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Alcou on Youtube Edition

>◆Nexas Links
Official Website: https://nexas.live/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_live
Official Streaming App Getting Shilled: https://anilive.app/
Official Streaming App Twitter: https://twitter.com/AniLive_app
CEO Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
Full Talent List: https://rentry.org/nexasdex
>◆Teamup schedule

>◆Who is on the telly?

Previous thread: >>88211277
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Sex with Moka.
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Reply to this post with schedule updates/corrections (please provide links/screenshots if possible) or add it to the "unconfirmed" calendar yourself, I'll color it when I see it. Do your part for your oshi!
DISCLAIMER: TeamupAnon is not responsible for scheduling issues including but not limited to your oshi not streaming at times on their own schedule, rescheduling last minute or not specifying the timezone correctly. Check the tribute's X (formerly known as Twitter) for most accurate info.
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morning fellas
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Fennpals' Information Office reports its latest news: Nowi plans to take over the state of Wyoming as soon as the number of his subscribers surpasses its population.
>"When Nowi finally manages to take over a territory, fentbros will never have to work a day in their lives again!".
what do you know, tell me
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that wiggly's clothes are having a seizure
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I won't give up hope.
Moka is in hour 2 of her 12 hour FNAF endurance:
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Please fill in the poll for the family feud collab, anons:
I have a feeling this is just going to end up being a popularity contest.
Does anyone know enough about every nexan to answer the questions?
The point of Family Feud is for the players to guess what the results of the survey were. It doesn't matter who "wins" the poll, or whether the answers are accurate to reality. Just whether the players can figure out what the average Nexas viewer thinks.
The real concern will be if they can get enough results of real people taking the poll - considering the size of Nexas' viewerbase - to have an actual table to run. If bots or retards who put down random answers make up the majority of responses then the game would fall apart.
That's sadly inevitable, and some of these will end up with really arbitrary answers, but we can only do our best
You are taking the phrase too literally.
I'm just saying that I think the more popular nexans will appear at the top of most lists because people are going to choose from the ones they are familiar with, and no-one is familiar with all 40+ of them.
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Post streams. Watch streams. Discuss streams.
Check https://rentry.org/brgdex and any new restreamer that might show up.
Family Feud also depends on having multiple answers, so we can't all vote, say, Moka Roki for the rave q or Mia for the cooking q either
it would be a bit grim if every question had the same 10 just in different orders
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The /JUMP!/ Anchor

Post streams, tweets, updates and discussions about AniLive Jumpstart Program chuubas. Anons can post other non-NEXAS AniLivers here, too.

Jumpkids Schedule Link

Jumpstart Chuubas
https://pastebin.com/8bN4xvtC (embed)
It's true that there could be some over-representation but I think it's a wash because the least popular Nexans are generally also the boring or inactive ones and would be unlikely to win many superlatives even if the results were fair.
Personally I just finished taking the survey and across 30 questions I answered 21 different tributes, and I didn't go out of my way to give unique answers. I don't feel like that's a terrible result.
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Mia Live!
These kids are crazy man
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Kaira https://www.twitch.tv/tetheraa
I put in 3-4 doubles and tried using unique answers
Kino has arrived
It's always been bad, but I feel like AL chat has gotten exponentially worse in the last month or so. If the rrat about Nexas moving to distance itself from Anilive is true, then it absolutely can not come fast enough.
God she is still venting
>starts stream cleaning room, awful noises all picked by the shitty android phone mic
>finds a poem she wrote for an ex
>starts venting about the guy leaving her for another girl
>runs out of stream again
>keeps advertising her streams as safe spaces with heavy topics without a hint of irony
>kept alluding to being bullied away from Reality
I’m starting to feel bad for Kaira, but I can also see why she got bullied. Negative self awareness and yap skill, people keep joining and leaving moments later
*WITHOUT heavy topics. She’s taking her ADHD meds as we speak, she’s like Reverie (bad ending) route
>working on getting my brother in here
>and then working on my friend, getting in here
I know I shouldn’t but i have the urge to saviourfag
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Aurora spotted in Kaira chat!
Can't believe I gave Kiko shit for recalling Reality drama when this one can't stop complaining about every social interaction she's had
Kino stream and rigging
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amazing chatters for an amazing streamer
wtf that's close, did they finally add different zoom levels?
>Hosted with terryn
>No alvyn or Hiroshi but there is Perseus
Now I only wonder if terryn refused sazukis nudes because she's ugly or hes not a groomer
when the vol2 lean forward the png can't cope with it and just zooms in
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Rixxy https://www.twitch.tv/rixxybrightful
Thats the png rigging
dear fucking god, Captain...
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her chat is all over the place, she lightened up when her IRL brother started chatting then she read this tweet and she's back to dooming
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She loves battle royale and genshin.
this is the norm by now.
charlie: https://x.com/Ch4rmingCh4rlie/status/1850571186540843146
osian: https://x.com/OsianWhitlock/status/1850614231940362585
she said BRB, ended the stream and started another one right away kek
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Faelive in a few minutes!
More should do that because it pushes their stream to the top
but that way not every viewer returns. Not a problem for her because she's only streaming to entertain her brother
>the most effective saviorfag technique was to get your sister to become a chuuba then become her only viewer
Checked, thank you!
>rixxy autistically tracked data on all the cave plants she encountered on 100 planets on No Man's Sky on a spreadsheet
She's one of the few Nexas that's going to make it.
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Hikari real
what's his endgame?
He realised he should probably stream again so that when his schedule is "oops all nowi collabs" it doesn't look suspicious
Well, he already play games with her every day so I see no point in hiding.
Play wrestling off-collab soon :)
Dottie is live.
Hikari has what Renji died trying to achieve... but such is the fate of every Jumpstarter who tries to befriend a Nexan.
I am shooketh. Added to teamup
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Vio is live.

Indies QueenBeeBee and Leasie are also live.
>Nowi suplexes Hikari
>Hikari fucking dies
>Nowi takes his spot in Celestrio
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>Dooby is offering consulting services to businesses

How long until Harry sees this and tries to get another one of those guest lecture things, like he did from Filian and Punkalopi?
Mizu-sama posted the trailer for her next cover song, releasing on her birthday this week.
Faelive will recommence soon not soon enough I'm already hearing voices
>Rixxy is just gonna instablock anyone she suspects of being underage now
Blood for the blood god
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Moka: https://x.com/MokaRoki_/status/1850643635974377754
checkeded, appreciate the help!
anon... he already did, the last one was like 2 weeks ago or so
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DIES OF CRINGE would be an appropriate reaction if she were on twitch. Really painful to listen to for more than a minute but at least she's trying to entertain I guess?
Juju is live.
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Oh right, I repressed that memory. He asked the dramatuber how to stay out of drama. kek.
>big minecraft collab event
>both roseli and clotho are unable to stream their POVs and have cancelled
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Juju https://www.twitch.tv/tetheraa
did Rune cancel again?
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Reverie is live
she might have forgotten her ADHD meds because she zooming
It might have been easy to forget because she was on break for awhile but Rev is just like this.
>I've been hanging around someone who cusses a lot so if I start cussing I'm sorry
Rev corruption arc...
Choco is back live.
The stream was almost fun, but the retard had to bite the obvious bait and give a sermon about being gay.
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the costume she's using shares a booba toggle with her inventory key
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People live with the Minecraft server event:
Also playing but not streaming: Lulu, Mia, Hikari, Clotho
Da wiwi: https://twitch.tv/puffiewaffles
Hikari joined right as I started to post this lol
Mia’s streaming on Anilive
kinda sad that NEXAS has over 40 talents yet they can only get 8 people together for such an event
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multiview https://holodex.net/multiview/AAMMtwitchrixxybrightful%2CAMMMtwitchcharmingcharliemorgan%2CMAMMtwitchreveriestreamz%2CMMMMtwitchosianwhitlock
they pranked Rixxy uuuuuuuu
Lottie and Sapphire are live.
>zenloss protection
there's people who don't autism-maxx minecraft playing and in the end it's for fun anon
ha ha
Dottie is live.
Please just stream Wendy
I've been edging for WEEKS
What a devious woman.
poor Rev
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Odette: https://x.com/Odette_Mori/status/1850685855175688292
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Lulu fanservice going crazy rn
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Earlicking in 3 minutes, bros
i miss wuwi
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meloC: https://twitch.tv/burgerposting
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Yeah okay Enaria, whatever you say
Kaisha and Ochu are live.
Ochu : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
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Rov debut https://www.youtube.com/live/HcRpA_S3Guw
hampter time
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let's debut go scuff
I was tricked, where's the 3dio? This is minecraft, not cowgirl sex.
June's alive. She changed her name and vtuber look. https://xcancel.com/EriHasErrors
The 3DIO is gonna be in the last 3 hours, apparently
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cute, this type of intro with pngs moved my hand has sovl
Kit is live.
>I'm gonna say the N word
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ok she's alright

The robot is not lava proof
Look, I'm no racist, but going from a fruit-themed anime girl to a greenskin is kinda fucked
Enaria : https://www.twitch.tv/beeb_sack
Dottie is live.
Don't care. Sex eyes.
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Lottie and Noriboshi playing DnD5e with others.

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Da wiwi
Im cool with goblins but the hypno background and goth vibe... June and suika were ready to play characters that look very opposite to their personality
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nano: https://twitch.tv/burgerposting
Kit is live again.

Kaira is live again.
Lulu is licking the mic. not a drill.
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SSR sheep collab
Cool, a lia from phase connect collab
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It's not professional level or anything but she's pretty good.
Black company to black company collab
Sana is having lunch live.
Sheriru: https://x.com/CherylAlcmene/status/1850746369742610809
Enaria: https://x.com/EnariaLiliales/status/1850741781853606375
Asura is live.
Goodnight /brg/…
Lulu is now doing ASMR
Goodnight brger!
You can have the nano kisses, but that Nano singing was for me.
Those singy Nano kisses were for me btw
I posted these
howcome nano has never done karaoke until now with a voice like that???
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Low self-esteem
Soma night running
That Nano succ at the end? that was for me.
Those Lulu earlicks were for me, btw
That mic quality is a huge debuff. Good mics are like 5-10 bucks on aliexpress Rov...
That post-stream Nano sex? I just finished it
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Mia: https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
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anilive followers
1. Mia 995 +58
2. Nox 992 +18
3. Pyon 870 +24
4. Nekosoma* 791 +15
5. Esila 742 +1
6. Nell 715 +1
7. Asura^ 675 +25
8. Yukiko 670 +1
9. Roseli 667 +0
10. Ochu^ 623 +14
Nano 604 +28
Rixxy 598 +9
Odette 597 +2
Rov 588 +4
Moka 585 +32
Enaria 583 +18
Reverie 579 +6
Poette 578 +3
Chocobitsie^ 565 +38
Soma 564 +5

>mia back on top, 1k soon
>the jumpstarts are taking over
>asura to mid top 10, ochu in top 10, chocobitsie joins top 20
>mia +58, pyon +24, asura +25, moka +32, chocobitsie +38, dottie +24, endra +20, kit +89*, arane +43, onitheus +30, jasmine +23, vio +20, kaira +38, momo^ +60
>overall +1042, similar to yesterday and within margin of error/method
>KIT might be a read error, does me head in that people actually follow vio and kaira
>endra 508, melody^ 503, arane 318, queenbeebee 300, jasmine 207, kaira 109
>hyena must have gotten paid
Stella and Kaisha are streaming.
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rixxy: https://x.com/rixxybrightful/status/1850792952076931519

>also added
Aaand Mia’s hit 1K
Pyon: https://x.com/PyonPhelix/status/1850823225615261757
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Another one, debuting November 5 https://x.com/vampyqueenval

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