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Fujo Solar Dragon
Ero Sakana Feesh
Metal Gear Fairy
Freaky Ghost Maid
Forever Home

>Elira Pendora
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora | https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@elirapendora
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOIeSUTOTkF9Hs7q3SGcO-Ow
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bdln23Ph6A8

>Finana Ryugu
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu | https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@finanaryugu
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOu-J8uIXuLZh16gG-cT1naw
3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bvpss_Xx9M

>Mint Fantome
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MintFantome
Bluesky: https://bsky.app/profile/mintfantome.bsky.social
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@mintfantome
M&M Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@MMSummerSpecial

>Pomu Rainpuff (Graduated)
>Twitter (private): https://twitter.com/PomuRainpuff
>Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@pomurainpuff
>Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL79zk-NEQFk79tLTtgS9LFOIRzAixwFBF
>3D Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpuEQozRzJ4
>Voicepacks, Wallpapers, etc: https://mega.nz/folder/GplglSzK#AbvhirWWfpYrihQb5aDK3w


▶LazuLight Music!

▶LazuLight in 3D!

◀ Previous Thread: >>89727156
Bratty feesh love
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I watched Feesh 40x more than the average person
Elira was in my top 5
how does liar's bar multiplayer work?
the same as buckshot roulette i thnk
Like most games on steam made by indies, you have a host with a code that they post and 3 other people can join. You can then choose dice or cards. If you choose dice then everybody at the table has to guess how many dice of a certain number are on the table currently, and if somebody calls you out then everybody has to reveal their dice and if that person's right, whoever they called out has to play Russian roulette.
For the cards, each player has a certain amount of cards and each person will throw down a certain amount of cards and then claim that they threw down like say three Kings. If the person is called out the cards are then displayed and if they threw down three kings then the person who called them out has to drink a shot of poison.
Each player gets two shots of poison.

Joker's are wild if I remember correctly and there are cards that if called out, everybody on the table has to drink aside from the person who got called out
Jesus Christ, Pomu is so bad at Metal Gear. That REX fight took well over 2 hours...
This counts as a GFE stream, because it's like watching your useless girlfriend play games for the first time.
Spoiler alert: She gets better
Pomu's MGS is sufferkino. I hate seeing her struggle, but it's not quite the same watching Mint first try most of these bosses on a second playthrough
pomu taking out her frustration on my pp after a rough boss run on PS1 controls
I'm actually kind of excited to see how she handles some of the brutal shit near the end of MGS2, particularly the multiple RAY fight. I think on Normal you only fight a handful though - I remember that on Easy it's like 3 and on European Extreme it's like 25.
Sufferkino is the right word. I started because I wanted to see her reactions to the insane schizo story but by Psycho Mantis I was cheering for her to become a real gamer.
I honestly didn't know it was possible to have THAT much trouble with REX, christ alive. Or the Liquid fight, there's so little to it but she took over an hour, lol. I was half expecting her to somehow die during the escape sequence.
Making finana a mom
I was checking the japanese vtuber wiki, considering the language barrier, it's still very complete, there's a bunch of trivia and fun facts that I didn't even know or remember. I guess the closest thing we have to that here is the vtuber wiki, which is very barebones for the most part, or the tv tropes page, which people stopped updating in like 2022
7 in normal
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She did do that and we are Pomu forever.
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(from wiwa's page) I had no idea about this, so the name lazulight was elira's idea
I have a new appreciation for wiwa
Feesh in an hour
What was the original name? I remember it was something dumb
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>Repost is Prohibited
I want to share
Feesh start!
She's using new streaming stuff
Feesh watched Les misberables
And despicable me 4
>"What the hell is LazuLight anyways?" [heaving] So true! [laugh]
>Honestly [heaving] did you know... did you know that I- I was the one who came up with "LazuLight"? Fun fact, I came up with the name. It was me! [laugh] I came up with it, it was me.
>[Pomu in chat: YEAH YOUR BRAIN IS MASSIVE] [laugh]
>"Uh-oh!" What? Whawhawha? What do you mean "uh-oh"?
>"[You] love the name"? It was like, um... we had a different name at first but... staff-san was like, "you come up with suggestions too, you know, 'cause it's your- your name." and I was like "oh god, okay, time for... big- big brain- big brain time! Hyaaa!" and I was like- the cogs in my brain were like, rusted, dusted, not moving ever.
>Rusty dusty crusty cogs, hasn't moved in a long time, but one time, um... okay, don't tell staff-san, but we were [giggle] we were in a meeting, [giggle] my brain was not there and I was like "mmmmm, another-" I was like, "a name... *looks up*-" my brain- I don't know why, but I guess, like, so- the breakdown for the name "LazuLight" was, like, um... we're both- we're "both"? Yeah, me and PIKL [giggle]- THE THREE OF US [nervous laugh] ("w-who's Pomu?" [giggle]).
>The three of us, um, are kind of like blue-green themed, so I was like, "I'm gonna look up things that are, like, blue and green. Blue-greenish." That was, like, the theme that goes through all of us. So then I was looking it up and I was like "Okay"- I think I looked up, like, gemstones ~'cause we're precious~ [fake giggle]... right? We're precious.
>So I was like "Okay, I'm gonna look up gemstones then". So then I found the gemstone called "lazulite" but it's spelled with a L-I-T-E at the end and I was like "that's cute but we can't just yoink this rock's name!" [laugh] I was like, "we can't just take this rock's identity!" But- so I was like, "oh, what if we did 'light', like, the word 'light'? That'd be kinda cool."
>So we finished the meeting and I was sitting there... you know, like, when you're in school and your teacher is like "alright class who knows the answer?" and I'm the type of person who's like "mm, the answer could be this but uh-uh, I don't wanna put up my hand! Like, I don't wanna talk!" but then after, like, the teacher reveals the answer you're kinda like "oh... maybe I should've said something, because I actually did know the answer..." So, you know, when I thought of the name I was just sitting there and I was like... "maybe this is going to be one of those moments where I'll regret it for my whole life if I don't... at least suggest it."
>So then I suggested it, I was like "well, I thought of this... you know, like, I- it's- it's nothing much, but I thought of this" and then everyone was like "OH MY GOD THIS IS SO GOOD!" and I was like "w-w-what? really?". Everyone was like- they were like "oh my god it's so good!" and I was like "oh my god really?" [laugh] I was like "actually??" [giggle] and then it was decided.
>So I... I guess it really was one of those moments, you know, where I was like- I was sitting there and I was like- you know, like "if I don't speak now, this could be a moment where- it's just- it's gone forever!" And then I said it, and it was a hit, and you guys seem to like it a lot too, and I'm a pretty big fan of it too, so [heaving] [giggle]. That's the- that's- that's how our name came to be.
So did the girls stay at a hotel and the guys somewhere else?
That's so intimidating
Finana dyed her hair
I wonder if hmong hair is similar to Japanese
Claude willy and Feesh went to a cat cafe
Her brain is so empty 99% of the time but this was the perfect name and also lead to obsydia's naming convention. I love her.
thank you i was mostly asking for the joining part, but if it's by code with 3 people per game, good luck to anybody trying for it
Finana ate Pikachu
do you guys actually prefer really high-fidelity transcripts like this where every vocal tic is written down? It makes it easier to read it in her voice, but harder to read overall
I like it. I've done a few and I try to include those details. Mine tend to be shorter though.
They slept in the alley behind hq
>his mouth is on the side
Wtf is that chat alert kek
He's getting kisses IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME
Mint is still beholden to timezones and meetings in the wrong timezones. She got the date wrong not once but TWICE (a day later than scheduled). She's very mad at herself.
Minki's ass is too big for the town, or so she says
This is so scuffed kek
Mint is having such a good time and finana is making fun of a guy in her show for cumming too quickly
Mint is enjoying this game a lot which is nice
>I had a really bad hand I would have been a liar
Kek I love this stream
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I miss da silly. It’s great that she had a bonding time with feesh binging arcane again.
Minto is baiting her viewers into killing themselves!!!
Feesh this show is fucking whack
Minto likes the bunny booba
Two queens isn't a lot but maybe...
She didn't even read it lmao
Feesh saw a Lego giraffe
Mint making threats
No ramen for feesh
Mint ya got some serious luck today
Least dramatic minto moments
Minto trapped
Look what you did! minto is a killer
It's so hard to join, it takes the game like 3-4 seconds between clicking on the button and telling you it failed
Yeah that's why I figured I wouldn't try
Finana says the people in en are mainly the same offline
I wanna see Feesh fashion
I kinda get the impression finana and elira still aren't super close
Finana says she would rather do this than 9-5
Minto is scared of risks
Alright I'm kinda getting bored of this game ngl
Minto wants all the wisps to talk in VC and become friends. She doesn't know that Mintcord HATES VC unless it's between friends on a different platform.
And we're back to valorant....
Her voice is so bad kek
the screams and giggles and whining are arousing
you've got to be kidding
to be fair chat encouraged her, she was about to end the stream
Should've just joined the wisp clique
Mint laughs maniacally as Wisps kill themselves in front of her due to her actions and blood spatters on her face.
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All three guns should've fired there.
I still think she'd ask them to make a voice channel if someone told her about it on stream.
She clearly wants Wisps to be friends and that's clearly not happening with the current setup. At the very least you need a gaming channel or something.
Her grandma would go to the grocery store with her and they'd go out of the grocery store and her grandma would ask her to howl at the moon together and they would.
fucking ryutards
she was literally gonna end her stream before they talked her into it, so it was either this or nothing, be glad we got a longer stream even if it is valo
Wow, great, the self proclaimed so called legend won.
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so apparently feesh and aia touched and interlocked toes. pufferfeesh touched nipples and indirectly touched bare asses. angelfeesh is catching up to pufferfeesh in terms of being true and canon
>feesh and aia touched and interlocked toes
god imagine the double footjob
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Anons let's live
That sounds autistic
Both can be true and canon, but angelfeesh still has ways to go to compete with pufferfeesh, they haven't even slept together yet
Does Feesh still have Pomu's ass germs?
Unironically her graduation caused the clippers and artists to basically form a clique because they knew she'd still be interested in them if nothing else. Since then it's only intensified because they're the same ones who get all the attention in discord and have their own private discord where they hang out.
Half of the mod ban logs are just the moderator clique fucking around with each other and hyping each other up.

Honestly I think it is at its worst right now because the stupid "from nani" shit
yeah she keeps them in a jar until technology advances to the point where cloning is possible
What is this show Finana's talking about
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I forget she says the name tho
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love wiwa
Goodnight anons
Honka badonka
elira's streaming today isn't she
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I miss Elira.
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Ancient giggly and stuttery Elira...
is feesh asleep
Think so?
I thought her right hand was a weewa looking at the thumbnail.
feesh is awake
She said she'd stream HSR
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lol wiwa watching northernlion
both Elira and NL we're in my top 5 for the recap

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