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Bling-Bang-Bang-Born: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3kE_zxORik
スイートマジック: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EimdErvUh8
Meconopsis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzkNg89Cq9Y
Ocean wave PartyLive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2v_BFL-kuWs
Drenched In Air: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9w4X67atXEo
おどれ!VRダンス!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KCpe82_jW4
POP/STARS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDUADGntHOE
summertime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ucwpn-JQqmI
フタリボシ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84uvWfZqqeg
ないない: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=injd7gHrIGU
い〜やい〜やい〜や: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY
Tabi No Tochuu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIv_yYKl9tQ
VIOLET: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZdLXELdF9Q

Previous: >>87668540
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Ina should fart on the box, I think Flare would like that
she's going to give Flare one of her used didos
I'm honestly sad that we won't be able to hear about her when she'll go back to Japan with Mama'nis.
Posting another Flare.
This never would've happened if Ina was my wife
beeg inner a cute
the rat will give us updates
Remember when there were 8 Elden Ring streams in a row and there were no concerts, meet & greets, 10-people collabs, work bans, or anything else in the way?
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I am still pissed as fuck but there is nothing I can do but to hope for the best since Ina at least seems to remain hopeful things will improve
Ina and Flare should do a symphogear duet karaoke
I guess at the end of the day. There would have been less Ina streams. Just now they’ll have a bad taste in our mouths
So we can all agree that if Ina ever has an important anouncementt or "something to say" during 2025 its COvers fault fforr their bullshit, right?
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Which parts of Mexico do you think Ina would go visit bros?
Probably some other girls too, but apart from pre-done streams and Kumomane tweets, we'll be starving. I know that Ina would've been demotivated and sad to a large degree if all that time and money ended up in the trash though, so it's better this way.
No Ina until mid December?
Kill me
I'm in pain thinking about how long I have to go without her, but Ina is still really really cute and the cutest girl in the world
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>Past Ina records herself playing this and then uploads the footage during December
Yeah I don’t think we need a livestream for this and Paper Mario
She said regular streams, depending on how much she prerecords we'll get plenty throughout, and she's still home for a couple weeks.
I think Ina wants to go to Japan just for the konbini lifestyle
can you reach you're toes, takochi?
Welp without her I have 0 interest in any EN event.
She seems to be in good spirits, she's got a manager she can rely on, her friends are supporting her, she's still motivated, she thinks she can salvage her work and even if it's against her will she's getting a well deserved vacation.
I hope whoever caused this mess got strung up appropriately, but I'm hopeful about the future.
She's at home for like 2 weeks still or so, it'll basically just be November and half of December
No but i'm working on it.
>She seems to be in good spirits
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She really wants to expand her projects, even put a lot of her own money in it, can't even blame management for the load of work that she had since August. If this marks the end of the usual Takotime era, honestly, even though I'll be happy for her, I surely won't be as happy for me.
I don't see a reason to be so negative if Ina seems optimistic to keep working at what she was doing. At the very least she's going to get a very nice long vacation with Mama'nis in Japan and she'll be able to basically hang out freely with anyone there in the meantime. Definitely sucks for things to get pushed back but if she's good, I'm good
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without her vtubing may as well be dead for me, wake me up when Ina
This honestly, I like most of Hololive but I'm just not the type of person to watch streams normally.
Yes, and I will never forgive them.
Ina always seems good with anything that happens because she knows complaining will only bring more problems for her and she is an extremely evasive person
I mean she said she thought of "giving up"
I'm kinda surprised she wants her own shows even as to put her own money into it
Man listening to Ina talk about the situation really makes me hate how Cover operates at least it's clear that this was 100% not Ina's fault
a 2-3 month fuckup is pretty big though. Ina worked and pushed very hard to get a live before the end of the year and cover fucked up big time
I love that she has high spirits but man I just want normal streams. It has been either a collab, a sponsor, a shill or nothing. for the last 2 months
No shit, but she decided to keep going and thinks she can still do it despite the obstacles.
She's going to keep working hard and I'm going to keep cheering for her.
I don't care about anyyyyyy of that. I just want fucking streams. I miss covid era hololive.
not anymore
>waaaaah waaaaah things can NEVER go wrong I want working people who make mistakes to DIE because I am a CHILD who doesn't understand how reality works waaaaaaaaah
This shit happens, takos. Move on.
She's a big Suisei fan, it was only a matter of time until she finally managed to follow the Bocchi route of putting her anxiety behind her and going on the big stage. It's not like she's a highschooler either, it's now or never, I don't see her keeping the idol activities that high for more than a year or two.
Did Ina say something concrete about what happened?
I am in every right to spit on the incompetence of Cover and its management in a situation like this, and no argument will make me think otherwise. These are things that happen, but that shouldn't happen.
I miss Ina... I have a new found respect for saplings
Everyone who does 3D lives pays for them, anon
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Leave a nice message you bitches, I want Ina to know we support her even when the company keeps fucking up her projects
>I just want fucking streams. I miss covid era hololive.
That's never coming back. Not even the girls fully want that to come back. They're all socialized together now, a band of happy girl friends.
Saplings have no fucking clue.
Someone in management fucked up in a way that they think can be fixed by some time around the end of the year.
cement, das conk creet baybee
If it gets to that point and it's really cover's fault, the announcement will be made by the news and subsequents true crime documentaries
Yeah, this adding to cover fucking her 3D lives its fucking annoying. She can be an apologist but fuck management sometimes.
shut the fuck up retard
she did her part, someone else didn't and now she has the pay the price
I love this girl.
I want to see her climb higher and shine brighter no matter what anyone else thinks.
Well that sucks.
fuck you faggot I miss her more than anyone in the world
don't ever compare takos to saplings
Ina actually likes takos
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Stop fighting all the fucking time.
I'm glad she seems to not be as down as she could be but i also think sometimes she is too professional for her own good. Im looking forward to whatever she has planned and its nice she still seems to be motivated but honestly its complete bullshit that they fucked her over like this
War is all we know since Ina has left us...
>Verification not required.
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Man, management is a bunch of fucking bums
>i also think sometimes she is too professional for her own good
I'd honestly rather her be overly professional not, I'd hate to see my oshi go on super long-winded rants about management or how things go wrong. Glad she can shortly vent about it and move on
silence bootlicker
Japanese I see, japanese I kill
Venting may be satisfying in the moment, but however righteous the anger it still has to be directed to the right place in the right way to do any good.
Ina knows that, and thankfully had Kumomane to help her put it into practice.
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>full idol Ina
do u rele
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Ina only needs to shortly vent about stuff because she takes the rest of her anger out by beating me up. That's also why she started working out because she realized her little noodles arms weren't actually hurting me and I was just faking it so she would nurse me back to health after.
guess I'm gonna need a twitter account eventually
She was pretty openly pissed off at them, she's just not the type to start cussing them out on stream, and it's not like she can fix it
Okay so because of the expired work visa Ina will go radio silent for 2 months? Will that affect the world tour concerts or were they already recorded? How many months will her 3D live get delayed? Myth is having a terrible year and getting suspicious that Cover keeps making these mistakes. Gura wouldn't shill her anniversary merch and Ame left to become an indie vtuber so it does seem like management was angry.
It's fucked up that Cover screwed over Ina, screwed over viewers and gets away with it without even yagoo making dogeza for this shit.
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this reminds me now that Ina will be gone for a while Myth is going to be literally fucking dead
>myth is only Ina now
Doomposters get the rope
The last few months have been doomposting fuel, you just can't say otherwise. First time that I really doubt my long-term trust in Hololive.
I've gotten to enjoy a lot of other Vtubers over the years so I'm probably going to stay in the community. But Hololive is dead to me as soon as Ina leaves.
This isn't anything new.
Subaru had a Live she'd been working on for months similarly fucked out of the blue by management a few years back.
She bounced back with the support of her friends, my Ina can too.
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She was absolutely pissed haha.
Do the same thing Aqua did and love Hololive, despise Cover
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Thing is that the management fuck-up just added up to a more general distrust that I've been feeling since all the way back when A-chan left. Seeing my Ina affected and angry because of another mistake just added fuel to the fire.
Never trust management, Cover or otherwise
A-chan left because she had other shit she wanted to do with her life.
This was some faceless retard fucking up (and hopefully getting canned for it).
>distrust that I've been feeling since all the way back when A-chan left.
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I know, I don't especially associate these two things, it's just a feeling. The more things that I was used to change, the more I start nitpicking on more recent ones.
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I'll always love Ina, no matter what.
I still love her
Ikadachi here
I fucking HATE Ina
The real question that nobody has answered:
What kind of person uses spiders to sign off on things?
Since Ina it's on a good mood, post matching tako tunes
Ina should dance like this for her Live:
Never could, even before I became a fat fuck.
It's a cope mechanism, manechan never really recovered from Ina pulling a Joker 2 on her
I watched Ina's stream and I know you guys are probably pretty angry and sad, but I hope you can at least appreciate that your oshi wants to stream and spend time with you, even if she can't. She cares enough about you to let you know what's going on. I can't even imagine what that would be like.
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Almost done but I'm gonna sleep on it a bit before submitting.
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she is so cool...
Great work tako!
My headcanon is Ina's manager looks like Hex Maniac in a suit.
And Ina looks like a pokekid but
fanart hex maniac or actual hex maniac?
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You know what, either/or.
So if I got it right she's till gonna go on with the plans but not stream while she does them? or are the plans fucked?
Ina soon
going on with the plans that werent fucked and not streaming, she mentioned the option of not doing the plans and staying home and streaming but that would be at the cost of losing all the money on the plans, also disappointing mamnis, since one of the plans was goin to japan with her
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My beautiful wife
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Ina is mourning my death...

INA Damn she's gorgeous
Surely this won't spawn a lot of dom Ina fanarts right...?
Honestly after today couldn't care less about what other holomembers are doing, still going to watch for my Ina though
Some of these designs are really good. And then there's Irys.
Holo Drive is a land of crime, Advent and Justice are the biggest gangs, Gigi wants to unite them and is throwing a birthday party. Ina cute.
some of these intros are kinda cringe but the event has potential
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I hope there will be art of this outfit
I have the feeling this is going to be an Umineko reference somehow
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I like the callbacks to her party outfit
Magic isn't real
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damn bro
Gigi is fucking deeeeead
>Gigi drowns herself and gets eaten by piranhas for her birthday

Based Prestige reference
Is Ina a Funeral Director?
My Ina is Inacent.
Ina is the killer
>Took this long to find the obvious lever
This is going to be an interesting stream kek
I missed it too...
I hate to break the illusion but... it's scripted
>Ina's hwat in the background
Of course it is, but I doubt it's 100% scripted though. Unless you think Gigi trusts Holo En to learn and follow a 1H long script kek Maybe they're just reading it though
I swear if Kronii kills Ina
I get the feeling the Killer is somewhere else
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yo Ina I am falling asleep here, can you kill another one of them?
I enjoy Gigi's signature
this rp is so fucking cringe
Ina keeps getting interrupted...
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this is boring as fuck and I can't hear my Ina
My Ina is Beatrice
Is this meta?
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Ina please activate your fucking brain
>I was trapped from the outside world
Ina cannot go one minute without shitting on Cover anymore. She is unleashed
wake me up in 10 minutes if you hear my ina
I don't think Ina has any motives
She had motives until her husband (me) died
I'm getting bad vibes from management's fuckups, hope you guys have a backup every stream
Yeah, her husband was in Advent it seems? Unless it's a convoluted red herring like Gigi killing her husband (me) and Ina trying to poison Gigi in retaliation?
Ina only looks optimistic because she has the most sponsor obligations
As soon as her sponsors expire, she will be singing a different tune
ok retard.
I hate cover but you were straight up dropped on your head as a child
I can hear my Ina panicking
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kill them all, Ina
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God I hate the taxation
>10 bucks per drink
>random coaster
damn that's not fair
It says random but I feel like if you played a few rounds, ordered some food, and asked nicely, staff would just give you whatever one you ask for
>1/4th chance of getting Ina
>No one in the pic will have you swear if you get them instead
The odds aren’t that bad
that sibling? me
Ina should kiss me instead of a mirror.
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Look at the bright side, with Ina on "vacations" finally there is a chance for Kiara to surpass her in subs.
Excuse me where did you get this photograph of myself?
>Ina leaving purple lipsticks kiss marks everywhere
>Looking like this >>87727123
Not getting any artworks of this would be a crime
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here is your artwork bro
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>Bro just put it in the hole and you’ll have your Ina
lol Ina calling out shiori and nerissa
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what if Ina forgot she is the killer?
RPing memory loss
top 10 most retarded deaths
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She is eating already...
suffering hard
this retards didn't think of checking the bedroom again...
who thought this is a good voice
Modern Goth loli =/= High class emotionless femme fatale. Kinda close visually but not the same theme.
I want to kiss Ina
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Ina please grab a knife to defend yourself
I think I see now why ina got thrown in the slammer
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Fucking lol
People are dying to carpets in here, a knife isn't gonna do jackshit
Artists better than me better get their shit together for this event but especially for Ina.
I've cut up a carpet with a knife before, I ain't afraid
Wow took a peek at the board catalog and there's a lot of shitty baitposting about Ina.
Good thing nobody here is that retarded.
scroll up
My Ina is a black widow
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quick Ina, do something cool to distract them
all of those 5 exes were me
Long live the Tako
I posted this

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