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>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlive, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Common Trolling techniques in /here/: https://pastebin.com/24DaTTvm
/asp/ Lineup:

Previous thread: >>88872124
Never forget: YNGMI~
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/asp/iring doodles
We should let this thread die. It hasn't helped anyone for a very long time.
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Sorry for stream yo, game broke and wouldn’t accept inputs so it was unplayable, but I’ll fix it and try it again next week cause it looks really cool

Yeah I totally think it’s possible for non femboys to gmi
It's okay alpin, sometimes stuff just happens
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someone in last thread asked my graphics card, it's a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 3GB, checked and it's up to date
Yup I’m not bothered by it, just a good lesson to test more extensively before stream. Gotta actually get into the game from now on and not just assume it works cause the menu does haha. Worked there but not in game, and it looks like a known game-breaking bug. Thanks though
Stop posting here, you're not aspiring anymore
>Yeah I totally think it’s possible for non femboys to gmi
How? You have a lot of non /asp/ viewers, where did you find them
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Why is reaper like this
I have never interacted with another audio program that's told me "Erm I've decided I think that's too loud actually I'm going to destroy your sound quality now"
vocal control issue
Select the appropriate codec for the card, NVENC, put your stream key in and you should be fine. Are you sure the program isn't being blocked by the firewall?
It’s more blind confidence than anything. Saying non-femboys can’t make it would mean I couldn’t make it, nor could other friends of mine, so I’d never wanna believe that. Even if it’s never happened before (not saying it hasn’t, haven’t really looked into it and don’t think about it really) we just gotta be the firsts then. Do the impossible and all that jazz ya know? More realistically though, I could explain why I think it’s possible and reasonable for paragraphs but probs better to do that in dms

As for non /asp/ viewers. I had 2 mainly come from PLs, but the others are just result of being randomly found in categories, my shorts (I upload 6x per week on YouTube and grow it similarly to twitch) and yes even Reddit. I also try to raid into new people at least once per week and meet them. Another non zero factor is I do help a lot of peeps with fitness stuff in dms and they tend to stop by.
i see, reasonable response, thanks alpin
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Hey /asp/! How are you all doing? Every once in a while I ask if you guys have any advice for me and it’s been a bit. You guys got tips for anything to be working on?
Alpin, I looked at your youtube shorts. Have you ever thought about giving fitness tips as a vtuber and turning it into shorts? I feel like that would do way better.

"Do you want to look like Goku? You gotta do this"

Something that you can specialize in.
No problem, I never mind answering legit questions

Yeah funny enough I demo’d some fitness shorts early on and they didn’t do well at all, so I kept away for a bit. I am a fitness guy though, so I’m cooking on a new idea of going to only 3x per week for stream clip shorts, and trying to pull off a daily fitness tip short on YouTube/twitter that’s like “morning motivation” style. Deffo want to get to that point because I feel like I really SHOULD be doing more fitness content haha.
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Tried to gave these away on Twitter but couldn't cause I was immediately swarmed by randoms in DMs so anyway, if anyone needs
Warhammer 40,000 Darktide
Cassette Beasts
I miss you. Be kinder to me, I can’t take this. It’s dealing permanent damage
I don't know who you are, post link :^)

tried that still nothing.. not sure if it could be the firewall but I'll check it out
Thanks friend
who? what?
np, have fun with the games anon
Oops sorry https://twitch.tv/slushywater52
Will watch your next live
The second pic mentions a log, what do they say? Hide any potentially doxxing information
Kuromaru is gonna have a mental breakdown and twitter meltdown when Kamala wins tonight
More consisten streaming times and saving your vods somewhere

Yeah I was worried to share the log cuz it has a bunch of random numbers idk if that could be my ip or what...I ran it through a log analyzer online didn't show anything wrong but idk how reliable those things are..


>tfw scuffed before even before starting streaming

Just numbers? Nothing written in them? This is another person's log and it has clues like "qsv failed to load"
At the top of the log there's a file path "C:\portable\OBS-Studio-29.1", so this is the potentially doxxing information as it could show your username and people like to use their real name.

Have you tried running OBS as admin? Have you tried reinstalling your video card drivers?
The other obvious thing to try is to create a fresh windows. Do you know how to create a new partition in your pc and then install windows in it? It'd be better than formatting everything

My log looks similar to that one yeah, I tried running OBS as admin but I haven't tried reinstalling my drivers so could try that, not sure about the windows partition thing but I will look up a tutorial, thanks!
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almost everybody blatantly groom an artist, a bigger vtuber or even another /asp/ie
everybody have someone, a close friend or a ship bait partner
everyone is taken
when did this happen?
i mean lets be real, half of it is artists basically grooming chuubas, you draw me once im gonna be your diehard fan for life
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I'm greedy I can take you too if you want desuwa Oh hohoho

Joking of course but if you need anything or want to collab just drop me a dm senpai.
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You know whats better than listening to Americans freak out over their election?!
Watching a cat run a farm
Guaranteed no election content
Americans are not real
Farms are very real

I'm not taken, ESL-chama. I'll be waiting for you
Isn’t Beryl friends with Mei, who’s a Vshojo adjacent? The evidence why he’s bigger is right there
Like the last thread said, knowing people who know people is the definition of networking.
The numbers in the log are your system time, and the entries at the bottom are where the problem happens, so look for "error, failed, missing" words to identify where exactly the problem happens. These errors can happen in cascade too so the actual original problem may be a bit above the last error message.
>Americans are not real
Digby is truly the best aspie

Thank you so much :'3 I will check it out thoroughly.. I wasn't really planning to do much on my test stream but I've been really eager to at least say hi..maybe it's a sign I need to slow down a bit and prioritize my setup
I raid up all the time and go nowhere. But somehow it works for him?
Charisma issue.
Haru gave some advice a while back saying you should try to spend a lot of time in other people's streams. Don't hop in for five minutes to say hi then leave, stay for an hour or two, or the whole stream and get to know them outside of their stream too.
Yeah. It's up to you to find out why that is or if it's just happenstance.
He should take his own advice
he meant people worth befriending to get ahead, not 1views
Raiding up doesn't establish a relationship with the channel and streamer you raided up into. If that were the case everyone would just raid up into Hasan and Kai until they hit the top.
tierlist of who /asp/ies are voting for?
they're all voting for me, its a coordinated write in effort
He never watches my streams...
nobody does
Just chatting up for a bit come and say hello
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I'm financially stable enough to survive 4 more years of the Longhouse, and have options if it gets very bad.
Are you?
Do you have facepaint that's the exact same color as your eyes or are your eyes supposed to be glowing
Nobody here knows what longhousing means without looking it up, you know that
sometimes Kuromaru makes me forget he actually is a weird far right chud.
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Wait. Are all female vtubers lesbians??
yes? Doesn't everyone know that?
Shiori is offensively straight.
>joysound for streamer is 3500 yen a month
what now? kara moe has so many songs missing, do i just wait for them to add them all
Lesbians don't exist.
I don't know a single biological woman that actually likes men.
Matara being dubbed "honorary lesbian" is very funny
Joe Biden, i am voting for Joe Biden.
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the eyes glow, and the skin around the eyes and extremities is naturally a soft glowing yellow indicating thinner skin with no scales
They may not like men but they need cock
kuro, i feel like you'd do much better with literally any hair at all, i know being a skinhead is your lore but please man i beg of you
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Probably because actually listening to things I say and believe, would reveal that I'm not.
I have full confidence in the research skills of the median /asp/ anon
They like men, they don't like boys. That's why they don't hook up with viewers.
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I don't understand hair, since I've been shaving mine for 10 years.
And hair physics are hard in 3D.

There's no "skinhead" in my lore. I'm a Buddhist Hell Oni. I torture sinners with grueling training until they attain enlightenment and ascend.

Let's split the difference and I'll add a beard to the 4.0
>I torture sinners
that explains your streams hehehehehehehehe
don't be mean, anon
People who find the stream tend to stick around for several hours, so they seem to be into it
They're lesbians for the viewers. They're submissive and breedable for anyone with a higher CCV, or a 7-figure income
name choob
ZephHaathun. I miss him. I hope he returns to streaming soon.
I hate Americans so much. I wish I their bullshit didn't influence the world as much as it does.
I’ve learnt my lesson that I should be requesting 1920x1080 size HD art for videos or 720x1280 phone background to get the maximum value for my cute chuubas.
is this real
nicetuber doko ToT
Never beating the OG Bandit c: gang
Bandit c:
Should I do a drunk election watch along stream tonight?
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Head is sensitive but should be ogey enough for some coding.
And tonight, I want to look at terrain deformation (in real time!) and navmesh updating. This is a very fun and important feature that I better look at it sooner than later.
I'm also updating to Unity 6.

Watch me write spaghetti live here:
Nobody watched Zeph stop lying. He's an anomaly, doing everything right but somehow still staying 0view, I don't understand. I didn't watch him because there was no one else there and I felt the pressure, if I chat I must stay to give him some hope, so I'd rather just leave
This post sounds like a self crab
I like Zeph and like to lurk.
>doing everything right
if he was doing everything right he would have been more popular, stop coping zeph
he was boring and his model was a big debuff
he needs an actual model
she is with me, sorry :D
I hate when viewers run jokes into the ground
My biggest worry is that this is me and I have no idea. I’m watching Vtubers because I’m socially illiterate.
How do I get into Mythic so I can leech off asmongold
>model debuff
Does model buff exist? Like when someone is boring as hell but you still watch them because the model is nice?
Be a hot girl, play WoW and do cosplayer.
How can I, a normal individual, get into a corpo?
What do they look into their applicants?
If you have to ask, you're not going to make it and shouldn't bother.
That's a dumb, defeatist response by a fragile person.
Stupid questions get stupid answers, bucko. If you are incapable of doing basic market research and understanding how you can be additive, you lack any appreciable qualities.
I agree. It is a dumb response. I will try my best! Just let me know what they are looking for.
I find most girls boring but I still watch them if they have a sexo model
Honestly just try your best, try applying to even the smallest shittiest corpos just to get your foot in, you can jump into a bigger corpo within a year depending on your contracts. A lot of corpo vtubers have previous corpo experience so if you really want to get into the vtuber corpo life, you gotta start somewhere.
Showcase your skills and talents to the best of your abilities, try to do something that stand out. If you have previous streaming experience, it would help a lot too.
Models will attract people to your stream, your personality keeps them.
Hellow /asp/ I am starting to make videos again but I am going full this time but not stressing with quality I will improve it with time, still I want you guys to give me some criticism if able, and a way to improve, anything is fair I want honest feedback

Wtf didn't know age of empires has ranked
I gave you a like, it was short enough to be entertaining
Do you guys place your model on the left or the right?
I liked the edits. Could have explained in some detail what the buffs to the English were. Entertained.
Depends on the game I guess?
cute accent, would fuck / 10
Right, since that is where chat is
Where are you from even?
I can't place your accent.
Getting ready for my erection night stream. It's going to be a lot of fun.
time to bite obvious bait
Brainworms are terrible things that require a lot of energy to conquer.
I call absolute bullshit on this because there is a LOT of stuff I could have been doing better: Actually having assets; making clips; posting in other social medias more; Actually Networking with people. I've checked the viewer list and seen some familiar faces even when OBS has said 1 viewer but they hadn't said anything so I just let them lurk. If they wanted to chat or say something, thats on them. Lurkers are appreciated.
Shockingly, is not.
You are appreciated. May your upcoming days be pleasant and progress be made towards your goals.
I am a boring person and it is my own problem. Model wise, I am curious as to what you would change?
Same question to you. I do have thoughts of a 2.0 model on my thoughts, something probably more wind based since I want to be free as the wind and "zeph" can be short for "zephyr". Also adventurers should be free and not chained down by things. oh god, i'm fucking Sonic
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i really wanna dip my foot nto more BL content that isn't just me recommending BL to viewers who ask for reccs.
im thinking of maybe doing like, "local squid explains omegaverse / cakeverse / domsubverse, etc." in a classroom setting! but idk, i feel like people would be less inclined to learn and more to just shitpost, glub
what the fuck is cakeverse
I dont care about BL but niche online stuff are interesting so idk
I like kyuuster's streams tho if i can ill lurk
>I am a boring person and it is my own problem
I feel instead of boring id say tired.
You are low energy and i dont hate that especially after a stream of my own, which are very chaotic i like powering down lurking in yours. Sorry i dont talk alot altho i try
>i feel like people would be less inclined to learn and more to just shitpost
In this scenario you are the teacher. You have the power. What is chat going to do, talk over you?
It sounds like a fun idea, and one that you could turn into a video if that's your style, all you need to do is actual prep work/research.
I think I'm leaning more and more towards a rebrand but I was wondering, is it better to start from scratch or just refurbish my current channel and socials?
a korean origin universe that follows the same kind of style of "predator x prey" but its cakes x forks

i am not kidding
i have been thinking about turning stuff into videos, so ill look into it! i just need to get better at editing them with my cracked version of adobe premiere pro. i have minimal experience with video making from when i was a shitty arttuber. im still learning alot of things about content creation. and you are right, in that scenario i'd be the teacher! i guess i was moreso worried that people wouldn't take it.as a learning experience.
hmm, noted noted!
Thank you. I take that videos as a star ought to be short then?

True, next time when I eventually get back to the game (it always happens) I will elaborate more. thank you.


I can most definitely see the tiredness when I streamed after my Mundane Duties(work), or when a game that I was actually enjoying just drained me more than I was expecting it to(Ace Attorney Investigations comes to mind). I do feel like that is also partially my game choice as well. I perk up during hype moments as I noticed during my FFXVI streams but that game's high energy moments most definitely are high energy.

When I come back to streaming , I'm probably going to go back to only streaming on my off-work days unless a collab pops up that I can hop into.
being the low energy streamer that people come to for unwinding/relaxing doesn't NOT appeal to me though...
is anyone streaming the big event today
ah you're that gooner guy who was complaining about losing friends after trying to sexpest them
No. That was me. Common mistake.
applies to every single male honestly
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im here anon, don't worry! in fact im going live in a minute or two with a game that came out recently called sulfur.. apparently its a roguelite extraction shooter, sounds interesin
I hope you suffer
I hope you find happiness
I hope nothing happens to you either way.
fl0wer love mwah mwah mwah
Deus Ex: Human Revolution FINALE
I beg you to not let your friends be so obnoxiously mean, I don't know if it is truly fun for you to have them constantly throw weird comments and shit or what, but it makes the whole viewer experience quite uncomfortable.

Haru's finishing up Silent Hill 2 by playing the extra scenario!
Are we looking at the same chat? her entire chat is vita and aypop and neither are being mean
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does this model sound like it would fit this voice
Which /asp/ies made it?
yeah I can smell the fujo from here
i cant play fps
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shooting goblins and kissing cultists at
That's my girl!
sex with vita
VERY cute haircut
Will it look bad if I'm really giddy tomorrow?
I don’t vote cuz the electoral college does it for me
I'm GOING to yank Vita's tail
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good night /asp/
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how do i get numbers like this?
I wanted Kamala to win so I could see Kuromaru meltdown live...
Goodnight Chenchen.
Oh I love this, nice work Cheen, sweet dreams
I hope we can get married and I can be happy at my job and you kiss me when I get home everyday.
name her
me too man, me too.
Be a male fleshstreamer ez
mm, noted, i know theres a person or two that pretty much always talks like that, thank u for the opinion
of course she did, my rapeslut loves rapists!
I want to meet you so badly, please hold me
I love her, but I know she will never feel the same way.
What's the best way to get rid of these feelings? Should I just distance myself?
Shut the fuck up or go donate several thousand dollars to her. Bet you won't cuz you lack the balls to do so.
I will dw
beautiful, i like you texture brushes can i have them
Hey I love you okay? Be nice to me
no you don't. stop posting.
Name him
I fucking hate Americans and their influence in world politics. I don't understand how you aren't ashamed at yourselves.
should i get into making chud content about shit like dragon age etc? seems like thats the new meta and you can shit out reactslop daily
Can't be me, he got too depressed to vote
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Who's melting down now?
I want to meet you even if we stop feeling the same way about each other.
Say it outloud nigger
Me and anyone with a drop of empathy.
Bandit c: ...
Sorry you feel that way, but it demonstrates how ignorant your are
lol. lmao. kek even
It surely does, it's completely reasonable to want someone who openly insults and hates you as the president of the most influential country in the entire world. I listened to his speeches and his debates, I am not deaf. I know what I heard and what I heard is a monster who cares only about himself and people exactly like him, someone I would be ashamed of even acknowledging. I don't know what I expected from Americans, honestly.
So true, sister. Drop your link so I can support you in these trying times
Can you name actual policies that you disagree with of affect you?
Gobb/Tranny-chama don't cry my beloved
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ok how the fuck did i get a 3view raid again, which god did i suck off
Hawk tuah shit on that thang
Congratulations little friend you deserve it!

...although I dropped in and webfishing was destroying your internet connection lmao, please just hijack someone else's lobby next time lmao
every male vtuber
I was...
it did improve at the end part
Pafu Kuromaru Cody Patchey Camui Rottie Alpin Poly Omo Uwo Kankuro Ineda
I’m just here for the cute boys and girls… Speaking of which, I loved how much of an older brother role Slushy took in the fast food collab with Basil, Daiya and Ace.
didnt expect you to be the next one to make it, but i hope you wont fuck it up!!
Camui, Pafu, Gumpai, Hauntlich, Lance
>watching males
Dude, the current administration hates us. I swear you guys outside of America have some weird view of how things are going in here.
Been doing vocal practice all night, sang until my voice is hoarse. I honestly wish people would stop shitposting the thread and put their menhera emotions into something artistic instead.
>election results actually make me wanna graduate to focus on things to get out of america
Wow. Very frustrating but I guess this is where I pass off my flag from VTubing and get things done.
I am considering graduating just to make sure I keep my interactions with Americans to a minimum. At this point I don't believe there are enough good people in that country. I can't believe I am experiencing societal retrocession in my lifetime due to their influence.
speaking of vocal practice, does anyone have a good guide or something? not specifically about signing, just vocal warmup before streaming or something like that
Your priorities disgust me
So earning money, affordable food, reasonable rent, a decent job market are all disgusting priorities? Dam guess I should have voted for more illegal immigration, legalizing crime, and more abortions.
Is this how American brains work? What are you even talking about?
What country are you even from?
Humming, breathing from your diaphragm, hissing for as long as you can, and ay-ee-eye-ooh-uu noises. Make sure you enunciate your vowels well and support from your stomach rather than strain the throat.
I'm glad I didn't stream tonight. I probably wouldn't have been able to stop myself from giggling like a school girl the whole time.
Why Americans always think that the world is gonna end because some old man makes choices for 4 years? It's not even his first time and you guys survived before.
The only positive thing about this is it's showing me who to block and cut off from my life. We may not be able to change the world but at least we can change our surroundings.
I voted for Oliver
Anon, it sounds like you’re holding back big time, like you’re just kinda talking to a tune instead of singing. I get that maybe you don’t wanna wake up your mom or something, but trust me - you’ve gotta push a little more if you want it to sound good. Just let it out, oomfie. Go for some real volume and energy. You might surprise yourself with how much better it’ll sound if you just go for it.
if you search up 'snow brush csp' the first result on the clip studio store should be the same one I used, for the rest of the drawing I just used a normal soft and hard round brush; but if you'd like the brushes I use in other drawings just let me know through Twitter/disc and I can send you them
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i miss rura.
What happened to her?
Terminal brainworms
what's the most anti MAGA strategy to purge my unwanted followers on social media? LGBTQ flags and tags?
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America literally became its worst version under him and a red congress. Countries around the world started to hate and refuse Americans even more under his term. He wanted "America First" policy and other countries agreed by raising export prices or outright ending business.
Do we have any pol aspies?
I don't vote
Yes more aspies need to post their singing!
Requesting this classic
if you can channel your menhera into art you aren't really that menhera. unless you count cutting as many lines into your wrist as possible as art.
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Does she counts?
has this guy made ANYTHING?
aside from pretentious lore crap, he just comes and goes every now and then. lil bro is too deep in his own little fantasy world to give two shits about other aspies
I wouldn't classify depression as simple brainworms, brother.
Everyone has depression now it doesn't make you special anymore
His entire content is just pretentious lore crap! I'd rather watch a failing 1view talks to himself for 6 hours
NTA but no one said it makes anyone special. Being sad or depressed is very.l different from clinical depression.
>aside from pretentious lore crap
I don't know if you'll grasp this but that's the essence of traditional vtubing.
Everyone has CLINICAL depression now, it doesn't make you special anymore
Remember the male loneliness epidemic? Sit and watch.
"Traditional Vtubing" was normal Youtube commentaries but anime girl. Kizuna was never a channel about 30 second not-scp shorts
>bitch when vtubers are being uncreative hacks streaming the same games and yapping the same shit a thousand times as everyone else
>bitch when a vtuber tries to do something unorthodox
Yall niggas even know what you want?
I will laugh while you rot alone wondering why but hey, worth it, right?
Yes I do, I want to find a desperate noview and groom her into my egirl wife
Can anyone following this guy explain to me what he's doing? also is he a male or trans or what?
>anyone following
Ugh... just... fucking hell.

Anyways, playing astrobot blind

That's always fun, right? https://www.twitch.tv/nahdragonturtle
pure, unfiltered, unrestrained '80s/cold war alt-history autism.
no clue what the end goal is, but i'm fascinated.
wrong place. heres where you should go

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