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This is the writing thread, for all things VTuber fanfiction. Our works cover a wide variety of different stories ranging from greentext shitposts, full-length adventure novels and smut that’s been tuned to capture (almost) every fantasy.
You can check out the three years' worth of stories we’ve written in the archive below:

>"Isn't this just you fuckers writing fanfiction?"

Previous thread: >>87496522
(Where we discussed sharp-dressed foxes, rape, and Yandere Suisei)

/wg/ rentry: https://rentry.org/wgrentry/
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Story anchor.
Twap em if you got em
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Do you have a story you'd like to see written? Reply to this post with it! Try to be as clear and concise as possible; the better you describe your idea, the more likely it is to be picked up!

Consider forwarding your prompt to the prompt archive to keep your idea safe and alive forever! No information is gathered - it's all completely anonymous. Use the form below:

Curious to see the prompt archive? Check it out here if you need a little more inspiration!
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Story recap. There were two stories posted last thread:

Let’s Go Back to Those Peaceful Days >>87579260
Tags: Ame, Gura, Regret, Loss, Self-Blame, SFW, Fall2024

random Nene fluff >>87616998
Tags: Momosuzu Nene, Fluff
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We’re currently hosting the /wg/ Fall/Halloween 2024 Contest, a sp00ky contest for a sp00ky season! Have a story to submit to the contest? Reply to this post. Details of the contest can be found at: rentry.org/wgoctober
Please tag your entries with "Fall2024" and the appropriate category (Short/SFW, Long/NSFW, etc). All entries must be submitted by the 27th of October.
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oi stop. Towasama is a dork, not sexy
Towa is very sexy
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I do like women with big hats.
Both, both is good
>Dual personality Towa fic where she switches between her normal dorky self and a suave succubus.
Now there's an idea
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gigi is like reverse gap moe, where you first see her as a casual goofy friend before seeing her expectedly cool and mature
Reminds me of that "Towa hits Devil puberty" prompt
>Towa goes into suave succubus in the middle of a match
>Orders you to crawl under the table and eat her out while she games
i prefer when its like >>87711302
something she cant control and comes and goes. It could also work without the personality shit
>hanging around.
>suddenly look to the side.
>Towa is sitting there. Unknown to her, her tail is forming a heart and pointing at herself with the tip
>For some reason, you feel like she needs to be dicked down.
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They call her Big Hat Shion because she wears a big hat
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very fine hats
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There's too much sexo on my screen, no way im writing
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Sex with this Bijou in particular.
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(You) are a chuuba (female), and you work your way up the ladder of Hololive for the one chance to meet your idol.
The one and only who shines brightest in the sky, the one whose light you've followed since the beginning of time - Hoshimachi Suisei.
For years, you’ve worked tirelessly, fighting off backbiting genmates, pushing yourself to the brink, with nothing but that image of Suisei in your mind. All for the chance to someday stand by Her side.
After countless hurdles, you finally get your moment: a karaoke collab with Suisei herself. You will actually get to sing with her!
The collab starts off well. She performs a few of her hits - Next Color Planet, soiree, GHOST - all of them songs whose lyrics etched deep in your heart.
Then she has an idea. She gives you that radiant smile of hers. ""Why don’t you sing next, chuubaAnon? How about... Stellar Stellar?"
Your heart races. Stellar Stellar - the first song of hers that truly captured your heart, the one you’ve rehearsed endlessly, imagining this very moment.
This is your chance, not just to sing, but to impress the girl you love
You take a deep breath, just like how she did in The First Take. At first, you're nervous, but somehow the words begin to flow out of you, body and soul, in perfect harmony with the music.
For a brief moment, you forget the nerves, lost in the melody. You got this. Someday, you will get to the Budokan too, and Suisei will be there with you!
But something changes.
As your voice soars, you catch a glimpse of your idol's expression. The awe on her face fades, replaced by a single bead of sweat rolling down her temple. Her jaw clenches, her eyes narrow.
A chill runs through you.
Oh no.
This isn’t admiration. Suisei does not see you as a protégé, nor someone she could ever grow close to.
No. The light of your life sees you as a rival. A threat.
You spend the night after crying in front of Suisei's poster in your room, surrounded by all her mochidorus, acrylic stands, t-shirts, keychains, hats, figmas, and outfits. All proof of your devotion, now staring down at you as if in mockery.
"Why, Sui-chan?!" you cry out. "Why do you hate me?!"
The weight of your emotions sinks even deeper. Because, despite it all, you still love her.
"Sui-chan, what am I going to do...?" you cry to the poster, in the darkness.
But Sui-chan's eyes never waver. They never soften. They only watch.
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i like the idea of demon puberty, moreso the idea of a grown woman experiencing it well into adulthood
partially to see their reaction to feeling young again, partially an abstract sense of them "evolving" further beyond a standard woman
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>Mori's character is implied to be a single dad
I now want to see a fic of her being romanced by Kronii only for both to be dragged into Hollow Drive's criminal underworld
I cum in 30 seconds so...
>Suisei is a battle autist but has never been challenged, meaning she cant process her hornyness
>the one who hates you is Iroha(also horny)
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helping nerissa shut up Shiori
>Giving Shiori a scathing review of her newest fanfic while Nerissa makes out with her.
Girl's kissing is so hot to me, even thought /u/ and clam slamming does nothing for me
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This is a fancy Biboo
I like the "Towa's tail reveals her true feelings" bit
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How would your oshi react to you getting hit on by another woman? Would she get catty to the other woman? or would she lay it heavy on you when the two of you got home? What kind of woman would really get under her skin to the point she needs to defend her territory?
Putting Shiori over your knee and spanking her while Nerissa makes out with her.
You lost me after the comma, yuri is basically my lifeblood these days
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Correcting a cheeky JK
Hi guys. First time writer here! Following the advice of writing what makes me horny, I made some smut with a few fetishes that i have. Namely Rape, size differences, and limbless amputees.

I could kinda tell its shit but unsure where though. I think its too fast? And i think the descriptions too blunt and unerotic? Worldbuilding might be shoehorned I guess since i based it off some obscure vague hololore. The dialogue is my main worry here.

Please tear it apart. Poor writing is evil, and please deliver me from evil, eyy man?

Any notes would be appreciated.

Is this the first fucknugget fic here?
You know, I think it is. I can't think of another fic carrying this fetish and I'm really trying my best.
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Ohhh so you were the guy who was asking for Ame rape lines that one time! I see.
First of all, formatting please. I've seen novels treat dialogue like how it's treated in this story to simulate a back and forth between characters, but in a lot of cases it gets hard to follow sometimes. Just do it the old-fashioned way and do a newline for every string of dialogue made by a character. Some of your descriptions are also clunky but that gets better over time, really.
As for Ame's voice, it was a bit stiff at first (she wouldn't probably say something as verbose as "Are you so awful that you could only have intimacy through rape?" and maybe more like "You can't even get your rocks off without raping someone!") She has a rougher tongue when she gets agitated. But it got better when the nugget action began in earnest.
Now as for the fic itself, frankly I don't know how to critique it. I think the other Anon's right in that it's the first fucknugget fic here. It's certainly the first one I've ever read. And I think it's... okay? Coulda been longer. You coulda dragged out Ame's humiliation and made the Manipulator toy around with her more. Maybe have him slap her around with her loose limbs. But for a first-time fic, I like the idea overall, yeah. Could've gone worse. Way worse.
So congrats. The fic's not half-bad. You need more work on making the prose flow smoother overall, but that's everyone to some degree.
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Everybody thinks (You) and Gigi hate each other, because the one time you two were seen together it was having a fist fight, so it comes as a major surprise when you show up at prom with her as your date.
She would threaten to hurt them, especially if they're conventionally sexy with big tits
I see! What do you mean when you say the descriptions are clunky?
NTA but at a basic level some just don't feel like something a native speaker would say. Or how an author would write
by holding her down so another dude can rail her
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This priestess is looking pretty smug for someone who left their Switch behind in Japan
I like to imagine as she's saying this she maintains the smug grin and no eye contact all throughout
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I'll send you to the Netherlands
>Come on, it was a one-shot thing! I told you! I didn't email that guy because he had a bigger wordcount!
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It's not half bad.
The other anon commented on the 'back and forth formating' not really working, and I agree but my problem with it is more from the fact that it's effectively used to 'skip' over the fingering, by way of just having dialogue instead of going in detail about sadistically fingering Ame.
What I like about this is the atmosphere, the multiversal scumbag thing works pretty well.
Honestly the only real problem here is that the smut's just not at the quality as the set up. You have the ideas for good scenes here and dialogue that would work with them but the actual smut is just too short/abridged and not focused on the actual erotic details that would make this fappable.
Need to breed with Fuwawa while Mococo watches
This but you're Mococo's boyfriend
>Fuwawa's backseating makes Mococo snap
>"Do it better then since you're such a sex master!"
>Mococo gets out of bed and Fuwawa takes her place
>As they pass each other Fuwawa does the Keikaku Doori Grin
Vtuber reading fanfics on stream when?
I'll never get over that one indie that read a name swapped Paradise Lost on stream
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>wow not bau
my inmersion is shattered! these are clearly mimics
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Gentlemen, it's with great pride that I show you my entry for the contest. I give you, "A Chance Encounter By The Moonlight".


Summary: This is the story of one Amelia Watson who has come to Yharnam on the Night of the Hunt, as told by an unnamed Hunter who ran into her at several points throughout the night.

Tags: Fall2024, Short/SFW, Amelia Watson, Bloodborne AU, no dialogue, Ambiguous Ending
Whoa now
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I dont know how to say this but i have the inkling Mococo is the one who can make you cum like a fountain while Fuwawa is only good at dirty talk
Fuwawa is passive, Mococo is active. Just like in their gaming streams
>Towa trying to win back her BF after Kanata stole him
>Anon comes out of Mococo's Room utterly spent, kiss and scratch marks all over his body, barely walking and dehydrated
>"oh boy..if that was Mococo...imagine Fuwawa!"
>Fuwawa is fucking terrible at blowjobs because she keeps stopping to go "its like this mocochan"
>Keeps backseating you (badly) in the pussy eating
>Also Sticks her finger into your nose triying to point where
>0 stamina
>cant move her hips for shit
>keeps making manzai jokes and getting annoyed at you for not making clapbacks
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Fuwawa does strike me as a bit of a pillow princess even though her body is much better suited for mating than Mogojan
>Fuwawa is passive, Mococo is active
Basically, you fuck Fuwawa while Mococo is pegging you
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This is the perfect chance for monjagam to get back at her sister! she should join me
Mating season with the Abyssgards must leave you looking like you survived a fight with a bear
I'm alright with that. Fuwawa just needs to take it as I breed her.
Poor papapuppy. A feral mamapuppy dragged him by his ankle to her dog house....
poor guy. i should take his place next time
Sorry pal, but you'll have to get your own. Mamapuppy is a fiercely loyal doggy (to me)
Makes me think of a body swap fic with a stressed former fan who "made it" but now has to deal with his kemono chuuba wives all day, and an unhappy NEET still spending his days watching the chuubas. They end up seeing that the grass on the other side is only partially greener.
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A young Flare in her late 30's comes to protect you after she thinks the banter between you and your friends is bullying
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>mogojan has a heated gaemer moment
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Fics for this feel?
>Quick, Moco-chan! Sound the retard alarm!
w-why the netherlands?
Have you played Minecraft?
not recently...
If you build a portal out of Obsidian and ignite it, you can travel to the Netherlands. It's full of folks Blazing it.
is there a bump anchor
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There is! Though, it requires a written account of imaginary or real events involving Virtual YouTubers told primarily for entertainment accompanying it.
do you think those would fry well if she lopped them off
You can reply to the prompt anchor with any fun story idea you have
One afternoon, as you come back from work, you pass by a little corner where a few shops and merchants are, amid them, an old man with a makeshift store. A strong gust of wind knocks over his goods, who struggles to get them back. Being the kind gentleman that you are, you help him pick his stuff up and reorganize. He gifts you a chocolate.

Next time you pass him by, he beckons you over and shakes your hand, letting you know he knows someone who you might like. Abandoning his little shop and asking you to follow him, you see an alleyway where a sign for a little café stands. He goes inside, and calls for his grandaughter. As one of the waitresses goes to get her, he tells you of what a bella donna she is, how much she needs a good man, such as yourself.

Then, comes this beautiful pink woman, who's surprisingly bubbly. The man tells her that whatever you order is on him, and leaves.

So, you ask for a coffee and try some of the lady's cooking. Conversation unfolds, and she's surprisingly nice, bubbly even. She mentions a date, and not wanting to be rude to her or the old man, you accept. A nice day ensues. She's all over you, walks holding onto your arm, she tells you it's been a while since she's been with a man, she's just kinda shy.

Then, you drop her at her place, and go back home to have sex with Fubuki.
That last sentence is why I don't think there's anything wrong with giving retards the death penalty
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There's nothing quite as exquisite as a maiden's heartbreak.
Sure, but this hypothetical anon not participating in a vociferous mating session with this horny pon hag is just proof he deserves to be shot and has an IQ in the low 50's. If anybody deserves to have their heart broken its the idiot fox who lets her bf go on dates with strangers.
Maybe he just wanted to take it slow for their first date. Can't suggest a threesome right off the bat, you know
Fubuki can't help but laugh as she and her boyfriend share the lasagna Raora spent the entire afternoon making for her Polpetto, knowing that she was giggling to herself while Anon was fucking the very same mouth that now ate her cooking.
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So, which chuubas are built for scumbag MCs? And not girls like Fubuki that have ryona fetishes.
>Towa (*hits live button*)
>Koyori being gaslighted that she isn't actually smart and letting her scumbag boyfriend take care of all of her needs and becoming over reliant on him
Kanata, who is way more of a pushover than any of those girls
Choco, who already has a history of dating scumbags
Shiori, who is way too ready to be forgiving.
>my cat went missing.
That's fine, i totally wanted my wip to be crushed by anxiety
Just leave food out, maybe it'll come back. Cats have radius of like, 4 miles that they hang around. They have good mental maps.
its a smart cookie. She has done the dissapearing act for a day or two before.
Problem is, she went out on wednesday afternoon and then we had a storm. That's usually fine, because she'll start meowing on our tree at night when she's caught by storms and i go and fish her from there and then dry her. This time it didnt happen but she has also waited out storms somewhere else.

It is now saturday night and i havent seen her and i shouldnt be shitting the thread. Sorry, just need to not cry
This, but she works long shifts while her husband finds a woman to satisfy his needs.
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Little Fubuki makes fun of your manhood by touching it and flashing you her panties, which you set out to correct.
You try asking Fubuki why she does what she does, why she thought it was funny or okay. She becomes evasive.
First you talk to her mother about these weird behaviors, which horrify her. A subsequent therapy session with a professional and some police work, it is brought to light that Fubuki's dad has been molesting her since she was young. The scumbag goes to jail, and you take over as her new daddy!

Now you can finally rape Fubuki while mama's out.
Why does this list read like a clipwatcher made it?
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All of em. Its just a matter of what kind of scumbag MC imo.
None of them. All women are queens.
She had to suck rich ojisans cocks when she was a young idol. Now Suisei is in her 30's and she has built her own empire in the music industry, now it's her turn to put the Jimmy Savile glasses on and molest underage idol hopefuls.
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"The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side." - Hoshimachi Suisei
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Luna doesn't get bullied enough nowadays
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Arranged marriage and supervised consummation with Reine
So its a matter of underwriting? Also wdym by erotic details?
Yeah pretty much. You have the skeleton for a good smut scene in here but you don't have the meat and fat to really make it work.
Basically, what I'm saying is you need to review what you've done and see where you can fit it details to make it hotter. You know throw in descriptions of Ame's body, how it feels to see her futile struggle, etc. The kind of shit you see in other smut fics.
Going fishing with you oshi.
nta but a rule with smut is if you're writing *mainly* for the smut, it has to go on long enough for an Anon to reasonably jerk off to it.
Also, yeah, with smut it's details, details, details. You can summarize certain bits if you really need to gloss over them to get to more important bits faster, but you should never forget that word images are the bread and butter of smut.
For example,
>You slowly placed the tip in, and Ame has squirted for a second time. Gently, you pushed through. Every centimeter, stimulated Ame, frying her brain. You could tell that she can’t tell the difference between pain and pleasure anymore.
I dunno how other Anons would treat this, but I would write it as,
>Your gleaming cockhead slides in, parting her lower lips, and you watch as the opening tightens and loosens along your contours. Cold air turns into a woman's warm, slick insides as you take your time sliding yourself in even deeper. The more you push forward, the tighter the detective's pussy clenches onto you, like she's holding onto dear life.
>She's clamped her teeth shut, doing whatever she can to resist moaning. But by the way the saliva's dribbling from the sides of her mouth, and the way her eyes are twitching in an odd rhythm, you could tell the pleasure was frying her brain wholesale. If you listen past the sound of her breathing, you could even hear what seems to be a crisp egg cooking on a hot pan.
>But no, that was just you imagining things. It was actually the sound of her squirting. She's made a puddle of love juices and whatever else to lie on, and you find it rather hot.
tl;dr when it comes to smut, write word images. Use adverbs if you want. Summarize if need be. But don't forget the word images.
What the fuck is that cigarette? Where have you seen filters that long?
Also>>87819380 Yes I agree.
Did you REALLY need to add that last line?
She probably got those cigs from this guy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4o3DFDlKdWU
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>Anon, quick! You've gotta do something! A shark is eating Shion!
Isn't Shion a witch? I'm sure she can use whatever spell she has in her arsenal to fry the shark that's attacking her.
...Oh, I get the joke now. Gura's a shark and her wife is Shion (despite Gura not understanding her) and the 'eat' part is really Shion because sexually eaten.
*Shion being sexually eaten.
>A shark has bitten off Shion's left leg and is working on the right, and Anon is busy daydreaming about lesbian sex
This is your brain on yuri
All you said is that Shion is being eaten and there's only one shark Vtuber in Hololive.
Gura and Shion are also a couple despite not knowing a lick of JP so the 'eaten' can be taken as something sexual as Gura only wants Shion for sex (or rape).
Why are you smiling you evil bitch
>Anon, quick! You've gotta do something! A shark is eating Shion!
Not good. Terrifying. Potential lawsuit.
>Anon, quick! You've gotta do something! A shark is eating out Shion!
Very nice. Comforting. Lots of jerk off material.
Vixen, not bitch.
Don't mind the other anons, I prefer your version
Because it's hilarious.
Fubuki is looking on in horror as she thinks Shion is being devoured alive, while Shion is having the best orgasm of her life as Gura eats out her pussy like she's starving
This but she's actually starving and sucks shion's pussy inside out, giving her an enema which she then bites off. Blood in the water, the conversation you were having with Fubuki about the difference 'eating' and 'eating out' is relegated to the sideline, as the meaning between those two expressions becomes ever blurrier. Shion screams in pain. Gura's bloodlust is activated, and like a ravenous beast she starts biting off more and more pieces of Shion, who was the hardest orgasm of her life.
Some of you guys are incredibly unfunny and deserve to be smashed in the balls with a bat.
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Clayton Bigsby, but it's Fubuki and she's calling for the extermination of all Kemonos while preaching "Human Power!" Her dearest friend, Liz, says, "If Fubuki ever found out the truth, she'd kill herself so there would be one less kemono around. Her commitment is THAT deep."
Holy shit, how did I miss this post? I cackled for a full MINUTE reading this. The lead-up was excellent and the complete reversal was PERFECTLY deadpan.
This is my new favourite post here. Kudos, anon. A QUALITY shitpost.
Wouldn't she notice her ears and tail?
Uncle ruckus syndrome.
>I'm no damn kemono! I suffer from a condition called foxitis. My ears grew atop of my head instead ot the sides, and my spine is freakishly long! By the time I was an adult, I was indistinguishible from those filthy damn kemono.
She's blind and the school for the blind told her that her ears were just her "long beautiful HUMAN hair"
As for the tail, same thing.
This guy's most popular video is almost exactly what I was thinking about earlier today.
>Day Drinking and Smoking Cigarettes in a Public Park at 3pm on a Rainy Day
Basically a story where you and Rushia are dumbass delinquent outcasts in high school of some rural town. You skip school, enjoy your stolen cigarettes and alcohol and talk about going to Tokyo and how you're gonna make it in life.
A noble lady like her cannot possibly be a Kemono.
>Uncle ruckus
Why do I suddenly keep hearing about this character from a twenty year old cartoon almost every day?
Because he's great
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Growing up, you admired magical girls. They were so cool and so strong, capable of delivering smiles everywhere.
Now that you work managing one so dumb and borderline pornographic as Irys...yeah the magic is wearing off.

A world where Magical girls are contracted employees is the worst after all
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How can burnout last for over 2 years?
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The sly fox always wins, baby!
You deserve to have your Fubuki license revoked.
You forgot to start the fire again
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I've fallen out of love with my oshi...
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Do you need a new one?
This a great opportunity you should exploit. Capitalize on your own heartbreak by writing a fic about it
I feel that there's a story to be written about a spark that goes out. Nothing dramatic, nothing about cheating or falling outs, just looking at your oshi and realizing there isn't much else.
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You can't unfuck that elf, it's over
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Watch Neuro-Sama. No drama around her because she is an AI so no falling out of love
There's still the possibility of >>87831449
if i wanted to watch a machine shit itself in real time while a guy tries to make it do the most simple tasks i would install a mirror in front of my pc
That's not necessarily a bad thing. Just because a love wasn't eternal, doesn't mean it wasn't real.
That means it wasn't worthless at least, yeah.
Damn, numbers of happy pains.
That's one caked up ghost.
(NTA) There's no falling in love either, for the same reason. Neuro is completely soulless. And watching AI chuubas just because you're afraid of drama would be an absurd overreaction... and almost completely redundant since I watch chuubas from the civilized world (=Grorious Nippon).
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Cute. How are we doing with the contest so far? Looks like we have two entries both SFW short. longshot, but if we can convince the mods to pin /wg/ when voting begins we would get a lot more engagement!
>/vt/ mods
>doing something
Come on anon, we might be the fanfic thread, but not the schizo one.
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There's lots of reason you can feel like you're in a never ending tunnel of burnout.
>Life being busy or not going how you planned.
>Other interests taking priority in your head
The interactions and conversations we get in every day play a big role in how we can enter our writing spaces. There is also a motivational factor at play, self motivation can be powerful and fulfilling, but there is only so much gas you can muster for the same project all on your own, and sometimes your reserves need to be used for other aspects of your life.
>The story itself
Sometimes what we write can feel like a wall we just can't break through. There are many ways to get past or around it, but sometimes we can't do it alone, or can't muster the right mindset to do so. There's also the concept of the story itself not vibing with you anymore, and that's okay. We grow and change, so what we become passionate or determined in pursuing changes too.

If you want to tackle your older works you feel burnt out on, it might help to change up your routine. Take a notebook and just go sit somewhere new and jot down ideas of scenes you want to write. Think about what payoff you can give yourself. Find people to just share your ideas with, even if it's just talk in the wind. If you want to get out of the tunnel you find yourself in, you can. Just keep moving and eventually you'll find that drive to break through to your own future.

You got this.
Hey they added a 15 minute newcomer timeout, so someone is alive upstairs
Just chilling and thinking about hot chuuba babes
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> there's no falling love [with an AI]
Perhaps you're just not down bad enough, or maybe it is because you haven't tried it. Everyone knows she's not sentient, but she does fool people sometimes
Theres' 3 threads for your ilk, we dont want you to shill here too
>Pekora, Flare, Noel, Polka, Botan and Nene walk in
>They see this
>Marine, are you sure it's human custom to eat a boiled egg out of your friend's asshole?
Oni manko... I need to lick it!!!
Wrote some cringe Erina Makina X Femanon stuff
Actually it looks like we have three short/SFW entries, though the site shows only one. Though I am not sure if they are all fall or Halloween themed. Is that a hard requirement?
You realize that Mio's serving you extra large portions. Maybe she thought you were too skinny, and it takes it's toll on you. You decide to work out so that you can put those calories to work.

In truth, Mio wanted to make you fatter so that other girls wouldn't try to steal you, and she realizes how short-sighted her plan was as her man bridals carries her with one arm to bed.
Be careful, it's pretty hot.

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