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Festive Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse General!

Mouse is now playing Rivals with friends.

This is the thread to discuss Ironmouse and her streams. Please avoid discussions that are not relevant to Mouse or her streams.

Image source: https://x.com/ironmouse/status/1869605235561549847/photo/1

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@MouseClipsOfficial
VODS: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/mnRVN6bA

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>91774859
Stop baking
stop existing
took a dump why you knights so angry?
I actually enjoy Marvel Rivals since a lot of the other girls like playing it with Mousey.
what the fuck you ENJOY things??
I want variety simple
You don't know what that word means.
doing multiple things
legit boohoo moment
Today she did just chatting, zzz sponsor, christmas room judging and marvel rivals. That is multiple things which is variety
Well fuck
mouse giving conflicting signs with shipping again
I'm sick and tired guys but I can't get off rivals or stream (might end maybe) she's fucking herself more
she's okay with it what's conflicting?
Yeah mouse talking about having to go to the ER potentially. Honestly just get help mouse last time you delayed you literally almost died.
She's never been conflicting.
Keep it out of her chat but other than that she don't care
The ER is different because the ER itself is very unsafe for her.
Mouse we love you.
Take care of yourself.
>moving the goal posts
at the end of the day yes
bend over
rivals legit fucking her health more
I fucking hate you.
I have complained about her not doing variety before but when she is actually doing variety all you are doing is devaluing the complaint and making it look like a sperg.
The only problem right now is nearly ever stream has been mostly collabs but I'm sure she will do some solo soon
im actually suprised lethal company is not even on her top 3
or top 5
yeah. she really loves coral island
candis austic ass won't let her
Mouse calling candi a fat ugly bitch BASED
this year nah
Dammit mouse is reading this thread
mouse is the mousesperg
mouse calling out herself as a bad streamer
if ur still watching her, just stop.
its been a while since we last saw zooted mouse
told you she's a selfish cunt
Well mouse all but confirmed she doesn't have fun doing solo or non gaming anymore
it's been showing over time already anons called her female sykkuno
She's getting better health wise but mentally she is struggling because of her dad situation
that mouse no longer exists
no excuse people who watch her have worse situations
uh oh they are having a melty again
here >>91833433
I'm right though
imagine having opinions
and mouse confirmed it. so stop watching her
uh oh melty
uh oh melty
I'm not any of those and I enjoy watching most things but I can still miss her doing the content I really like.
I love solo non gaming but we don't really get much of it.
But at the end of the day I watch for Mouse
urmm. i see ya'll sperging and sperging non stop so im offering advice to stop coming here and stop watching her altogether since that's really unhealthy. also mouse said she's selfish and bad to which she confirms your opinions/criticisms. i think that's a good point to stop with her.
Once again mouse showing her love of candii and her fat ass
>The day of the Disney stream I couldn't stop staring at your ass
Mouse really is just like us kek
a good time to remind shippers mouse has never shown any physical attraction to connor while she has constantly talked about how sexy candii and mel are
Degen Mouse is still there. please Mouse bring back your nsfw art tag and a new r18 daki.
They are the only things I want in life.
If this really is true mouse then can you say it and stop planning things you never intend to do. Stop stringing along the poor people who still think you will.
mouseydawg is going to have a field day if she ever comments on his physical appearance
I miss the days of her talking about her special friends how much she liked blowjobs and being more open about her preferences.
even when mouse didnt care about that she never did because she doesnt see him that way meanwhile she had always been open with who she finds attractive of her friends
take your own advice
you lie more than the mouse spergs
is that it? anyways. keep in mind and just stop watching her
noone cares for your opinion
Are you hoping she’ll thirst over his fat ass or something
just showing one of many reasons anyone still shipping them after all this time is delusional especially after this year where mouse doesnt even bother with the cutesy fake flirting anymore
I will say compared to last year they definitely don't feel like they are together at all anymore. It is kind of sad in a way I miss them being flirty but Mouse is moving on now to bigger and better things
nigga doesn't watch cyclothon stteams
What counts as flirting anyway? Small affection still thrown here and there during IRL
I mean mainly that voice change, compliments, and innuendo Mouse used to do with him often. I'm comparison like you said this year it is rare and mostly during irls. I think the best way I can explain it is if you asked me last year compared to this year if I thought they were dating based on how they act I would be much more likely to say yes last year than now. They don't have that same vibe anymore of anything more than friends.
offline exists
Nta but I kind of get what you mean. Though imo they never seemed more than flirty friends to me but this year they definitely turned that down a lot. I think the clippers have finally gotten to mouse. She's brought them up a lot and keeps addressing them and of course finally got her own clip channel. Though today she kind of fucked up giving them free rain on shipping clips if she really cares that much.
you fucks are delusional seeing things that dont exist
as a shipsisters it's fun and cute but realistically 0 chance happening dude wants kids and someone he can touch
I wonder if Mouse's patreon will ever return without becoming a family friendly one.
He also doesn't want to live in America and Mouse can't leave.
I think any shipsister being realistic knows they play it up for fun but nothing would actually happen. This year I guess the benefit of the fun of playing that character is no longer worth it for them. Or at least going fully into it since they obviously haven't stopped completely.
Meant for >>91834883
>connormouse drops mouse
>get some other third party for his funny videos
>therapist doesn't get it so you behave like a loon
boyfriend like girlfriend
I wonder if it will even come back
Can you rewrite this in English?
I'd rather they fully go into it like Michi and Kuro if they really want to stop it
vermintide, it's over. grow up
antishippers seem only to mention connor out of jealousy but not mouses million redflags?
mouse isnt attracted to him now that she is much bigger she doesnt have to pretend and can move on to better people
michi was smart and completely killed all shippers immediately mouse should do the same since her constant hints that she has no attraction to him at all keep going ignored
and shippers like to focus on mouse and how everything she does ever had to be because of connor whats your point
Mouse has a suppressed crush on Monke and while they obviously can't date, their dynamic will always has this wholesome vibe unlike real couple. However Monke recently got a gf or close to one so they've been keeping it lowkey while still playing it up for their online personalities
she physically couldn't start stream without the monkey
shut up
alright jesus fucking christ autist hour is here
I mean she can't do the handcam without him
goslings are desperate
denying facts is desperate
denying facts is desperate
>Monke recently got a gf
Yeah, me
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ironmouse is sexy
Mouse is a good streamer.
In opposite world.
used to be
Mouse is a good streamer
In 2022
Mouse is still a good streamer
Bizzaro world
if she would go back to variety
Mouse is still a good streamer
>>91840166 (me)
if she wouldn’t lie about everything
This thread should close, and open only when she's live.
There's nothing going on that's worth anyone's time.
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Cry about it some more.
I will post my love of Mouse here and that she is an amazing streamer and i don't care about some retard schizos opinion.
You will be drowned out by justified schizoing and valid criticisms.
>justified schizoing
200 lies on the wall
200 lies on the wall
take one down
pass it around
oh it never got done
200 lies back on the wall
You don't need to sing a song about yourself anon we can clearly tell you are constantly lying.
Shiiiiiit when did i become ironmouse. Guess i never knew because I don’t sing on stream anymore
Your lack of jolly is disturbing
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The thumbnail for the first cb stream
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ironmouse is sexy
Where is the anon who removes clothes when you need him.
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>/#/ is now begging for the death of her father
I seriously want to hear their justification.
probably the same guy who has been spamming that /here/ too
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>wastes of oxygen continue to prove they are wastes of oxygen
Like, hate her all you want, but if you bring her family into this, you're an absolute monster.
I will always criticize Mouse especially when she drops plans but both her health and family are out of the fucking question. Anyone attacking that can fuck right off.
But how cute would it be if she was a boy here.
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If you would please help report that schizo using her art tag to post indian scat porn.
I've had him reported muted and blocked for months nothing happens
same, just report him to Twitter for targeted harassment and block/mute them
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style is nice but lack of blts
Mouse is Satan and she’s everything wrong with the world
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So outside of d&d friday no mouse for the next couple of days right? Only on monke's stream? Assuming she hasn't had to go to the er anyways.
sponsor soon
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she will do short stream beforehand next few days unless her stomach problem is a major issue
weird face
whovile looking ass
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>watching random yt shorts
mouse is one lucky lady jesus christ

see u at ff6 stream later
chibi is cringe
>padded bike shorts
there is an easy fix for this mouse
Just saying the truth
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puta overslept
>stream starting nowwwwww
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I was going to say I wonder who with but it is probably vchiban
I appreciate Mouse continuing to post in the community but I really wish there was an option to get a notification when she does.
That's not Mouse's fault, neanderthal. What do you want, a personal DM everytime she goes live?
fake news
Mouse needs a dictionary for Christmas because she clearly doesn't know what "now" and "Soon" means
???? I didn't say it was her fault just commenting on twitter being stupid and not sending notification from community posts even if you have alerts on mouse's account.
or sykkuno annoying ass
Yeah, I like the twitter community conceptually but its a bit silly that tweet notifs don't work for community posts.
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mouse live
>Demon Time in title
Wasn't that what Mouse called jerking off?
Its about to be a really interesting stream
>right side of the bed
Well that is hopefully a good sign
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>with friends
place your bets: on a scale of 1-10 how unwatchable will this group be?
I’m guessing at least a 7
Watch streams mf she's been using demon time in the title for while
Bless this chatter and his good tastes
Is she going to use the skibidi toilet skin?
>Mouse doesn't want to say what is wrong
Fuck clippers I liked Mouse chatting about stuff like that openly
it is what it is unfortunately
>>91867204 (me)
Sykkuno, peter, and lily
>Jumping into sponsor with less than 5 minutes of chatting
lily is chill. peter and sykkuno are fine if boring
ff6 starts soon and the others are waiting on her
I think i prefer this group over a lot of the others it could have been… much better than rivals and that group too
I would prefer maybe rae over sykkuno but otherwise I like the group
Rae is too loud
I would love to see more Lily and Mouse specifically. I think them playing some casual tekken could be a fun stream.
sykkuno is dog shit annoying
Agreed but rae screaming is just as annoying
meh sykkuno isn't as bad as others and he's mellowed out a lot I would still prefer many others though
Sykkuno talking about others games while doing a sponsor, don't fuck mouse over twink
>mouse says she would prefer unranked today
>everyone agrees
>sykkuno pushes for ranked anyways
>sponsored Fortnite
>with OTV instead of Vshojo
sykkuno forces his leech motives
Why doesn't Vshojo do group sponsorships anymore? The last I remember was Tiny Tina's with Mel, Haruka, Froot, and Silver.
They did the Nickelodeon Smash clone group AD a year ago but nothing else since.
>mouse attempting to eat bread
hopefully this goes well
How do we /in/ Lilypichu?
I'm sad her stomach is fucked I don't think we will get that pizza eating or snack stream.
I hope it heals soon
Spoilers it will not go well
it does sound like just a temporary infection or something so hopefully won't set her back in the long term
>Mouse promises something
>It doesn't happen
I am shocked
Fuck of you cunt.
Stay in your fucking bait threads
Anon temporary infections for Mouse could be a very long lasting issue
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lap time
it's not even bait retard if its true
sykkuno left alone good
sykkuno is going to pressure mouse to play rivals after sponsor
monke is online for ff6 so not this time
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What's the context of the asian guy watching monke
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doublelift one of the people that helped him and lud during the week that shall not be named
sounds like monke may be starting without mouse depending on how long the sponsor is
impatient fuck
mouse is just going to play rivals on the side calm down
well seems like he fucked up one of the mod installations so mouse might be able to be there for the start
The rat pulling some Latina magic right there
it's a 2hr stream and I feel like mouse will get peer pressured to play rivals
You must be new. She will end stream as soon as the sponsor is over and join Connor
nope he's fixed it already hope mouse yells at him for not waiting
He really doesn't think about how important things like this are to Mouse does he
Are you new? if you think mouse would ever miss a ff stream you are lost
I remember Mouse crying at the end of 9 saying how happy she was they got to do these things together meanwhile he can't even wait an hour at most for her to start.
He is literal scum of the earth.
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I think he's just dumb and doesn't really understand what is important to Mouse.
I'm honestly starting to think he might have a legit brain issue or something. Mainly because he just seems to get worse year by year including his memory and stuff.
With the amount of times that Mouse says she's going to the bathroom and he acknowledges it then 5 minutes later her asks where Mouse went I really could believe it.
I love sponsers!
you give him too much credit he is simply an asshole who doesnt give a shit about mouse or her feelings any good friend would wait
Hanlon's razor
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.
I think it's been proven time and time again that he's pretty insensitive
It's a fucking MMO. I'm sure there are unimportant side quests he can kill time with. Stop being retarded and making much ado about nothing
The best part of this place is anons calling anyone a bad person especially if they are actually good people and are helping thousands with their work. Most people here are not worth the air they breath.
You clearly don't know much about Mouse
Mouse has said 'Don't start without me' or 'why did you go on ahead' so many times. It is important to her.
a year ago maybe they have grown apart over this year she does not care anymore
The only one calling him a bad person is Connersperg.
I just think he's dumb and doesn't think its important
>he's dumb and doesn't think its important
Which says he's a bad person. They've been friends for almost half a decade. He should understand this.
mouse refused to end sponsor continues what a cunt
This isn't even the first time he's gotten too impatient when Mouse had a sponsor. One time he complained out loud knowing his chat would chat hop and annoy Mouse. It got to the point Mouse had to address the chat and tell them not to do that again.
I think you are overestimating how much Mouse cares. They already offered to end and she hasn't left. She will join in a bit, do her normal tsun how could you do this without me, and then act like nothing happened 2 seconds later.
spergs should apologize to connor sponsor ended 20 mins ago
On the positive side Mouse promised to sing ava maria at peter's wedding
she's too busy flirting with sykkuno atm
Don't expect common sense from these retards
atleast try
I feel like anons are forgetting that Mouse uses these streams to do work on the side. She will casually watch on and off unless big scenes are happening like she did the last several times.
Never in a billion years.
She also likes to sleep while listening, somehow these stream always come up at right times when mouse is sick or stressed. He already said he is paying attention to tell mouse everything that happened once she joins him
>No kisses
short stream oh well
So much pointless crying and for what? look how happy this rat is
After Mouse complained about the US irl getting cancelled people here were annoyed at him.
The next day Mouse stopped herself from complaining about the cancelled irl again.
Point is Mouse will do things to make sure people can't criticize him.
Least parasocial mousefag
Buy a chair.
You'll never convince connorfags.
and yet mouse can't get criticized?
golden kappa on monke's if you want it for some weird reason
post recap
There's no convincing to be done, some of you guys are just out of touch with reality and love to make baseless assumptions. You don't know any of them or what they talk about off stream.
mouse gone awhile I wonder if the bread is having its vengeance
it's a retard sperg he will never listen
mouse back
bread had hands
I think mouse has fever
It's over
>Pete has a fever
>Mouse has a fever
Yuki bros...
stomach flu
So when does Mouse come back
She left again but didn't say why so who knows
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I just noticed why the fuck is the 6 year badge bubi with hair? Am I missing a reference or something?
Not only hair but also a white suit take a guess
brown hair...
Ahh, okay that makes sense.
The only way it'd be more obvious would be of bubi had green eyes.
So I guess mouse is either very sick or busy with work. I have a feeling she will be missing for a lot of this playthrough.
FF streams are just mouse watching the stream while sitting on a call, she often leaves for 1 hour or so. She is only there to be cute and make gremlim noises

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