attempt suicide because of how badly she treated them. Some anons have said something similar happened when they got close to her
She has alienated herself from a majority of other loli vtubers by shit talking them, spreading rumors, etc. Now hangs around with obvious grifters and antis cause theyre the only ones who tolerates her now
She's a disingenuous grifter and always lies about people she doesnt like to make them look worse than they actually are.
Her community enables her bad behavior, no one said anything when she was planning to seek attention and pity for "hate messages". She cultivated that type of audience for a reason.
She is like a robot programmed to bond with someone and then as quickly as possible use that bond to hurt them as much as possible.
you get it. That's a pattern of abuse she uses on people over and over again because it works
I swear she gets off on people telling her she did nothing wrong when someone harms themselves or tries to off themselves cause of her. Gets off on how she got away with it
Were you also an ex supporter? Cause damn.
Yes, I am an ex supporter circa November 2023. At first I thought what happened was a normal but unfortunate personal conflict (sometimes people just can't get along, personality differences, etc), but then I learned she fucked with 3 of my buddies in the same exact fashion.
Irina use a fucking deodorant you STINK
no way
she stinks good
Why doesn't anyone on youtube use the #uoh tag
Why make it so difficult
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What even is Cuemew
a retard (non-derogatory)
why does she sound like that
a cutiepie!
cute but not a loli
HI ANONS!!!! how is everyone's night? ADHD got the best of me, and I did a brand-new drawing in addition to the other one φ(* ̄0 ̄)".. send help www
Hello Tatsu-tan. Did you have a good day?
i'm doing a thing tomorrow
not feeling so dead inside tonight for a change!
ive been doing well!! I lost a lot of weight so I'm a little bummed out about it
i hope you have a good friday night :3
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Brown sugar ASMR
Irina has revealed that she will be showing off her naked body soon (This Tuesday).
It's true.
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>little bum
I hope so
built for my ivory tower
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does your artist uoshi ever stream?
Yes. Mikan Asagawa. Very cute and funny artist.
Moko VRChat
Aruru tcg
they may not all be obviously abusive but many have dark qualities so be careful plz
I just want to chill this weekend. sending virtual help thru erotic thoughts and a part of my nearly empty energy.
i wish she would abuse me but she isn't even doing that
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cute donut and double animal ears. i love brown lolis
Bonnie stream
My ohsi
I miss Muyu bros :(
Got to spend it with family so it was a very good night for me. Your drawing is super cute!
She's very cute in 3d
so cute she broke the screen
I only watched stream for 5 mins but shes a pretty good dancer
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RLY? No loliRyS here yet?
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Do you like paying for things and getting nothing in return? Do you enjoy wasting your time? Do you enjoy supporting scammers? Then apply today to spend hundreds of dollars and get jack shit in return :3
stop selfposting here
fuck no. I am not giving a single cent to a grifter.
people will buy it because its cheap and they feel bad for her
finally replying to everyone! T^T (sorry guys i fell asleep)
HIYAAA!! yes yes i had a good day!!! i got really happy when i saw you guys like my art as well! :3 OH AND i had really yummy japanese curry for dinner which is my favourite food.
YAY!! lets keep that up!
Ouhh, remember to take care of yourself anon! and ty! :3
Then i hope this weekend you can relax! just make sure you dont dread monday because sunday wont be relaxing anymore
WOOO FAMILY TIME!! thats awesome anon! AND TYSM im so happy you like it o((>ω< ))o
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You mean this one?
>sorry guys i fell asleep
Well I hope that you slept well at least.
aw ty anon, I only slept for 3 hours so I should probably get back to sleep at some point
(;´д`)ゞ but I want to keep drawing.. XD
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this child needs tummy rubs ASAP
>the subhuman trannoid is STILL samefagging
my penis needs rubbing by loli hands
I see you too anon, dw i didnt forget about you. I hope you have a good day as well even though you're a big rude meanie
if i can get lily to forget you being weird and play fortnite with you will you stop projecting your love for trannies on everyone else?
please get some more sleep! it's important that you do to keep up your cute loli physique by staying healthy.
amiomoe is too pickme, it makes it hard to watch even though she has a nice voice
need a cunny wife in my cunny life
sounds like denpa
Denpa has treated me and the people around me a million times better than tuni ever did. I get constant complaints about tuni in my immediate circles, its never about denpa.
fuck off runespoon. you are an insane schizo and no one actually cares
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who is your oshi and what do you like about her the most?
Man this sounds way too similar to a vtuber I used to follow. No way it's her because she doesn't speak english tho.
Rimaeri, we have very similar humour so she always makes me smile and how nice of a girl she is despite the bad hand she was dealt in life and she is still going forward in life also her genuine love for lolis.
Neppie should pick up gambling
I want to be abused by a little girl.
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searching for a new oshi but I liked her voice and model
how do i join neppie's private discord??
you have to follow her for at least a year without missing a single stream and then get an invititation by Neppie herself to a secret location where you have to battle against other pontential canditates to the death and if you're the last man standing Neppie will give you napkin that has the discord link on it
i already got the battle invitation but am not clear on the rules. is there a dress code? am i allowed to use weapons?
lots of money, get mods to convince her to let you in by grooming them, commision standing blowjob art of her, ask nicely, or groom someone who is already in the private discord.
help i accidentally groomed someone in the private discord but they are female and now we are dating
rip. you should have known it was a women. she hates getting ntred. neppie will block you everywhere if she finds out, and she will, time to groom the girl into a vtuber and join her private discord.
fatherhood. Find yourself a nice uohchuba, father a child then you can take turns with the mother receiving abuse
In another life she had worsening pelvic pain that got unbearable so she finally went in and found she had a massive cyst forming in an ovary. She said it was the size of a fruit but I can't remember which one, but it was big. Anyways only way the doctors could get it out was to remove the ovary entirely.
she is also a medically confirmed virgin and to keep her hymen intact the doctor felt the cyst out through her butt
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I don't think you can do that anon
he's not just banned for being weird, she forgives that easily
he got blacklisted with prejudice from her entire circle for launching an anti campaign against her and her friends because his grooming attempts failed, she does not forgive that easily
She had to get one ovary removed.
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i'm going to pick your nose. what do you mean too pickme? why is it bad for girls to like things guys like?
nta but nothing wrong with girls liking things guys like
pickme is when they fake it to pander for attention
Climbing mountains with uohchuubas and giving them a piggy back ride on the way down because their little legs are too tired to keep going
Okay which uohchuuba wants to marry me? I am single and ready to mingle.

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