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what can be gleaned from this?
That number niggers should be lynched.
the best ID is still worse than the worst EN?
>bets and worst is determined by numbers alone
You and OP need to stay in your quarantine.
I thought this thread was gonna be about comparing their thumbnails, I didn't even notice the numbers
You guys are weird
Gyaru shiori and fauna make me horny
Cute thumbnail
Sex. Also wants to fuck Fauna.
Autistic and funny.
Sex. Also wants to fuck Fauna.
That Ennaschizo is still sperging out with the bots.
By this point I think this board deserves to be flooded with threads of stream moments instead
The shitposters will complain with stupid shit comments like 'does this really deserve a thread' but
Does this really deserve a thread?
Bijou is still getting botted, idk whats up with Fauna ascending more recently, i always though she was just ok
Be mommy or bebber
Unironically people should do that
If every non-shitposter on this board made a catalog thread for a cool or funny stream moment we could instantly bump all the shitty bait threads off the catalog
you have brown feet.
true, only looking down did i know this is about number
Yeah I was assuming this was going to be a thread about Fauna sticking out like a sore thumb.
blame hiroshimoot not building this board with webm with audio enabled. Yes, we have soundposts but we shouldn't have to. For a hobby centered around video content, we should have the same rules as /gif/ for filesizes.
Kaela has the best thumbnail here.
what happening with /#/..?
why this monkey come out from their own area..?
go back to your area monkey...
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Bijousweep aside healthy branch. EN love.
Why did I type aside
because biboo gets botted to hell and back whenever fauna streams.
She's still got healthy numbers, but the bots are very obvious.
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it's unfortunate that she's a target of that schizo.
Schizo really lost an argument with a 4chan thread. Then spent over a year and thousands of dollars, if not tens of thousands at this point, fighting and losing to a thread that's not even fighting back
That /#/ should stop containment breach.
I don't understand why so many people don't watch Shiori
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Never seen this b4, and it gave me a chuckle. Thx, anon.
That Biboo gets botted a shit ton, I don't know what else to tell you
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She's my favorite advent member, but she usually streams at the same time as others that I usually watch.
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What meaning there is to be found in the petty vicissitudes of your existence must be gleaned by you and you alone.
that /#/bvtmbrowns should go find another hobby to infest
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As a Novelite it's a very obvious statement to make that Shiori almost intentionally nerfs herself. She doesn't like doing big collabs whether she's invited to them or wants to do a project involving many EN members. She's also extremely shy about interacting with the JP branch too, she's only interacted with Haachama on stream which barely even counts. She likes her loyal audience instead of a huge one where it's hard to speak to individual viewers thus she does a lot of schedules that don't attempt to bring in a large amount of new viewers. She definitely could do better, I could visualize a world where Shiori's about as popular as Mumei if she pushed herself, but I'd rather see her happy and not constantly stressed out reaching for high expectations
She's been at that level for 2 years
She also giga nerfs herself with 80% of the games she chooses. It's still fun to have her yapping in the background.
>Fauna ascending more recently
Fauna has had the most consistent and highest unbotted ccv out of anyone in EN besides Gura for over a year now. She's a slow burn kind of chuuba imo. Once she clicks, she clicks hard.
Fauna and Biboo were the alpha collab members and Shiori and Kaela were the betas. Shiori and Kaela had to stay and slave over the camp build while Biboo and Fauna went exploring. Who would you watch?
Nice bots bijou kek
That Ennacuck can't bot everyone.
Eat a bullet.
One thread wasn’t enough huh, monkey. >>87933074
You're the one who can't stop thinking about numbers even when they're less than 10% of the image. This obsession isn't healthy.
Lets not fool ourselves. The thread is 100% about an implication of number differences. No amount of gaslighting or dishonesty will change that
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I'm gonna rape you lil nigga
Oh IRyS was live. No wonders.
That Fauna is lazy with her thumbnails and just slaps model pngs in front of the game screenshot instead of being a using fanart.
this but unironically
Cover should have chose Miori to be Shiori.
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The only post in this thread that matters
>2 more weeks
Good lord those are some cheap bots
You look like to know more than me.
can someone translate this phasekek seethe into english for me?
Let me put on the skirt first.
based Kaela, singlehandedly the only reason ID is worth having around. She'll eventually eclipse Shiori
But enough about plappa, runie, rie, clara, panko and tenma

Fuck, it'd be easier to listen the phase whores that weren't into that shit kek
Mori can't compete with the phase whores, they sing about that shit in karaoke while their fans pay for it kek
What does that have to do with what I said? Does that mean you admit you pay for your whores to do that?
What a loyal phasekek, you know what you enjoy at least
Yeah, from the start Shiori seemed like the type who would draw a smaller but probably more dedicated fanbase compared to the others. Fauna's kinda the same way for Promise at this point- brings up the rear in sub count, but saplings are so obsessed with her it's become a fucking meme.
The problem is, you are describing Fauna. No JP, mostly a recluse, sticks to her audience to the point of ignoring vertical streams because she didn't want weird shorts tourists in her chat, avoids FOTM games; both big yappers, both struggle with singing, both goths even. So a bigger problem could be Shiori's content or crude language.
uh oh melty
I mean there's also the simple fact that Fauna's been around for two years longer and thus has had more time to grow an audience.
>He said while seething at an imaginary phasefag for more than 1 hour.
No u
>so mindbroken I've kept him stunlocked this whole time
Easy win kek, phasekeks are too easy
Fauna streams in a much better timeslot and had a very long period of time when it was open for her to build her fanbase in (Fauna started getting more popular / inclining when both Gura and Ina went MIA).
Not only Shiori streams late but she had to compete with Mumei, IRyS, Kronii, Mori - all with pretty well established fanbases - for viewers, too
A recent thing she said is that she's saving Silent Hill 2 for later. Why later? Why not now when it's relevant? Why play it when it's old and busted and no one cares about it anymore?
You just said so yourself. It almost feels like she purposely nerfs herself. It's straight-up self-sabotage sometimes.
She doesn't need to become a massive numberfag or anything. Just being, you know, normal, doing things normally, would go a long way in increasing her numbers by a degree or two.
You don't want to be in the spotlight? She's shy and takes a long time to warm up to people? That's fine, understandable, but there's that and then there's these extremes she takes things to.
Then why is Justice inclining so good then? I don't buy that excuse.
>but she had to compete with Mumei, IRyS, Kronii, Mori - all with pretty well established fanbases - for viewers, too
Then how is the rest of Advent, and again, Justice who're even newer, doing better than her?
The bigger issue with Shiori's timeslot is that she was jumping around for months, sometimes overlapping IRyS, sometimes streaming early in EU hours, at some point even trying to directly overlap Fauna and Biboo (basically a death trap for her). She would start games in one timeslot, and finish them in another. Right now I wouldn't even be able to tell you when is her main timeslot even supposed to be.
Your post honestly made me reconsider watching her. Sounds like a comfy chuuba.
>Then why is Justice inclining so good then
Newbie buff? NTA but in any case none of the Justice talents are anything like Fauna and Shiori.
But that's the phase whores tho
Here's their names again for the confirmed ones as I know this upset you
Man the new spam filter is useless
Her timeslot has been much more constant lately and she's even been going over her hard limit of three hours yes or yes a lot more too.
Only issue is that she's skipping the weekends instead of random weekdays when those would be the days people are the most free to watch.
>Newbie buff?
It's gonna be nearly half a year already.
I don't know man I see CC, GG and Raora doing better and better with every passing day. Even ERB found her niche. Sort of.
>Then why is Justice inclining so good then?
Raora has a relative sizable JP fanbase, loves getting involved in both EN and JP events and her mix of quality yapping/art/games is appealing to a lot of people.
Cecilia and Gigi have proven to be a power combo, they both have some pretty extreme dedication to bits, both get along well with basically anyone and Gigi in particular has really reeled in a sizable new audience over the past few weeks due to how well-received her roleplay antics have been along with her charisma in general.
Elizabeth is... doing Elizabeth stuff.
Anon, it was a rhetorical question.
I appreciate your insight though. Maybe someone will find it helpful.
Based Zeno Noveltie poster
Maybe she has been doing this for a decade and all of the juice left her over the years so now she coast. I am fine with this
Shiori is aware of what her strengths are, her strengths are in having a loyal dedicated 2 view level fanbase that likes her, likes her unique content and ultimately understands her.

She knows that her quirkiness isn't mainstream enough for her to get anything like the rest of Advent, If you gave her Gura numbers she'd likely have an anxiety attack.

If you were to compare stage performers, Shiori is the girl who would rather preform in some tiny corner stage in a bar over stadium, that's what makes her comfortable.

Give her a few thousand loyal novelites who stream and interact with her, and who more importantly Supa and member at a regular basis to the point that she delivers a profit to COVER and has enough money to live and she's happy.

She understands her strengths and limits and she set a goal for herself, and she's meeting it.
Her merch outsold everyone anyway last week. She's fine
Her fanbase is small but loyal and her model is cute of course it sold out.
Sapkeks love to gloat when fauna is on top but the moment she starts losing they stop caring about numbers
Then why did it take the dogs a week with their popularity? Almost like ccv means shit.
CCV means something, but not everything.
It means very little overall and it means even less for someone with corporate backing.
Go back. Reddit spacing.
Total Numbertranny DEATH
You're BROWN
Jarvis, pull up Enna and phases CCV for the last month.
Left and right thumbnails are made to guide the eyes towards the centre of attention and the middle 2 are made piss poorly doing more work guiding the eyes to the edges or away from the thumbnail. Not syre how a media house can fuck up basic shit like this unless on purpose.
My eyes are guided to Shiori so Idgaf about any of that
Hence my point her fanbase is LOYAL
Why do people think Justice is inclining when they all have mid vierwership, the lowest subs, lowest SC's, and lowest merch?
Gigi didn't even crack 1 mil SC's on her birthday stream
What part of Justice is inclining? Or did we just lower our standards
I like the middle 2 more so I don't know what you're smoking
Amazing counter argument, wow. Guess this is how justicebabies are nowadays
>The girls are inclining because... I said so!
No more collabs I beg of thee
An argument requires a point to argue against. You didn't make one, you just vomited irrelevant nonsense with no context when context is all that matters given the statement. Concession accepted, you are dismissed. Final pity (You).
>you just vomited irrelevant nonsense with no context
I posted about the justice girls actual statistics compared to other members of hololive. That sounds pretty definitive to me.
Are you going to say Justice has higher amounts of any of those metrics compared to the other girls? You literally have said nothing to even provide real evidence that anyone in justice inclined, you just said "because I said so"
>retard still sperging out despite not getting it
Typical number monkey. Back to your hole.
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You shut your mouth. I like these small group survival collabs.
or it just means views/subs aren't the only metric and that number monkey brownoids should rethink their strategy.
Okay, what is the other metric then?
Gigi's birthday merch sold out the slowest of any en girl and was the smallest stock.
We'll see how CC's merch does on Nov 11th.
He gets bullied and banned out of /#/ when he says shit like that >>87977009 then he goes to global to cry and get another ban and then he goes back to the catalog.
So, wait. Gigi sold the most during ENreco, now her merch is selling the least?
Sounds like a decline to me.
So what did >>87965512 mean by justice inclining?
Wait he's the same retard crying about GG selling a stock of 1500 in 8 minutes? Lol, HoloEN incline minbroke this faggot.
I'm talking about all of Justice, you justicebaby. GG is the most recent example, but I'm sure CC will follow suit with her birthday next month as well. Yet justicebabies still say "They're inclining!" In all these catalog threads.
I'm sorry Justice didn't do as well as you expected.
Yep currently 3 days and counting seething about GG. Probably a woman seething about not getting into Holo.

Is this the new boogyman?
>Say justice inclines
>Show proof they're declining
>This is somehow about gigi
Did I miss a plot point here?
All of justice have the lowest metrics of Holo EN. There isn't a single anon here that's proven to me otherwise.
The 15 minutes rule was a godbless honestly. Even # is less aids than usual because the dregs get banned and can't instantly evade.
Nay, Ennacuck can't post about Irys anymore without eating a ban and 15 minutes so he's trying new angles. He tried and fumbled his "biboo bots" angle in this same thread.
isn't the forest that rape game?
or that "allude to rape" game I guess? I remember playing it after some /v/ shitposts like 10 years ago
Biboo botting is real but good to know about Ennacuck
wait after some googling, it seems like I'm thinking of "the path" which is merely set in a forest
Biboo gets botted but she also has great views as well. She's got 10k going right now for Silent Hill and had a bunch of 10k's the past week or so.
Ennacuck just hates Biberts and tries to undermine her strength
>Ennacuckold thread still up
great job you are doing

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