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A thread dedicated to the lovable Blonde Thief turned Bounty Hunter with a Laughter full of Joy and a Heart of Gold!
Tiny bird! Edition~

>Her Youtube channel
>Her Twitch channel
>Her VOD channel
>Her Twitter
>Her Shop
>STREAM Drift Away Dokibird's cover
>STREAM The Final Heist MV
>OP Sauce
Previous thread: >>87711885

>>The Selen Tatsuki Archives (Every achievement/memory is still hers, they can't take that away!)
>STREAM Fly High Selen Tatsuki's Original Song & MV (Reupload)
>STREAM Last Cup of Coffee Selen Tatsuki's Cover & MV (Reupload)
>Play Detective Pomu and the Tatsuki Manor Mystery!!

>Our Divegrass team page

>Divegrass suggestions poll. Got any ideas for the team? Send them over!

>Don't be a Dumb Goon and reply to (or even just give attention to) every single bit of bait, shitstirring, tribalism, and/or dramafaggotry out there. Be a Smart Goon, Ignore it and Move on! (Report if you have to though!)
Damn, Canada’s internet is being a bitch today.
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So this is divine intervention making her have an actual rest week right?
When is it not
Not much of a rest if you stress over Internet.
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While we wait and hope that her connection will miraculously come back, don't forget that the divegrass team now has a special poll for suggestions at https://cryptpad.fr/form/#/2/form/view/KSv8HgulFlTfxE+jbdCtmerY51Xn7h0rL5PMTI94qvA/. If you have any ideas for the team, send them over. You can send multiple responses, none of the categories are mandatory and the poll is permanently open - treat it as our way of collecting ideas for the next league.
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I wanted to hear Doki yap...
Doki yapping stream...
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it's so over
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Good(ish) news everyone
I'm sad...
on one hand we have NeedyGoons
on the other we have Goons that have lost it
Doesn't Doki have like 5 billion tera internet?
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no... she's teasing us...
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Doki ASS
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I thought about submitting a special livery for the final two VGTC races later today, but the idea I had in mind sadly doesn't look as good as I'd hoped. Might just save it for next season, if that ever happens.
It looks good goon! The car may be slow but your liveries are nice.
Not bad, we could make a Crowki car next season.
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I actually have an idea for that. Something akin to this Ravenwest Motorsport mod livery, but more crow-themed and with Crowki's colors.
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That already looks badass.
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Dragoons gifting a bunch of ships during this trying time is pretty sweet
Doki has cute drawings to show us!
we've officially lost it kek
I don't like gifted and think they'd be better off superchatting, but it is what it is
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I still have a gray name. My entertainment is still FREE. Get fucked greenies.
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Gaslight successful
just as Doki would want to kek
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1 hour and 15 minute...
If I take a shot for every time doki is late / pc or internet related issues, how dead am I
hello wisp
surprisingly few
it's just the few times the PC or Internet related issue happens, it's fucking critical
Doki literally panic switched RAM sticks while the PC is on, the gods were watching out for her HYTE PC istg
I'm gonna show off our regular livery one final time before we retire this painfully slow car. The last two races of the season are in 9 hours time. In terms of looks, what would you like to see next season? Got any livery ideas?
serious-wise this entire shitpost train hopefully made Doki's night
then again she probably would've ate her problems away again
did she mention ice cream last time or didn't specify
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It's over, isn't it?
it was over at least an hour ago
the shitposting train just made it hilarious kek
She's forcing herself to be strong for us. She loves us...
MONKE for good luck
Bros i think this is it for me, it's 8:15am and i still haven't slept...
go to bed so she can finally start stream
>Doki tells you you're not going to sleep tonight
>Halloween stream after Mint's re-debut!!
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Halloween stream!
Goon, you should've been like me and woken up for the stream instead of staying up for it. It's 8:15 over here too.
Halloween Stream after Mint's re-debut.
Kek she wanted to yap so bad and is now doing it in chat
The real yapping was the chat messages sent along the way......
it took her over an hour to hold back the yapping
she deserves a cookie for holding back is long kek
do you want the bad news first
or would you like to see a cool video clip of burning wreckage
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poor Associate who has 0 input on wtf the engineers are doing is going to get the wrath of Doki kek
thank the gods I left customer service
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>Enters in a Super Saiyan type of transformation
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>local news
>a Chinese-Canadian woman brutally murdered her apartment's receptionist late last night in response to an internet outage
>the woman believed the receptionist was stealing fiber-optic cable and hiding it in her intestines
I would always prefer a stream but this is endlessly entertaining
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what the fuck is going on where she lives bro
it's so stupid but it fucking works for some magical reason lmaooooo
>first world country btw
What the fuck?? Oh it's raining where she's at, no wonder everything's down
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Apparently the entire region is flooding.
god's wrath is finally coming to that country for all their misdeeds...
>Dokimint Halloween stream
MAYBE tomorrow internet is back
Proper drainage to make sure the basement carpark doesn't get flooded? The developer could use that for coke, so no.
not necessarily dokimint, just confirmed she doesn't want to overlap
but possible yes
could've told us that in advance LMAO
our oshi is such a birb
Wait she walked D.A.D. in a rainstorm?
>Area where the internet for the whole building is in the basement
>Basement flood
Who the FUCK put shit like that in the fucking basement????
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>You said it would be back soon (less than 1 hour)
>Yup. It should be back pretty soon soon (1 or 2 days)
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the real fish were the cars we destroyed along the way
>main concern is streaming
>cars literally destroyed, flooding
the place doesn't seem to get flooded normally
shit is just climate change
lmao if its back in days after flooding, those Engineers are gods
that shit should take weeks
no she doesn't she said she has to leave for a hotel so she can get work done
she's perfectly safe lol
but traveling on the roads might be a bad idea
Flooded so hard they cant get to the parking lot from lobby
yea about that...
Doki I swear is the type to focus on work first than treat a broken bone if she gets into an accident
She doesn't know how giga serious her situation is right now lmao
She stopped typing in chat, she really is looking for a hotel...
>Flooded so hard they cant get to the parking lot from lobby
>yea about that...
and she is not on the ground floor
it's not serious at all lmao, I'm guessing you don't have floods where you live
Unless she can fly like a bird she has to go to the ground floor to travel to the hotel.
hence my "but traveling on the roads might be a bad idea" statement
I was referring to you saying "she has to leave or get drowned" and then saying how "giga serious her situation is now"
I should've specified on the travelling on roads might be a bad idea part
Its Flood capital in my Seanigger country
though granted i'm at the spot which rarely gets floods but that's more of a cheat code that I got lucky with
oh yeah for sure if she makes the decision to travel I'll concern a bit
but I think she's realizing that's not wise right now
thank fuck she's realizing it now yes
DAD is gonna have to shit inside and will lose all his potty training and start shitting everywhere
She literally went for a walk with dad is not that bad guys lol
dragoons and doomposting over minor things, name a better duo
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Saloon will perish, UUUUUUUUUUUUU....
they had to deflood the place
that shits FUBAR and dangerous as fuck to go move around in at minimum
and can easily get worse depending on how erratic the weather is
>Doki forgot it's almost midnight
This woman is dumb.... I love her
when RPR mentioned that pro who traded his braincells for aim, I think Doki took the same deal too
>was gonna go work at an internet cafe
>oh shit it's 11pm
this retard I swear
Dude I'm from BC, this shit is not that catastrophic, just relax
Goodnight Doki....
Doki lurks here
considering how that birb is, if she reads that she'd go straight out to a hotel and get into trouble
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Goodnight my love...
If you are here doki, just rest...
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She will be fine, this is not america if you're worried about her safety, the city gets things done pretty quickly
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Good night, Doki!
Love you!

STAY INSIDE. If the power goes out, or your place floods a little, it'll be okay. Just
STAY INSIDE and wait for the weather to clear and the water to drain from the roads.
Go out for food or water if you need to, but other than that just
I thought she was DokiBIRD not DokiFISH
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The yappening
: Skull emoji :
hi, tourist who follows doki and saw her tweet
don't be surprised if this is an issue for a while for her, the lower half of the BC coast is supposed to pour for days longer. our infrastructure is designed to handle a fuckton of water safely but it can cause a lot of cosmetic damage and take out poorly designed things like her building's internet apparently
don't worry, the local government will prioritize the infrastructure to doki's apartment because she is the most important canadian
Its not catastrophic but some areas got hit hard. There's one part in Burnaby where the ol Capcom Vancouver offices were that's flooded to fuck. And the North Vancouver area really got screwed hard.
At least Doki is in an apartment where she can NEET it up for a bit. Hopefully she has a lot of books or offline games to pass the time.
lmao, even
she'll NEET it up in the lobby and use their wifi for her phone until it's all restored
Using lobby wifi for her phone...
Doki if you are here reject modernity - reject online only games. Dig out that old PS2 or 3DS and game on that shit.
this happened back in 2021 as well, I hope there's some other iconic insane shit again like the barge that was beached for over a year
Doki joining and yapping in chat was unexpectedly the cutest thing she's done in a while
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I miss Yapperbird...
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I hope she'll still play Webfishing with us one day, even if today's stream was canceled. It's a really comfy game.
Yapper title is accurate lmao.
goon you can't just vaguepost "no..." you're gonna make me concern
unless otherwise stated for (You)s, if i had to guess the no is regarding >>87815876
I wasn't present during her latest Collab where she totally played, is it just Doki who got knocked out or are there other Canadian Chuubas and Canadian Fleshies cut off too?
I don't know any other BC vtubers
there were aprox 10k people without power in the area today, basically nothing considering how bad the rain was
oh so uniquely chuuba-wise it's just Doki who got fucked?
Considering the EN sphere seems to be made up of about 75% Asian Canadians I'm sure Doki can't be the only one on the West Coast.
was gonna say FWMC but i forgor they moved
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That's me she's holding!
Magical girl Doki my beloved
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Sleep mode till she gets Internet back
At least we've got the final two VGTC races coming up in just over an hour to give us a little bit of entertainment. And I think we're not far off from the divegrass art commission being finished and posted...
>>87826149 (me)
Yep, just got the final image. Gonna wait for the artist to post it (in a few days apparently) before I link it here, but all I can say is it looks awesome.
If anyone has the Gyarulen Lewd from the previous Bread, could you please post it in a catbox link?
I hope you're happy goon, I signed up for bluesky just for you
>the one stream that got fucked was Goodnight Dragoons
very, very gay
Excited to see it!
Strinova was too.
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strinova and goodnight dragoons, so far
The final two rounds of the VGTC racing series will be starting shortly. Time to see if Doki can finish the season on a high.
http://vtleague.420699.xyz/ >>87826946
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A painful 25th place in the first of the two races. Funnily enough though, Mint also only finished 22nd, meaning they are now tied on points going into the final race. Yuri is real.
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Huh, okay?
After it happened on /vg/ I thought it might be implemented here too. Hopefully it cuts down on some of the bullshit but I doubt it.
>they did this but they won't just do unique poster IDs
for what purpose
Because when a thread like /hlgg/ yesterday is being spammed with dox by bots who make new IPs literally every second for 1-3 hours, IDs won't do anything to stop that
>going to /hlgg/, ever
those tribalfag retards get what they deserve
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Thoughts on this bird?
The point still stands. He was using the bots in random splits too as tests.

Also this was apparently put on /vg/ and /v/ too.
I assume this will be a site wide thing soon
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Just one.
What determines who is a "new user"? Cookies?
>>87831359 (me)
Never mind, I'm dumb. It's literally written in the last paragraph.
Your IP and if you posted on the board before. Switching IPs makes you a new user (which doesn't happen often unless you have a dynamic IP or you ban evade and change it)

So this doesn't effect most regular posters only people going out their way to shit the board(s) up.
If you have a dynamic IP you can just make a burner email and verify that so you don't need to wait 15 mins every post
Nevermind that nevermind I didn't read it either
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Very cute!
Me sitting nearby!
This was supposed to be Doki and us last night! Uuuuuu
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Saddest art from THAT time...
Never again bro...
and spammers are never new users, not really that helpful I'll be honest
The entire point is that it resets when they get banned because to ban evade they have to reset IP. So they can’t just reset and immediately go back to it, they have to sit in timeout after a ban
Will it work in this thread? No because jannies never help us lmao
But there’s no real downsides to it either
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There is no escape for you, little bird.
Trouble maker...
This has Crowki written all over it.
Since there's no Doki streams for the next day or three, might as well discuss.
What sort of streams/games are you hoping she does?
For me i think i'd want the tierlist/Smash or pass stream from the charity goals, she hasn't done that yet and it would be a fun solo yapping stream.
I hope she'll bring back Webfishing in a different stream. It's a comfy game, it's perfect for yapping and it's a game she can we can join too. I'd also love a members Garfield Kart or Fast Penguin stream, or some other silly game that we can play with her. No other preferences beyond that. Her having fun is good enough for me.
>she can we can
Monke brain strikes again...
>I hope she'll bring back Webfishing in a different stream
I hope she'll just reschedule that Goodnight Dragoons stream.
I really enjoy Goodnight Dragoons at the end of the week to wrap things up even though it's the one stream i always have to VODwatch because timezones
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>Bento stream
>The Super Mario stream she never did with Selen
>Dark Souls, Halo and Space Marine 1
>Dokimint smash or pass for DIGIMON (might as well do a taste list)
Boomer Shooters or Single Player FPS/TPS please!
Amid Evil would still be a great Halloween game
bring back megaman suffering
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Really hoping she plays Space Marine 2 now that the Game's out since she talked a lot about wanting to play it and it looks really cool as well. (Also seeing a few Holos play it and get really into it too kek!)
Otherwise I pretty much agree with what this Goon says also >>87840777
Would also be cool to see her do a collab with some of her Kama-Sisters too if possible.
I hope for this week's fishing Goodnight Dragoons to be rescheduled, and for the Minecraft hardcore with Mint she mentioned a while back.
>Minecraft hardcore with Mint
I totally forgot that was supposed to be a thing
>Would also be cool to see her do a collab with some of her Kama-Sisters too if possible.
I agree, even though in another thread I read a troubling rumor regarding, among others, Dr. Nova. Apparently many v4mirai members, except for the last gen ones who just debuted, are simultaneously reactivating their PLs. But I know too little about that corpo to know if something is really happening or not.
Brave has way too much money for v4mirai or others to flop just like that.
That said, it's 2024 - anything can happen in the vtubing space at this point.
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>Would also be cool to see her do a collab with some of her Kama-Sisters too if possible.
Snuffy one-on-one collab.
Yes please.
>>87841678 (me)
Also, more Silent Hill because she yaps a lot during it and her fear is cute.
>Snuffy one-on-one off-collab
100% yes! I've noticed she goes quiet when it's a group collab so another Roblox 1 on 1 would be nice or a VR chat tour.
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that would be fun
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New dokibites!
C-crowki bros?
I'm scared now...
my oshi
This meme seems familiar but i can't remember...
New goon here, I just watched her Selen debut, she sounds so different and confined lol
Any veteran goons mind recommending me some archives to watch?
And which stream is her first showing the "toxic gamer girl" side?
Also her Selen skinsuit suits her personality and voice so perfectly, a shame that Niji is a shitty company
>And which stream is her first showing the "toxic gamer girl" side?
I'm pretty sure that was like day 1
We usually recommend depending on what you are looking for in streams, but my personal favorites
>Apex Protect the pomu
>Any of her roguelikes streams like Rogue legacy
>Demon Souls and Bloodborne
These are the ones that come to mind atm
Dead Space 1 (OG) might honestly still be my favourite playthrough after all these years
NoShirt Doki!!
I WILL GRAB those boobs!
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good lord that's hot
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Thank you, I can't into creating soundposts and would have surely screwed it up like many other things in life.
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no problem brotha
The Dokibites is allegedly inspired by this birb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUJw2eVYznw
Have you ever considered that doki isn't actually a bird?
Correct, she is an HARPY
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case closed
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I'll be heading to Bed soon now bros, hope you all stay comfy as we head into next week...
Goodnight Goons~
>Would also be cool to see her do a collab with some of her Kama-Sisters too if possible.
imagine collab with elira and the level of meltdown/vt/ dramafags would have
GN goon.
GN goon o7
she's literally a crow
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Thoughts on this bird?
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Laughing angel!
Of course not, she's a tomato.

>imagine collab with elira
I'd rather not, thank you.
I'd like for her to play starcraft 2
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Rest well Dragoon!
Sleepy Doki my beloved
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Any ideas what it might be?
Hopefully Doki can stream by then!
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My favorite chuubas in one stream, that day will be a good one
>Double date again
sex with all four of these women
>this SEX group again
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>What sort of streams/games are you hoping she does?
Pathologic 2 /3 (SOON (tm))
Why? I just think it'll be funny.
Se acabo...
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sleepylen my beloved
wishful thinking but the day she plays and finishes Sekiro is a day i'll be a super happy Goon
significantly lesser chances but Doki playing Sairento/Hellsweeper VR would be awesome too, just to see the birb go full adrenaline junkie as she tears everything in half after Quintiple jumping + backflipping in VR
Into the Radius VR would be pog too, the gunplay of that is amazing and cathartic while having her panic when it matters would be hilarous
Man there was no activity on Twitter huh? Seems like it was just the short for today was more than likely scheduled.
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I hope she is ok...
Stop concerning over nothing
She’s in a nice place in an area where she could even walk her dog. The flooding in Vancouver had calmed down
Let her rest
https://vxtwitter.com/dokibird/status/1848283038247006531 She's back!
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Schedule out!
>Goodnight Dragoons
WDYM huniepop
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>Goodnight Dragoons
LETS FUCKING GOOO! I wish she did it on Friday though
>Fast Food collab
I cant wait for that group, it's one of the best collab units
>Silent Hill 2
>Backyard Baseball
>Are you smarter than a 5th Grader
wtf are these? I'm curious now
Isn't that a porn game? lmao
Overall a 8/10 week!
>Backyard baseball
She said she really loved this series as a kid on twitter
>Fast Food Collab
I guess Snuffy, Laimu, Doki and Mint are a group now. They need a name.
>The rest
All seem like fun. Also goodnight dragoons!
I wouldn't mind if the schedule was always like this in the future, good balance of timezones and also one weekly collab to look forward to.
>They need a name
If my schizo theory is correct, I propose the Cillias.
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>Panko in the replies
I'll pour one out for Pankobro.
>Doki survived the flood
>schedule out
>GN goons is TONIGHT
So Doki Mint Limes and Snuffy is pretty much a friend group now
Holy dumb bird lmao
I miss Pankobro...
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Divegrass anchor post. Something interesting has just come up and I figured I might ask.

There's a for-fun-only divegrass invitational tournament happening this Christmas, and there are four slots available for VTL teams. Should we sign up?
Keep in mind that this invitational will feature all kinds of teams, with most having little to do with vtubers - this could be a good thing or a bad thing. Picrel has all the teams that took part in the previous edition, with /hfz/, /lig/ and /doog/ being among them. Alternatively, we could come up with an offshoot team with its own squad, models and aesthetics and maybe use that to trial any potential player suggestions you might have for the next edition of the actual /vt/ league.
Either way, the choice is up to you, goons. Since we're not far from the bump limit I'll post this in the new thread as well.
i don't get it
>Should we sign up?
I mean, why not. The league has been fun, and this could be useful to tune our team up for the next edition.
Back in August Cillia tweeted that she was closing commissions for 2024 due to be already swamped with work. Out of the blue Mint commented "Thank you for your hard work" or something like that. Keep in mind that she was the only big name vtuber to engage with that tweet.
My headcanon is that Mint 3.0 is going to be rigged by her.
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I've listed us as a backup team while I wait for others to chime in. If people are interested, I'll move us up to a confirmed slot.
Sure, absolutely go for it. Try new stuff, new tactics, even if PES seems to be mostly RNG, you can still try to do something new. And this time win against niji

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