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>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
idol: >>>/vt//jidf/
EIEN: >>>/vt//eien/
kawaii: >>>/vt//pkg/
VAllure: >>>/vt//vag/
NEXAS: >>>/vt//brg/
VSMP: >>>/vt//vsmp/
PixelLink: >>>/vt//pxl/
Phase Connect: >>>/vt//pcg/
V4Mirai + globie: >>>/vt//v4m/
Small JP vtubers: >>>/vt//indie/
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt//vnug/
VReverie Extended: >>>/vt//vrex/
Tsunderia Extended: >>>/vt//tsunx/
VSPO! EN + Specialite: >>>/vt//fpspec/

Previous thread: >>87781061
Flip women owe me sex
Consensual sex with ____'s Hairloops for the purpose of procreation!
Good night. Elia hate and rape
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>50 indie vtubers
50 former corpo vtubers*
There's an important distinction between an indie that has never had an interest in more organized and streamlined streaming, and one who is interested.

A neat pattern you tend to see if you're /here/ long enough is that corpos go under or fall off through no fault of the chuubas and yet those same chuubas are attracted to the organization provided by a corpo and so they return, and as a result the same chuubas get recycled into fresh new models.
It happened across an entire section of chuubas with Cyberlive, MyHoloTV, Kawaii, AkioAir, Eien, etc...

t. I was part of organizing us away from /aa/+/corpo/ to simply just /corpo/ and we decided kicking out the suddenly indie akioair chuubas was kinda fucked up

With that said, it hasn't really made a difference. A lot of turned indie chuubas stop streaming or stop having a presence /here/, or they move to another thread, and /corpo/chads end up gravitating to discussions regarding microcorpo chuubas anyway.
Shee Zenya collab
>decided kicking out the suddenly indie akioair chuubas was kinda fucked up
We weren't the ones who decided they wouldn't stream
Need Lottie sex
o hey, that's cool
By kicking them out, I mean being antagonistic towards them being posted in the thread. Everyone kinda dogpilled on the corpo at the time, rather than the chuubas. Like I said, they ended up not streaming and so they don't get discussion.
Athy and Metorial are still active though, but it's a shame there's not many fans /here/ compared to their heyday.
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Bro the kawaii thread is absolutely putrid
read the filename
First time looking at it?
new rule doesn't do anything if jannies refuse to ban him
another day ending in y
new rule doesn't do anything because 15 minutes is laughable
that's the usual, but looking at other generals i tend to browse it seems no posts get deleted since a day ago, no matter if they are doxshit or cuckposting
this buy unironically
pkg is the only based thread on vt
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Elia when she tells you she's a "shy introvert"
Why so British?
>Miori and V-dere
Either the feud is really over or something is going on. Still feels weird.
You forgot her whore friend Pandora
is this anon high or did I miss an entire season of beerpal melties
>feud it's over
>0 kawaii
It's over in the sense that kawaii lost. Not a single kawaii girl in that relay kek
She was one of the few third parties who took a hard line in kawaii's favor
But now everyone is following each other on Bluesky?
>took a hard line in kawaii's favor
>Posts song
Anon, you should probably pick your fights a bit better, there's like 0 socialization in the karaoke relays between participants, even the shiest person in the world could easily participate in this
it's so funny how you care so much more about this shit and think it means so much more than the WOMEN do
largely emotionally immature and retarded women at that
>she collabed with them that means she hates vdere
this behavior is what killed kawaii btw
All these girls are in shared discords anon, Yoki started one of them months ago and after that you started seeing all these mixed corpo/indie events constantly be organized to this day
Elia the shy introvert is without a doubt in one of them
No Mozzu, curious
Any dead microcorpos you still think about? Every once in a while I think about Shirayuri Pro, Tomopulse, or Stellux.
Mozzu and Miori hate each other
Too many girls that post good morning tweets for her
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/v4m/ having a melty
no way!
What for this time?
another nothingburguer?
Just some brainworms. Everything will be fine for now
Imagine their hatesex, it already makes me hard af
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seems they are doomposting or whatever
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I once thought the same
Wtf, what's the point at all? It hasn't been one month even?? Why to be there instead of someone who actually wants to?
Already? Does this whore feel no attachment to anything?
who knows. the only reasonable theory is something having to do with that sanrio partnership, because there's nothing as big as to call it quits
>It hasn't been one month even
It's more than just the most recent gen, retardbro
Lol, omg, good riddance then, if they are so desperate to whore out there are better platforms for that, don't get why it's so hard not to goon slop
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heard you like karaoke relays
So many nice boobers
brave accelerated too much
>maple leaf
>Kaya not in
it's over
Terra is gonna blow her voice out 100% holy shit
damn you weren't joking
I can agree with this take
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You call that acceleration?
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>Any dead microcorpos you still think about?
mostly just whatever one kora was in
I just dont vibe with her new life
Probably only because it is still recent in my mind, but yume+ Joat and Jellyfish.
two gens in one month
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cute girls
kirby cafe is pretty hard to get resos, especially with a large party. good for them
Hiyo & Koha are live after some delay
Fishing with my princess Isla-sama
shy introverts
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Bro there's an actual shy autist there, you dont have to be social to join a karaoke relay
What the hell happened to /vnu/
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I do miss this cat from TomoPulse. But her current incarnation is pure /ag/ sex.
Not enough lofi
They all of a sudden hate stinkfriending
This might explain it
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i want to suck her girldick

man fuck this new antispam. it refreshes every other time i try to post on mobile and have to wait 15m again
Good morning! Elia hate and rape.
Who is Kora now? If you don't mind me asking.
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Oh, I see. I didn't realize at all.
I'm kind of tempted because its a sexo design but the actual standee in the photo looks kind of cheap

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