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Fujo Solar Dragon
Ero Sakana Feesh
Metal Gear Fairy
Freaky Ghost Maid
Forever Home

>Elira Pendora
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora | https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@elirapendora
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOIeSUTOTkF9Hs7q3SGcO-Ow
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdln23Ph6A8

>Finana Ryugu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu | https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@finanaryugu
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOu-J8uIXuLZh16gG-cT1naw
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bvpss_Xx9M

>Mint Fantome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MintFantome
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/mintfantome.bsky.social
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome
M&M Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@MMSummerSpecial

>Pomu Rainpuff (Graduated)
>Twitter (private): https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff
>Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@pomurainpuff
>Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL79zk-NEQFk79tLTtgS9LFOIRzAixwFBF
>3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpuEQozRzJ4
>Voicepacks, Wallpapers, etc: https://mega.nz/folder/GplglSzK#AbvhirWWfpYrihQb5aDK3w


▶LazuLight Music!

▶LazuLight in 3D!

◀ Previous Thread: >>87672510
That's convenient all the saw movies are on Netflix. Should be fun to watch them again haven't seen t hem in years.
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Mint is not /lazu/.
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Finana and Pyramid Head
She looks really small in this.
What happened why did the previous thread close so fast
Mint has the idolen debut watch along today right? Not really interested in watching a new gen of vtubers to be honest.
Not sure The board must have been fast
/lazu/ is dead
True there's a lack of streams lately but Feesh has saw at 2!
I almost certainly won't watch them after today but a Minto stream is a Minto stream
Looking forward to it
Will Finana scream lots at all the blood and gore and ways of killing in Saw or is she cool with horror in films/movies but just screams lots at games?
I look forward to her closing her eyes a lot because she said she's not good with gore
Which will be really funny
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hding behind a pillow
It'll be a good time I can't wait
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So fast today
Apparently Ina ranted a little about hololive because taxes I think and now you have a bunch of threads covering it up
3D Finana really managed to keep her derpiness well.
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Girls are cute when they're stupid and exist in the 3D environment.
Then suddenlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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It really is fast. But it doesn't feel fast. Mystarias...
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Ganba thread.
What the fuck why is the board so fast?
140cm, if anything she might be to big in it
See >>87764794
do we have something like this but with pomu
Not just cuz of taxes she went on a full blown melty to the point where she was fighting back tears.
She talked about how the company fucked up her visa which means she can't go to Japan for a while and almost all of her projects have to be put on hold until next year. The company refused to refund her for any of it
Yes, I think you can find some of them easily in gelbooru
ngl, this seems pretty similar to the problem NijiEN had with the visas during their first nijifes and holobronies were shitting on niji because of that, the difference here is that this is worse because she spent money when niji members didn't, but I am sure they won't shit on holo because it's their corpo
ironic how the things they were lying about that was going with niji back in february now keep happening with hololive

and of course if it was niji you'd have 20 threads about it, but because it's hololive you only have 1 plus a bunch of other threads deflecting from it

it sucks because they aren't even on ina's side
Oh absolutely. It's made even worse though by the fact that it wasn't a whole branch they were trying to get to Japan during COVID restrictions but instead just one girl.
One girl who has been in the company for 4 years and has been to Japan multiple times. Like there is no reason why they should have fucked up but they did
That's just how it goes.
People are always defensive towards the company at first. Even I didn't really wanna believe that there were that many problems in Niji until Pomu herself left and basically said she was made miserable by the company.
Seeing someone who was a huge fan of the company before the en branch even launched and extremely excited to be a part of the first wave later on express how if she stayed, she'd be miserable, really opened up my eyes
Cock killed the thread... where did all the gay pomies go...
spooky ghost in the spooky karaoke relay
I'm not seeing anything on the board.
There were threads about it yesterday
Here's one of them
It's a major cock up. These things happen though, I wish all the best for Ina, I also wish people would just chill out with all the shitflinging too. It's rough.
The amount of cope in that thread holy shit
I thinks this one is the funniest >>87711183
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>nijisisters shitting up the thread with offtopic garbage
Fuck off back to /nijien/
Feesh memba soon
I'm working on burning subs
1 is done but 2&3 still need burned. Might burn 3 while watching the stream
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Healin' Halo!
Gonna nap for 30
Thankfully they are not here anymore, I think they are at /mint/ and the manwhore pomies are still at /nijien/. Only average pomies who want to fuck mint are still here
I swear 4chan is eventually going to give me a foot fetish.
Convincing my younger sister Finana that my cum will make her breasts grow big
Oh Finana has started
Over at r/NijiWatch on cytube
This film really looks like it was made in the early 2000s.
It was and it was made for practically nothing too
that i like her outfit comment made me laugh
This is the most fun I've had without lubricant!
She scares herself anticipating something happening more than it actually happening.
The policeman fella became obsessed.
I completely forgot this part of the movie.
The mobile phones are so old.
The acting was terrible suddenly.
Feesh is really enjoying this movie.
its funny when she recognize something from dbd
the movie is interesting, the way people talk about the series i thought it'd be bad
Probably the result of an idea that was good for one movie being stretched into a series of like 10 movies or something.
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1st movie over
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The dead ojisan was sus the entire time!!
finana you can't say that about the mentally ill
Movie 2 soon
feesh is growing up...
so are her bills
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>loses money because of valoguards
>complains to them she isn't making money without realizing they're the problem
That’s what she gets for playing favorites
Mint start!
it's a real mystery
reminder to use the funny link in description
Mint's first ever sponsored stream... she was asked to do other watchalongs, as suspected, but she was busy the other times. She still watched them anyways.
Saw 2 started
Is it bad to miss her as a fairy?
he dead
Mint loves X buttholes.
yeah mine
>it's so important! lore is what makes a vtuber!
says mint, the girl with NO lore yes i know her 3.0 will have lore shut up
I feel nowadays it's more her being in Niji, and her involvement with Zaion rather (which is still the first first result when searching her name), rather than valoguards
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everything reminds me of her...
this shit is real adhd
Debuts always have that weird nervous energy to me.
mint loved the hell out of kid cuisine which is kind of weird considering how autistic her mom was about nutrition
cute lion, I'm filtered by the voice, but her style is fun
That debut was insanely good, i kneel former jews
her fans would donate to her if she hadn't traded them for the vips and lied to the people supporting her, you can see well that's when they stopped giving her money
That wasn't enough Minto...
Of course not.
fessh is locked in
2nd movie down
Second movie is different but it was interesting still
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Sorry I couldn't stream 3
genuine question, does /mint/ dislike finana and elira? I've avoided visiting that thread since I saw some disdain towards them, but that was a while ago, have things gotten better?
I hope not but I have no way of knowing. I love all three of them very much, Doki, too.
just to be clear I mean the /mint/ general, not mint herself
Oh. No idea, probably, people are hyper sensitive to everything these days.
There's very little reason to mention either of them there, because Mint doesn't talk about Nijisanji.
There's nijifags and dragoons and holofags in the thread, all mortal enemies brought into harmony by the power of Mint's ass.
I'll just use a meme
Go to there and picrel
They're rarely brought up in anything more than a very brief and immediately dropped aside.
There are however mentions of "how hard she had it" w.r.t. the people that were closest to her in the company and similar topics and I think the general consensus there is "the less is talked about them the better", mostly not to shit up the thread since as >>87798737 said there's many people from many different backgrounds and maybe half of them watched Pomu with enough frequency to have a valid opinion that's not just shitflinging -- and even out of those many chose to never watch collabs because they wanted just Pomu and only Pomu.
That said some of the fags that joined the thread at the start and helped bake it for the first month (and unwittingly make themselves VERY recognizable... brother, I saw you in those catalog threads making shit up about Pomu, pretending you knew all about her streams and then you went to the general and mentioned you dropped her back in 2022) are self-professed Niji-antis so you can guess what their opinion is like.
get that catalog shit out of here man
It's relevant in this case, grow a pair and just ask them, worst case scenario you get called a faggot in 4chan and just leave that thread again while they understandably go back to talking about Mint's butt
I'm not the same anon, I was just telling you not to bring catalog shit here, fuck off with that shit
does it matter? they're not on-topic there.
I've seen a mix of people who liked pomu throughout and tolerate the two, people who got filtered by post-ethyria, and people who got filtered by niji entirely.
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This artists style is good but very different to me it's jarring at first
I know they are not on topic there, but around the time I stopped visiting that thread, some assholes were using memes like the finana as measurement for ccv one. Do they still do that?
And she has a lot of phasefags now in chat and /mint/
for the most part, they hate them, or avoid mentioning them. that's why /lazu+/ lives, for mintidachis who still like finana and elira.
Haven't seen that in a while.
that's a catalog thing I've only seen elsewhere, still pops up
Thank you, I guess that's all I wanted to know, though now that I think about it I don't know why I even asked in the first place, I still don't intend to go there anytime soon. Sorry for bringing down the mood with this unnecessary topic.
I did see it a bit in the mint thread along with some unpleasant remarks about wiwa and feesh, which is why I stopped visiting that thread, but that was months ago.
They did not mention elira or finana at all. Like the two do not exist anymore.
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It's okay anon, I got my answer, let's end the topic. Look at this cute wiwa
They get mentioned sometimes, like when people wonder if Mint's going to play Xenoblade.
Very cute dragon
Where is this from?
I don't know, I got it from /nijien/
It's ai
A neural network, it looks like.
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Eh... Finana ccv unit was fun until she started hitting below that for most of her streams. "Parasocial fucks" beam struggles are funnier
How are bad faith memes perpetuated by people who hate her guts funny? I don't mind memes at the expense of others as long as they're done in good faith, but those are very clearly not.
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This Elira is just too cute.
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Aha *bites lip*
god this gif is sex
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is elira home already?
seems possible considering she was hoping to start streaming monday or tuesday if she was feeling recovered but settled on most likely tuesday
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7dtd is too addicting...my base is fortified with a ton of wooden spike traps, it's impossible to get into without jumping over Wooden building blocks. I'm waiting for the blood Moon tomorrow
I feel kinda sad Holo had a massive event for it because I would love to see en play it but yeah
Elira yes
Finana is half and half, there are some that hate her and some that talk about her fondly
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It looks like NijiJP had a period of playing around a year ago or something but only a handful of EN members gave it a go and joined in at all. Shu and Kotoka maybe.
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think the weather is fucking with my internet, looks stormy as fuck outside and keeps intermittently cutting out
From what I can tell it looks like Millie and Enna are back now so makes sense to assume Elira is too. She said she wanted to come back to streaming Tuesday on her last stream.
Only Millie. Enna is still in Japan but for family reasons.
Didn't she get announced for supporting at another concert too? I think Deron.
oh actually thats not until april next year
There's one in November and one in April. The one in November has Ren And Reimu.
rare mint cooking stream
Minto is gonna make a mess!
She isn't that bad a cooking is she?
I wouldn't even say it's half and half for finana, it's probably just like 2 or 3 guys that hate her, I'd say most are indifferent, and most of the ones that like her (and elira) are here on on the nijien general
Yeah Ktk really loved it
You think she will decorate them with icing to make it halloween themed?
The title predicts it
I hope so
yeah that could get messy controlling icing can be really difficult
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Doesn't really matter because most of the spam comes from schizos rather than bots.
It might catch some of the phone-evading chimps, though.
yeah, sadly I don't think much is gonna change, some schizos are smart about posting inflamatory shit without getting banned, not to mention you can bypass it if you have a 4chan pass
Sea is too broke for that
I think feesh would really enjoy ff7r
It's not meant to remove spam altogether nor to curb schizos.
It's meant to stop the fags that use extensions like ecker from flooding or thread-reordering boards. It's been a problem that has kept mods busy for years and years at this point so I'm glad to see it addressed. The original proposal of this anti-flood method was made in 2019 but there was no e-mail verification back then.
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I just watched Elira's birthday video along with the livestream. That was fun.
It'll be interesting to see if it reduces posting speed on the board significantly.
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she is a fish with erotic thoughts that much is true
She'd enjoy the copious amounts of extra Sephiroth. Like 16, it's quite unlike a traditional JRPG. Probably.
What time is mint on
~115 minutes from now
About 2 hours.
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good sunday nights always gets me feeling depressed and needing distraction
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