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Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gawrgura_holoen

Songs: https://rentry.org/Gura_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/Gura_merch

Gawr Gura 4th Anniversary Celebration Merch

Gawr Gura Pop Up Parade rerun

AVIOT TE-V1R-HEN Holomyth Earbuds

Youtooz figure

Previous Thread: >>87667180
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I love my wife so much!!
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I'm really in love with this womanchild...
that's a catshark child
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I'm marrying this little nerd.
I hope she's ok...
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MY wife
when is the next stream
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Day 18! Give it up for day 18!
She gave up, anon. She doesn't fit in hololive. She's too much or a normalfag now. She can't talk to or relate to any of the other girls or their interests.
Gura. Gura.
Gura. Gura.
Gura. Gura.
Go! Go!
That's a child
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Wife soon?
>Hail Gura, full of Gawr
>Yagoo is with thee
>Blessed art thou amongst lolis
>And blessed is the fruit of thy cunny, /ggg/sus
>Stinky Gura, mother of memes
>Stream for us shrimpers, now and in the hours of EST
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Sorry, she's having too much fun.
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I know it's going to be funny as hell, but you can't laugh when they open the casket and see their son missing. They'll know it was us.
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I can't imagine spending time shitposting in threads about vtubers of all things that they don't even like for "fun". I guess some people are just different.
Nothing's wrong. She enjoys doing other things and being with other people more than streaming.
I wonder when you'll finally realize you don't matter?
Stinky girl.
I need to sniff
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Damn chumkeks! Why won't you hate Gura like I want you to! Please hate her I need this!
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Off, once again, to the nightshift
Good luck bud
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I was randomly watching Simpsons clips on Youtube and when I watched a Moe Szyslak one I got a number to a suicide prevention thing. Jesus Christ, Youtube. Chill out.
Goob luck and stay vigilant
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Wether you like or hate vtubers it all leads back to being mentally ill
Some of us just use our illness in a positive way to support gura and or whatever vtuber
Sex with a fembud.
lex with a parsebud
Is Gura a lonely loli god?
Sex with a buttbud
I guess?
Gura and her chumbuds are our own mental illness.
As are others with their own oshis.
The shitposting for the sake of making dwama is something I just can't fully understand, some people just are desperate for conflict I suppose.
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not gonna read
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Gura cute Gura cute!
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I washed my car tonight! but my Gura sticker started to peel...
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Gura ugly Gura ugly!
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MY Gurandma.
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Amusing thing just happened.
I'm staying at my folks place currently and I got out of my room to use the washroom and the very moment I opened the door I heard Ryan Gosling's "GODDAMNIT!!" down stairs. I guess they're watching Blade Runner 2049 while in bed.
It got a jolt out of me. Well I thought it was funny...
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>getting older together
But we're not? We're both getting older, but it's not together. Maybe she was confused and meant she was getting older with other people? Because it sure wasn't us.
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God is trying to tell you something chumbie, I advise you try to figure out what
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thanks for sharing, leafbud
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How did you know that I was a leaf?
This is really dumb and silly, but it's filling me with a deep sadness over Gura no longer wants to be part of anything or do anything with the others. She really doesn't have any friends or meaningful connections left in hololive.
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learn better English
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The temperature is dropping and I'm feeling a sore throat coming on
I don't love Gura, but I enjoy watching her content.
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I changed "that" to "over" and then forgot to reread the rest of it to check if the corresponding verb had the correct tense. It should have been changed to the present progressive form.
I don't blame you for thinking I was ESL.
nta but
Go back
yeah what >>87718247 said
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>She really doesn't have any friends or meaningful connections left in hololive
She didn't really have that to begin with even back when she streamed consistently. Not sure why you're acting like this is some new development.
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Oh I see, honestly I go back and forth between "washroom" and "bathroom" without thinking about it. The only thing I don't call my own home's facilities is "restroom", that's reserved for public ones.
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I just want to scoop her up in my arms, give her a slightly warmed up baby bottle, and gently rock her to sleep while telling her everything is going to be okay.
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Literally me
This is one comfy dino
Curious, I wonder where this convention originated
Baguraette honhonhon
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Do you think Gura and Ame have touched each other's private places in real life?
I think she genuinely liked Ame and was friends with her. While she gets along with the others, I think Ame was her only real friend in hololive. She interacted with Ame differently than the others. It's like she was comfortable enough around Ame to be sarcastic and banter with her. She's not like that around anyone else.
Indirectly, as I have touched them both one after the other
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i heard the dodgers got a big win hours ago, the gura buff really is strong
didn't mean to tag that post, my bad
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Sad news. Gura is announcing her graduation because Kanade wafted her farts around her ocean stage.
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Jokes on you. Gura loves stinky farts
Her's aren't stinky. They're rancid kimchi farts.
I can feel the graduation coming
Do you still need streams?
yeah, it's starting to look grim. i'm gonna miss her...
Aim better next time.
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Oh nyo, did a bot get activated?
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We know gura has touch the hole on Ame's head at least
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nightshift dino sleeping on the job
We need that filter that /biz/ and /vg/ got
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Gura wants her chumbuds to get with fembuds and build families together.
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Just finished Leviticus. Onwards to Numbers
The most hurtful and un-idol like thing she's ever said.
Are you a fembud?
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I got berries chumbie
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Shitposting really used to be a art.
Are we all creepy perverts?
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Back in high school I used to glug really loudly with my throat pretending it was a heartbeat. People probably thought I was weird
You got the life you always wanted
Please don't leave me behind
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How many buds are forklift certified?
I'm pretty darn good with a reach lift myself.
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I only know of forkliftbud, is that you chumbie?
fake and gay.
sometimes i wonder what it's like to have an oshi that streams
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Chumbie you are boring me. What games did you play today
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I don't know, I don't think I'm any particular forkliftbud.
Are you a fembud?
the EN collab is too boring to watch I agree
Are all the fembuds on tga28Their period?
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I'm not so sure that's a chumbie, or maybe he is supposed to be but is having a personal episode.
Either way just leave them be and let them sort themselves out.
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They Verification not required.Might be.
I want to call rrat on this but one moment sticks in my mind: when Gura was in Japan for Holofest stuff this year and everyone was together for lunch Gura was just left alone at a table by herself with everyone sitting far away from her. If it wasn't for Kiara Gura would have been alone for a long stretch of time while everyone was together. Then Gura was with the others at a bus stop and afterwards Kobo makes a public apology out of no where that she's sorry she didn't approach and talk to Gura. So no one talking to Gura must of stood out so much at the bus stop that Kobo felt she had to say something.

At least Mumei was based and made sure to sit with Gura inside the bus but the lunch room incident and Kobo's statement had always bothered me.
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Do fembuds in /ggg/ sync their periods?
Are you a chumbabooey?
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Sometimes I'm scared that the other girls are bullying her and I get concerned. Mumei is a good friend.
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My daughterwife is such a tiny anxious super introverted mess. I'm happy chicken lady hung out with her, she needs constant protection.
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I feel like normalfags have a hard time interacting with socially awkward people like me and gura.
Wrong thread
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Just resting my eyes mister...
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Gura approves of thin shark tail.
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For King and Cunny!
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Someday when I get my own lawn I'm going to learn to garden. I've always thought about growing my own veggies. It seems like a very wholesome and rewarding hobby and it will get me outside a bit more.
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I'm getting upset at the thought of this. You'd think with so many extroverted girls that there would be at least one that would reach out to her.
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Same desu. I want to grow vast swaths of garlic and onion. Maybe even raise some chickens too.
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It's been a minute since I've seen that gif.
I wouldn’t blame Gura if she decided to leave one day.
I wish my Gura could have more fun.
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I want to raise cunny.
Why not raise a chumfamily?
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I can't even get a girlfriend chumbie
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I'm too far gone bud, I'll never make it in this economy. Things need to drastically change before that happens and by that point I might have ED.
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I fear intimacy.
she just like me
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because of all of these things
Man... Gura is really cute, you know?
it's cruel isn't it?
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I'm reading Numbers right now. Moses and Aaron were able to muster up over 600,000 men. Theres no way they can lose with this many warriors.
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I don't see it as cruel. This dumb girl is a blessing and I'm thankful for her existence.
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it's cruel because I can't hug and take care of her
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Why do brown people hate gura?
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i love gura
I'm sure the other girls have reached out a bunch in the past and Gura's just ignored them like she ignores us. A ton of them have mentioned Gura ghosting them before.
Eventually, they all begin to think she wants nothing to do with them, and they're right because she doesn't. The only people Gura cares about have nothing to do with hololive. She doesn't want to be here.
sleep well chumbie
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Goob night chumbud
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I left a pack of sticky notes in my laundry that got thrashed up by the washing machine. I’m having a bad Friday night
Are you a fembud?
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You are why people like me struggle to make friends anon. You can't give up interacting with a shy person or else they will always shut themselves in.
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One time I left a 20 dollar bill in my pocket and a blue pen. It could always be worse chumbie.
It's been four years anon. She wants nothing to do with her fans.
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Just wait and see how the Chosenites repay the good Lord for his faith and benevolence
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I don't think you understand socially anxious people anon
>*Le touché*
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One time when I was a kid I forgot a deck of my best Yugioh cards in my pants pocket and they got washed... I stopped collecting them that day.
It genuinely feels like she just doesn't want any of her fans to love her.
Nah, you're just retarded.
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Try not to reply to them. He's been doing this shtick for hours already.
why reply
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Hersherber burger burbur
They lack souls and therefore compassion.
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I thought he was just lonely. Seems like he doesn't have any games to play.
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That’s rough chumbie. What cards did you have that you liked? I had a blue eyes white dragon and a dark magician
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That was uncalled for, sorry. Just this one time.
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I started playing cookie clicker on both my phone and my pc…
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One I particularly liked was my Red Eyes Black Dragon. It was one of the rarest ones if not THE rarest one and I got it in my first ever pack of Yugioh cards that my parents bought for me. All the kids wanted it so bad.
>*Lo touchõ*
wtffff. I remember I was so scared of my pokemon cards getting damaged.
You'd think vtubers fans would have more sympathy for vtubers with social issues, but it seems a fair bit of them just expect them to just get over it and get mad at these vtubers for having genuine social issues.
One thing I'll say about Kiara is that it was weird how, when she was talking about her impressions about other members in her 2.0 reveal, she was genuinely baffled about why Gura doesn't reach out more when she literally listed out the reasons she doesn't by describing her asocial behavior. It's like she couldn't put two and two together.
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You really love cookie clicker chumbie
Gura isn't avoiding us because she's socially anxious. She's doing lots of things off-stream every day and she's probably even interacting with lots of people as part of her "self-enrichment" that she told us about. It's just that none of it has anything to do with hololive.

And the problem is that I understand her entirely too well. She desperately wants social interaction, it's just that she doesn't want it from just anyone. She's only interested in interacting with people that she either admires or thinks she will get along with ahead of time. Unfortunately, her fans don't fall into either of those categories, so she just distances herself from us over time. Gura is the type to have only a couple, really close friends, and doesn't do well with shallow relationships.
Everything that she has ever told us (as well as the stuff she hasn't, but we know anyway) supports that.
>Gura is the type to have only a couple, really close friends
Shes just like me...
Remember Mumei and Gura never met until this. So Gura went all this time without Mumei at her side in Japan. Gura's manager actually had to beg Mumei, promising to move whatever it took to allow the two to meet. Mumei's schedule was the reason Gura and Mumei didn't met last year.

Yeah I'm amazed how protective Mumei is of Gura at times: Mumei got pissed while taking a personality quiz when the quiz called Gura stupid.

Shion and her manger always does. Something good happened with Korone because Korone offered to go to Disneyland with Gura.

Kiara made a point to hang with Gura because she "doesn't want her to get lonely". You don't get lonely if you don't give a shit.
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This makes me feel a lot better. Mumei really is a good friend
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>You don't get lonely if you don't give a shit.
You do. It's that selectiveness I mentioned in >>87734774.
I can be around lots of people at work or anywhere else. I can even talk to them. But unless I have a deeper connection with them and share interests with them, then I get incredibly lonely, even while I'm smiling and talking to them. It's not that I don't give a shit. I just can't help feeling lonely around those I don't connect with. Gura is the same. She doesn't connect with the other girls or us.
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too many walls of text
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Makes sense to me. You can't connect with an amalgamation of 16,000+ chumbies. Many of the holoEN girls are either unironic weebs or are into different stuff. Pretty hard for gura to connect with them.
>*Li touchí*
I remember Mori saying they hire talents with personalities that are compatible with the other EN members, but they clearly don't factor Gura's personality if that is really the case.
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NOT and CC seem to mesh really well with Gura. Just not on the same tier as Ame did of course.
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Gura, please taunt us with your sexual preferences.
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Not enough to make her want to come back.
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Did you watch the movie yet animebud?
Are you a fembud?
I wonder how much that card would be worth today...
Did I mindbreak you so much that you started to pretend to be me?
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La basé
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Is someone saying mean things about Gura again?
Yes, Gura is very ugly.
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Love goob
Love chumbies
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I will be in 1 hour
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>You can still get lonely while not giving a shit
>Just look at me, I'm lonely
>It's not that I don't give a shit
You presume to understand Gura when even simple syllogisms are beyond your comprehension.
Poojeet poogrammers, fix your shitty bot.
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i love my shark wife no matter what.
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For s’ghetti too!!!
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I'm craving s’ghetti, I need to make some again soon!
Imagine Gura playing Stellaris.
Imagine Gura playing wc3 customs.
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Imagine Gura
Imagine Gura
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Giant snakes are really scary.
I want Gura to become the biggest slut in Hololive. She needs to take responsibility for getting so many chumbud dicks hard
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I love my cute shark daughterwife!
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I haven't had mead in a couple of months and now I really want mead
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Same desu except make that a couple of years
The worst part is that Gura doesn't even think this is wrong. She's not sorry or even empathetic to how much people miss her. Her fan's love means nothing.
Is Friday night also retard night?
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Seems pretty nice right now except for that one guy
Are you a fembud?
When you really think about it, how do you go an entire month without even wanting to talk to your fans unless you just don't care about them? It doesn't make sense thaat she would say she cares and then not be able to spend 10 minutes in an entire month writing a small message or something.
She's just a lying sack of shit, right? There's really no other explanation. It's not like she's unable to do it. She just doesn't care.
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He keeps saying the same things over and over again maybe slightly reworded. I think it's broken.
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Its a bit silly. He should just post dino if he wanted to bump the thread
How do you pretend that she's still devoted to being an idol?
You say you love her, but then how do you convince yourself she's not doing things that would hurt you if she won't even commit an hour of her time to stream in an entire month?
Your ability to disassociate from the reality of things in front of you must be insane.
Please show your bushy pucci, fembud.
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Your mother is undyingly loyal to my cock, fembud
sleep tight buddy
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Oh yes same.
goob morning
I want Gawr to ryona and sexually bully me
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Im sure she gets invited but politely decline to deal with whatver she is doing offstream. I have hope she will comeback next week, she takes her time but always comeback and i will wait her everytime because there is no one like her.
By not being a mentally ill retard.
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I felt like watching some anime, but my bed is looking very alluring to me right now.
Maybe just a little nap.
one day I will get to scroll through a thread that isn't seething shitposting versus dead-eyed cope
but not today, it seems
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I liked abusing dead eye in al the red dead games
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Nighty night chumbie
Why is that bitch staring at my wife's ass?
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I wonder if the Halo anime spinoffs were any good
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Can't be worse than the recent live action series
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look at this little whore
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pretty weak schedule. no card shop game?
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Oh lord, I've been doing everything in my power to avoid that fucking TV show since it launched. How many years has it been now?
Honestly, with all of Microsoft's corporate cancer, it's a miracle and a testament to how hard Joe Staten tried to fix things that Infinite launched with the precious handful of redeeming qualities it had. Halobud, if you're here and don't mind Halo Infinite spoilers, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnDrkD1ejGU
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Its a real shame what they did
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>2/3 of the campaign got scrapped
wtf, why?
sounds like it could have been really fun
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What was it? What changed?
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Presumably because a) the leadership was fucking retarded and b) because things just weren't working, due to a combination of the engine being jank, the devs constantly being cycled out due to Microsoyft's 18 month contractor model, studio departments not being allowed to collaborate for some bizarre reason, etc.
It's genuinely infuriating and I'm glad the leadership has been given the boot. Whatever this new studio does, I'm certain it can't be worse than what 343i "accomplished" with 4, 5 and Infinite.
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I want to be just like master chief
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I also want to be a 7ft tall super soldier (I actually want to be an 8ft tall super soldier, but I think the black carapace makes space marines look kinda ugly, and I don't want these nodules sticking out of my body)
She got tired of streaming its that simple
I think its a different situation from Ame who wants to keep streaming but wanted something new
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T o T
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Same desu
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shark bondage sexy
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is this a slowbud so slow that nobody knows what it's reacting to
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